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Genetic Geoengineering: The good way vaccination or abuse as WMD of Eugenics! Gatesification of Indians & Africans!

  1. Knowing Bill Gates & Eugenics
  2. Culling disguised as health program!
  3. Vaccination as WMD of Eugenicists
  4. Power by Money
  5. Eugenicists Criminal Lobby
  6. Gatesification of Indian & African Children
  7. Good & Bad Methods of Vaccination
  8. Machiavellian Process
  9. Further Resources
1. Knowing Bill Gates & Eugenics

Knowing that Bill Gates is a zealot Eugenicist and wants to reduce the world population under 500 Million, it should be clear for every informed person, that Monster-Billy doesn't intend to heal anyone, instead he looks for ways to mass kill or at least sterilize as much people as possible.

Therefore his carnage in Africa is a "success story" for him and his Eugenics brothers and sisters.
After the world wars, when Racism become unpopular and diplomatically displaced, the Eugenicists modified their propaganda into more acceptable way.

Instead of saying that there are too many humans, they said that
  • the resources are scarce,
  • the environment needs protection,
  • birth control liberates women etc.
When You really think about the arguments of "Club of Rome" or all these Green-Parties, consequently they are the same like the 10 commandments on the Georgia Gudiestones, which begin with reducing the world population under 500 Million.


Eugenicists pretend to be scientists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Philosophers, Philanthropists, Conservationists. people of reason etc. etc., but they are non of these. They are only psychopaths who cover their perversion under the pseudo-scientific and pseudo-religious fanatic ideology of Eugenics. They abuse everything to fulfill their pervert desires and demands.

All Eugenicists, beginning with Bill Gates should be convicted, jailed and deprived of all financial power. They are a high-class Mafia, organized all over the word and abusing the resources of all states and big corporations.

Whatever they pretend to be, all their efforts are for killing about 7.5 billion humans in a smooth way with poison, hormones, food-deprivation and vaccines or when required by organizing yet another global war, this time with atom bombs. There is nothing good, nothing human, nothing helpful in Eugenics.
2. Culling disguised as health program!

Since the end of WWII the Eugenicists organize "Population Conferences" to persuade the humanity to depopulate by decimation. Eugenicists consider the humanity as a disease, an enemy of nature, which somehow needs be eliminated to a level, which is decided by them. In public and private schools the brains of our children washed with this anti-human ideas.

Operative sterilization or chemical sterilization was considered as a more human way of depopulation and used by the Nazis against the handicapped. Similarly the political marionettes like Lyndon B. Johnson, Indira Gandhi and others enforced the mass sterilization of "less quality races" like the poor people of India, Africa, Latin America, native North-Americans and others. The culling of humans was disguised as UN health programs.

Eugenics has been renamed to Genetic Engineering with global vaccination it turns to Genetic Geoengineering!

Eugenicsts use two opposite notions: eugenic means good-born, disgenic means bad-born. Therefore "genetic" is the neutral form of both!

Eugenics in America - In the Name of Science
Nov 17, 2014

Nov 6, 2017

Chapter 1 | The Eugenics Crusade
Oct 10, 2018 

Eugenics was promoted by degenerated super-rich people to apologize their exploitation of the poor. Eugenics was never stopped in the USA, only the wording was changed. It is still a tool of social abuse for the super-rich. The most sly wording is applied by Bill Gates and similar people, who want to globalize their ill beliefs. Very early vaccination was used as a bridge to get control on the people to sterilize them.

A Dangerous Idea: The History of Eugenics in America (HD)
May 10, 2019

IMHO having too much money and power turns the super-rich into "feeble-minded" "imbecils" - the wording the use against their innocent victims. I find this conclusion is empirically evident. Indira Ghandi was the feeble-minded imbecile super-rich of India, who for getting bribery let 20 million Indian people be sterilized!

Tyrant Indira Gandhi Admits She Sterilised Millions (1978)
Dec 1, 2018

3. Vaccination as WMD of Eugenicists

Based on the assumption that brazen killing or starvation of humans is considered as bad, even by many Eugenicists, because they pretend only to "help" the humanity, they always try to propagate more sophisticated and seemingly less inhuman methods of mass decimation. For that vaccination offers the best method. 

