- Koalition der Willigen
- USA belagern die Ägäis!
- Wollen die USA die Türkei angreifen?
- Frankreich schützt eigene Interessen!
- Kleine Gegen-Koalition!
- Natürliche Gegen-Koalition!
- Kasachstan und "Türkischer Frühling"!
- Warum gerade jetzt?
- NGOs und Sekten der CIA!
- Die Türkei wird ausgetrocknet!
- Bestätigung durch Mainstream!
1. Koalition der Willigen
Worum geht es bei diesen Kriegsvorbereitungen?
Es geht um die Bohrrechte für Erdgas und Erdöl unter dem Boden des Mittelmeers und der Ägäis.
UAE sends 9 military aircraft to Greece as tensions with Turkey intensify"The Greek General Staff announced on Thursday, the arrival of nine military aircraft from the United Arab Emirates to the Soda base as part of joint exercises with the Greek armed forces.
According to the statement of the Commission: “These exercises are the result of brilliant relations and cooperation between the two countries, and also the personal contact of the leaders of the armed forces of the two countries.”"
Furthermore, the UAE and Turkey are at odds for several reasons, including the ongoing war in Libya and Abu Dhabi’s recent decision to normalize relations with Israel."
Turkey slams France over deployment of warplanes to Cyprus
By News Desk -2020-08-27
"The Turkish Foreign Ministry considered that “the landing of French military aircraft in the Republic of Cyprus under the pretext of conducting maneuvers violates the 1960 Treaty.”
The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated that, with this step, France “seriously encourages Greece, which is responsible for the tension in the eastern Mediterranean, to escalate the tension further.”
The ministry confirmed that Turkey “will thwart all attempts by those who seek to exclude Ankara and Turkish Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean.”
The Greek Ministry of Defense announced that Greece, France, Italy and Cyprus will hold military exercises from Wednesday, August 26 to Friday, August 28 to the south of the island of Crete in the eastern Mediterranean, where tensions have recently escalated between Athens and Ankara.
“Cyprus, Greece, France and Italy have agreed to deploy a joint presence in the eastern Mediterranean within the framework of the Quartet Cooperation Initiative (SQAD),” the ministry said in a statement."
Meines Erachtens ist diese Koalition sehr zerbrechlich, da all diese Länder keine wirkliche Bedrohung für die Türkei darstellen und ohne die Beteiligung der USA und der anderen EU-Mitglieder nichts bewirken werden.
Sollte es dazu kommen, dass die EU und die USA sich offensiv daran beteiligen, dann würde die NATO zusammenbrechen und die Türkei endgültig in eine Allianz mit Russland, Iran, Irak, Syrien und China gezwungen werden.
Ohne die Türkei wäre die NATO wertlos und der Verlust der Türkei an Russland und Iran ein geopolitischer Supergau für die USA und die NATO!
Die Türkei ist fest entschlossen, die Bodenschätze unter den eigenen Hoheitsgewässern ohne jede Beteiligung der Konzerne aus den USA, Frankreich, Italien, England und Niederlande zu erkunden und abzubauen.
Dazu verfügt die Türkei über 3 Erkundungsschiffe und versucht, eine eigene Nuklear-Industrie aufzubauen, da Fracking ohne "zivile" Atombomben nicht möglich ist.
Die Westmächte beteiligen sich entweder zu den Bedingungen der Türkei als Juniorpartner am Abbau dieser Bodenschätze, liefern die erforderlichen atomaren Sprengsätze zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen oder sie bleiben außen vor. Wenn sie Krieg führen, werden sie mehr verlieren, als was sie durch Fracking gewinnen könnten.
2. USA belagern die Ägäis!
- die Erlangung der Kontrolle über die Seestraße durch die Dardanellen, dem Marmara Meer und dem Bosporos,
- Gewährleistung des ungehinderten Zugangs für die US-Kriegsschiffe zum Schwarzen Meer,
- die Sicherung der Erdgasreserven unter dem Meeresboden und
- die Blockade der Seestraße für die russischen Schiffe.
4. Frankreich schützt eigene Interessen!
France’s Macron sets ‘red lines’ for Turkey in eastern Mediterranean
"Turkey has maintained that they are following international law, despite accusations from Greece about the infringement of their sovereignty by Ankara."
Der vorläufige wirtschaftliche Gewinner ist Frankreich! Die Griechen wollen Kampfjets kaufen. Vielleicht war die Anheizung des Konkflikts zwischen den griechischen und französischen Politikern abgesprochen, um Widerstand gegen hohe Militärausgaben zu verhindern.
