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Some questions & answers about Palestine & Zionism


  1. Did Israel exist in ancient times?
  2. Did Judea exist in ancient times?
  3. Did Palestine exist in ancient times?
  4. Originate the Ashkenazi Jews from Palestine?
  5. Which is the language of the Ashkenazi Jews?
  6. Was the existence of Israel proven in ancient Egyptian documents? 
  7. Are Zionists delusional?
  8. What do the Zionists expect from humanity?
  9. What are the ideological danger points in Zionism?
  10. Is Zionism not the same like Judaism?
  11. What is the key ideological difference between Zionism & Judaism?
  12. Did Jews resist Zionism?
  13. Do Jews resist Zionism?
  14. Why are the Israelis so gruesome?
  15. What do anti-Zionist Jews think Zionism & Palestine?
  16. What do Zionists think about other people?
  17. Do IDF use Palestinians as human shields?
  18. Does Zionism need brainwashing to exist?
  19. What do Zionists think about other people?
  20. Will Zionism fall apart?
  21. Is Trump a land thieve?
  22. Why seems USA to be submissive to Israel?

1. Did Israel exist in ancient times?

There is zero historic evidence about the existence of a land, named Israel. This term exists only in the Jewish Bible, but is not registered anywhere in historic documents.

2. Did Judea exist in ancient times?

Only during the Hasmonean Dynastie as vassal of Roman Empire the region of Palestine was named Judea.

3. Did Palestine exist in ancient times?

4. Originate the Ashkenazi Jews from Palestine?

No the Ashkenazi come from the land of the former Chazarian Empire, which existed between 641 & 950 A.C. and had accepted Judaism as religion. The founding tribe of that empire were Turkic Karaits, but many other lived in that territory, among them the remains of Gemanic tribes like Goths and others.

5. Which is the langugage of the Ashkenazi Jews?

The Ashkenazi speak Yiddish, which is a Germanic language and very similar to other German dialects. Yiddish is a very clear hint, that the Ashkenazi are the descendants of the Germanic tribes which joined the Hunnic federation and later the Khazarian federation of peoples.

6. Was the existence of Israel proven in ancient Egyptian documents? 

No, never! It seems as if Israel was always part of a religious mythological fantasy. It is named only in the religious context and was mentioned after writing the mythological texts.

7. Are Zionists delusional?

The delusions of Zionism are fed by money & weapons from USA & EU countries, only to prevent the Jews come back & in the hope of to send them all to Palestine!

But at the foundation it is a ideological brainwashing among the Jews, based on hatred & fear-mongering & inferiority complex twisted into belief in "Jewish" supremacy, tormenting the remaining original parts of Judaism!

The center of what? The world know what? Bomb all hospitals and kill all Palestinians?
She is a very good example of Zionist delusion!

Zionists expect from other people to annihilate each other. Therefore they organize the global uncontrolled migration of Muslims to the European countries.

That is the reason why Zionists are so fervently supporting the uncontrolled mass migration!

It is impossible to tell the Zionists that the idea of Messiah was invented to give the hopeless people some fake hope, but never ever will a Messiah really come, how much they pray, how many children, women & men they kill, how many animals they sacrifice by burning alive or anything else.

When ..., when ..., when ...

The delusion of the Zionists pathogenic. Each victim has to overcome it by himself.

8. What do the Zionists expect from humanity?

Zionists expect the total global submission under the dominion of Zionism by law, under the pretext of fighting "anti-semitism". This expectation is conform with religious interpretation of the domination of the world by the Jewish Messiah, but in a deterministic manner. That means, when the Zionists enforce their dominion on the humanity is like the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy, ignoring the death, damage and robbing of freedom of all humans to think, speak and express themselves.

9. What are the ideological danger points in Zionism?

Zionism uses and abuses three components of Judaism:

1. Believing to be chosen by God.
2. Believing to be promised land by God.
3. Believing that all other people were "Amalek", the arch enemy.

From belief to be chosen, Zionists derive the claim that 
they should rule over the world and
enslave all other people.

From the belief on promised land, Zionists derive the claim that from Nile to Euphrates all land belongs to them and all native people have no right to be there.

