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CIA: Cocaine Import Agency - Drugs, Targeted Killings & more! List of Sources.

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent
The Fall of Tadmor (to ISIS)

Deadly Political Games: Italian Journalist Blows Lid Off Maidan Snipers Mystery: via @SputnikInt
15:42 27.11.2017(updated 15:46 27.11.2017)Get short URL

Italian journalist Gian Micalessin's interviews with three Georgian mercenaries who took part in the shooting massacre of protesters and police in Kiev in early 2014, and led to the overthrow of the Ukrainian government, have dismantled the new government's account of the tragedy. Micalessin spoke to Sputnik about the implications of his findings.

Gian Micalessin's investigation, which aired on Italy's Canale 5 television channel this month, confirms long-held suspicions held by many that agent provocateurs, and not members of Ukraine's Berkut tactical law enforcement unit, were responsible for the murders of dozens of anti-government protesters and police in mid-February 2014.

Hired Guns Speak Out

The journalist was able to secure exclusive testimony from three Georgian ex-mercenaries, including Koba Nergadze, Kvarateskelia Zalogi, and Alexander Revazishvilli. The three men revealed ties to former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and the Georgian security services. Specifically, they explained that they were recruited in late 2013 by Saakashvili military adviser Mamuka Mamulashvili, given false passports and cash and sent off to strife-ridden Kiev.


Putin: CIA Closely Monitored Ukraine in 2014

There, they and other foreign nationals, including several Lithuanians, were tasked with arranging provocations with police, at first using Molotov cocktails, makeshift shields and clubs.

According to the mercenaries, on February 18, military-grade weapons, including AKM rifles, Makarov pistols, and ammunition, were distributed to the Georgians and Lithuanians at Hotel Ukrayina, overlooking Maidan Square, where opposition protesters were concentrated. According to Zalogy, he and the other mercs, including masked men under the orders of Ukrainian politician Sergey Pashinsky, were told to use their weapons to "sow some chaos" and fire indiscriminately into the streets.

Testimony Matches Massacre Timeline

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik Italia, Micalessin explained how he was able to secure the bombshell testimony, and what it means for Kiev's official version of the events that allowed it to come to power.

Sputnik: Mr. Micalessin, how were you able to find these witnesses? Or did they get in touch with you?

Gian Micalessin: It's a long story. It all started in Syria, where I met a Georgian journalist who had heard about these snipers. Obviously I was intrigued, because so many doubts have been raised about the events on Maidan since February 2014. A year ago, I asked this journalist to put me in contact with these snipers, but they did not want to talk. I remained in touch with them, and kept insisting, and this summer, my colleague told me that the trio were ready to talk. The first meeting took place in Skopje, Macedonia, where I talked to two of them.

We talked for a long time. I wanted to make sure that they were really there. I did very long interviews with each of them and compared them, and it all came together. In another Eastern European country I met with the third man, Alexander [Revazishvilli]; his story matched up with the others.

Meet Fethullah Gulen, Deep State Plotter
Corbett • 07/27/2016 • 7 Comments

Since the failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15th, the name of exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen is on everyone’s lips.

Not only is President Erdogan pointing the finger at Gulen as the mastermind of the coup, so is General Hulusi Akar, the Chief of Staff of Turkey’s Armed Forces and the country’s top ranking general. In testimony to prosecutors in Ankara earlier this week he stated that while he was being held captive by pro-coup soldiers he was asked to speak to Gulen, who he described as their “opinion leader,” but he refused.

“I believe those coup-plotters are members of [Gulen’s] organization,” Akar said. “I think they thought their organization would take a huge blow after our Supreme Military Council meeting in August — which we prepared for studiously. This terror organization probably foresaw the outcome of the upcoming meeting and attempted a coup by bombing the parliament building and security offices, killing civilians, attacking their own brothers-in-arms and units with a ferocity and dishonor never seen before.”

So who is Fethullah Gulen? Well, that depends who you ask. If you ask the well-coiffed liars of the corporate lapdog media, Gulen is a kindly old reclusive imam who is operating a multi-billion dollar global Islamic school network from his compound fortress in Pennsylvania…for some reason or other.

Here’s 60 Minutes’ take:

We went to Turkey to learn more and found Gulen’s schools are everywhere and considered the best. They’re often multi-million dollar hi-tech facilities where girls are equal to boys and English is taught starting in first grade.

Gulen didn’t only influence education. Starting in the late 60s, as a young imam, he urged crowds of middle class Turks to learn from the West and embrace its values – including an unexpected one: making money. In this Internet sermon, he even told followers: “If you don’t seek ways to be wealthy…that is a sin in the eyes of God.” So his disciples in Turkey became successful businessmen and built a multi-billion dollar Gulen empire that beyond the schools, includes TV stations, a major bank, Turkey’s largest trade association, and biggest newspaper.

So why, then, does this Turkish cleric live in Pennsylvania? Why was he outlawed from Turkey? And how did he build up his multi-billion dollar global education network? These are good questions, and ones that the US State Department struggles to answer.

Tellingly, it takes the crack journalists over at America’s flagship TV news program 7 minutes of waffling before they can even offer this journalistic shrug of an answer to the questions about Gulen:

When Gulen came to the U.S. in 1999, it was for medical treatment. But then this video surfaced in which he seems to order his flock to surreptitiously take over key government positions in Turkey in a stealth Islamic coup. Accused of treason by the government at the time, Gulen decided to stay in the Poconos — even after he was cleared in 2008 in Absentia.

Lesley Stahl: Why is he still in America?

Andrew Finkel: Well, I think if he were to come back, then there would be such a brouhaha and it would– I think– he would be afraid of being seen as being too powerful.

Too powerful because it seems his followers have taken over key positions in the Turkish government and the police.

Andrew Finkel: You know, if he says “jump,” people jump. There’s no doubt about that.

And oh so predictably, directly after admitting that the Gulenist movement has infiltrated the highest levels of political power in Turkey and that he is being sheltered from reprisal by the American government, the voice of mainstream journalism then creates a strawman argument about his goals that they can then safely pigeonhole under the CIA’s weaponized psyops term of choice, “conspiracy theory.”

Seeming to have such power, this “Wizard of Oz” recluse invites conspiracy theories that he’s running Turkey from the Poconos and is bent on global Muslim domination.

If this mainstream non-narrative fails to satisfy, it is because key details about the man and his movement are missing from it. How did a Turkish cleric of humble origins who makes no public appearances and is seen by almost no one amass a global network of schools, TV and print media, a trade association and a bank, all operated from a compound in Pennsylvania despite having been wanted by the Turkish government for decades, and all without having a registered mail address, corporate registration or even a central bank account?

For the answer, we need to look at the imam’s unlikely list of high-ranking accomplices. Like Bill Clinton, who gushed about Gulen at a “Friendship Dinner” hosted by the Turkish Cultural Center: “By being here tonight you are contributing to a lasting peace and security at home and abroad. You’re contributing to the promotion of the ideals of tolerance and interfaith dialogue inspired by Fethullah Gulen and his transnational social movement.[…]”

The mouthpiece of the American establishment, The New York Times, is also in Gulen’s corner. They just gave him 900 words in the front section of the paper to declare his innocence in the recent coup, denounce President Erdogan as a dictator, and promote his “Hizmet” movement to credulous Times readers.

And then there’s Graham Fuller, a former Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council who is best remembered for penning a memo that, according to the New York Times, later became the basis for the Iran-Contra scandal. Immediately following the coup, he wrote an extended defense of Gulen and his movement in the Huffington Post, stating: “I believe it is unlikely that Gulen was the mastermind behind the dramatic failed coup attempt against Erdogan last week.[…]Gulen has always embraced the importance and dignity of the state, in the best Ottoman tradition. He has supported the state against earlier Islamist movements that raised Islam over the state. He even felt compelled to support the military takeover of the state in 1980 in order to preserve the state in the face of raging guerrilla warfare raging [sic] in the streets. Basically, however, he supports democracy over military rule as the surest guarantee for the freedom of Hizmet to exist and conduct its social mission.”

