For forming a community, the members of that community need
- something they share,
- they depend on and
- which can define them as the same kind.
According to the deduction Professor Krassimir Petrov, the Dollar-Empire was/is financing itself mainly by "inflation tax".
By saying this, the current global empire should be named more commonly!
- First we should make clear that USA is not the empire, it is the primary vassal also serving as the physical base!
- It is also not Great Britain, which was the former base and had more control on its resources, compared to the USA.
- The empire based on USA is from its beginning an ideal Bankster Empire, because it was started by conquering the money sovereignty of USA for a global agenda.
- The currency of this Empire is the Dollar, USA may lend it like any other vassal.
- It is also an Empire of Deception, because it as to deceit the population of USA, and all other vassal people. Therefore the media and education was also conquered.
- The Military Industrial Complex has become only a tool of it.
- So let us name it the Banksters Empire of Deception (BED).
All empires rule mainly by their money system and the best sign of a dying empire is the weakening and imploding currency.
The Cycle of War! HOW DO Empires Die?
As money fraud doesn't work anymore, why not tax the air, sunlight & land, bought by the dying Dollar, to make it survive! Isn't that logical?
But to persuade the sheeple, BED needs first to scare, unite and accuse them of a crime and demand retribution.
For that BED designed the ...
Biggest Ponzi scheme, CO2 finance bubble will blow You away!
Designed like a religion, dangerous like the mafia!
So, BED may require a tax for mitigation, adaptation, sustainability, saving the climate!
Press Release: Carbon pricing can work and now is the time to expand it across the world
Die große Luftnummer
An essay of Günter Ederer, which can be recommended here, published in the newspaper "Die Welt".
From time to time, also the so called "Main-Stream" is able to publish something useful.
The cynic could say:
Why not? They already tax the soil You walk on and the water You drink!
Do You know the meaning of landgrabbing?
Don't You drink water in plastic bottles?
IMF Lagarde on the fight against climate change. #GlobalCitizens #GlobalCitizensEarthDay |
By the way, the self description of the publishing footlickers as (main stream media) is an air blunder of itself. Most of these media corporations will not exist in a few years anymore. Some of them owe their survival governmental subsidies.
That doesn't matter, as the public media are also spreading the sam propaganda. Their stars are transatlantic henchmen, who gave up or never possessed the ability of independent thinking.
Fitting thoughts of an awaking person! (in German) "The network of transatlantic Journalists"
Listen to me, dear Daniel Bröckerhoff, maybe You have ended Your career by publishing this article! Keep on, the transatlantic community is exhaling its breath of life, their window of opportunity is closing forever.
The club of "wise men"I (German)
The club of "wise men" II (German)
When banksters become climate savers, will You trust them, believe their professional liars and pay them a climate tax to keep them rich?
UBS: Klimawandel
""The work of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures will help to accelerate global investments in technological innovation and clean energy by increasing transparency. And, in doing so, it will help make markets more efficient, and economies more stable and resilient."
– Michael R. Bloomberg"
Banksters are so deeply involved, because it is the biggest finance bubble they ever created in history of mankind!
World Economic Forum (WEF) members have begun discussing plans to seize control of all elements of nature that humans rely on for survival such as food, water, and even the oxygen supply. During the WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists declared that natural systems are finite and must be corporatized.
— Camus (@newstart_2024) June 28, 2024
During a Summer Davos panel discussion, WEF speaker Lindsay Hooper blasted members of the general public for expecting water and oxygen to be “unlimited” and “free.”
Hooper, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership CEO, argued that food, water, and oxygen are “forms of natural capital” that global elites must put “on the balance sheet.”
“We can’t do business on a dead planet,” she warned fellow WEF members gathered for the annual event.
Hooper pushed the plan during the panel titled “Understanding Nature’s Ledger.”
During the panel, globalists argued that every part of the economy depends on nature.
They concluded that in order to “protect” natural systems, unelected corporate elites must “bring nature onto the balance sheet.”
“If we’re going to protect natural systems, one of the solutions is to bring nature onto the balance sheet; bring nature into the ways that decisions are made within business to allocate a value to it — to bring it into accounting and financial mechanisms,” Hooper explained.
Connect the dots, understand more!
Explaining some clouds!
I am keeping that in German for now. If You need it in English, please contact me.
120km weiter weg.
13.10.2014 16:33,Hier ist die Chemtraildecke noch nicht wieder geschlossen, deshalb können sich die Cummuli noch halten. Allerdings sind die Restgebilde der ehemaligen Chemtrail-Decke erkennbar. |
13.10.2014 16:33, Bild-1 einer Himmelspartie, mit niedrigen thermischen Wolken, darüber eine unvollständige Chemtrail-Decke. |
13.10.2014 17:19, Bild-2, etwas später ziehen flache, mit HAARP-Bestrahlte Chemtrail-Wolken vorbei, auch diese geschichtet und unterschiedlich alt (von Unten nach Oben). |
13.10.2014 17:32, Bild-3, hier ist der Hiimmel schon voller Chemtrailwolken und Farbspiel durch die chemischen Stoffe in der Troposphäre. |
13.10.2014 17:34,Bild-4, hier ist eine leichte Verschiebung, rechts oben fliegt eine Chemtrail-Sprüher durch die künstliche Wolkendecke. |
13.10.2014 17:19, massive Bestrahlung mit HAARP-Wellen. Der Chemtrail-Müll wird gerade getrimmt. |
13.10.2014 17:19, auch hier Trimmung mit HAARP-Wellen, ältere Chemtrail-Wolken (Scheibenwolken) und frischere Chemtrail-Bahnen. |
13.10.2014 17:19, unten Restfetzen einer Cummulus und darüber ältere Chemtrail-Wolken, die Teilweise wie Alto-Cummuli aussehen, darüber wiederum der Schleier neuer Sprühbahnen. |
13.10.2014 17:19, Chemtrail-Kreuz, Anzeichen der Gewebestruktur, aus der sich die Chemtrail-Decke etwickelt. |
Am Nachmittag ziehen die Überreste von Scheibenwolken vorbei. |
Das Bild ist zwar etwas unscharf, aber hier ist in der Mitte eine ganz frische Chemtrail-Bahn zu sehen. |
Nach Weste nur die "perfekte" umfassende Chemtrail-Decke bei ca. 7km mit verdunstenden thermischen Woken bei ca. 2km. |
Nach Süden die typisch flache Nebel unter der nicht unmittelbar sichtbaren Chemtrail-Decke. Ganz unten die schwachen Cummuli. |
Die Chemtrail-Decke (6km-7km klar zu sehen, darunter die schwachen Cummuli (bei ca. 2km). |
Durch die Chemtrail-Decke nur undeutlich erkennbare frische Chemtrail-Bahnen. |
Ein Chemtrail-Sprüher in Nahaufnahme. |
Nahansicht eines anderen Chemtrail-Sprühers. |
Der selbe Flieger in Nahaufnahme. |
Ein Nicht-Sprüher (links) und ein Sprüher (von Rechts kommend) im direkten Vergleich. |
Ein Sprüher, links oben, die Scheibenwolke mit HAARP-Spuren hinten und Chemtrail-Cirren vorne. |
Grossansicht der Chemtrail-Decke, ältere Scheibenwolken und frischere Chemtrail-Bahnen. |
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