From belief about Amalek, Zionists derive the claim that they are ordered to kill all enemies, which are living on their "promised land".

Based on these beliefs Zionists kill Palestinians and grab their land and will do so in all other countries around, until their "promised land" is free of people, whom God didn't promise anything.

That is the map of promised land:

The settlers who came from Europe, Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia, USA and other places tell the native people of Palestine to "go back". The Zionist indoctrination makes the Israelis disconnect from reality.

10. Is Zionism not the same like Judaism?

No, absolutely not. The above points about being chosen, promised land and Amalek, plus belief on the coming of Messiah are originally Jewish, but they have been and are still interpreted differently.

For example Messiah is a common belief in the Middle East, about a rescuer in dire times to support the morale of the people, but that doesn't mean a real God sent person coming down from heaven, kill all enemies and let a specific "chosen people" dominate the world.

People in dire conditions feel lost and spiritually twist that to keep on, treat that as a test of God and survive the harsh times. That does not mean that God orders to plunder & kill other people.

Having land be promised is another concept of morale support for people who may have lost their land because of war or a natural catastrophe, not to give up hope to find an better place to live, but that does not mean to grab the land of others and kill all the native people.

Main belief in Judaism is that God gives and God takes, but that does not mean to be a steal and kill and apologize this crimes as God's order.

The great Jewish teacher Eliyahu Leibowitz explained all that very clearly.

Prof. Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis. Israel Represents the Darkness of a State Body.
boycott apartheid, Jan 9, 2014

"The State of Israel represents the darkness of a state body, where a creature of a human form who was the president of the Supreme Court decides that the use of torture is permitted in the interest of the state."

Prof. Leibowitz discusses the existence of Judeo-Nazis and of a Nazi-like mentality which is dominant in the Israel.

11. What is the key ideological difference between Zionism & Judaism?

To sum up, the main difference is determinism and fatalism!

Zionists are deterministic. They determine their own doings, notwithstanding criminality, brutality, fraudulency of their deeds as fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. Zionists determine themselves as the preparing Messiah Ben Joseph for the epiphany of real Messiah Ben David. Actually Zionism is not based on Judaism, but on racists Nationalism from the end of 19th & beginning of 20th century in Europe.

Jews are fatalistic. They follow the rules of Halacha, keep the morals high to be good people, don't determine their deeds as the fulfillment of prophecy, wait for the real and only Messiah without defining him, as only God can know that, are not abusive, fraudulent and criminal. They have real faith in God.

12. Did Jews resist Zionism?

Yes they did, more than other people resisted racism and separatist nationalism, but they lost their struggle in the course of WWI and WWII. Currently Zionism is dominating the Jewish realm, however some Jewish groups still resist vehemently and protect their religion.
"Shortly after the first anti-Zionist publication had appeared, the second and last independent publication of the AZK was published. It had been written by Rabbi Felix Goldmann (1882–1934) 22, though it too was published anonymously.23 It was primarily the lack of financial means that prevented the series Schriften zur Aufklärung über den Zionismus being continued . From this point on, the AZK concentrated on publishing anti-Zionist statements in newspapers. For example, in 1913 the AZK published an appeal, in which it stressed that German Jews were a part of German culture, German society, and even the German fatherland itself, while also warning against the Zionist movement, which it argued seriously endangered the steps towards emancipation that German Jews had achieved to date by viewing German Jews – similar to the anti-Semites – as "Fremdlinge" (foreigners) within the fatherland. In truth, the article continued, German Jews are "deutsche Bürger … nach Sprache, Kultur, Bildung und Heimatgefühl".24"

The Forgotten History of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left
A conversation with scholar Benjamin Balthaser about Jewish, working-class anti-Zionism in the 1930s and ’40s.

Benjamin Balthaser: "Contemporary Zionism, particularly political Zionism, does draw on that large reservoir of cultural longing and religious text to legitimize itself, and that’s where the confusion comes. Modern Zionism arose in the late 19th century as a European nationalist movement. And I think that’s the way to understand it. It was one of these many European nationalist movements of oppressed minorities that attempted to construct out of the diverse cultures of Western and Eastern Europe ethnically homogenous nation-states. And there were many Jewish nationalisms of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, of which Zionism was only one."