So why is this former CIA official defending Gulen? As Fuller himself goes on to explain: “In the interest of full disclosure — it is on public record that I wrote a letter as a private citizen in connection with Gulen’s U.S. green card application in 2006, stating that I did not believe that Gulen constituted a security threat to the U.S.[…]Since then, enemies of Gulen and many conspiratorial-minded Turks decided to connect the dots: the fact that I was a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency official (I had retired from the agency 18 years before) and that I had spoken out in defense of Gulen constituted clear ‘proof’ that Gulen is a CIA agent.”

Clear proof? Certainly not. But relevant to an investigation of Gulen and his many high-ranking and powerful connections? Certainly.

Also relevant: the testimony of Osman Nuri Gündeş. He was the former head of Turkey’s intelligence agency, MIT, and served as the chief intelligence adviser to Prime Minister Tansu Çiller in the 90s. In his biography, published in 2011, he claims that in the mid-1990s the Gulen network was sending CIA agents to Central Asia under cover as “English teachers” for their madrasas in the region. According to Gündeş, Gulen sheltered 130 CIA agents this way at its schools in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan alone.

Another relevant dot on the trail involves Necip Hablemitoglu of Ankara University, who made headlines in January 2001 for writing a report that was submitted in an Ankara courtroom where a hearing on Gulen was taking place. The report, entitled “Operation Agents – Infiltration Spies and Fethullah-ists,” claimed that Gulen “voluntarily worked as an agent for the CIA and lived under the protection of the FBI in the state of Pennsylvania, on a private estate designed for him.” Dr. Hablemitoglu was assassinated in 2002 in a case that remains unsolved.

But if Gulen is a deep state operative, or at least an ally, of the US intelligence apparatus, what purpose would he serve? Why would the CIA and their alphabet soup cronies be interested in an Islamic cleric plotting to overthrow the government of Turkey?

Certainly the use of the Gulen network’s schools to place CIA and other deep state agents undercover in geopolitically strategic and diplomatically sensitive Central Asian countries would be one use for such a relationship.

Another motive comes from Latif Erdogan. He’s no relation to President Erdogan. Latif is the man who helped build up Gulen’s Hizmet movement over the decades and until a few years ago was considered the presumptive heir to the Gulen network. Latif Erdogan split with Gulen, however, after the imam took up residence in Pennsylvania and began establishing links with American neocons, the CIA, and the Mossad. This was soon reflected in Gulen’s stance on Russia and Iran, as well as being broadly supportive of Israel.

As Latif Erdogan told the Middle East Eye in 2014: “[The Gulen movement] is a parallel state [within Turkey]. At the beginning, our goal was to educate people in religion and morality, but the movement went political when it got bigger. Gulen changed and turned to politics and wanted to be a leader who can rule Turkey. We started on our road together with a spiritual message, but now it’s only secular.[…]. Gulen himself is unequivocally a pro-European Union and Atlantic person, a free marketeer and a pragmatist on Israel. Erdogan is at his core a populist reactionary, a state capitalist and a crony capitalist.”

The picture that emerges is an old one, and an all-too-familiar one to those acquainted with western intelligence operations over the decades. Gulen, it seems, is a pliant tool, a Trojan horse to be used as a beachhead in Turkey for the establishment of a more western-friendly regime. His desire for power is to be humored to the extent that it can deliver the goods: a cooperative Turkish state that won’t buck against the Atlanticist powers or Israeli interests.

The Turkish people, as usual, are the ones left squeezed in the middle. As Erdogan begins to clamp down on every part of the country in his quest to rid the Gulenists once and for all, the country is thrown into turmoil. And left waiting in the wings to take his place, exactly as in Iran in 1979, is the CIA’s chosen golden boy.

[CLINTON: “I want to thank you for your contributions to America for your contributions to stronger Turkish-American relationships and better understanding and especially for your friendship to Hillary and to me.”]

New Book Ties Former CIA Director To American Corporatocracy, JFK Assassination


"The CIA continues trafficking drugs from Afghanistan"

Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think

Propaganda and the Engineering of Consent for Empire

Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia

How the CIA and Other Spies Have Collaborated With Drug Traffickers All Over the World

Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights

Poland admits role in CIA rendition programme
Warsaw air control service confirms that at least six CIA flights landed at disused military air base in northern Poland in 2003

Ian Traynor, Europe editor
Mon 22 Feb 2010 11.59 GMT

NEO – Will America Die of Shame?
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
-October 5, 2019

Hintergründe US-amerikanischer PolitikWie die CIA eine „Drogenschmuggel-Fluglinie“ für Heroin betriebv - Die Verbindung zu 9/11

27. Juni 2017

Das ist kein Zufall Die afghanische Opium-Produktion erreicht eine neue Rekordhöhe
Von Mike Whitney *

Die Opiumfront
Afghanistan als schwarzes Loch der Geopolitik
April 2018 von Alfred W. McCoy

American Pravda: How the CIA Invented “Conspiracy Theories”American Pravda: How the CIA Invented “Conspiracy Theories”
August 12, 2019 by Ron Unz, via Lew Rockwell:

Google’s Hidden CIA Connection - The Full Story
May 25, 2020

Former CIA director Leon Panetta: We are prosecuting Assange to intimidate others
By Oscar Grenfell 18 September 2020

Leon Panetta, who served as director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2009 to 2011, and then as the Obama administration’s secretary for defence, has let the cat out of the bag, telling interviewers that the US is seeking to prosecute WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to send a threatening message to whistleblowers and publishers alike.

The comments were aired this week in a documentary produced by German public broadcaster ARD, entitled “Wikileaks - USA against Julian Assange.” The program was a compelling and objective account of the ten year US persecution of Assange and featured strong interviews with his father John Shipton, his partner Stella Moris, WikiLeaks’ lawyers, United Nations Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer and famous National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Panetta’s remarks were arguably the most significant, because they were confirmation from the horse’s mouth of the mafia-character of the US pursuit of Assange, its politically-motivated nature and flagrant disregard for international laws and fundamental democratic rights. His comments have, not only political, but potentially legal significance, refuting the lies of the US Justice Department, aimed at presenting the attempted extradition as a bona fide process conforming with judicial norms.
Panetta laughing as he discusses the prosecution of Assange (Screenshot “Wikileaks - USA against Julian Assange”)

Panetta’s comments have probative value, because he was intimately involved in the initial stages of the US campaign to silence Assange. A decades-long Democratic Party political operative, Panetta was head of the CIA in 2010, when the US government responded to WikiLeaks’ exposures of war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and global diplomatic conspiracies, by launching an unprecedented operation against Assange and denouncing him as a “spy” or a “high-tech terrorist”

Panetta would undoubtedly have been involved in the Obama administration’s establishment of a “WikiLeaks war room,” staffed by hundreds of military and intelligence operatives, with the sole purpose of “neutralising” Assange.

It can only be assumed that he was privy to the plans surrounding various dirty tricks against the WikiLeaks founder; the 2010 global tour by Hillary Clinton to mitigate the impact of the publication of hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables and to line up governments internationally against Assange, and the discussions that resulted in the establishment of a secret grand jury, convened for the purpose of concocting charges against Assange.

In other words, Panetta is not a disinterested observer, but a direct participant. Moreover, while he departed the CIA in mid-2011, and retired from federal office two years later, it is well known that no one ever quite leaves the agency. Its power is based not only on a vast bureaucracy and network of field agents, but also a web of influence encompassing “retired” officials and private security companies, who are “kept in the loop.” Panetta remains a prominent political figure, heading the “Panetta Institute for Public Policy.”

It was in this context that Panetta baldly declared: “All you can do is hope that you can ultimately take action against those that were involved in revealing that information so you can send a message to others not to do the same thing.”