Ob die türkischen Politiker, dafür dass sie mitgespielt haben, eine Provision bekommen, werden wir wohl nie erfahren. :-)
Die französische Rüstungsindustrie kann wohl nur noch durch solche Tricks neben dem stärkeren Wettbewerb aus den USA, Russland, China und Deutschland im Weltmarkt bestehen.
Greece negotiating with France to buy Rafale jets amid increased tensions with TurkeyBy News Desk -2020-09-02
"A new report revealed that Greece is in negotiations with France with the aim of concluding a fighter aircraft deal, amid escalating tensions with Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean."
Total-ExxonMobil & Energean get approval for offshore oil exploration in Greece
By OilNOW June 24, 2017

"Greece has approved an application by a consortium of ExxonMobil, France’s Total SA, and domestic oil refiner Hellenic Petroleum, to drill for oil and gas off the island of Crete, Reuters reported on Friday.
Greece has also approved another application, by local company Energean Oil, to start drilling for oil offshore western Greece.
The country’s oil and gas resources management body will launch a tender for exploration licenses in the blocks by the end of June, with the goal to award licenses by the end of this year.
According to an OilPrice report, last month, the energy ministry held talks with Exxon and Total to discuss the potential of offshore gas exploration. Back then, a government official told Reuters that a consortium of ExxonMobil, Total, and Hellenic Petroleum was expected to file an application to explore south of the island of Crete.
Greece, which has been struggling with a severe debt crisis in the past few years and has received billions of euros of EU- and IMF-backed bailout support, is trying to resume efforts to search for hydrocarbons both onshore and offshore and possibly lessen its dependence on energy imports in the future.
In October last year, Greece’s energy ministry named a consortium led by Total SA and comprised of Italy’s Edison and Hellenic Petroleum as the preferred bidder to drill for gas in an offshore block in the Ionian Sea west of the country."
"Total has shown interest in the eastern Mediterranean following major gas discoveries off Israel and Egypt. It is currently drilling for oil off Cyprus.
Together with Hellenic Petroleum and U.S. oil major Exxon Mobil, it has also expressed interest in exploration at two sites off Crete, prompting Greece to launch a tender."
By News Desk -2020-09-06
"The Greek Minister for Development, Adonis Georgiades, stressed that Athens is not afraid of a military conflict with Turkey, against the backdrop of the escalation of tension between the two parties in the eastern Mediterranean."
"The minister stressed that “this step led to a sharp increase in the level of combat preparedness of the Greek army and made Greece more prepared for a war scenario than many had thought.”"
Germany warns Turkey against ‘provocation’ in Mediterranean
"Germany has urged Turkey to refrain from “provocation” in the Eastern Mediterranean, following Ankara’s decision to send a seismic research ship back to disputed waters with Greece."
“If there should indeed be renewed Turkish gas exploration in the more controversial sea areas in the eastern Mediterranean, this would be a serious setback for efforts to de-escalate,” Maas said."
Turkey once again sending seismic survey ship to disputed waters with Greece
"Oruc Reis will be accompanied by two other vessels, Ataman and Cengiz Han, on its mission, the advisory added."
"Last month, Ankara withdrew Oruc Reis from the contested waters ahead of a European Union summit, reviving hopes that the move would serve as a prelude to the launch of negotiations with Athens.
It also pulled back its drilling ship Yavuz from southwest of Cyprus last week,ahead of a meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg in Ankara.
But no rapprochement was effected when Brussels, which has taken the side of Greece in the territorial row, threatened Ankara with sanctions in case of further "illegal" drilling and energy exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean."
Nov 25, 2021
Could Greece and France stop Turkey from taking the eastern Mediterranean?
Oct 16, 2020
All-out Conflict, US Prepare Thousands Troops, Hundred Tanks & Drone to lands in Greece
Oct 24, 2021
Greece Accelerates Armament Against Turkey
Mar 1, 2021
US Sent 3800 Soldiers and 200 Tanks to Greek-Turkish Border
Jul 31, 2021
Qatar to invest billions of dollars in Turkey as economy struggles amid lira drop
Friday, 27 November 2020 11:20 AM [ Last Update: Friday, 27 November 2020 11:20 AM ]
"Qatar has agreed to invest billions of dollars in Turkey, including purchase of shares in the country’s main stock market, as part of a number of economic initiatives agreed between the two countries at a time when Turkey’s economic crisis grinds on."
