- Knowing Bill Gates & Eugenics
- Culling disguised as health program!
- Vaccination as WMD of Eugenicists
- Power by Money
- Eugenicists Criminal Lobby
- Gatesification of Indian & African Children
- Good & Bad Methods of Vaccination
- Machiavellian Process
- Further Resources
Therefore his carnage in Africa is a "success story" for him and his Eugenics brothers and sisters.
- the resources are scarce,
- the environment needs protection,
- birth control liberates women etc.
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https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Georgia_Guidestones_2014-03-18_01.jpg/800px-Georgia_Guidestones_2014-03-18_01.jpg |
A Dangerous Idea: The History of Eugenics in America (HD)
May 10, 2019
IMHO having too much money and power turns the super-rich into "feeble-minded" "imbecils" - the wording the use against their innocent victims. I find this conclusion is empirically evident. Indira Ghandi was the feeble-minded imbecile super-rich of India, who for getting bribery let 20 million Indian people be sterilized!
Tyrant Indira Gandhi Admits She Sterilised Millions (1978)
Dec 1, 2018
Based on the assumption that brazen killing or starvation of humans is considered as bad, even by many Eugenicists, because they pretend only to "help" the humanity, they always try to propagate more sophisticated and seemingly less inhuman methods of mass decimation. For that vaccination offers the best method.
People are invited to get healing against bad diseases by only allowing an injection. The whole atmosphere of vaccination propaganda seems to be professional as uniformed and well educated physicians, nurses and technicians offer free health care for the world. The mass decimation is not collateral damage of the program, but I assume its real target.
APRIL 23, 2020, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-bill-gates-effect-whos-dtp-vaccine-kills-more-children-in-africa-than-the-diseases-it-targets/
For African nations, GAVI and WHO use DTP vaccine uptake to gauge national compliance with vaccine recommendations. GAVI can financially punish nations that don’t fully comply. The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets."
They claim that Eugenics is not a faith but science, which is similar to Communism, as the communists similarly claimed that their ideology was science.
Posted on: Thursday, March 27th 2014 at 8:30 am, Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/tetanus-vaccines-sterilizing-women-kenya-catholic-church-there-raises-suspicions
"The vaccine works by "convincing" a woman's body that a11 is unchanged when, in fact, an egg has been fertilized. After conception occurs, a woman produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) that helps to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. The prototype vaccine, made from hCG coupled to a biochemical carrier, neutralizes hCG by stimulating antibodies against the hormone. Without hCG the embryo can't anchor in the uterus, making pregnancy impossible. The biochemical carrier makes the hCG immunologically visible to women's immune system." [Source]
I try to summarize current situation first.
- Too much power degenerates the mind.
- Having too much money, the super-rich get too much power.
- Money power promotes feeble-minded imbeciles to become super-rich.
- Normal and talented people degenerate to feeble minded imbeciles, when they get too much money power!
- Such feeble-minded imbeciles meet in clubs for the super-rich only.
- As degenerated, greedy and weak characters they become easily lured into criminal sects like Eugenics.
- The super-rich imbeciles breed, based on their Eugenic indoctrination, gruesome ideas about the fate of the humanity in closed circles.
- They buy and manipulate every aspect of the public society to reach their sick targets.
- WHO is the top organization of the Eugenics sect to implement abusive measures globally.
- Bill Gates is not the king of Africa or India,
- he is not an elected president of any country in Africa or India,
- he was not elected to head any governing organization in Africa or India,
- decide about the size of African and Indian population,
- decide that Africans and Indians have to be sterilized and mass killed,
- African and Indian children to be used as guinea pigs for Bill Gate's vaccination experiments?
"The coronavirus outbreak is bringing attention to the fast-growing vaccine industry. The vaccine market has grown sixfold over the past two decades, worth more than $35 billion today, according to AB Bernstein. The firm said the industry has consolidated to four big players that account for about 85% of the market — British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline, French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and U.S.-based Merck and Pfizer."