In other words, the prosecution of Assange is a political act, intended to send a warning to journalists who would consider publishing the secrets of the American government. Earlier in the program, Panetta had presented the publication of “classified” and “national security” material as a sin worse than any other.

Those statements alone demonstrate that the US government is lying to the British courts. Under the existing British-US extradition treaty, an individual cannot be extradited to face charges of a political nature.

Since extradition proceedings resumed last week, British prosecutors, representing the US Justice Department, have alternated between claims that Assange is charged with common criminal offenses related to hacking and espionage, meaning that his prosecution would not pose a threat to press freedom, and ominous assertions that the US government is entitled to decide what journalists can and cannot publish.

Panetta echoed the former claim, describing Assange as a “spy.” But as Edward Snowden noted, Assange is explicitly charged with possessing and publishing documents. The prosecution is an attempt to criminalise common journalistic practices, including communicating with a source and seeking to protect their identity. Snowden pointedly asked, if it was not journalism that Assange was engaged in, then what is?
Edward Snowden (Screenshot “Wikileaks - USA against Julian Assange”)

Moreover Panetta’s concluding comments, on the intent of the prosecution, clearly demonstrated that the motivation for the laying of charges is to crackdown on journalism more broadly.

Panetta’s statements about Assange himself underscored the intensely vindictive character of the US prosecution. He declared, without attempting to provide any evidence, that “Assange is somebody who will sell somebody in his family if he thinks that, you know, that he is going to get some attention.” This is not the language of legal proceedings, but of a vendetta.

The ARD program also included an interview with David Morales, a former Spanish navy marine turned mercenary. As head of the Undercover Global security firm, he is accused of overseeing a vast spying operation against Assange while he was residing in Ecuador’s London embassy.

Undercover Global was contracted by the Ecuadorian authorities to manage security at the embassy. But former staff members have stated that in 2015, Morales entered into a secret agreement with US intelligence agencies to surveil every aspect of Assange’s life on their behalf.

The operation, which spanned until March, 2018, allegedly ended up including the installation of cameras and microphones throughout the building, in conference rooms, a women’s toilet and elsewhere. The material was then reportedly uploaded to a server, to which US intelligence had access.
Footage of Assange and Moris captured by Undercover Global cameras (Screenshot “Wikileaks - USA against Julian Assange”)

Some of the material has made its way into the hands of Assange’s defenders, and was featured in the ARD program. Assange and Moris were shown together on a high-definition video, which picked up the audio of their conversation. Most significantly, the interceptions allegedly included discussions between Assange and his lawyers, in a flagrant breach of attorney-client privilege.

Morales, who appeared uneasy, dismissed the accusations out of hand, without providing any explanation for the voluminous evidence substantiating them that is already on the public record. At one point, the ARD interviewers asked who he had been working for. Morales replied that his contract had been with the “intelligence secretariat.” After a pause, he added, without any great conviction, that he had been referring to his official contract with the Ecuadorian authorities to manage security at the building.
David Morales after being asked who he was working for (Screenshot “Wikileaks - USA against Julian Assange”)

Morales, who is credibly accused of spying on a political refugee for money in violation of international law, pathetically complained that internal Undercover Global documents which cast an unfavourable light on his activities were “confidential” and should not see the light of day.

The denials were undercut by Panetta. With the hubris of an official accustomed to doing as he pleases, Panetta declared the allegation that US intelligence spied on Assange through Undercover Global “doesn’t surprise me. That kind of thing goes on all the time. In intelligence business, the name of the game is to get information any way you can, and I’m sure that’s what was involved here.”

Panetta knows of what he speaks. The alleged espionage likely involved the agency that he previously directed.

Two further points should be made. Panetta’s unequivocal endorsement of the Trump administration’s attempt to prosecute Assange demonstrated, yet again, the bipartisan character of the US war against WikiLeaks and journalism. It is further proof that in the official contest between the Republicans and the Democrats in this November’s presidential election, there is no alternative for the working class.

Secondly, while Panetta’s remarks clearly indicated that, in the first instance, the prosecution is intended as a threat to dissident journalists, the warning is much wider. It is an attempt to establish the conditions for victimisations and frame-ups, amid an immense global crisis of capitalism, widespread anti-war sentiment and the reemergence of the class struggle. The primary target of the turn to authoritarianism is the working class.

The program concluded with a powerful remark from Snowden: “We are setting a precedent, right now, that we are going to live with for the next hundred years. No matter what you feel about Julian Assange, the methods that WikiLeaks and everyone connected to it pioneered have changed the way journalism is done. If we cannot recognise that, and we are not willing to protect it, I think the saddest part of this whole story is that we probably don’t deserve it, and as a result we will no longer have it when we need it the most.”

Venezuela says it has downed yet another US drug plane
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 2:12 PM

Venezuela’s army has shot down a US-registered aircraft carrying drugs, Interior Minister Nestor Reverol says.

The Tuesday announcement was reminiscent of one in July, when the Strategic Command Operations of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB) made a similar statement.

"Disrupted drug trafficking aircraft with US registration, which illegally entered Venezuelan airspace through the state of Zulia," Reverol said on Twitter. "After detecting the illegal air unit with the radars of the Comprehensive Aerospace Defense Command (#Codai), the #Fanb officials activated all the protocols established in the Control Law for the Comprehensive Defense of Airspace."

Los funcionarios de la #Fanb tras detectar la unidad aérea ilegal con los radares del Comando de Defensa Aeroespacial Integral (#Codai), activaron todos los protocolos establecidos en la Ley de Control para la Defensa Integral del Espacio Aéreo— Néstor Reverol (@NestorLReverol) September 15, 2020

He was referring to a law authorizing the destruction of any suspected cartel plane operating in country's airspace.

“We remain on permanent alert, monitoring our airspace to prevent it from being used for illicit drug trafficking from Colombia, which is the largest producer of cocaine in the world,” the interior minister added.

Another plane with a US registration number was destroyed by fighter jets while intruding into Venezuelan airspace on July 8.

Logrando la inutilización cerca de una pista clandestina, en el municipio Machiques de Perijá.— Néstor Reverol (@NestorLReverol) September 15, 2020

In 2013, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signed a law to shoot down any plane belonging to the narco-mafia that illegally crosses the country's airspace.

The US has over the past years imposed harsh economic sanctions on the oil-rich country to pressure Maduro to step down, forcing millions of Venezuelans to abandon their homeland due to a lack of basic food and necessities.

US created, nurtured Taliban in decade-long covert op: Russia’s top security official
Tuesday, 07 July 2020 5:46 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 07 July 2020 5:54 PM ]

Head of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev

Russia’s top security official says the United States created and nurtured the Taliban militant group in Afghanistan in a decade-long covert operation.

“Frankly speaking, it was the United States that laid the foundation for the Taliban movement,” Head of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev said in an interview with the Argumenty i Fakty weekly on Tuesday.

The Taliban militant group, Patrushev said, is the result of “Operation Cyclone… one of the longest and most expensive operations in the history of the CIA,” which was carried out by the US spy agency in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.

The operation “was aimed at financially and militarily supporting Afghan mujahedeen, who later formed the backbone of terrorist forces not only in Afghanistan but throughout the region,” Patrushev added.

The so-called mujahedeen fought the former Soviet Union forces in Afghanistan during the 1980s.

The senior security official said Russia “has never cooperated with the Taliban.” He said the Russian Supreme Court officially designated Taliban a terrorist group in 2003.

Last month, The New York Times said in a controversial report that a top-secret unit within the Russian military intelligence, or the GRU, had allegedly offered monetary rewards to Taliban-linked militants who would kill US troopers in Afghanistan last year.

The report claimed that US President Donald Trump had been briefed about the matter in March. Trump has denied that assertion.

The Kremlin, too, has rejected the report.