Existence of Zionist Israel is antithetical to Judaism: Rabbi Weiss
TRT World, Nov 23, 2023

13. Do Jews resist Zionism?

Yes, absolutely they do.

14. Why are the Israelis so gruesome?

The Israelis are under the Zionist indoctrination, which teaches them that they would have the right on the "promised land" and that the Palestinian are subhumans and arch enemies. This pseudo-religious and racist indoctrination builds a manifest psychosis and makes all its victims to psychopath perpetrators.

Zionism is a doomsday ideology and Zionists are the active perpetrators of total destruction in expectation of having advantage in an after-world.

Romantic song of Zionist psychopaths!

"Demonically evil!"

Israelis so gruesome, because they are daily brainwashed by such fanatic Talmudists. Who divide the humanity according their fantasy world & pursue an endless and reckless war against their imagined enemies.

15. What do anti-Zionist Jews think Zionism & Palestine?

Religious anti-Zionist Jews: Whose land is this?
Corey Gil-Shuster, Jun 8, 2024

16. What do Zionists think about other people?

They consider other people as subhumans, as animals and use that as a pretext to be cruel to them.

Zionists are harvesting the organs of living Palestinians!

17. Do IDF use Palestinians as human shields?

Yes, IDF uses whole families by entering their homes, children, wounded and captured Palestinians as human shields since decades.

18. Does Zionism need brainwashing to exist?

Definitely yes. Listen to the radical Zionist settler, who tells this literally!

19. What do Zionists think about other people?

Zionists consider and treat if they can, as animals, subhumans & cattle. The notion "goy" for singular "goyim" as plural means nothing else than cattle!

Base on that view, an crime against other people is not considered as a crime, but the God given right of God's chosen people.

20. Will Zionism fall apart?

Israel as the fruit of Zionism will implode. It won't be directly attacked by an external big power.

Zionism will go always the same way, as it is always the same ideology, despite varied wording. Like similar racist & fascist entities, it only exists under the conditions of endless war, but all wars end, so also Israel in Palestine & Zionism in the world.

Zionists will leave or expelled from Palestine too & they won't find a refuge in another Muslim country like in former times. I hope that the Palestinian Jews won't be mixed with them and can stay safely in their homeland.

The problem these Zionists have is, they live in a self blown delusion bubble. Threatening Palestinians that way triggers global disgust & resistance against Zionism, which may materialize in preemptive attack in any unexpected moment & with unimaginable power.

It seems currently that Palestine is not occupied & the Palestinians are not the suppressed by Zionism, but Palestinians are the only free people who resist Zionism & fight for their freedom & country.

Alon Mizrahi: 'Israel Must Be Dismantled'
Reason2Resist with Dimitri Lascaris, Jan 22, 2025

Who wants to "rule the world"?

The Two Faces of Zionism
Indie Nile
86.3K subscribers, Jan 26, 2025

Palestinians are returning to their ruined homes. This drives the Zionists crazy.

What Trump says is, Israel is a small artificially kept entity by wasting many 100 billions of money from the taxpayers of USA & EU countries. It is a wrong state, on wrong place, by wrong people & a by the gruesome ideology of Zionism.

Trump is actually an anti-Zionist in disguise!

21. Is Trump a land thieve?

Mr, Trump, stealing land of others doesn't bring peace!

Most people are now surprised and shocked how easily Donald Trump talks about forcing the Palestinians out of Gaza, because this seaside land is so "valuable". His son in law Kushner is more lcear about their intention. They think to be able to steal the land of the Palestinians without consequences & send them to Egypt, Jordan or the Negev Desert.

Is Trump just stupid or is he somehow blackmailed by the Zionists, to express himself in such a stupid way or is he playing games with Netanyahu to keep him happy & calm until he is gone from power?

Everyone who is not a Zionists can see that this is brazen land-theft, ethnic cleansing & unjust. United States of America cannot just "own that piece of land" & handover it to Israel. This is the land of the Palestinians. This is Palestine.