"Qatar also agreed to purchase 42 percent of Istinye Park, one of Istanbul's most spectacular shopping centers, for a reported $1 billion from Turkish conglomerate Dogus Holding, which owns the remaining 58 percent stake."
"Agreements were also reached concerning the transfer and purchase of shares of the Middle East Antalya Port Operators from Turkey's Global Ports to Qatar's Terminals WLL in a $140 million deal."
"Qatar already has investments in Turkey worth 22 billions of dollars. The trade volume between the two countries has increased by 6% this year to reach $1.6 billion, according to Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency."
Die Türkei verfolgt, unter der Schirmherrschaft der USA, eigene imperialistische Ziele und führt eine politische Organisation an, die dafür sorgen soll, dass die zentralasiatischen Staaten vom Einfluss Russlands und Chinas entrissen werden. Kasachstans ehemaliger Präsident Nursultan Nazarbayev war ein wesentlicher Motivator und Gründer dieser Organisation.
"The Organization of Turkic States, formerly called the Turkic Council or the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, is an international organization comprising prominent independent Turkic countries consisting of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. It is an intergovernmental organization whose overarching aim is promoting comprehensive cooperation among Turkic-speaking states. First proposed by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in 2006, it was founded on October 3, 2009, in Nakhchivan.
The General Secretariat is in Istanbul. Turkmenistan is currently an observer state. However, by virtue of its Turkic heritage, it is a possible full future member of the council. Turkmenistan received the observer status at the 8th summit in Istanbul."
"Mission and objectives
The Preamble of the Nakhchivan Agreement reaffirms the will of Member States to adhere to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and defines the main objective of the Organization of Turkic States as further deepening comprehensive cooperation among Turkic Speaking States, as well as making joint contributions to peace and stability in the region and in the world. Member States have confirmed their commitment to democratic values, human rights, the rule of law, and principles of good governance.
The Nakhchivan Agreement sets out the main purposes and tasks of the Organization as follows:
- Strengthening mutual confidence and friendship among the Parties;
- Developing common positions on foreign policy issues;
- Coordinating actions to combat international terrorism, separatism, extremism and cross-border crimes;
- Promoting effective regional and bilateral cooperation in all areas of common interest;
- Creating favorable conditions for trade and investment;
- Aiming for comprehensive and balanced economic growth, social and cultural development;
- Expanding interaction in the fields of science, technology, education, health, culture, sports and tourism;
- Encouraging interaction of mass media and other means of communication;
- Promoting exchange of relevant legal information and enhancing legal cooperation."
Jan 5, 2022
Jan 6, 2022
Kazakhstan explainer: Why did fuel prices spike, bringing protesters out onto the streets?
The rallies have now broadened to encompass more political demands.
"This is the government’s account of things. Prior to the transition to online trading, LPG was generally sold at a loss for producers, because prices for domestic consumers were regulated by the state and set at a rate below the cost of producing the fuel. In those conditions, there was little reason to produce LPG, which in turn generated shortages.
Another goal of the reform was to tackle illegal trading in LPG. Black-market operators are said to covertly export the commodity to countries where prices are significantly higher than in Kazakhstan. The government has produced data showing that the average retail price for LPG stands at 110 tenge ($0.25) per liter in Kazakhstan. That is two-thirds as much as Russians pay and around half the price LPG sells for in Kyrgyzstan.
With market relations dictating prices, making and selling LPG would finally become a more attractive proposition for producers. Why, those producers will have asked themselves, were they paying 80 tenge to produce a liter of LPG in Mangystau, but only being allowed to sell it for 60 tenge?"
Lavrov: Brits Are Building Bases in Ukraine And West Wants To Control Russian Troops Within Russia!?
Jan 16, 2022
Organisation des Vertrags über kollektive Sicherheit
Kasachstan: Schießbefehl und 2.500 OVKS-Soldaten, darunter russische Fallschirmjäger
Jan 8, 202
Angriff von mehreren Seiten: Russischer Einmarsch in die Ukraine
Feb 24, 2022
Turkish farmers blame extreme drought on climate change
Nov 1, 2021
Mosul question
"The League of Nations Council appointed an investigative commission that recommended that Iraq should retain Mosul, and Turkey reluctantly assented to the decision by signing the Frontier Treaty of 1926 with the Iraqi government in 1926. Iraq agreed to give a 10 percent royalty on Mosul's oil deposits to Turkey for 25 years."
Oct 21, 2020
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