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La coalición extraña, la Unidad de enemigos!

El dinero lo cambia todo! Ahora del agua!

El apoyo directo militar de Siria por parte de Rusia e Irán, así como indirecta por parte de China es y sería una consecuencia lógica de apoyo militar de wahabíes terroristas y quienes los financian en el Golfo Pérsico por el Imperio global y sus vasallos.

ISIS y Co es una herramienta sionista e imperial directa demasiado cortado nuevo espacio para el Gran sionista Entidad en un lado y tallar la región según el Proyecto para un Gran Oriente Medio.

Week Seven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Dramatic Surge in Intensity
ISIS did everything in its power to invite its cruel fate

" In fact, the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes."

"In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make declarations about the threat of terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels used to finance and support terrorists, including revenues from drug trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms trade. It is equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups and use them to achieve your political goals, hoping that later you’ll find a way to get rid of them or somehow eliminate them."

"Gentlemen, the people you are dealing with are cruel but they are not dumb."

"The Russians always say that to get something done one must talk to the USA and waste time with its European colony."

US created ISIL to establish military foothold in Syria: Ex-US Senate candidate
Estados Unidos creó ISIL establecer punto de apoyo militar en Siria: Ex-candidato de Senado de EE.UU.

ISIL: Ugly Washington’s Child (El niño feo de Washington)

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 34 yerde BOP Eşbaşkanı olduğu kabul etti
Erdogan confirmó 34 veces, fue Co-Presidente del Proyecto para un Gran Oriente Medio!

Erdogan dijo que el proyecto ya no existe!

El AKP de Erdogan fue fundada por el dueño del proyecto para el Gran Oriente Medio. Erdogan hizo desde el principio a la esperanza de que él pueda ellos se deje engañar.

Prof. Karslı, Abdurrahman Dilipak: AKP, bir Projedir.
Partido de Erdogan es hecho por el proyecto!

Kamalak, Prof. Karslı'nın söylediklerini canlı yayında bir bir anlattı
Sr. Kamalak está confirmando las declaraciones del Prof. Karsli.

Masum Türker, Kamalak'ın iddialarını doğruladı ve o süreci anlattı
Masum Türker confirmó las declaraciones del Sr. Kamalak y explicó el curso de los acontecimientos.

Unidad de los enemigos

Investigue el plan estratégico por usted mismo. Hay abundante material disponible, pero te sugiero comenzar aquí:

Lo que trae o trajo a los wahabíes, musulmán-Hermandad, Qatar, Hamas, Turquía los vasallos europeos en una coalición con el Imperio y sionistas está en el AGUA cimentación profunda!

El siguiente nivel es el petróleo y el gas!

Guerra contra el agua y la energía se combate con SRM en el Tropsphere por los precios del petróleo y el gas.
Los petrodictators árabes están acabadas y sin suministro de agua troposférico para fracking y la agricultura en el desierto.


El Efecto Dominó

Las grandes revoluciones de la historia fueron causadas por gran migración de los pueblos. Aquí se dan dos ejemplos.

La caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente comenzó con una escaramuza de los Godos con la federación tribal de Eurasia bajo el liderazgo de los Hunos.

La caída del mundo Islámico comenzó con un ataque de bandera falsa sospecha contra una caravana de Mongolia en territorio Harzemico.

Es el efecto dominó que hace que esto sea posible. Los refugiados que huían de una región arruinan los Estados en su ruta de escape, por lo que el agresor puede marchar a través.

Precisamente esta estrategia es aplicada por el actual imperio global en el Gran Oriente Medio, ya que decenas de millones de personas huyen, que llegará a los estados a lo largo de Eurasia.

Imperial Supervivencia

Una frase del nativo americano dice "si usted reconoce, que el caballo Usted está montando está muerto, entonces desmontar!"!

¿Quién está cabalgando sobre quién, quién es el caballo?

La frase podría convertirse en "Si usted, como un caballo reconoce, que su jinete es mal, entonces echarlo fuera, porque va a montar usted hasta que esté muerto!"!

El imperio no tiene otro caballo para saltar por encima, por lo que va a viajar en el EE.UU., hasta que se rompe a pedazos.

El imperio ha perdido su influencia industrial, tecnológico y financiero. Su vasallo primaria EE.UU. se está desmoronando bajo el peso de la explotación imperial y abuso.