Under the pretext of a dangerous disease, mRNA vaccines used for the programmed death of many people, and when that happens, more vaccinations are enforced to fight the "disease" even more so that more people die!

In a similar way, starvation is blamed on "climate change", when vast regions are dried out by methods of ClimateControl. The survivors are euphemized as "climate refugees".

People are invited to get healing against bad diseases by only allowing an injection. The whole atmosphere of vaccination propaganda seems to be professional as uniformed and well educated physicians, nurses and technicians offer free health care for the world. The mass decimation is not collateral damage of the program, but I assume its real target.

The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted
APRIL 23, 2020, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

"Anyone defending the Bill Gates/WHO global vaccine program needs to explain this study: Mogensen et al 2017. Prior to 2017, neither HHS nor WHO ever performed the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) study necessary to ascertain if the DTP vaccine actually yields beneficial health outcomes. The DTP vaccine was discontinued in the US and western nations in the 1990s following thousands of reports of death and brain damage.

"… girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine — the flagship of Bill Gates’s GAVI/WHO African vaccine program — died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids."

But Bill Gates and his surrogates, GAVI and WHO, made DTP a priority for African babies."
"While the vaccinated children were protected from Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis, they were far more susceptible to other deadly diseases than unvaccinated peers. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Thanks to Gates, DTP is the world’s most popular vaccine.

"The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets."

For African nations, GAVI and WHO use DTP vaccine uptake to gauge national compliance with vaccine recommendations. GAVI can financially punish nations that don’t fully comply. The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets."

Like every other ideology, also Eugenics has a key belief. Eugenicists claim that they have scientifically calculated that the maximum amount of humans on Earth should not be more than 500 Million. So somehow 7.5 billion people have to be eliminated by birth control or mass killing.

Today's eugenicists are a special breed of racist. They want to cultivate the natural evolution of the human species in order to design and produce a "higher-valued human" and eliminate all but 500 million. Eugenics has become a religion of the feeble-minded imbecils among the super-rich, who consider themselves as chosen. Originally the eugenicists were traditional racists and wanted to reduce the population of the "lower races" and support the "higher races". Since racism and eugenics were invented by Northern Europeans and Americans of Northern European descent, they considered their "race" to be the the highest.

They claim that Eugenics is not a faith but science, which is similar to Communism, as the communists similarly claimed that their ideology was science.

Tetanus Vaccines Sterilizing Women In Kenya? Catholic Church There Raises Suspicions
Posted on: Thursday, March 27th 2014 at 8:30 am, Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

"As reported on March 27th in the StandardDigital, John Cardinal Njue is alleged the WHO/UNICEF tetanus campaign has been uncharacteristically shrouded from public awareness relative to other national health initiatives that are preceded by a public launch where the public has an opportunity to ask questions. A news story filmed testimony of John Cardinal Njue voicing his concerns, which can be viewed here."

"Not only has a birth control vaccine been known to exist for over twenty years using tetanus toxoid as a carrier,[ii] but it was heralded in the mid-90's as "A new family planning tool to slow population growth." The development of a tetanus-based contraceptive vaccine began in 1975 by Dr. Gursaran Talwar, Director of India's National Institute of Immunology, and after $4.5 million of funding and 17 years later a working vaccine was created, whose mechanism of action has been described as follows:
"The vaccine works by "convincing" a woman's body that a11 is unchanged when, in fact, an egg has been fertilized.  After conception occurs, a woman produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) that helps to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. The prototype vaccine, made from hCG coupled to a biochemical carrier, neutralizes hCG by stimulating antibodies against the hormone. Without hCG the embryo can't anchor in the uterus, making pregnancy impossible. The biochemical carrier makes the hCG immunologically visible to women's immune system." [Source]
Additionally, in 1995, a report published in Vaccine Weekly described the case of a priest, president of Human Life International based in Maryland, who petitioned Congress to investigate reports of women in developing countries, such as Mexico, the Philippines and in Nicaragua, receiving contraceptive tetanus vaccines laced with chorionic gonadotropin (b-HCG). The report stated that the anti-fertility vaccine was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), and other organizations including "UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities."
4. Power by Money

