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How the intention of the USA to conquer the marine base of Crimea was fended off by Russia!

The most important milestone of the USA during Sochi Olympic Games should have been to kick out Russia out of Crimea. 

How and why the U.S. Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine

"The network behind this coup had actually started planning for the coup back in 2011. That’s when Eric Schmidt of Google, and Jared Cohen, also now of Google but still continuing though unofficially as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief person tasked to plan ‘popular movements’ to overthrow both Yanukovych in Ukraine, and Assad in Syria.

Then, on 1 March 2013, the implementation of this plan started: the first “tech camp” to train far-right Ukrainians how to organize online the mass-demonstrations against Yanukovych, was held inside the U.S. Embassy in Kiev on that date, which was over nine months before the Maidan demonstrations to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected President started, on 20 November 2013.

The American scholar Gordon M. Hahn has specialized in studying the evidence regarding whom the actual snipers were who committed the murders, but he focuses only on domestic Ukrainian snipers and ignores the foreign ones, who had been hired by the U.S. regime indirectly through Georgian, Lithuanian and other anti-Russian CIA assets (such as via Mikheil Saakashvili, the ousted President of Georgia whom the U.S. regime subsequently selected to become the Governor of the Odessa region of Ukraine). Hahn’s 2018 book Ukraine Over the Edge states on pages 204-209:

“Yet another pro-Maidan sniper, Ivan Bubenchik, emerged to acknowledge that he shot and killed Berkut [the Government’s police who were protecting Government buildings] before any protesters were shot that day [February 20th]. In a print interview, Bubenchik previews his admission in Vladimir Tikhii’s documentary film, Brantsy, that he shot and killed two Berkut commanders in the early morning hours of February 20 on the Maidan. … Bubenchik claims that [on February 20] the Yanukovich regime started the fire in the Trade Union House — where his and many other EuroMaidan fighters lived during the revolt — prompting the Maidan’s next reaction. As noted above, however, pro-Maidan neofascists have revealed that the Right Sector started that fire. … Analysis of the snipers’ massacre shows that the Maidan protesters initiated almost all — at least six out of a possible eight — of the pivotal escalatory moments of violence and/or coercion. … The 30 November 2013 nighttime assault on the Maidan demonstrators is the only clear exception from a conclusive pattern of escalating revolutionary violence led by the Maidan’s relatively small but highly motivated and well-organized neofascist element.”

Although Hahn’s book barely cites the first and most detailed academic study of the climactic coup period of late February, Ivan Katchanovski’s poorly written “The ‘Snipers’ Massacre’ on the Maidan in Ukraine”, which was issued on 5 September 2015, Hahn’s is consistent with that: both works conclude that the available evidence, as Katchanovski puts it, shows that:

The massacre was a false flag operation, which was rationally planned and carried out with a goal of the overthrow of the government and seizure of power. It [his investigation] found various evidence of the involvement of an alliance of the far right organizations, specifically the Right Sector and Svoboda, and oligarchic parties, such as Fatherland. Concealed shooters and spotters were located in at least 20 Maidan-controlled buildings or areas.”

Hahn downplays U.S. heading of the coup. But shortly before the coup, the CIA secretly trained in Poland the Right Sector founder/leader Dmitriy Yarosh (“Dmytro Jarosz”), who headed Ukraine’s snipers. So, even the Ukrainian ones were working for the U.S.

Russia NATO envoy opposes Ukraine base pullout
By Reuters Staff, JUNE 12, 20087:04 PMUPDATED 14 YEARS AGO

"Russia’s NATO envoy said on Thursday he did not expect his country’s leaders to pull the Russian navy out of neighboring Ukraine, defying a demand by Kiev that Moscow close its Black Sea base by 2017.

The row over the base has developed into a fresh conflict between the former Soviet republics that have frequently clashed since an “Orange Revolution” in 2004 brought the pro-western President, Viktor Yushchenko, to power in Kiev.

Moscow also fiercely opposes Yushchenko’s bid to push his country towards NATO membership.

Ukraine extends lease for Russia's Black Sea Fleet
Luke Harding in Moscow, Wed 21 Apr 2010 19.04 BST

"Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych, today agreed to extend the lease on Russia's naval base in the Crimea, in the most explicit sign yet of his new administration's tilt towards Moscow.

Yanukovych said the lease on Russia's Black Sea fleet that was due to expire in 2017 will be prolonged for 25 years, until 2042 at least. His announcement follows a meeting with Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine. In return, Medvedev said Russia would offer Ukraine a discount on its gas bills: he said Moscow would slash the price Kiev pays for 1,000 cubic metres of Siberian gas by $100 (£65) from its current rate of $330, with a 30% discount if the price falls.

The deal is the most concrete sign yet that Ukraine is now back under Russia's influence following Yanukovych's victory in February's presidential elections. It appears to mark the final nail in the coffin of the Orange Revolution of 2004.