Kremlin rejects reports of Russian bounties to Taliban to kill US troops in AfghanistanThe New York Times has reported about the Trump administration’s deliberation about the ‘stunning’ intelligence assessment.

Patrushev, the Russian official, stressed that the claim was not true.

“Any allegation that our country entered into a conspiracy with the Taliban, especially with the aim of killing American troops, has no basis,” he said.

Patrushev stressed that the “baseless speculations of journalists” that appeared in the Times report “have already been refuted by the White House and the Pentagon.”

The Taliban militant group has also denied the report.

On Sunday, Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, said the US intelligence had been involved in “drug trafficking” in the Asian country.

US intelligence involved in ‘drug trafficking’ in Afghanistan: Russia envoyThe Russian presidential envoy for Afghanistan has accused Washington of involvement in “drug trafficking” in the war-torn country.

The United Nations (UN) says more than 80 percent of the world’s opium is produced in Afghanistan and the bulk of narcotics produced in the country are destined for European states.

Patrushev said Moscow had been invariably helping the Afghan government fight drug trafficking.

The US and a number of its allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled a Taliban regime in 2001 despite their support for the militants when they fought the Soviet Union under a different name during the 1980s. The US claimed the Taliban were harboring the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

In February, the US and the Taliban signed a deal that would see the phased withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan.

Patrushev said that since the beginning of the US-led war on Afghanistan, “the scale of heroin production has increased tenfold” in the country.

That posed “a serious source of threat to the security of Russia” and the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, he said.


No prison but drug distribution airport!
“According to my knowledge, and as I have told you many times before, there were no CIA prisons in Poland,” he said at a press conference."

Poland ex-spy boss 'charged over alleged CIA secret prison'

There is no logical reason for the C

IA to transport its terrorists to many European states for "interrogation", because there many CIA prisons in Afghanistan and neighboring countries.

However, it is logical that the CIA used these sites, which all had to be some distant, small airports, as drug distribution centers in Europe!

Interrogation of terrorist is only a cover story for unloading the drug bags!

CIA Fueling New U.S. Drug Epidemic Using Cheap Afghani Heroin?; CIA, Obama Team Up to Hide Darkest Secrets

Afghanistan: The World’s Largest Opium Producer

"The CIA continues trafficking drugs from Afghanistan"

Afghan Opium Production 40 Times Higher Since US-NATO Invasion
Posted on May 31, 2017 by BIOMORPHIC
About 90 percent of the world’s illegal opium is estimated to come from Afghanistan.

‘OPIUM’ REAL REASON FOR AFGHANISTAN WAR: Why Pat Tillman Was Killed / CIA Suiciding US Soldiers Overseas For Bankers

Deutschlands militärische Einsätze in Mali und Afghanistan, um die Ressourcen Opium & Uran für den CIA ( bzw. der US-Pharma) & Frankreich zu erhalten?

THE CIA AND THE MEDIAHow Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up


Last week, over 3,800 CIA and FBI documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy were released to the public. To put the release in context, we spoke with John Newman, a leading historian of the conspiracy.


NSA whistleblower told CIA director DNC leak was inside job, not Russian hack
Published time: 8 Nov, 2017 14:51


Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA As Massive Child-Sex Scandal Ignites Death Fears
November 8, 2017
The National Security Archive

How The CIA Undermined Civil Rights

The CIA, Victoria Nuland, Fethullah Gulen And Patriarch Bartholomew Connection Of The Failed Coup In Turkey !
on: September 01, 2016

While the Obama Administration and the CIA officially cling to the fig leaf lie that US intelligence was innocent of any involvement in the failed July 15 coup d’état attempt by the CIA-run Fethullah Gülen organization in Turkey, the truth is coming out from senior US intelligence insiders themselves.

It reflects a huge internal faction struggle within US leading circles in what by all accounts is shaping to be the most bizarre Presidential election year in American history.

The first admission that US intelligence had their hand in the anti-Erdogan coup, a coup launched just days after Erdogan announced a major strategic shift away from NATO and towards Russia, came from Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Brzezinski is one of the most senior members of the US intelligence establishment, a former Obama Presidential adviser and former National Security Council architect of the Jimmy Carter 1979 Mujahideen Afghanistan terror operations against the Soviet forces in that country.

In a Twitter tweet from his own blog, Brzezinski wrote a precis of a new article he wrote for The American Interest magazine. He writes, “The US backing of the attempted coup against the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a grave mistake that could deliver a major blow to the US reputation.” That’s definitely putting it mildly given what’s unfolding in Turkey since July 15.

Brzezinski went on to write,

“Turkey was on the verge of reconsidering its foreign policy after failure in the Syria during the last five years, and the US miscalculation in supporting the coup and hosting its leader (Fethullah Gülen, now in CIA-arranged exile in Pennsylvania-w.e.) was so serious that it is no longer possible to put the blame on once-US-ally Turkey if it turns its back on US and rethink (sic) its policies.”

He continues,

“A potential Russia-Turkey-Iran coalition would create an opportunity to solve the Syrian crisis. If Erdogan had the smallest bit of wisdom, he should have come to the understanding that he could not make an independent credibility with the help of some ‘decayed’ Arab countries,” no doubt referring to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the prime financiers of the Syrian terror war against Assad since 2011.

Victoria Nuland doing her “cookies for cops” routine

Brzezinski, who together with Henry Kissinger was one of the foremost US foreign policy strategists of the postwar period, the founding Executive Director of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, and one who still today presumably retains Top Secret clearance access to US intelligence reports, was expressing his fury at the utter incompetence of US intelligence in managing the Turkey relationship.

Notably, the person in the US State Department directly responsible for not only the disastrous US coup in February, 2014 in Ukraine, but also for Turkey, is the hapless neo-con perpetual warrior-ess, Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, wife of neo-con Robert Kagan.

Brzezinski’s candid critique was followed up by an even more detailed expose of US intelligence ties to Fethullah Gülen, charged by the Turkish government with treason and backing the July 15 coup.

In a guest article in the EU online mgazine dated 17 August, 2016, Arthur H. Hughes confirms the intimate links between Gülen and the CIA, noting that “Gülen fled to the US with the assistance of the diplomat Morton Abramovitz, CIA agents Graham Fuller and George Fidas, and the above-mentioned Fr. Alexander Karloutsos.”


Gülen CIA friend Bartholomew I

Hughes’ article is a bombshell in many respects, and most definitely in his detailing of the intimate ties between the CIA, Gülen and the current Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, current Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch. Hughes described the above-mentioned Father Alexander Karloutsos:

“…one of the members of the American-Israeli lobby in the Constantinople Patriarchate is Father Alexander Karloutsos, Public Affairs Officer close to Archbishop Demetrios (of America-w.e.).

Thanks to his ties with high-level officials and Greek-American billionaires, he is basically the only person who controls the money flows from the US to the Phanar (the Greek Orthodox part of Istanbul-w.e.), and that gives him wide possibilities of exerting pressure upon the Ecumenical Patriarchate. On the other hand, Karloutsos is also in good relations with former CIA Director George Tenet, and with the preacher Fethullah Gülen cooperating with the American intelligence.”

George Tenet

George Tenet, a close ally of the Clinton political machine is a Greek-American former head of CIA during the time of Bill Clinton and also George W. Bush.

The Clintons are both on record praising Fethullah Gülen. It seems to be a cozy network of CIA-Gülen-Constantinople Patriarchate-Clintons, all financed with “money from Greek-American billionaires.”

Arthur H. Hughes is not a casual commentator on events in Turkey and the Middle East. He was US Ambassador to Yemen in the 1990’s during the Clinton Presidency, then Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. He also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asia, and was Deputy Chief of Mission in Tel Aviv.

His linking of Gülen to the CIA and to the Constantinople Patriarchate points to one of the least-public and most influential covert CIA-run networks in the world, the anti-Moscow Orthodox Patriarchate of Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople.