It seems so nice. People "get globally united against common enemies" of the humanity; climate change, coronavirus etc.. All states get organized under the World Health Organization for a common cause. World Bank, IMF and good meaning super-rich people like Bill Gates boost the efforts with their private money, without any interest to make profits. At least it is propagated like that.
"The Power of Partnership Gavi’s impact draws on the strengths of its core partners, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and plays a critical role in strengthening primary health care (PHC), bringing us closer to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), ensuring that no one is left behind.
Gavi also works with donors, including sovereign governments, private sector foundations and corporate partners; NGOs, advocacy groups, professional and community associations, faith-based organisations and academia; vaccine manufacturers, including those in emerging markets; research and technical health institutes; and developing country governments."

Bill Gates deserves to be "honored" by using is name for his method of global decimation: The Gatesification!
Vol 7, No 3 (2010) > Team
In India, the founder of Microsoft is blamed for creating a vaccine strain that caused a devastating polio epidemic between 2000 and 2017, which paralyzed approximately 496,000 children
Streamed live on Apr 22, 2020
Bill Gates on Population Control
Aug 21, 2012
Vaccination is very often presented as a simulation of natural immunization, but not all vaccine types imitate that natural way.
- If the disease is got by breathing than the vaccination should be inhaled.
- If the disease comes by skin contact, than the vaccination should be put onto the skin.
- If the disease comes by mosquito bite, than the vaccine should be injected in the same manner into the skin.
Jan 28, 2017
Sep 11, 2017
Feb 19, 2015
Production of the new vaccine begins, but it takes time. Companies require at least six months to manufacture enough vaccines for the population. During that period, the flu virus may change. Genetic mutations can alter the virus’ surface proteins. If a strain becomes different enough from the original virus, the vaccine is no longer a match."
Dec 17, 2014
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
Jun 24, 2016
Roth Y1, Chapnik JS, Cole P. 2003 Mar;112(3):264-70. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12656420
Oct 26, 2017
Mar 6, 2020
May 16, 2017
Jul 11, 2017
November 24, 2011
"What do Polysorbate 80 and Octoxynol 10 have in common? They both cause infertility and they are both in many vaccines."
Vaccines contain many ingredients that are potentially damaging to fertility including detergents like triton X-100, also known as octoxynol 10 which is a known spermicide and has been used in experiments to "strip" sperm so that they are no longer capable of fertilizing an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of "most potent spermicides" that would produce 100% stripping of human sperm and the dosages needed for such an effect.
Apr 30, 2017
For understanding the global LockDown, we have to look into the Machiavellian psychology and the process of grabbing power.
- Maximum bad things have all to be implemented at once to shock the victims by maximum fear. We get global LockDown and fear to lose our work, business, education and even the ability to feed ourselves and our children.
- Good things have to be offered to collect and control the target victims. We are offered vaccination.
- Normalization has to be offered in small pieces, spread over a long period, that each piece is perceived as a valuable favor by the powerful. The release of
- LockDown is offered in absurd small steps, like allowing only small business to open. The victims are humiliated as customers line up outside to show everyone their misery.
- Let the people beg for their survival, that they manifest their submission!
Apr 27, 2020
- The victims have to be invited for meal and good treatment, like the humanity is invited for vaccination.
- When the victims get used to be vaccinated synchronously all over the world, a final shot after a row of real treatments will mark their fate.
- When the victims are decided to die, they all have to be killed at once. We will thank the Eugenicists if we are only be sterilized.
Apr 27, 2020
Even a leading imperial henchmen is losing his submissive temper!
Apr 27, 2020
I got this collection from a friend!
DATA COLLECTED BY CDC.. vaccinated vs NOT vaccinated.. these studies are hidden from the public & they said they don’t do these studies as it’s unethical not to vaccinate .. these studies can be obtained by ANYONE.. through the freedom of information act...