Now it makes more sense how he speaks about owning Greenland & Canada & how the treats Mexico & other Latin American countries. All that was a distraction scheme from robbing Gaza from the Palestinians.

What Trump know presents is a total submission to Zionism & Netanyahu. This is a nightmare for all who elected Donald Trump in good faith, that he would only defend US interests.

Donald, it is not Your "opportunity" but the land of Palestinians!

Donnie, You cannot buy out the Palestinans out of Palestine for "housing" in Jordan & Egypt. Palestinians will stay on their land. They won't go anywhere & if they will always come back! They didn't give up their land since 1948, why should they do that now?


A very nice & bright Palestinian from Gaza answers Donald Trump:

22. Why seems USA to be submissive to Israel?

The simple answer is the powerful influence of the Israel Lobby, lead by AIPAC.

AIPAC is bribing nearly all members of the Congress & the various levels of the central and local governments & factually dictating the whole US policy.

This treason is financed by the US tax-payers, because the Israel-Lobby is using a small part of the billions as kickback to the politicians who agreed to that financing for Israel.

In addition to that honey traps like Epstein-Island are laid for perverts politicians to easily blackmail them.

The Zionist fraud & treason is run at all levels of the society. This may explode in future to the demise of all Jews, also the ones who are anti-Zionist, because for the other people it is difficult to separate Zionists from real Jews.

Very rich but also very stupid people are driving the Zionist Israel Lobby. That won't end good for anyone, particularly now as many people elected Donald Trump for his slogan "American first!". Oligarchs should never get political power directly or by financing & bribing politicians!


Frage dazu: In der abgebildeten Gegend wohnen heute vielleicht 150 Millionen Menschen. In der Zukunft noch mehr.
Die Anzahl der Juden seit Jahrzehnten stabil bei um die 15 Millionen.
Wenn das 'Greater Israel' werden soll - WER WOHNT DANN DA?
Wie wollen die das bevölkern?? 🤔

Die zionistischen Rabbis fordern seit Jahren die Gläubigen auf, mehr Kinder zu zeugen. Im Vergleich zu Europa ist die Geburtenrate zwar höher, aber dennoch niedriger als bei den Arabern. Die Mehrheit der Israelis ist zwar irgenwie zionistisch unterwegs, aber nicht wirklich fromm.

Plan-B, bzw. als Zusatz zur Erhöhung der Geburtenrate kommt noch die Option der biologischen Kriegsführung gegen die Araber - alias "Pandemie-Bekämpfung" - in Frage. Das ganze wird zwar mit dem Erscheinen des Messias verknüpft, aber kräftig in Vorbereitung nachgeholfen.

Gerade wegen der Niederlage an der Zeugungsfront fordern die zionistischen Rabbis alle Israelis auf, palästinensische Kinder zu töten, quasi im Auftrag Gottes! Deshalb sind die zionistischen Soldaten & Zivilisten so grausam gegen die Kinder, ihre Mütter & zeugungsfähige Frauen.

Die nicht-religiösen Zionisten halten sich an die zionistischen Rabbis, die sich ständig immer neue Lügen einfallen lassen, wann & unter welchen Bedingungen der Messias kommen könne & werden dabei immer grausamer, da es doch nicht so geschmeidig vorankommt mit dem Messias.

Die zionistischen Rabbis haben eine deterministische Sicht, d.h. sie handeln, bzw. lassen handeln, um ihre Prophezeiungen aktiv zu realisieren & heiligen alle Mittel, egal wie grausam, verlogen, betrügerisch, pervers, mörderisch, schädlich etc.

Dabei sind sie jederzeit bereit, vermeintlich eigene oder befreundete Leute & Unterstützer zu opfern. Gezielte Ermordung von Einzelnen oder Massenmorde sind also "legitimiert" & wenn die Ziele damit nicht erreicht werden, dann wurde halt nicht genug gemordet,  gelogen, gestohlen.

Diese Sicht auf die Menschheit ist eindeutig faschistisch, weil man das nur mit dem Faschismus vergleichen kann, aber im Falle des Zionismus wird das religiös gestützt. Gerade deshalb wehren sich die noch wirklichen Juden dagegen, da der Zionismus jede Moral vernichtet.

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