La única posibilidad de supervivencia imperial permanece en la muerte de los caballos de la competencia en primer lugar, que significa antes de desmoronamiento y desaparición que va a hacer todo lo posible para destruir a Rusia, China, Europa y con ellos a todo el mundo en una "guerra total", la eliminación de las fronteras de los estados, etnias, lenguas, religiones por el "efecto dominó"!

Después de que un "nuevo orden mundial" bajo el dominio del imperio global puede ser establecida. Esto puede sonar loco, pero los imperialistas son psicópatas locos. Ellos no se vuelven más sabios, cuando se hacen mayores.

La contención de la Competencia

Como ya estamos en medio de la guerra imperial sobre Agua y Energía y el control del abastecimiento de agua en la troposfera de postre fracking y la agricultura del desierto, que son ahora la columna vertebral proverbial del imperio global, cada acción del imperio tiene que ser considerado como un acto de guerra.

Las sanciones económicas y personales, resoluciones de la ONU, las valoraciones de las armas financieras de destrucción masiva (Standard y Poor's, Moody's, Fitch), el comercio de armas, las revoluciones de colores, las "guerras por la libertad", los cambios de régimen, etc., etc.

La competencia no es tan tonto como los estrategas imperiales, el camino es de venta libre mediciones obvias, asimétricas se desarrollan y aplican. Siria se convierta en la piedra angular de la resistencia. Al ayudar a Siria a defenderse, los ayudantes se defienden.

Incluso Turquía y Europa, como vasallos imperiales pertenecientes al paquete de ataque, son defendidos por la resistencia del ejército sirio, la gente y la administración, porque Turquía es el siguiente en la fila y Europa seguirá.

Léalo de los labios imperiales:
George Friedman (Stratfor): "Europa - Skazany na konfliktach?" (03 luty 2015)

Aprenda de su visión profunda!
George Friedman: "Flashpoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe" | Talks at Google

El conocimiento es poder, la ignorancia que la víctima hace!

El momento, cuando toda la propaganda se rompe:

Importancia geoestratégica de Yemen y Siria

S. Arabia Plans to Build Salman Canal to Bypass Strait of Hormuz
Arabia Saudita planea construir Salman Canal de eludir el estrecho de Ormuz

What’s Really Driving The Saudi-Led Attacks On Yemen?
Lo que realmente mueve la Arabia condujo ataques a Yemen?

3 minutes pour comprendre - Syrie : le gaz dans la bataille

Putin's Top Advisor: S. Arabia Should Not Be Allowed to Gain Victory in War against Yemen

Los miembros de la coalición extraños están detrás entre si! Amigos nunca!

UAE paid PR firm millions to brief UK journalists on Qatar, Brotherhood attacks.
Emiratos Árabes Unidos pagó millones firma de relaciones públicas para informar a los periodistas sobre el Qatar, los ataques de la Hermandad Muslumanos.

Declassified Documents: Obama Ordered CIA To Train ISIS

Dictator, tsar, thug, strongman, KGB: Western journalism's demonization of President Putin

Hakan Fidan, Turkish intelligence chief: Putin's intervention in Syria is against Islam and international law, ISIS is a reality and we are optimistic about the future,-isis-is-a-reality-and-we-are-optimistic-about-the-future

"Fidan further added that in order to deal with the vast number of foreign Jihadists craving to travel to Syria, it is imperative that ISIS must set up a consulate or at least a political office in Istanbul. He underlined that it is Turkey’s firm belief to provide medical care for all injured people fleeing Russian ruthless airstrikes regardless of their political or religious affiliation."

General de entidad sionista capturado en Irak, confirma la cooperación con ISIS!

ISIL Sends Long Military Convoy towards Battlefields with US Chopper's Back Up
ISIL Envía largo convoy militar hacia los campos de batalla con el respaldo de Estados Unidos Chopper

The Saudis Are Stumbling. They May Take the Middle East with Them

Los Saudíes están tropezando. Pueden tomar el Medio Oriente con Ellos

Saudis Plan Unprecedented Subsidy Cuts to Counter Oil Plunge

Russia fires missiles from Mediterranean on targets in ISIS stronghold Raqqa
Rusia dispara misiles desde el Mediterráneo en objetivos en centro fuerte del ISIS, Raqqa.