Hughes suggests that if Erdogan and the Turkish government are serious about dealing with future coup threats, they should put the Constintanople Patriarchate under the magnifying glass.

As I’ve documented in my book, The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy, Graham E. Fuller and George Fidas, both decades-long senior CIA officials managed to secure an extraordinary permanent residence in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, over the loud formal objections of the US State Department, in 1999, when Gülen was about to be charged by the Turkish authorities for inciting treason.

Most recently, Fuller felt compelled to write on his blog that, indeed he did help Gülen obtain a US green card, but that no, Gülen was not behind the failed July 15 coup. However Turkish reports place Fuller and another senior CIA ally, Henri J. Barkey, at a luxury hotel on one of the Princes’ Islands in the Sea of Marmara, some twenty minutes from Istanbul the night of the failed coup.

In a subsequent appearance at a Washington think tank forum held by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a neo-con address whose chairman is former CIA director, neo-con James Woolsey III, Barkey and his host tried to make a feeble joke about his presence in Istanbul the night of the coup and his ties to Gülen.


For once, Brzezinski is right.

The CIA-Gülen coup d’état attempt to topple Erdogan after his turn towards rapprochement with Moscow was “a grave mistake.” The consequences, aside from a massive crackkdown on Gülen networks and media inside Turkey, include an open dialogue of Erdogan and the Turkish government of Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım with Russia and now with Iran, about a “solution” to the Syrian war that would include Bashar al-Assad as at least a transition figure.

The Erdogan pivot East since the failed CIA coup has forced the Pentagon to quietly remove its nuclear warheads from Turkey’s Incirlik airbase near the Syrian border to Romania.

At the same time, Turkey’s Prime Minister on August 20 stated to the media that Russia could possibly use Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase if necessary, something that certainly produced more acute gas pains in Langley, Foggy Bottom (the more than fitting name for the US State Department headquarters), and the Obama White House.

July 15 may go down in history as one of the most decisive defeats of American global power projection, of the so-called New World Order of David Rockefeller and friends. If so, not a minute too soon for the prospect of a more peaceful world.

Graham E. Fuller4 Where Were You on the Night of July 15?

By F. William engdahl
9 Aug 2016

Much has been written on the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey. The Erdogan government has pointed to2 the exiled Fethullah Gülen sitting in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, and formally requested his extradition to face charges in Turkish courts. Washington so far refuses. As a massive nationwide investigation by police and security forces continues inside Turkey, new damning details emerge almost daily that point to the key role of the CIA behind their Fethullah Gülen Movement (termed FETÖ for Fethullah Terrorist Organization in Turkish) and the US military. Now the Turkish media reports that none other than Gülen mentor, “former” CIA man Graham E. Fuller, along with another “former” CIA person and close Fuller associate, Henri J. Barkey, were at a luxury hotel on one of the Princes’ Islands in the Sea of Marmara, some twenty minutes from Istanbul, on the night of July 15.

CIA's clandestine meeting in Istanbul on coup night
As more evidence surfaces daily, it will be evident that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was playing a huge role behind the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey

Editor / Internet14:17 July 26, 2016Yeni Şafak

Henri J. Barkey, former CIA personnel and the current Director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, known as the policy maker for U.S. authority, was the second top American figure who orchestrated the coup attempt in Turkey.

According to Istanbul Police's Intelligence, Counter Terror, Cyber Crime and Criminal Units, Barkey was holding a meeting with 17 top figures, most of them foreign nationals, at a hotel on Istanbul's Princes Island on July 15, the day of the failed coup attempt in Turkey.

Barkey was staying in the Splendid Hotel, which was used as a British Military Headquarters during the days of occupation in 1919, between July 15 and 17.

According to the hotel management, Barkey had held a meeting that lasted hours in a special room.

“Barkey and his entourage had been holding a meeting 'till the morning on July 16 in a special room. They have been following the coup attempt over TV channels," the hotel personnel told police.

Turkey putschists promised a new military base to the US

The United States Army, one of the architects of the recent Turkey coup plot, would have built a new military base at the zero point of the Turkey-Syria border, if coup plotters were successful in overtaking the power of the military, intelligence, police security, legislative and judiciary institutions in Turkey. The junta regime would have allowed the U.S. military to establish a military base near the Syrian border, if the coup didn't fail, sources said. As millions of Turks continue to swarm to the streets after foiling a military coup attempt, shocking information about coup planners and their masterminds continue to be revealed. The CIA's 'Safari' Team of coup schemersSources close to the investigators of the failed coup attempt said the CIA established a special team with the code name of “Safari" to operate the coup plot process. General John F. Campbell, a former US commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), organized meetings and preparations that lasted over eight-and-half-a-months before the Turkey coup. Campbell was the head of the Turkey leg of the “Safari" special team established by CIA for commanding junta in Turkey. US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey Though Campbell formally retired from his post in March this year, he has been running the U.S. military's secret agenda in Turkey. He was commissioned to lead the Turkey operation for an extra two years, the sources said. Campbell was working as the middle man / mediator between parties. He held several meetings both with the Junta in Turkey and CIA authorities in the U.S. According to military sources, the coup plotters agreed to allow the U.S. authority to stablish a U.S. military base at the Turkey-Syria border. The new military base would have been furnished with more advanced technology, making it more capable of extensive tasks than the İncirlik airbase in the southeastern province of Adana. Putschist also promised to upset the balances in the area by blocking Russia in a military and economic manner after establishing a coup regime in Turkey in the second half of 2016. According to the plan, Turkey would have been designed by the U.S. and the country would have been under Washington's full control. If they had failed to take full control, then the second plan would have been implemented: turning Turkey into a new Syria. Moreover, the Syrian opposition group would have also been re-structured according to the U.S. directions, and the FETÖ junta would have been handling them, if the coup in Turkey had succeeded. FETÖ and CIA hand in hand for coup in Turkey A group of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) terrorists inside the Turkish military attempted a coup on July 15, as they took control of some strategic points and state buildings by tanks, helicopters and fighter jets. Turks across the country poured to the streets and ran through the bullets and bombs to protect their country, democracy and future. The coup attempt failed, but the Turks' voices are still being raised from the streets and squares, where millions continue their “democracy watch", to punish the coup plotters including the coup leader Fetullah Gülen.Erdoğan: Turkey abides by refugee deal with EU Gülen, a so-called cleric based in Pennsylvania, U.S., was the leader of FETÖ terror group. He organized the coup in Turkey by moving his terrorists hiding in Turkish state institutions, mainly judiciary, police and military. Despite Ankara's repeatedly calling on Washington to extradite Gülen, the U.S. authority continues rejecting it and backing Gülen. Sources from the Turkish government authority said that it's clear that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) orchestrated the coup attempt with Gülen.

They said that Barkey welcomed the attendees of the meeting, most of them either foreign policy analysists or academicians, in groups of two or three persons at the hotel entrance.

After receiving all guests, they went into a special room and held the “secret" meeting, according to police.

Meanwhile, Barkey also told the hotel management, “I will make a live interview with CNN International at 4 p.m. and with Voice of America at 6 p.m.," requesting them to arrange “all necessary infrastructure."

Barkey was accused of making several telephone conversations on the coup night.

The police units, who launched a search operation in the hotel, said Barkey was carrying an ex-model cell phone void of internet connection technology, as well as a laptop and smart phone.

Police are investigating the “log" registrations of internet connections and computers of the hotel.

CCTV footage of the hotel, roads and the island's piers are also being investigated.