I try to summarize current situation first.
  • Too much power degenerates the mind.
  • Having too much money, the super-rich get too much power.
  • Money power promotes feeble-minded imbeciles to become super-rich.
  • Normal and talented people degenerate to feeble minded imbeciles, when they get too much money power!
  • Such feeble-minded imbeciles meet in clubs for the super-rich only.
  • As degenerated, greedy and weak characters they become easily lured into criminal sects like Eugenics.
  • The super-rich imbeciles breed, based on their Eugenic indoctrination, gruesome ideas about the fate of the humanity in closed circles.
  • They buy and manipulate every aspect of the public society to reach their sick targets.
  • WHO is the top organization of the Eugenics sect to implement abusive measures globally.
All efforts of Eugenicists like Monster-Billy are aimed at depopulation, irrelevant what they say, how they present it and how many billions are spent for campaigns. Be aware!
  • Bill Gates is not the king of Africa or India,
  • he is not an elected president of any country in Africa or India,
  • he was not elected to head any governing organization in Africa or India,
so who allowed this lunatic to
  • decide about the size of African and Indian population,
  • decide that Africans and Indians have to be sterilized and mass killed,
  • African and Indian children to be used as guinea pigs for Bill Gate's vaccination experiments?
What are the intentions of the African political "leaders" or the prime minister Modi of India who came to power by pretending to be ultra-Nationalist or ultra-Hinduist?

Why do they sacrifice the children of their own citizens and risk the lives of millions?

The only answer is MONEY! Whenever brainwashing doesn't do the job, the bank accounts of the political class is filled with "help money" from private donors who have business interests, World Bank, IMF and the so called development support by the industrialized countries. In effect there is one fitting notion for that money transfer: Bribery!

Behind all these world organizations are the super-rich and the ones of the Eugenics sect are the most active. They place their henchmen into all layers of the hierarchy, give them prepared scripts, fake studies, fake statistics and fake estimations.

The only thing that gives Bill Gates and his Eugenicists brothers this power is bribing all with the money which they evaded from tax in the USA and elsewhere. Bill Gates is "spending" money to get more money by selling vaccines, with that money he again bribes people to get control to inject poison into their bodies and decide who has the right to live and who has to die.

Consider that for each invested Dollar a net profit of at least 44 $ is generated in the 94 poorest countries. Monster-Billy and his Pharma buddies make huge profits. For the Eugenicists the billions of profit in money are less important, but each dead or prevented from breeding person is a success.

Coronavirus highlights the $35 billion vaccine market. Here are the key players 

"The coronavirus outbreak is bringing attention to the fast-growing vaccine industry. The vaccine market has grown sixfold over the past two decades, worth more than $35 billion today, according to AB Bernstein. The firm said the industry has consolidated to four big players that account for about 85% of the market — British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline, French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and U.S.-based Merck and Pfizer."

"“For every dollar invested in vaccination in the world’s 94 lowest-income countries, the net return is $44. Hard to argue against,” Wimal Kapadia, Bernstein’s analyst, said in a note. “This oligopoly has been built through significant market consolidation driven primarily by the complexities of the manufacturing and supply chain.”"
5. Eugenicists Criminal Lobby

It seems so nice. People "get globally united against common enemies" of the humanity; climate change, coronavirus etc.. All states get organized under the World Health Organization for a common cause. World Bank, IMF and good meaning super-rich people like Bill Gates boost the efforts with their private money, without any interest to make profits. At least it is propagated like that.

Factually with his money and criminal network of Eugenicists, Bill Gates controls many organizations, which all have the target to enforce global vaccination and depopulation.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

"The Power of Partnership Gavi’s impact draws on the strengths of its core partners, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and plays a critical role in strengthening primary health care (PHC), bringing us closer to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), ensuring that no one is left behind.

