Die Fische, die Krabben, die Säuger und alle anderen Tiere werden zu TODE ERSTICKT!
Die NAHRUNGs- und ATEMLUFT-KETTE wird am Begin ermordet!
Beides beginnt mit der SYMBIOSE zwischen den ALGEN und KORALLEN!

Sauerstoff-Beraubung! Globale Erstickung!
Keine Versauerung, sonder Massenmord durch Erstickung!
Zerlegung der Geoengineering-Mafia durch einfache Fakten!
The following part will remain in English only for a while.
Revealing the intention to break the food chain!
Imperial mouthpieces like Washington Post are "good sources" of imperial mind, but the statements have to be read conversely, as the truth is always the opposite of lie!
Propaganda carries only lies! So let us dissect the text and find the truth.
The climate crisis could rapidly become a food crisis
Please read the articles about Syria, Irak, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, southern Africa and others, which explain the GW attack on these countries, first as an attrition tool to prepare the hot war.
The author totally omits the industrial desert farming in Arabia!
The arming of 100 thousands of mercenaries, framed as "Islamists", which were ready to attack any country, which did not submit to the imperial planning! Tunisian dictator Ben-Ali gave up power to save his people and country. A similar move under pressure was made by the dictator of Egypt, Mubarak. The rulers of Libya and Syria could not and did not submit and their countries and societies became coated with bloodshed, death and fire.
Russia disproved this expectation. After the sanctions against Russia in the course of the imperial attacks on Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Syria, Russia has grown its food production, is already exporting and also keeping East-Ukraine, Syria and Yemen alive with food delivery.
Russia Becomes a Grain Superpower as Wheat Exports ExplodeBy
Anatoly Medetsky
Russia’s food exports continue to grow – but where are they going?
We go on with the dissection of WP article.
- 4 crops,
- 3 production regions,
- 65% of protein food supply,
- concentration in the hands of a few corporations,
- 14 "choke points", critical transport straits!
They were never "overlooked", but they ability to "choke" the straits was not feasible yet. Now the imperial complex seems to be prepared to choke all key points!
The tensions are pre-planned and we have already entered the phase of global implementation.
The alternative suppliers to the USA would also be attacked. The people of USA should be prepared to eliminate the imperial structure in their country as fast as possible to save themselves. The imperial monsters won't be able to do the same chaos anywhere else. Just catch some of the big fish in Washington DC, Wall Street, Silicon Walley, Las Vegas grab the control on Federal Reserve. The rest will shiver in fear and stop threatening the people of USA and the world.
Closing Panama Canal would require the instigation of civil war in Panama. The target of food deprivation attack is "western Asia".
Replace "climate change" with "climate control" and everything becomes clear! The "weather events" are made by GW. Understanding how GW works, it is not difficult to see it.
Again the threat against the USA. The imperial monsters, seem to give up the global perspective, as they are now losing nearly at all fronts in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. So it prepares itself for survival in the USA.
Now we reach a very revealing point! I would like to confirm this by a Turkish article from 2015 about the coming change in 2016!
Montrö, 2016’da revize edilecek
DÜNYA Giriş Tarihi: 08.12.2015 09:25
"20 yılda bir gözden geçirilen Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi, 2016’da günün şartlarına göre revize edilecek. Boğaz'dan geçen Rus savaş gemisindeki füzeli asker skandalını masaya koyacak olan Türkiye, barış dönemlerinde boğazdan silahlı geçişe dair bir yaptırım kararı konusunda diretecek."
"Türkiye'nin Rus savaş uçağını Suriye sınır hattında düşürmesinin ardından Rusya, tehditlerini boğazlara taşırdı."
"Rus savaş gemisi Caesar Kunikov'un İstanbul Boğazı'ndan geçişi sırasında, bir asker omzunda füze ile görüntülendi. Rus savaş gemisinin güvertesindeki "tacizkâr" fotoğrafı "provokatif" olarak nitelendiren Ankara ise Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi'ni hatırlattı. Bu tabloyla Rusya'nın sözleşmeyi ihlal ettiği vurgulanırken, olay "tahrik unsuru" olarak görüldü. Türkiye, Rus gemilerinin boğazlardan geçişi konusunda teyakkuz halini arttırdı. Türkiye, boğazların ve toprak bütünlüğünün tehdit altında olduğunu hissetmesi halinde Rus gemilerine karşı boğazlarda "dilediği önlemi" alabilir."