Fetullah Gülen works for CIA: Russian MP

Fetullah Gülen, the plotter of the foiled coup attempt in Turkey, has been working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States (US), said Vyaceslav Nikonov, the Russian State Duma Representative and the head of the Duma Education Council. "Gülen is working for the CIA; therefore, the U.S. will never extradite Gülen," Nikonov said during his televised speech on a Russian television channel. "Former CIA workers George Fidas and Graham Fuller along with Morton Abramowitz, the former Ankara Ambassador of the U.S., were the ones who tried to help Gülen, whose green card application was rejected," Nikonov said. "The Turkish nation fought against the coup attempt in a heroic way. The parties who attempted the coup in Turkey are responsible for the coup in Ukraine which was aiming at stimulating chaos in Russia," he added. Meanwhile, Oriental and International Studies Center Director, Turcologist Vladimir Avatkov, said that the move of Turkish President Erdoğan to clean the Turkish institution from the people linked with the FETÖ/PDY terrorist organization might be beneficial for Russian relations. "Erdoğan's move is according to Russia's interests. In Turkey, there is a serious American opposition. Russia should take advantage of this situation. If Turkey leaves its neo-Ottoman ambitions aside, the relation of Turkey and Russian may be strengthened " Avatkov said. Fetullah Gülen, who is living in the northeastern U.S. state of Pennsylvania, is indicated to be responsible for the coup attempt of July 15, in which 246 people, including a large number of civilians, were martyred. Gülen has been pursuing a long-running campaign to overthrow the government through infiltrating the Turkish state, particularly the military, police and judiciary, forming the so-called “parallel state." US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey

The coup attempt on July 15, which has been foiled by popular resistance, was organized by a group of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) members who infiltrated the Turkey's military.

Fetullah Gülen, the U.S.-based leader of FETÖ who has been working with the CIA for several years to design Turkey's political arena, was the mastermind of the coup attempt and Turkey demands his extradition from the U.S.

In early statements, the U.S. repeated denied Turkey's allegations and rejected the extradition request. And now, the U.S. authority is trying to protect him by indicating to form an international commission rather going through direct legal process.

Following the failed coup attempt, millions of Turkish nationals, regardless of their religious identity, political views and ethnic background, are standing united against the coup plotters as well as FETÖ terror group.

All political parties voiced their solidarity with the government and urged the U.S. to extradite Gülen and support Turkey's legal process against coup plotters.

US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey

A former U.S. commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan, was the organizer of the July 15 military coup attempt in Turkey, sources said. General John F. Campbell was one of the top figures who organized and managed the soldiers behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey, sources close to ongoing legal process of pro-coup detainees said. Campbell also managed more than $2 billion money transactions via UBA Bank in Nigeria by using CIA links to distribute among the pro-coup military personnel in Turkey. The ongoing investigation unveiled that Campbell had paid at least two secret visits to Turkey since May, until the day of the coup attempt. The coup plot that was foiled by the comprehensive effort of Turkish Nation, including its citizens, politicians, media and police forces, was organized by the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) led-by so-called cleric Fethullah Gülen who has been living in self-exile in America for several years. American Intelligence, Military and other institutions are accused of supporting the FETO leader Gülen and his gangs for the military coup. Turkey urges US to prevent Gülen from dodging laws US knows Gülen behind failed coup: Turkish minister Military sources said Campbell, who was the commander of ISAF between August 26, 2014 and May 1, 2016, had made some top secret meetings in Erzurum military base and Adana İnicrlik Airbase. İncirlik Airbase has been used by the U.S. Military for conducting the anti-Daesh campaign in Syria. Military sources said that Campbell was the man, who directed the process of trending / blacklisting the military officers in the base. If the coup attempt was successful, Campbell would visit Turkey in a short time, according to the sources. Transition of $2 billion from Nigeria to Turkey The Nigeria branch of the United Bank of Africa (UBA) was the main base for the last six-months of money transactions for the coup plotters. Millions of dollars of money has been transferred from Nigeria to Turkey by a group of CIA personnel. The money, which has been distributed to an 80-person special team of the CIA, was used to convince pro-coup generals. More than 2 billion dollars were distributed during the process leading to the coup. After taking money from their bank accounts, the CIA team hand delivered it to the terrorists under the military dresses.Categorizing the military officersThe sources said that some familiar figures in the Eastern and Southeastern part of the country had taken active roles during the process, while the members of the Gülenist gang have been used in central and eastern region. All officers who command a group of soldiers in a patrol station, unit, company, regiment, brigade, division, corps, or army were kept in close surveillance. In 2015, the pro-Gülenist officers in the İncirlik base established an investigation desk. They drew the map of all soldiers under their command. They investigated the soldiers' trends, their personalities and family background. Gülen’s case to be ‘very high priority’: US ambassador All soldiers were categorized in three groups: opponents, neutrals, and supporters. A commander from the smallest patrol station to all military units had been blacklisted under the process. Soldiers who were marked as opponents to the junta, was debarred from the “financial support.” The military personnel who were in a neutral position received a difference in the amount of money, according to the importance of their position and ranks. The money transactions were started in March 2015 through the commissioned “courier”. The supports who also were categorized as “those who will move with us,” were provided a huge amount of money. All soldiers and officers in this category were considered as the devoted members of the FETO terror group. A bag with a large amount of money was found in the room of Brigadier General Mehmet Dişli, one of the top military officials detained for leading the coup attempt. Clash of Kings, QQ used by Turkey coup plotters for communication

Main squares and streets across the country are filled with people from every age and parts of the society, as they continue celebrating in the evenings the victory of Turkish democracy for the 11th day.

But Barkey tried to cast a shadow on the victory of Turkish people, government and democracy.

“This is a coup attempt where you have no winners. Everybody loses, including the government that survived it," he told the American National Public Radio (NPR) at 3.30 a.m. local time on July 16 from Istanbul.

He also accused that Turkey would be enter in a more chaotic environment though the country entered into a more strong and more democratic environment.

“But I will submit to you that this president [Erdoğan] has been weakened much more now. Even though he will probably have extra constitutional powers, he's weakened, because the face that he projected of an impregnable confident leader is now not there anymore. So he's will be looking over his shoulder all the time. He's going to be less trusting. He already was not trusting of the opposition. I suspect that relations will become much tenser in Turkey, and he will not be able to govern with consensus. Instead, he's going to be governing more and more by dictate, and that is..." he said.