Gavi also works with donors, including sovereign governments, private sector foundations and corporate partners; NGOs, advocacy groups, professional and community associations, faith-based organisations and academia; vaccine manufacturers, including those in emerging markets; research and technical health institutes; and developing country governments."

Vaccination_Lobb_Network A picture made by snapshot on the GAVI website.

About Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

"So, with the help of a US$ 750 million five-year pledge from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in January 2000 the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi) was created. A unique public-private partnership, Gavi was created to bring together the best of what key UN agencies, governments, the vaccine industry, private sector and civil society had to offer in order to improve childhood immunisation coverage in poor countries and to accelerate access to new vaccines."
6. Gatesification of Indian & African Children

Bill Gates deserves to be "honored" by using is name for his method of global decimation: The Gatesification!

The world is currently gatesificated, when we don't stop Bill Gates and all Eugenicists from pursuing their criminal activities. After testing on Indian and African children, with the Corona-Panic and the coming similar escalations the genocidal program will become globalized.

Indian Journal of Medical Ethics: Deaths in a trial of the HPV vaccine
Vol 7, No 3 (2010) > Team

"The death of girls who were a part of a Human Papilloma Virus vaccine trial has raised an alarm about the nature of research in India as well as the value attached by the state to the lives of its citizens.

The trial was being conducted in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat by the NGO PATH with support from the Indian Council of Medical Research and local health authorities. They were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The vaccine is supplied by two companies, Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Glaxo Smith Kline.

When the government stopped the trials, three doses had already been administered to 30,000 participants, mostly tribal girls aged between 9 and 14.

The union health minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, has denied that the deaths have anything to do with the trials, and as things stand, there is no conclusive evidence of a causal link between the vaccine and the deaths. But the fact that the girls were a part of the trial is reason enough to warrant further investigations.

A committee has been constituted by the union government to investigate the deaths. Further action will depend on the report of the committee.

An investigation in one of the sites in AP, coordinated by the women’s health group SAMA, revealed that the trials recruited tribal girls from poor areas. These girls were malnourished. To worsen the situation, consent forms for the trial are in English which even the health care provider administering the vaccine to them may not be able to read, let alone the participants."

Poisonous material is added to the vaccine serum to increase the inflammation at the site of injection, triggering a non-natural reaction at disease related non-natural location of the body and causing bad side effects.

Robert Kennedy Jr: Bill Gates wants to control the world with vaccines
In India, the founder of Microsoft is blamed for creating a vaccine strain that caused a devastating polio epidemic between 2000 and 2017, which paralyzed approximately 496,000 children

"In his presentation, Kennedy Jr. says Gates has a «Messiah complex» and that for him, vaccines «are a strategic philanthropy that fuels his many vaccine-related businesses, including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global ID company of vaccines with microchips, which would give him dictatorial control over global health policy, the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism»."

"«Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a divine will to experiment with the lives of (what he considers ) lesser humans», adds Kennedy Jr."

"«Indian doctors blame Gates’ campaign for a vaccine strain that caused a devastating polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government vetoed the Gates vaccination regime and expelled him along with the NAB. Polio paralysis rates fell precipitously”."

"He also adds that in 2017, the WHO admitted that a vaccine strain predominated during the global polio explosion, which Kennedy Jr. says comes from the Gates Vaccine Program."
"«The scariest epidemics in the Congo, the Philippines and Afghanistan are related to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, three-quarters of the global polio cases came from Gates’ vaccines”, denounces the activist."

"In 2010 – says Kennedy Jr – the Gates Foundation funded a trial of the experimental GSK malaria vaccine, which killed 151 African children and caused serious adverse effects such as paralysis, seizures, and febrile seizures in 1,048 of the 5,049 children with whom they experimented with."

"“During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, his teams forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50 and 500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained: «We are guinea pigs for drug makers». Former Nelson Mandela chief economist Patrick Bond described Gates’ philanthropic practices as «ruthless and immoral», cites  Kenndy Jr.’s complaint."

"He adds that in 2010, Gates pledged $ 10 billion to WHO for issues aimed at «reducing the population», in part through new vaccines. A month later, Gates told Ted Talk that the new vaccines «could reduce the population»."