Yanukovych's predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko, had vowed to eject Russia's Black Sea fleet from the port of Sevastopol, arguing that its presence was an affront to Ukraine's sovereignty and a destabilising factor in Crimea, a majority ethnic Russian region with a strong pro-Soviet mood.

How Putin’s Sochi dream was shattered by Ukraine's nightmare
"Vladimir Putin also has a nightmare. And this week, it looked a lot like the burning heart of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital where tens of thousands of protesters battled police to bring down their Kremlin-backed, authoritarian government. Dozens died before a tentative truce Friday interrupted the hostilities, but anger remains so high that there is no guarantee it will hold.

Kiev and its malcontents pose a challenge to everything Mr. Putin has built, perhaps even his grip on power."

Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
FEBRUARY 7, 20141:23 AMUPDATED 9 YEARS AGO, by Doina Chiacu, Arshad Mohammed

"The audio clip, which was posted on Tuesday but gained wide circulation on Thursday, appears to show the official, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, weighing in on the make-up of the next Ukrainian government.

Nuland is heard telling U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt that she doesn’t think Vitaly Klitschko, the boxer-turned-politician who is a main opposition leader, should be in a new government.

“So I don’t think Klitsch (Klitschko) should go into the government,” she said in the recording, which appeared to describe events that occurred in late January. “I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

"Nuland referred to getting the United Nations involved in a political solution in Kiev.

“So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. help glue it and you know ... fuck the EU,” she said in the recording, which was accompanied by still pictures of people mentioned in the call.

"The history of this degradation is also clear. It began in the early 1990s, following the end of the Soviet Union, when the U.S. media adopted Washington's narrative that almost everything President Boris Yeltsin did was a "transition from communism to democracy" and thus in the U.S.' best interests. This included his economic "shock therapy" and oligarchic looting of essential state assets, which destroyed tens of millions of Russian lives; armed destruction of a popularly elected parliament and imposition of a "presidential" constitution, which dealt a crippling blow to democratization and now empowers Putin; brutal war in tiny Chechnya, which gave rise to terrorists in Russia's North Caucasus; rigging of his own re-election in 1996; and leaving behind, in 1999, his approval ratings in single digits, a disintegrating country laden with weapons of mass destruction. Indeed, most U.S. journalists still give the impression that Yeltsin was an ideal Russian leader."

"For weeks, this toxic coverage has focused on the Sochi Olympics and the deepening crisis in Ukraine. Even before the Games began, the Times declared the newly built complex a "Soviet-style dystopia" and warned in a headline, "Terrorism and Tension, Not Sports and Joy." On opening day, the paper found space for three anti-Putin articles and a lead editorial, a feat rivaled by the Post. Facts hardly mattered. Virtually every U.S. report insisted that a record $51 billion "squandered" by Putin on the Sochi Games proved they were "corrupt." But as Ben Aris of Business New Europe pointed out, as much as $44 billion may have been spent "to develop the infrastructure of the entire region," investment "the entire country needs."

Overall pre-Sochi coverage was even worse, exploiting the threat of terrorism so licentiously it seemed pornographic. The Post exemplified the media ethos. A sports columnist and an editorial page editor turned the Olympics into "a contest of wills" between the despised Putin's "thugocracy" and terrorist "insurgents." The "two warring parties" were so equated that readers might have wondered which to cheer for. If nothing else, U.S. journalists gave terrorists an early victory, tainting "Putin's Games" and frightening away many foreign spectators, including some relatives of the athletes.

A 35-Step Guide To Understanding Why Russia Decided To Follow The Olympics With A War
After the Sochi Olympics, Putin invaded Ukraine. How months of anti-government protests led to the current standoff.

Miriam Berger BuzzFeed Staff
 Julia Pugachevsky BuzzFeed Contributor
Posted on March 2, 2014 at 5:31 pm
"26. In the days that followed Yanukovych's whereabouts remained unknown, though it was speculated that he was in Russia. A warrant for his arrest was issued for charges of mass murder.

27. With Yanukovych gone, Ukrainians raided his residence, for the first time glimpsing his lavish lifestyle, including a zoo, funded by taxpayer money. Many also collected potentially incriminating documents from his home.

28. On Feb. 23, Ukraine’s legislature voted to give the president’s powers to the parliament’s speaker, Oleksander Turchynov, a Tymoshenko ally.

29. The same day, the Winter Olympics in Sochi closed after two weeks during which the Kremlin tried to project an image of a new, revived Russia onto the world stage.

A US flotilla was sailing to Sevastopol. The contract about Sevastopol should have been resigned and Russian navy forced to leave the marine base. They even tried it.
Do You know how the Russians stopped that?