Ex-CIA chief Fuller defends Gülen's terror group

The US Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) former Vice Chairman Graham Fuller, a long-standing supporter of Fethüllah Gülen, has defended the leader of the Fethullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) following a failed military coup masterminded by Gülen last week. In an article published in the Huffington Post, Fuller threatened that Turkey's first democratically elected President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will fall soon for cracking down on the Gülen-led organization. As clashes between Erdoğan and Gülenists sparked after 2011, Fuller suggested Erdoğan should abandon politics or at least cut all links with his own established AK Party. The former CIA chief speaks as a spokesperson of Gülen's organization as he used some of the Gülenists' baseless claims against Erdoğan. In his column, Fuller openly declared his support to Gülen saying, “I had spoken out in defense of Gülen".Describes Gülen as a democratic leader, Erdoğan as an 'Islamist' leaderHe compared Erdoğan and his AK Party with Gülen and his organization, which Turkish judiciary had declared one of the dangerous terrorist organizations not only in Turkey, but around the world. Fuller said Erdoğan was an “Islamist" leader and Gülen was a “democratic", apolitical leader. He stated that Gülen had always embraced the importance and dignity of the state supporting previous coup and coup attempts. “He has supported the state against earlier Islamist movements that raised Islam over the state," said Fuller indication the postmodern coup in 1997 against the elected government lead by Necmetting Erbakan, one of the most democratic leaders in Turkish history. “He [Gülen] even felt compelled to support the military takeover of the state in 1980," Fuller said that showed that Gülen had supported all military coups after increasing his power in Anatolia. Then Gülen continue to support democratic governments, according to Fuller. Fethullah Gülen become a cleric learning from an Imam in a small rural mosque after he separated his way from the original movement of the Risale-i Nur started by Said Nursi. Gülen inspired his followers to infiltrate into the top positions of the influential government institutions such as judiciary, police, and education and information technology. Though his organization did not have a transparent structure, he tried to shape Turkish politics by blackmailing, threats or plots. His organization is accused of blackmailing many MPs, mainly from opposition MHP and CHP, by filming and publishing their bedroom videos. After establishing a network inside Turkish state institutions, Gülen strengthened his power inside military. Pro-Gülenist judges and prosecutors produced hundreds of thousands of false documents to open trails against their rivals. First, they targeted opposition figures to become more close to the government to gain their trust. Then they launched a comprehensive attack on Erdoğan and his AK Party whenever they were unable to control Erdoğan. The turning point was 2011, when Turkey's democracy became stronger after a referendum allowing wide spread public rights. Fuller suggested that Erdoğan should abandoned politics after this time for Turkey's democracy, as Gülenists accused, though he became president with 52 percent of popular vote. He ruled out Turkey's Supreme Court's ruling on Gülen's organization that called it a terrorist organization. Fuller said that FETÖ “does not engage in terrorist activities, or support of political violence." He argued, “Erdoğan's charge that Hizmet is a terrorist organization is absurd." Fuller use the word “Hizmet" as only pro-Gülenists use it to refer to Gülen's organization. “Hizmet has not been a transparent organization — hence it's viewed as 'shadowy'," he admitted. Though Gülen and his organization have been running hundreds of schools in more than 100 countries, thousands of businesses, numerous associations and federations, Fuller said that Gülen had lacked the capability to organize an army group for a coup. Without regarding recent confessions from detainees over coup plotters on their link with Gülen and planning for coup Fuller state, “There is no telling what kind of 'confessions' will be generated. Fuller didn't condemn the coup attempt, suggests Gülen should be future Islamic rulerIn his article, Fuller did not even condemn the non-democratic coup attempt, rather he criticized Erdoğan for “unleashed massive Stalin-style purges and arrests across the country". He said, “Neither Erdoğan nor Gülen call for any kind of Islamic State, Sharia law or Caliphate. They both operate fairly comfortably within a primarily secular state structure established a century ago by the country's modernizing secularist founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk." But later, he suggested that Gülen's group, which most of the main stream Islamic movements in Turkey and the Arab world rejected, should represent Islam's future. “It sits squarely in mainstream modernizing Islam," he said. Fuller indicated that the US should support Gülen against Erdoğan, saying the Turkish President “is planting the seeds for his own destruction". The Turkish government last week officially requested the US authority to extract Gülen, with legal documents and evidences. Despite all the incidents in Turkey orchestrated by Gülen, Fuller writes, “I still believe that Hizmet as a movement represents one of the most encouraging faces of contemporary Islam in the world." He moreover, advised US authority to take his statement in favor of Gülen during the investigation process. “I wanted the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to at least be aware of my considered personal opinion as they consider his case."

Barkey, an academic from Pennsylvania University, is widely known in Turkey with his book “Turkey's Kurdish Question," which he prepared with former CIA vice chairman, Graham Fuller.

Fuller is also known for his unfaltering support to Gülen and his organization, for he requested the U.S. authority not to extradite Gülen to Turkey.

Barkey has been toiling on recent developments in Turkey and the Middle East. He met PKK terror leader Abdullah Öcalan in Italy and suggested him to stay there before being arrested by Turkey's authority.

His wife Elen Barkey has been working in a high position in the CIA for several years.
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation added 4 new photos.

2 hrs ·


Last week, the Syrian Arab Army supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces has liberated Abu Kamal. The operation ascertained facts of direct cooperation and support provided by the US-led coalition to the ISIS terrorists.

The ISIS numerous armed formations fleeing strikes of Russian aircraft and the Syrian Arab Army were leaving Abu Kamal for Wadi al-Sabha passage located at Syrian-Iraqi border.

Command staff of the Russian force grouping in Syria sent two requests to the US-led coalition HQ to hold combined operation in order to eliminate fleeing ISIS convoys on eastern shore of the Euphrates.

The American side clearly refused to carry out strikes on terrorists because ‘militants surrendered voluntarily’ and their actions were assessed in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

However, the American side has failed to answer the question asked by the Russian side: why the ISIS terrorists left Syria on combat vehicles with heavy armament were regrouping in the coalition-controlled territories and preparing for new attacks against the SAA near Abu Kamal.

Moreover, in order to allow the terrorists to hide from Russian and Syrian strikes, the coalition’s aircraft tried to interfere with the Russian Aerospace Forces’ actions in the area.

The US-led Coalition Air Force entered the 15-km zone around Abu Kamal to interrupt operation of the Russian aircraft.

Though the flight ban for the US-led coalition in the zone has been earlier agreed and approved by the Combined Air Operations Center in al-Udeid, Qatar.

With these actions by the US-led coalition, it is clear that offensive of the SAA towards Abu Kamal has upset the US plans to establish the US-supported authorities beyond the Syrian government’s power in order to control the eastern shore of the Euphrates.

At the same time, it was the ISIS units that should have acted as local US-backed forces which control the city. The SDF formations’ flags found in Abu Kamal prove that the ISIS militants had disguised in colors of the SDF.

This is the irrefutable evidence that there is no struggle against terrorism as the whole global community believes. The US are actually covering the ISIS combat units to recover their combat capabilities, redeploy, and use them to promote the American interests in the Middle East.


Some operation, huh…
Operation Crimson Mist

During the late afternoon of 6 April 1994, a hail of cannon shells tore through the fuselage of a commercial airliner flying overhead central Rwanda. Several seconds later the blazing plane exploded on impact with the ground, killing President Habyarimana of Rwanda, President Ntaryamira of Burundi, and most of their senior government officials. In that fatal millisecond of time, the entire political command structure of central Africa was decapitated, leaving the way open for “Operation Crimson Mist”, the most obscene terminal mind control experiment ever mounted by the United States of America against a sovereign nation. That “Crimson Mist” has been used again recently on a smaller scale in Iraq, is now beyond doubt.

As Habyarimana and his colleagues made their death dive, a small group of American men and women lounged around in a large hut at the edge of a discreet gravel airstrip a few miles from the Rwandan capital Kigali, temporary home for their three unmarked C-130 Hercules transport planes. All crewmembers carried forged credentials showing them as “atmospheric researchers” employed by an authentic civilian American agency, but these were only for emergency identification if one of the aircraft was forced to make an unscheduled landing on unfriendly territory. For all practical security purposes, neither they nor their three large aircraft were even in Africa.

When news of the presidential crash came in over the VHF radio, one of the Hercules planes was swiftly preparedfor take off. The flight engineer checked the attachment of the RATO [Rocket Assisted Takeoff] packs, while the scientists made final adjustments to a large microwave dish mounted on the rear loading ramp of the aircraft. It was this strange and esoteric piece of equipment alone that would directly contribute to the deaths of more than one million African civilians during the hundred days that followed. Though completely silent in operation, the single microwave dish had more killing potential than a whole squadron of AC-130 Spectre gunships armed with fifty Gatling cannons.

Though officially tagged an “experiment”, none of those present had any doubt that this was merely a cosmetic cover for the gruesome operational work ahead. Each member had been carefully vetted and then vetted again by US Intelligence to ensure they had the “right stuff”, and were philosophically committed to two objectives.

First was the evolving need to control or eliminate political dissent by remote means in the run up to the 21st Century, and second was the need to stem or reverse massive population increases across the world, which threatened to overwhelm existing natural resources, especially water and food. Intrinsically this required a willingness to commit mass murder, and everyone present had passed this critical test with flying colors.

As the Hercules’ engines started with a roar, American agents in Kigali were
working alongside local civil servants and members of the Rwandan security service, ramping up public suspicion about foul play in the presidential air crash. Urged on by corrupt officialdom, Hutu tribesmen started marching on Tutsi tribesmen and threw a few rocks at them. Innocent enough at the outset, although with a few nasty machete cuts here and there. But then the C-130 Hercules made a carefully-calculated pass directly over the advancing Hutu, and they suddenly went berserk. Eyes glazed, the mood of the Hutu crowd went from simple anger to uncontrollable rage, and within minutes, hundreds of assorted Tutsi body parts were flying through the air.