"«Independent labs found the sterility formula in each tested vaccine. After denying the charges, the WHO finally admitted that it had been developing sterility vaccines for more than a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines», he added."

What's In It For Bill Gates - Does He Want To Rule The World?
Streamed live on Apr 22, 2020

If Bill Gates thinks that the world is overpopulated, than why does he have 5 children or any children at all?

Why are the Eugenicists still alive? Shouldn't they begin the depopulation by giving the world a "moral example"? Possibly, that would solve most of our global problems, because Eugenicists invent and cause problems which they pretend to fight against.

IMHO, Eugenics is nothing but a doomsday sect!

Bill Gates on Population Control

A Conversation with Bill Gates: Population Growth
Aug 21, 2012

bill gates all the population 2021-08-15

7. Good & Bad Methods of Vaccination

Vaccination is very often presented as a simulation of natural immunization, but not all vaccine types imitate that natural way.

I think, generally it is not bad to imitate the natural way of attack by all kinds of pathogens to immunize against them, but all methods which try to circumvent the natural ways and mechanisms of our immune system by directly manipulating the cellular processes are not natural, not effective and highly dangerous.
  • If the disease is got by breathing than the vaccination should be inhaled.
  • If the disease comes by skin contact, than the vaccination should be put onto the skin.
  • If the disease comes by mosquito bite, than the vaccine should be injected in the same manner into the skin.
The pharma corporations try to develop and enforce complicated methods where they directly manipulate the body cells by deep and destructive injections into the muscle tissue, independent of the way we naturally get the diseases. As this is not natural, our immune system does not react to the vaccine material only. Therefore many heavy metal materials and other poisons have to be injected, to "boost the immune" reaction. But this non-natural "boosting" and the poisons have side effects which are more dangerous than the potential disease.

These are the classical methods of vaccination, but also here the poisons are used.

Polio Vaccines - Salk vs Sabin
Jan 28, 2017

Only the spraying of aerosols simulates the natural way of getting respiratory diseases.

Live, Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV), by nasal spray
Sep 11, 2017

Vaccination against very fast modifying and spreading viruses like the influenza-a/b or corona is not possible. It is like playing lottery to guessing the variation in the next flu seasons. The virus variations cannot be predicted. The offered vaccines are always for virus strands of the former 3 to 6 years. Knowing that, Monster-Billy propagates the reduction of development and clinical testing of his RNA-vaccines to less then 18 Months!

Why flu shots are a lottery
Feb 19, 2015
"Every winter hundreds of different strains emerge. Since last October alone, The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has identified more than 800 different influenza viruses. To figure out which specific strains to target, more than 100 countries study influenza trends and collaborate with the World Health Organization. Then, based on forecasts and a bit of luck, each country decides which strains to include in the next vaccination. They only select three or four out of hundreds.

Production of the new vaccine begins, but it takes time. Companies require at least six months to manufacture enough vaccines for the population. During that period, the flu virus may changeGenetic mutations can alter the virus’ surface proteins. If a strain becomes different enough from the original virus, the vaccine is no longer a match.

Influenza Evolution and Predicting Vaccines
Dec 17, 2014

Mutated coronavirus strain in India could kill all efforts at creating a vaccine
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 by: Ethan Huff

"An unusual strain of coronavirus that was isolated in India has been found to contain a strange mutation that experts warn could completely derail all efforts to develop a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) at large.

Researchers from both Australia and Taiwan are warning that this mutated strain of coronavirus follows a much different pathway when it comes to causing infection in the form of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Simply put, a vaccine for the coronavirus strain currently in mass circulation probably wouldn’t work for this other strain, or any other mutated strain for that matter."

"Globalists everywhere are insisting that everyone be vaccinated with one or all of them in order to ever again be allowed to live a normal life as part of a functioning society.

“There is no vaccine for any type of flu,” pointed out one Fox News commenter about how this whole push for a coronavirus vaccine was futile from the start.