Russians first warned the US flotilla under the leadership of USS Donald Cook.
As they did not answer, they sent a fighter jet without visible weapons.
But this jet had a microwave weapon.

With that the Russian jet destroyed the electronics of Donald Cook. They cut all communication all electronic steering of weapons.

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
"The State Department acknowledged that the crew of the destroyer USS Donald Cook has been gravely demoralized ever since their vessel was flown over in the Black Sea by a Russian Sukhoi-24 (Su-24) fighter jet which carried neither bombs nor missiles but only an electronic warfare device."

"The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away.

After that, the 4th generation destroyer immediately set sail towards a port in Romania.

Since that incident, which the Atlanticist media have carefully covered up despite the widespread reactions sparked among defense industry experts, no US ship has ever approached Russian territorial waters again.

According to some specialized media, 27 sailors from the USS Donald Cook requested to be relieved from active service.

Vladimir Balybine - director of the research center on electronic warfare and the evaluation of so-called "visibility reduction" techniques attached to the Russian Air Force Academy - made the following comment: "The more a radio-electronic system is complex, the easier it is to disable it through the use of electronic warfare."

Russian warplanes reportedly ward off US destroyer in Black Sea
30 May, 2015 19:11

"Su-24 attack jets were scrambled in response. They "demonstrated to the American crew readiness to harshly prevent a violation of the frontier and to defend the interests of the country," the source said. The destroyer then turned around and left for neutral waters.

"Apparently, the Americans have not forgotten the April 2014 incident when one Su-24 practically 'blacked out' all of the electronics on board the newest American destroyer Donald Cook," the source said.

USS Donald Cook buzzed again by Russian jets in Baltic
UPDATED ON: APRIL 13, 2016 / 2:55 PM / CBS NEWS

"It's not clear how many times this type of incident has happened, but in 2014 Pentagon officials publicly decried a similar incident in the Baltic.

A close-flying jet came within a few thousand feet of the USS Donald Cook, a guided missile destroyer which was conducting a "routine mission" at the time.

The U.S. ship tried to contact the plane's cockpit, but received no response.

The Russian plane, which the U.S. says was unarmed, made at least 12 passes. This continued for about 90 minutes. The event ended without incident.

Russische Luftwaffe demütigt US-Zerstörer mit „psychischer Attacke“
15.04.2016 13:25

"Gestern sind die Details eines Zwischenfalls auf der Ostsee bekannt geworden. Zuvor hatten ein russischer Bomber Su-24 und ein Hubschrauber Ka-27 im Laufe von zwei Tagen den US-amerikanischen Torpedobootszerstörer „Donald Cook“ verfolgt, schreibt die Zeitung „Nesawissimaja Gaseta“ am Freitag."

"In Sowjetzeiten hatten US-amerikanische Kriegsschiffe äußerst selten das Schwarze Meer besucht. Nachdem die Ukraine aber ein souveräner Staat geworden ist, sind sie nahezu permanent dort anzutreffen, was sehr schmerzhaft für Russland ist. Allerdings galt bis zuletzt, dass Moskau keine militärischen Argumente hätte, um den Amerikanern die Stirn zu bieten."

"Als die Russen aber den elektronischen Kampfkomplex „Chibiny“ einschalteten, wurde der US-Zerstörer auf einmal so gut wie blind und taub – im Grunde also ein nutzloser Haufen Eisen. Die Russen imitierten ihrerseits zwölf Angriffsanläufe und flogen davon."

"Wie später bekannt wurde, fühlte sich die gesamte Besatzung der „Donald Cook“ von der Begegnung mit der russischen Su-24 gedemütigt. 27 Seeleute sollen sogar Entlassungsanträge eingereicht haben."

"General Konaschenkow verwies darüber hinaus darauf, dass sich die „Donald Cook“ zwar tatsächlich in neutralen Gewässern aufgehalten habe, aber immerhin nur 70 Kilometer vom russischen Marinestützpunkt Baltijsk entfernt. Angesichts dessen war die Reaktion der russischen Seite nicht gerade übertrieben. „Zudem setzt das Prinzip der Bewegungsfreiheit des US-Zerstörers keineswegs das Prinzip der Bewegungsfreiheit der russischen Flugzeuge außer Kraft“, ergänzte der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums."

So the 5 billion project of conquering Ukraine and Sevastopol failed direly. 🙂
Next failure was that they could not pull Russia directly into the civil war in Ukraine.
Third failure was that they could not conquer Syria by using Wahabi killers, because Iran and in a very critical moment Russian Air Force entered the theater and killed about 30.000 Islamist fighers, destroyed huge weaponry delivered by USA and payed by Saudi, Qatari & Emirati.

Syria is the wall they could not penetrate until now and Russia with Iran, Syria and Iraq are rolling everything back.


Russia's mere existence is against the interests of England and the USA, but Russia remains invincible!

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Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
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Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


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