Creating Electronic Rage
What the Hercules crew had just achieved has been an open secret since the late fifties, when researchers accidentally discovered that there is a precise “control” brain wave for literally everything we do, and for everything we feel. The problem back then was that each of these control brain waves [rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting and so on] had to be transmitted with an accuracy taken out to three decimal places, or they simply did not work at all. But as the years rolled by, and with the advent of transistors and microprocessors, the operational application of precise control brain waves became practical reality.

It is important to note here that the lethal trick repeated hundreds of times by the C-130 Hercules in Rwanda during April – July 1994, was not “classic mind control” in the ultimate conspiratorial meaning of the term, i.e. where people claim to hear complicated messages inside their heads, or where it is feared that the NSA [or similar] intend to turn everyone into helpless Zombies by implanting electronic chips in their arms or necks. What the C-130 crew were actually engaged in was “electromagnetically augmenting” a pre-existing state. Remember that the agents and security service personnel first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi, induce reasonable anger, and make sure they were appropriately armed. Only then could the C-130 go to work with the precise control brain wave of “rage”, augmenting and thus upgrading crowd behavior from that of angry demonstrators to uncontrollable genocidal maniacs. Although not “classic”, this was and is unquestionably mind control, for the simple reason that external means were being used to force an irresistible change in behavior.

For those who really want to know how governments or agencies change public behavior on a whim, the explanation is not too complicated, though obtaining details of the classified control brain frequencies is all but impossible. Various academics have actually demonstrated some of these effects quasi-publicly over the years, which provides hard reality for skeptics.

One of the leading lights in this field is Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, who was a nuclear scientist and researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California, research consultant to NASA and the U.S. Navy, and a member of IEEE, APS, AAAS, MAA, ANA, AAMI. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise identified specific frequency effects to induce nausea, happiness and many other behavioral states decades ago. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher-Bise is an enthusiast: “Give me the money and three months”, she boasts, “and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy – or at least they’ll think they’re happy. Or aggressive.”

Unlike many researchers in this field, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise tends to be open about her work, has demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums, and claims to experiment only on fully informed people. Many years ago during one memorable demonstration in California, she turned a specific brain wave on all students in the left-side of her auditorium, whereupon their teeth started chattering collectively and uncontrollably. When the unaffected students on the right-side of the auditorium suggested this might be some sort of trick, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise calmly turned the specific brain wave on them instead. The right-side now suffered exactly the same fate, watched by the stunned, but no longer affected students on the left-side.

Extra Low Frequencies (ELF)
The main problem lies in the delivery of the these brain waves to the target, because they all lie in the extremely low spectrum, between 0.1 and 25 Hertz [Cycles], with all control brain waves in an even narrower central band between 0.6 and 10.2 Hertz. These are effectively the same as “earth” frequencies, meaning that they are very hard to direct via conventional radio transmission. Remember that in order to be effective in selective crowd behavior augmentation, you must be able to restrict delivery to clearly defined crowds in clearly defined areas. This is achieved by using an extremely high frequency microwave beam, which is then amplitude modulated at exactly the same rate as the desired control brain wave. This is much easier to explain with pictures, so take a good look at the diagram below.

Microwaves in the 1.0 to 3.0 Gigahertz range travel in perfectly straight lines, like light, making them easy to control in terms of direction, regardless of power output. In most cases microwaves are transmitted by a dish aerial of the sort you frequently see located low down on a tall television transmitter mast. These are designed to transfer high volume electronic data between the television studio and transmitter, and vice versa.

Where the American “Mind Controllers” score with their airborne and truck mounted equipment is by using microwave aerials that can be adjusted, in exactly the same way as you would adjust the focus on a variable beam flashlight. How this is done is shown in the second diagram to the right.

In the Rwandan Hutu tribesmen example shown near the start of this report, the crew of the C-130 Hercules only needed to know the width of the target crowd on the ground, and the width of their own microwave beam at any given true altitude in feet [as read directly from the radar altimeter]. With those two values available, it is then a simple matter to adjust beam width to accurately bracket the target crowd from any altitude chosen.

Baghdad ‘Looting’
But this equipment is not just deployed in large lumbering Hercules transport planes. During recent weeks, European security experts have concluded that smaller versions of Crimson Mist were recently deployed on the street of Baghdad, designed in part to augment the media propaganda line that Iraqi citizens are dangerous savages, all badly in need of direct supervision by “democratic” American authorities. One classic example of this was the “looting” of the Baghdad Museum, apparently by a crowd of undisciplined rabble, but video footage tells a very different story. To pull off this stunt the American authorities needed to assemble a crowd, managed quite easily with a promise of free food. Then they needed to place the crowd outside the museum, which again was easy because they located the free food outside the museum itself. Next up, the attention of the crowd had to be drawn to the museum itself, which was achieved in spectacular fashion by firing two 120-mm shells from an Abrams tank gun straight through the main doors.

Fine so far, but how to get them inside? The video shows two soldiers gesticulating to the crowd, urging them to go in and help themselves, thereby clearly identifying the target “Rwanda-style”. Then it starts to get really interesting! The two soldiers rapidly withdraw, leaving the Iraqis standing leaderless outside the open doors, and then CLICK, just like flicking a light switch, the entire crowd goes nuts absolutely simultaneously, which never happens in real life. In the real world there is always a leader visibly stirring up the crowd and preparing them for action, but not outside the Baghdad Museum. One second these folk are dull hungry Iraqis, next second they are instant uncontrollable maniacs streaming in though the museum doors.

It is also suspected that the same equipment was used to augment the “looting attacks” on various hospitals around central Baghdad, though this claim seems to be based as much on logic as it is on video footage. These so-called “looters” are Iraqi citizens who received essentially free health care in the hospitals under Saddam Hussein. Not only that, but their wives and children are being bombed and shot by Americans, meaning that their free hospitals are absolutely essential to them, and thus the very places they would normally defend in the first instance. Bearing this logic in mind, it seems likely that the European security experts are also correct in this claim.

Homeland ‘Security’
While there is unlikely to be very much concern in America, Britain, and Australia for the plight of Iraqis on the streets of Baghdad, it may be time to examine what is likely to happen in our own “democratic” countries if things get more out of control than they are at present. Remember that the 2.2-million-strong demonstration in London just before the illegal invasion of Iraq, had little if anything to do with English folk liking Saddam Hussein. Iraq was merely an excuse for this unprecedented mass of human beings to migrate to London waving banners that mostly read “Not in Our Name” at corrupt politicians.

The bottom line is that the next time 2.2 million British citizens descend on the capital to have a go at the politicians [their real targets], they might be carrying something far more dangerous than banners. Every policeman and military man knows very well that a 2.2 million strong mass with hostile intent, simply cannot be stopped by standard riot control techniques, and they cannot be stopped by bullets fired by soldiers on the streets. Even if British soldiers could be persuaded to open fire on their own neighbors [most unlikely], the entire Army would be powerless to act. So what then?

Across the Atlantic in America, and in Australia, things are really no better. As I write, the American dollar is heading straight for basement levels, which in turn will lead to a depression and increased anger on the part of all Americans, aimed largely at corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill. Naturally the politicians will try to put the people down as usual, but what if this time it is a step too far. What if a few hundred or few thousand of the 260 million private weapons in American hands are brought into play, what then?

The chances are that in all affected western countries, politicians and their real masters will try to invoke the use of highly unconventional weapons in order to try and save their own worthless hides. How successful they might be when that day comes, as it surely will, is largely up to you.


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Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING about "Malware & Virus policy" in my article on MindControl!

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You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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