The biggest failure of Syria, Iraq and Yemen is not the weakness of their armies on the battlefield but the non existing knowledge in the area of Meteorology!

The worst weapon is the one, You deem as a "natural" phenomenon! Because You don't understand how it is made!
Geophysical Warfare attack on Syria was done openly. It was not hidden from eyes, just ignored by ignorant minds!
Peak oil, climate change and pipeline geopolitics driving Syria conflict
Root-cause environmental and energy factors sparking violence will continue to destabilise Arab world without urgent reforms
"The crunch came in the context of an intensifying and increasingly regular drought cycle linked to climate change. Between 2002 and 2008, the country'stotal water resources dropped by half through both overuse and waste."
Learn about Meteorology and the use of Tropospheric Solar Radiation and Water Management!
فيديو متداول لما يشبه فيضانات حقيقية تجتاح محافظة أحد رفيدة في منطقة عسير . — محب الغيم (@Ali_Alharthy2) 16. April 2016
شاهد لحظة تساقط حبات البرد وبأحجام كبيرة على طريق #حضن _ #تربة ظهر اليوم شرق #الطائف#طقس_السعودية — طقس العالم (@severe_wweather) 20. April 2016
سيول جيزان تجرف الشاحنات — الطقس weather (@attaqsvb) 17. April 2016This knowledge will bring You victory and a lasting tool of defense! Your current demise comes, because You did not see and understand that Your part of Troposphere is being engineered!
You suffer because of the failure of Your scientific leadership!
Dump all scientists who follow the biggest scam of mankind, which is designed like a religion - the Climatism (Climatology Church)!

The flattened ceiling above Syria is not natural!

Turkish backed Jihadists shelling Şêx Meqsud a few moments ago. — Dr Partizan (@DrPartizan_) 11. April 2016
Stop these airlines from engineering Your airspace, specifically all from Arabian Peninsula like EMIRATES, ETIHAD, SAUDIA, Air Arabia etc. and all cheap airlines from Europe and a lot of other airlines involved in this project.
They are delivering water for industrial farming and hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas in the deserts of Arabia!
الحره شرق تربه — ابوعبدالاله (@hmhb1383) 31. März 2016
جنوب #تبوك صباح اليوم الأحد 18 جمادى الآخرة
بعدسة الأخ الفاضل أبوحمود الوهبي — أبوعبدالرحمن الصخَري (@Shabib1) 27. März 2016
أحد الأودية قرب مفرق الديسة جنوب #تبوك 90 كم
7:00 ص / الأحد 18 جمادى الآخرة
تصوير وتعليق الأخ الغالي أبوحمود الوهبي — أبوعبدالرحمن الصخَري (@Shabib1) 27. März 2016
Just begin by seeing the difference!

Dear brave Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Kurds, Turks and all the other good people,
this is for all the humanity but now specifically for You, as You bear the worst pain of treason, war, bloodshed and the loss of Your loved ones.

It is sad, that in times of peace and happiness, people have less time for knowledge, as they are preoccupied with useless stuff.
In the time of oppression and death, knowledge becomes the best weapon of defense, but learning has to be fast and painful.
Even if You are now fighting against Your enemy on the ground and have to learn the usage of weapons of steel with Your hands, during the small breaks raise Your eyes up to the sky and say hello to the clouds. Are You able to call each cloud by name?
You are fighting more for the freedom of Your skies than Your soil, because Your enemies are aiming to conquer Your airspace. That is explained on these pages.
Most people are able to think in one ore two dimensions on the Earth surface, they don't look up and understand what is going on in the sky. They don't know the difference between natural and engineered sky!
They even cannot imagine that anybody could steal and trade the tropospheric water, the wind streams, air and sunlight! Learn about Meterology and open Your mind for the third dimension!
The mechanism You have to understand is SUBLIMATION, the abrupt crystallization of under-frozen humidity of air!

This water is the reason of aggression by brainwashed Salafi and Wahabi cannon fodder. These fighters are victim of their own dumbness and the manipulators which have successfully brainwashed them.
The main military and commercial indicators of Tropospheric Solar Radiation and Water Management (TSRWM) are ...
- aerosol trails (chemtrails) and clouds,
- drought,
- extreme weather events (flash rain, super lightning, ball size hale),
- floods,
- dying conifer trees,
- rising diseases because of VitaminD deficiency.

The application of TSRWM is long term and large scale, over full climate cells. North Africa, Arabia form a climate cell (Ferrel Cell, Hadley Cell) with Europe!

Whenever You read the marketing words "climatechange" and "globalwarming" please replace them with "geoengineering" and "Tropospheric Solar Radiation and Water Management" to understand the fraud and danger!
Syrian farmers’ lost landscape
"A pitiless drought has played its part in the tragedy unfolding in Syria, Laurie Zoloth explains."
Syria climate study warned Assad of drought dangers in 2010
"Did Syrian president Bashar al-Assad ever read the country’s 2010 climate change report, compiled by government scientists and now filed with the United Nations?"

The embedded images and videos show the evidence of Tropospheric Solar Radiation and Water Management within the airspace of Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
To learn more about this technology, please surf around on the webpages of this blog. You will find nearly all answers to Your questions. If You miss anything, please send an email or just write a comment to a post.
Examples of Your poisoned and engineered airspace!
Yemen under SRM!

#SAA Soldiers with #Syria's state reporter Shadi, in the vicinity of #Palmyra. — Al-Masdar News (@TheArabSource) 24. März 2016
#nature #sky #clouds #mountains
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#cold #snow #sky #road #winter #nature #instanature
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#nature #green #field #sky #clouds #syria #tartus #middleeast #instanature
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#dawn #sunrise #sky #clouds #sea #Latakia #syria #middleeast
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#nature #mountains #sky #Latakia #syria
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#nature #clouds #sky #sun #Latakia #syria
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#nature #clouds #sky #Latakia #syria #mountains
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
#sunset #sunset_madness #skies #nature #dusk #sundown #tree #everydaymiddleeast #everydayeverywhere #middleeast #Syria #latakia #iphoneonly #sea #beach
A photo posted by Hummam Sheikh Ali (@hummam) on
Good morning #sunshine #clouds #UAE #Abudhabi
A photo posted by Amr Kayali (@amr_kayali) on
#clouds #sky #sea #sand #beach #skyporn #uae #dubai #abudhabi #rak #sunny #day
A photo posted by Amr Kayali (@amr_kayali) on
غطاء سحابي واسع على اجزاء من #السعودية و #مصر مع توقعات بأمطار غزيرة الساعات القادمه شمال المملكة بمشيئة الله#فريقY7 — فريق Y7 لرصد الامطار (@Y7_TEAM) 26. März 2016
Lizenz von Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring!
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