Montrö, Türkiye'ye, savaş zamanında, savaşan olması yahut kendisini pek yakın bir savaş tehdidi altında sayması halinde tehdit eden ülkenin savaş gemilerini engelleme hakkı tanıyor. Sözleşme uyarınca, savaş zamanında, Türkiye savaşan ise, savaş gemilerinin boğazlardan geçişi konusunda dilediği gibi davranabiliyor."
According Montreux, if during war time, Turkey is a warring party or if Turkey considers itself threatened by a nearby war, it can hinder the war ships of the threatening country. According Montreux, if Turkey is the warring party, it can do whatever it wants about the passage of war ships through the straits.]
Now back to our WP article.
- elimination of Montreux Convention,
- tension between Turkey protected by NATO against Russia, and
- the breakup of Turkey to found Great Kurdistan
In later historical reflection, the disastrous failure of the coup may become reason of elimination of the CIA and maybe also the key reason of the breakdown of imperial complex. It is more painful than the dilettante Fascist coup in Kiev and the eternal loss of Sevastopol marine base to Russia.
On the other hand, it is the wonder of Turkey and Erdogan, to survive a CIA coup attempt and has delivered the apology for brutal elimination of CIA agent network, mainly under the brand of Gülenist-Movement.
This article seems to be written for imperial wound licking. :-) :-)
The reader may feel, how "painful" is it for imperial psychopaths, that their plans to cause "disruption of key arteries due to political instability" have failed. :-) :-) It would have been so funny for the observer, if it wasn't deadly dangerous. The domino effect of "imperial-inforced cycle" of "food shortages" to "breed further instability" was not fulfilled.
In the western world, particularly in Germany the crisis of 2007-2008 was only a financial crisis. But this could have finished the FED-Dollar system, if German government did not "rescue" the bankrupt banks.
"But the problem is widespread. The 2007-2008 global food crisis was accompanied by protests in 61 countries and riots in 23."
The "chronic underinvestment in infrastructure" is more a problem in the USA!
But even where there is infrastructure investment, governments often fail to factor in climate risks: A 2016 survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that, with very few exceptions, they are largely overlooked even in rich countries."
The "perfekt storm" is required for the survival of imperial complex and its grab on total global power.
So, Europe will be cut out from world supplies by closing the Gibraltar Strait. As if the dumb marionette politutes were "making any policies".
The oil markets are a main treasure of imperial complex. They will always be protected and controlled as much as the empire has the means to own it. This control on oil markets is diminishing. The huge part of the oil and gas production is now based on fracking. The "supply shock" is mainly a problem of imperial main vassals like USA and Europe. China and Japan which are also the net consumers have not similar problems, they buy and pay fairly and don't attack to conquer the resources.
The empire fears that the states would do their job and create strategic food reserves for their population. This would reduce the ability of imperial corporations to dictate the food markets.
"Minimize the risk" but for whom and raise the risk for whom?
UN is not a legitimate body to take over the responsibility of states to care for the mere existence of their populations. Many states don't deserve to be named as such. They are only tools of oppression, but the remaining sovereign states will take care by themselves. The imperial complex wants to turn all humanity into beggars and food stamp dependents.
As the "extreme weather" is nothing else but GW, this last statement should be considered as a final threat. It says submit to the "global governance of climate control, else You will be further attacked with GW"! The "alternative sources" of food are more corporate land grabbing, more desert farming, more fracking for mineral fuel and more water grabbing by control on troposheric rivers! Recognize, that the text doesn't attack the multinational corporations. It uses only the statement of "a handful of mega crop exporters", meaning Russia, Brasil, USA!
End of dissection of WP article.
Imperial mouthpieces are trumping for the global scale legalization of climate control. The worst liar of the day is Janos Pasztor, the executive director of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative!
""I want to highlight that we aren't promoting geoengineering, we are promoting dialogue," says Pasztor."
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