Vaccine inserts
(Polio insert)
(Hepatitis B insert)
(Tdap insert) https://www.fda.gov/files/vaccines%2C%20blood%20%26%20biologics/published/Package-Insert---Adacel.pdf
(Pneumococcal insert)
(Hib insert )
(Erythromycin insert "eye goop" "eye ointment" )
(Second type of vaccine for cholera insert)
(Prevnar-13 PREVNAR 13 (Pneumococcal 13 ) diphtheria package insert)
Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism
Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism
Vaccine and Autism- a New Scientific Review
Summary of previous Journal of Immunology
Autism and Resulting Medical Conditions:
Mercury toxic encephalopathy manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.
A Positive Association found between Autism Prevalence and Childhood Vaccination
Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer
Study documentation- Dr Deisher
Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders
A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/
- PubMed - NCBI Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http://bit.ly/1MPVbjx
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http://bit.ly/17sKDbf
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http://bit.ly/1LLEjf6
7. Dr. Toni Bark - http://bit.ly/1CYM9RB
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http://bit.ly/1MuyNzo
9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http://bit.ly/1DGzJsc
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - http://bit.ly/1G9ZXYl
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - http://bit.ly/1MrVeUL
12. Dr. Robert Rowen - http://bit.ly/1SIELeF
13. Dr. David Ayoub - http://bit.ly/1SIELve
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - http://bit.ly/1KsdVby
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar - http://bit.ly/1gWOkL6
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell - http://bit.ly/1gdgEZU
17. Dr. Ken Stoller - http://bit.ly/1MPVqLI
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - http://bit.ly/1LLEqHH
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - http://bit.ly/1OHbLDI
20. Dr. David Davis - http://bit.ly/1gdgJwo
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - http://bit.ly/16Z7k6J
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram - http://bit.ly/1Kru6Df
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan - http://bit.ly/1D31pfQ
24. Dr. RC Tent - http://bit.ly/1MPVwmu
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley - http://bit.ly/K49F4d
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden - http://bit.ly/1fwzKJu
27. Dr. Jack Wolfson - http://bit.ly/1wtPHRA
28. Dr. Michael Elice - http://bit.ly/1KsdpKA
29. Dr. Terry Wahls - http://bit.ly/1gWOBhd
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff - http://bit.ly/1OtWxAY
31. Dr. Paul Thomas - http://bit.ly/1DpeXPf
32. Many doctors talking at once - http://bit.ly/1MPVHOv
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient - http://bit.ly/1MXX7pb
35. Dr. Richard Deth - http://bit.ly/1GQDL10
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - http://bit.ly/1eqiPr5
37. Dr Chris Shaw - http://bit.ly/1IlGiBp
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie - http://bit.ly/1CqqN83
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block - http://bit.ly/1OHcyUX
40. Dr. David Brownstein - http://bit.ly/1EaHl9A
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan - http://bit.ly/1wOk4Zz
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
43. Dr. Philip Incao - http://bit.ly/1ghE7sS
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola - http://bit.ly/18dE38I
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - http://bit.ly/1MaX0cC
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson - http://bit.ly/1JpAEQr
47. Dr Theresa Deisher https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6Bc6WX33SuE
48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE
1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic - http://bit.ly/1vvQJ2W
2. The Greater Good - http://bit.ly/1icxh8j
3. Shots In The Dark - http://bit.ly/1ObtC8h
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth - http://bit.ly/KEYDUh
5. Vaccine Nation - http://bit.ly/1iKNvpU
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines - http://bit.ly/1vlpwvU
7. Lethal Injection - http://bit.ly/1URN7BJ
8. Bought - http://bit.ly/1M7YSlr
9. Deadly Immunity - http://bit.ly/1KUg64Z
10. Autism - Made in the USA - http://bit.ly/1J8WQN5
11. Beyond Treason - http://bit.ly/1B7kmvt
12. Trace Amounts - http://bit.ly/1vAH3Hv
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate - http://bit.ly/1KbXhuf
9 hour court case https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DFTsd042M3o
Documentaries... 💉
November 25th, 2022
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