“You can get a flu shot which helps your body produce the necessary antibodies to fight certain strains, but it does not vaccinate you against the flu. There was and is no such vaccine for SARS, MERS, etc.”"

The nasal spray vaccines are not available anymore as CDC claims that they have only 3% effectiveness. But maybe nasal spraying live attenuated vaccines are naturally effective without causing any detectable impact that CDC could measure.

CDC: Don't use nasal spray flu vaccine
Jun 24, 2016

Aerosol vaccination was well established as a near-natural method.

Feasibility of aerosol vaccination in humans.
Roth Y1, Chapnik JSCole P. 2003 Mar;112(3):264-70.

"The feasibility of using aerosol vaccines to achieve mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas, is being assessed on the basis of current available information. The aerosol mode of vaccine introduction, which best follows the natural route of many infections, may first lead to development of immunity at the portal of entry, and may also induce a more generalized defense. The recommended optimal way of introducing an aerosol vaccine is nasal breathing, which is more suitable for geriatric and pediatric populations, permits use of greater antigen volumes, and allows easier monitoring of results. Technical requirements for ideal aerosol vaccines and delivery systems, possible adverse effects, and cost-effectiveness are other issues addressed. Several thousand human subjects have been aerosol-vaccinated over a period of many years in Russia with live-attenuated strains against many diseases. Extensive field trials in South America with aerosolized live-attenuated measles vaccine have also been successful, and excellent results have been reported with pilot projects employing inactivated or live-attenuated aerosol influenza A vaccine. We conclude that aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination. Although some basic information is still lacking, this method has already been used successfully in large populations and has therefore passed the phase of initial feasibility evaluation."

I talked to a few people who took the injection flu-vaccines, their reaction to the poisonous adjuvants was so harsh, that they feared to die of that and swear to never again to take this vaccines.

Adjuvants: Animated explanation (Alum, Freund's Adjuvants)
Oct 26, 2017

mRNA vaccines themselves are an artificial kind of very primitive viruses, as they are used to infect the cell for the production of specific proteins. It seems that this method is too much manipulating the cells function. Maybe therefore the mRNA vaccinated people can become immune to the specific strain, but trigger an extreme immune reaction to the wild strains of the same pathogen, which may cause a complicated disease progression and even lead to death by immune shock. Imitating some biological mechanisms is not the same like immunizing naturally and the side effects seem to be deadly dangerous.

Coronavirus vaccine (SARS-CoV-2) delivered for clinical trials - mRNA Vaccine against COVID-19
Mar 6, 2020

Advantages of mRNA Vaccines
May 16, 2017

DNA Vaccines
Jul 11, 2017

All these pharma vaccines for the world seem to have a second function.

Secret Sterilizing Ingredients In Many Vaccines
November 24, 2011

"What do Polysorbate 80 and Octoxynol 10 have in common? They both cause infertility and they are both in many vaccines."

"Fertility has been declining rapidly since the 1950s in all countries of the world and the start of the change coincided with the introduction of the first mass vaccination programs. For instance, in the UK in 1947, a mass DPT vaccine campaign was initiated and in 1958, the first polio and diphtheria vaccines were brought in on a mass scale for all people under 15 years old."

"Spermicide in Vaccines

Vaccines contain many ingredients that are potentially damaging to fertility including detergents like triton X-100, also known as octoxynol 10 which is a known spermicide and has been used in experiments to "strip" sperm so that they are no longer capable of fertilizing an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of "most potent spermicides" that would produce 100% stripping of human sperm and the dosages needed for such an effect.

Octoxynol 10 (Triton X-100) is contained in vaccines. The data sheet for Fluarix vaccine says:
"FLUARIX (influenza virus vaccine) does not contain thimerosal. Each 0.5-mL dose also contains octoxynol-10 (TRITON X-100) and polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)."

Octoxynol 9 (or 10) typically contain traces of the toxins ethylene oxide, dioxane, C9 phenols, or glycol ether.

Detergents and emulsifiers promote tumors and cause cells to leak or explode by weakening their walls, with no mechanism for regulating destructive activity. Detergents are used extensively in cell research precisely because of their ability to break cells open for further analysis. This catastrophically mimics the membrane attack complex (MAC).