Game over for Ziggy! Juego encima para Ziggy!
If the United States is Pushed Out of Middle East, It’s Not Going to Survive
"Si Estados Unidos es empujado fuera del Medio Oriente, no va a sobrevivir"

How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Financial Armageddon Approaches: U.S. Banks Have 247 Trillion Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives

La incursión en Alepo era una invasión desde dos direcciones, de Turquía. No fue una revuelta de la población!

Land Destroyer: In Syria - How to "Liberate" a Pro-Army City?
¿Cómo debería una ciudad fiel ejército convertido en "liberado"?

"If Najran is lost to the Houthi forces, then the Saudi Army will be forced to mobilize a much larger contingent to help retake this city, which will cause them to redirect their focus from other countries in the region."

Erdogan says Turkey has “confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos” U.S. is “supporting Islamic State”
ALEX CHRISTOFOROUDecember 28, 2016, 12:08 am

The Entire "War On Terror" Is A Massive FRAUD: Why Do "ISIS" Videos ALL Come From Israeli Intelligence?
"The grisly ISIS videos, like the most recent one supposedly showing the killing of a Russian soldier, all come to us through Israeli agents working for Israeli intelligence. How can it be that the ISIS media outlet "al Furat Media Foundation" is able to produce high quality videos, but does not even have a website? Nor is ISIS even able to send its nasty videos directly to its chosen audience, in this case the Russian government or media outlets. Why is it that ISIS videos all come to us from Israeli intelligence?"

"First, the Israeli intelligence agent Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group in Bethesda, Maryland, issues a message with photos and information, like the one above. Western media outlets subscribe to her propaganda service and report on the videos giving source credit to SITE Intelligence Group, which is usually described as "U.S.-based" although there is nothing American about it. It is purely Israeli intelligence/progaganda to feed Israel's fraudulent War on Terror. In this message Katz says the video comes from Furat Media - what's that?"

"Aaron Yosef Zelin - Well, is run by a Jewish Zionist from Highland Park, Illinois, named Aaron Zelin. He works with Zionist think-tanks like the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and graduated from Brandeis University."

UN rejects Israel's claim over Syria's Golan Heights
"Security Council says status of the Golan will not change after Netanyahu vows it will remain part of Israeli territory."

"The UN Security Council has rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's claim that the annexed Golan Heights in Syria would "for ever" remain under Israeli control."

The empire is preparing the downfall of the Saudis!

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists

BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince

'Sensitive' UK terror funding inquiry may never be published

Qatar is jumping out of the sinking quagmire!

The remaining losers of the weird coalition are attacking Qatar! Turkey, Iran and Russia will protect Qatar! A military option against Qatar would lead to the abrupt collapse of the Saudis and UAE!

"Terror-Helfer" - Nachbarländer kappen Kontakt zu Katar

Sechs Airlines stoppen Flüge nach Katar:

Beautiful: GCC Tears Itself Apart. Saudis, UAE, Bahrain Break Qatar Links

US-led coalition downed Syrian army plane in southern Raqqa - Syrian army statement

Report: Israel secretly giving aid to Syrian rebels - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

Another Israeli Land Grab in Syria
"For the last five years, Israel has been providing money, weapons, logistical support and even direct military assistance to "moderate rebels" with the goal of creating an Israeli-controlled "buffer zone" to ensure that the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights stay forever-occupied."
"Israel is occupying more Syrian land to protect the Syrian land that it's already occupying."

Large arms shipment reaches Syrian rebels: opposition
Sun Aug 25, 2013 | 7:43am EDT
"Gulf-based supporters have sent a 400-ton shipment of arms to Syria's outgunned rebels, one of the biggest to reach them in their two-year-old uprising, opposition sources said on Sunday.
The consignment - mostly ammunition for shoulder-fired weapons and anti-aircraft machine guns - came into northern Syria via the Turkish province of Hatay in the past 24 hours, and was already being handed out, the sources added."

"The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month. But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking."

"Haidar al-Assadi, 40, agreed. “The Islamic State is a clear creation of the United States, and the United States is trying to intervene again using the excuse of the Islamic State,” he said."

18 Israeli Fighter Jets Deployed in Saudi Arabia to Prevent Coup – Iranian Media, 22.06.2017
"On Thursday, 18 Israeli fighter jets and two C130 planes arrived in Saudi Arabia in order to prevent a possible coup attempt in the country, the Iranian Fars News Agency reported on June 22."

By that, Syria will not only be rebuild but it will also mean the end of US-based imperial complex.

Syria is the cornerstone of finishing empires and rebuilding new ones.

President Bashar Al-Assad, every Syrian soldier, all the citizens of Syria, Iraq and Yemen now know why they have be born to this world.

General Suheil Al-Hasan:
"All men die, but only some know the reason".

They will together eliminate the criminal complex! The longer the imperial troops resist their defeat the more devastating will be the result for all thugs of empire. 

Syria is a mother of resistance! She never gives up!

Robert Ford, former US ambassador to Syria
The U.S. will lose Syria to Iran and abandon the Kurds!

The Syrian war's worst kept secret that could become Israel's nightmare
"Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could easily backfire"

"“Israel stood by our side in a heroic way,” Moatasem al-Golani, a spokesman for the rebel group Fursan al-Joulan, told the Wall Street Journal. “We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.”"

"A growing alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel adds yet another combustible element to the mix. They both appear to be itching for a fight with Iran. When they were separate parties, the danger of such a conflict was less."

U.S. Retreats From Al-Tanf - Gives Up On Occupying South East Syria

June 30, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The U.S. is giving up its hopeless position at the Syrian-Iraq border crossing near al-Tanf in south east Syria. The U.S. military had earlier bombed Syrian forces when they came near that position but it then found itself outmaneuvered, cut off from the north and enclosed in a useless area."

"The U.S. invaders are now sitting in the mid of a piece of rather useless desert around al-Tanf where their only option is to die of boredom or to move back to Jordan from where they came.
Syria Summary - The End Of The War Is Now In Sight - June 13"

"White House Encouraged After Elephants Abstain From Climbing TreesTrump administration officials are walking back the White House announcement of its plans to fake another "chemical weapon attack" in Syria."

Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights
by Tyler Durden Aug 28, 2017 11:15 AM

"Investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva authored a bombshell report for Trud Newspaper, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, which found that an Azerbaijan state airline company was regularly transporting tons of weaponry to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Turkey under diplomatic cover as part of the CIA covert program to supply anti-Assad fighters in Syria. Those weapons, Gaytandzhieva found, ended up in the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq and Syria."

The Real Syria Story No One Wants You to Know About

"On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we counter the establishment’s narrative on the conflict in Syria and the flashpoint of Daraa, a town near the Syria-Jordan border where the CIA, working with the Muslim Brotherhood, attacked police and set the stage for a conflict that has so far claimed the lives of more than 400,000 Syrians. The proxy war is designed to take down a secular government and replace it with a Salafist principality controlled by the Brotherhood, a longtime CIA and British intelligence asset."



Kosovo – NATO bases and ISIS training camps side-by-side in the land Washington and Brussels tore from Christian Serbia to hand to Islamist terrorists

"The main training camps set up by the Islamic State are Ferizaj, Gjakovica and Dečani, while smaller ones have been identified in Prizren and Pejë. Their existence suggests that – at best – Nato has failed completely in the drive to prevent the spread of Islamic radicalism, or – at worst – that there are actually hidden links between the Islamist training camps and their Nato neighbours."

"The most outrageous example is the ISIS camp in Ferizaj, a city of 100,000 inhabitants near the border with Macedonia, which is just a few miles from the US Camp Bondsteel. Built in 1999 during the war, with a 14km perimeter, this is currently the largest and most expensive American base built outside the United States."

Israel, Saudi Arabia & Egypt wanted US to bomb Iran before nuclear deal – John Kerry

Published time: 29 Nov, 2017 14:55
Edited time: 29 Nov, 2017 15:08

"“I remember that conversation with President Mubarak. I looked at him and said: It’s easy for you to say. We go bomb them and I bet you’ll be the first guy out there the next day to criticize us for doing it. And he went: ‘Of course, ha-ha-ha-ha!’” Kerry said. “It was a trap in a lot of ways. But more importantly, Prime Minister Netanyahu was genuinely agitating towards action.”"

"“That was a blatant over-simplistic political appeal to the American Jewish community. That’s all what it was, because most of those people hadn’t read the agreement,” Kerry said"

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Replace CLIMATE CHANGE by CLIMATE CONTROL to decode all manipulation about that easily! Ersetze KLIMAWANDEL durch KLIMAKONTROLLE, um alle Manipulationen darüber leicht zu entschlüsseln!


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You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

Geoengineering is never the solution against but the reason of killing and devastating changes!

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It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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