It is also in other flu vaccines such as pandemrix and vaxigrip vaccines.

Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility

Another ingredient that is problematic is polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) that is in numerous vaccines including the Pediacel five-in-one vaccine given to infants and the gardasil HPV vaccine. Polysorbate 80 is a known sterility causing agent in rats. It caused changes to the vagina and womb, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles and this impaired the rats' ability to reproduce.
Interestingly enough it is also an emulsifier used in popular brands of ice cream."

Also historically the vaccination forcen its promoters to cover and hide death and damage.

Spanish Flu did not kill 50.000.000. Vaccines did
Apr 30, 2017
8. Machiavellian Process

For understanding the global LockDown, we have to look into the Machiavellian psychology and the process of grabbing power.

We can connect this mindset with the current Corona-Panic:
  • Maximum bad things have all to be implemented at once to shock the victims by maximum fear. We get global LockDown and fear to lose our work, business, education and even the ability to feed ourselves and our children.
  • Good things have to be offered to collect and control the target victims. We are offered vaccination.
  • Normalization has to be offered in small pieces, spread over a long period, that each piece is perceived as a valuable favor by the powerful. The release of
  • LockDown is offered in absurd small steps, like allowing only small business to open. The victims are humiliated as customers line up outside to show everyone their misery.
  • Let the people beg for their survival, that they manifest their submission!
Citizens of Campina Grande in Brazil protest against lockdown. Veja imagens do protesto dos empresários em Campina Grande
Apr 27, 2020
  • The victims have to be invited for meal and good treatment, like the humanity is invited  for vaccination.
  • When the victims get used to be vaccinated synchronously all over the world, a final shot after a row of real treatments will mark their fate.
  • When the victims are decided to die, they all have to be killed at once. We will thank the Eugenicists if we are only be sterilized.
But I hope that the criminal network of Technocracy, Eugenics, BigPharma & BigOil won't be successful. A scent of mutiny is in the air!

“All jobs are essential!” Torontonians protest COVID-19 shut downs
Apr 27, 2020

Even a leading imperial henchmen is losing his submissive temper!

End the stubbornness in the Corona policies! A comment of the chief of BILD.
Julian Reichelt: "There is no herd immunity against being historically wrong!"

Schluss mit Starrsinn in der Corona-Politik! | Kommentar des BILD-Chefs
Apr 27, 2020
8. Further Resources

I got this collection from a friend!

Here is some info maybe handy for you:

DATA COLLECTED BY CDC.. vaccinated vs NOT vaccinated.. these studies are hidden from the public & they said they don’t do these studies as it’s unethical not to vaccinate .. these studies can be obtained by ANYONE.. through the freedom of information act...

(Babies receive multiple vaccines when they are between 2 to 4 months old as part of the recommended childhood vaccinations programme.......)

This age range is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

The timing of the 2 month and 4 month shots and SIDS has led some people to question whether they might be related. However, studies have found that vaccines do not cause and are not linked to SIDS.... (written by CDC) CONTRADICTION BELOW ...

FDA SIDS (vaccine death) and much more


Vaccine inserts

(YF-VAX yellow fever insert)

(Erythromycin insert "eye goop" "eye ointment" )

(adenovirus insert military approved only)

(Second type of vaccine for cholera insert)

Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism

Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism

Mercury toxic encephalopathy manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Relation of mercury to high autism rates in boys

Elevated levels of measles in children with Autism

Abnormal MMR antibodies in children with autism

Tylenol, MMR and Autism - A parent survey study

Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer

Autism and mercury poisoning

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders

Rise in autism coincides with rise in vaccines

A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States

Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism.
- PubMed - NCBI Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences determined that the autoimmunity to the central nervous system may play a causal role in autism. Researchers discovered that because many autistic children harbour elevated levels of measles antibodies, they should conduct a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and myelin basic protein (MBP) autoantibodies. They used serum samples of 125 autistic children and 92 controlled children. Their analysis showed a significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic children. The study concludes that the autistic children had an inappropriate or abnormal antibody response to MMR. The study determined that autism could be a result from an atypical measles infection that produces neurological symptoms in some children. The source of this virus could be a variant of MV, or it could be the MMR vaccine.

Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective.

1. Dr. Nancy Banks -
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock -
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra -
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny -
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky -
7. Dr. Toni Bark -
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield -
9. Dr. Meryl Nass -
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin -
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot -
12. Dr. Robert Rowen -
13. Dr. David Ayoub -
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD -
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar -
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell -
17. Dr. Ken Stoller -
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein -
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD -
20. Dr. David Davis -
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych -
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram -
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan -
24. Dr. RC Tent -
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley -
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden -
27. Dr. Jack Wolfson -
28. Dr. Michael Elice -
29. Dr. Terry Wahls -
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff -
31. Dr. Paul Thomas -
32. Many doctors talking at once -
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient -
35. Dr. Richard Deth -
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic -
37. Dr Chris Shaw -
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie -
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block -
40. Dr. David Brownstein -
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan -
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
43. Dr. Philip Incao -
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola -
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet -
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson -
47. Dr Theresa Deisher
48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic -
2. The Greater Good -
3. Shots In The Dark -
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -
5. Vaccine Nation -
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -
7. Lethal Injection -
8. Bought -
9. Deadly Immunity -
10. Autism - Made in the USA -
11. Beyond Treason -
12. Trace Amounts -
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -

Documentaries... 💉

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013) -
2. The Greater Good - (2011)
3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)
5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -
7. Lethal Injection -
8. Bought - (2015)
9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)
10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009) -
11. Beyond Treason - (2005)
12. Trace Amounts - (2014)
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -
14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)
15. Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine (2015)
16. Vaxxed - (2016)
17. Man Made Epidemic -
18. 50 Cents A Dose -
19. Direct Orders -
20. Dtap - Vaccine Roulette
21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines -
22 Hear the Silence
23. Cervical cancer Vaccine is it safe?
24. Injecting Aluminium (2017)
25. Trace amounts (2014)
26. The truth about vaccines documentary series ( 2020)
27. A Short in the Dark (2020)
28. Vaxxed2 (2020)

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Didn’t Do My Homework” — “I’m Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine”
November 25th, 2022

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Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING!

Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING about "Malware & Virus policy" in my article on MindControl!

They did it again with my article about "Anti-Intelligencetest"

I assume that the censors of Blogger (Google) are outright stupid, unable to read & understand the content. They jump on some words and delete. This is is the banality of evil on global scale.


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################### Please read the same content on following non-Blogger webseite:

MindControl by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)!

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test!>

All censored content will be transferred and linked to other platforms. This blog may become only a collection of links with less updated content.


Access to this blog is censored!
I can't do anything to prevent censoring! You win if You reach the sites and start reading!
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Ich kann die Zensur leider nicht verhindern. Du gewinnst, wenn Du die Seiten erreichst und mit dem Lesen beginnst!
Attention! The visitor of the blog could fall away from his supposed knowledge and beliefs! Read and watch at your own responsibility! Achtung! Der Besucher des Blogs könnte von seinen vermeintlichen Kenntnissen und Überzeugungen abfallen! Lesen und Anschauen auf eigene Verantwortung!
Replace CLIMATE CHANGE by CLIMATE CONTROL to decode all manipulation about that easily! Ersetze KLIMAWANDEL durch KLIMAKONTROLLE, um alle Manipulationen darüber leicht zu entschlüsseln!


I am suspended on twitter and blocked on fakebook! So don't miss me there.
Also admins of some Diaspora pods are limiting my activity against ClimateControl. Most are not employed to act as censors, they are MindControlled by NLP.

You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

Geoengineering is never the solution against but the reason of killing and devastating changes!

This blog is absolutely not "peer reviewed" and not written by a "renown" scientiputa!
You can verify all content by Yourself!
Evidence and knowledge is not hidden from eyes, but only from minds! Just open Your mind!

It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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