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Symptom orientation: Cancer - A collection of scientific studies!


  1. Dr. Alfons Weber about micro-parasites causing cancer!
  2. Some statistics about cancer!
  3. Artemisia essence against cancer!
  4. Questions & Answers
  5. Connected articles

1. Dr Alfons Weber about micro-parasites causing cancer!

This is another example, where You can read a lot about the symptoms and mitigation and treatment, but the rate of cancer diseases grew, despite the huge oncology market!

For learning how cancer is the self defense of cells against pathogens, please look at the evidence by Dr. Alfons Weber.

Dr. Alfons Weber: Mikroparasiten als Auslöser von Krebs
ECT Krebstherapie, Nov 3, 2016

Lyra Nara Inc., 21.02.2018

This is his work as PDF file:

Über die Ursache der Krebskrankheit Von Dr. med. ALFONS WEBER mit 130 vierfarbigen Abbildungen 1. Auflage 1969

Is oncology yet another marketing instrument of the pharma industry?

Growth of Cancer
Alternative Cancer Therapies | Natural Health Newsletter
Date: 02/21/2011 Written by: Jon Barron, © 1999-2017 The Baseline of Health Foundation

"And yet it is during the 20th Century that most of the suspect elements mentioned above became part of our lives. If cancer has gotten noticeably worse in the 20th Century, then the evidence is pretty clear that those elements play a role. If it has stayed the same or improved, then we can dismiss the alternative health POV as just another conspiracy theory."

"Look at the report "Cancer Trends" as published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and you learn that:"

"Every single day of your life your body produces anywhere from a few hundred to as many as 10,000 misprogrammed cells as part of normal metabolic processes. The trick is that if your immune system is healthy or not overwhelmed by too many rogue cells, it eliminates each and every one of those cells. What we call cancer results when the immune system fails to do its job and allows some of those rogue cells to survive long enough to begin to replicate and "establish a beachhead" in your body. Once the rogue cells develop a support network that allows them to feed themselves, they can start producing bio-chemicals that promote their own existence at the expense of healthy cells. That's cancer."

"And likewise, we know that certain dietary choices, chlorinated water, radon gas in our homes, and exposure to numerous toxins and xenoestrogens in our environment significantly increase our risk of cancer. It's a game of odds -- odds that we'd like to move in our favor."

"And how do you change those odds?
  • Minimize your exposure to toxins and foods that are likely to increase the number of misprogrammed cells in your body.
  • Clean out (detox) four times a year to get rid of any toxins that will inevitably make their way into your body.
  • Build up your immune system using immune boosters to maximize your body's ability to eliminate 100% of the rogue cells produced in your body.
  • Have regular checkups because even if you do everything right, it's still possible that one single cell made it through your body's defenses in a weak moment and took root. Caught early, your chances of defeating the cancer through natural or medical means are good. But remember, cancer is a game of odds, not guarantees.

2. Some statistics about cancer!

"Is Cancer Mortality Increasing?
Wendell M. Strong, DOI: 10.1158/jcr.1921.251 Published July 1921

"In the registration of 1900, the cancer death rate per 100,000 population, which will hereafter be spoken of as the cancer death rate or cancer mortality, increased from 63 in 1900 to 79 in 1913, an increase of over 25 per cent. England and Wales for the same period showed an increase from 83 to 105 and most other European states showed a very considerable increase. Going back forty years, the rate in twenty large American cities was 49 for the period 1881–1885; for 1913 it had increased to 89. In twelve European countries the rate was 69 for the period 1896–1900; for the period 1906–1910, it had increased to 81."

United States Cancer Statistics: An interactive Cancer Atlas.

UK: Lung cancer mortality statistics

WHO: Cancer, Fact sheetFebruary 2017

"Key facts
  • Cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases in 20121.
  • The number of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades.
  • Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and was responsible for 8.8 million deaths in 2015. Globally, nearly 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer.
  • Approximately 70% of deaths from cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Around one third of deaths from cancer are due to the 5 leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use.
  • Tobacco use is the most important risk factor for cancer and is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer deaths.2.
  • Cancer causing infections, such as hepatitis and human papilloma virus (HPV), are responsible for up to 25% of cancer cases in low- and middle-income countries3.
  • Late-stage presentation and inaccessible diagnosis and treatment are common. In 2015, only 35% of low-income countries reported having pathology services generally available in the public sector. More than 90% of high-income countries reported treatment services are available compared to less than 30% of low-income countries.
  • The economic impact of cancer is significant and is increasing. The total annual economic cost of cancer in 2010 was estimated at approximately US$ 1.16 trillion4.
  • Only 1 in 5 low- and middle-income countries have the necessary data to drive cancer policy5.

Here the distracting "official history" of cancer:

Cancer Risk Factors:
  1. Risks of Tobacco
  2. Infection
  3. Diet, Body Mass, and Physical Activity
  4. Ultraviolet Radiation
  5. Reproductive and Hormonal Factors
  6. Environmental Pollutants and Occupational Exposures
  7. Human Carcinogens Identified by the IARC Monographs Program
All the above may facilitate cancer, but the oncology pharma business is fishing in murky waters. Decades of "research", billions from chemotherapy business don't deliver knowledge about the causes, so we have to look somewhere else.

What are the alternative explanations of cancer?

Could cancer be a reaction of the body on pathogens?

If true, why the cancer industry never talks about pathogens?

Following explanation is based on evidence and is not blaming the victims!

Radioactive radiation is the true cause of most cancer

"Cancer is often regarded as something that just occurs mainly naturally, a consequence of people living longer than they used to. But we can prove that this is untrue. We can prove that there is an exact year in history when cancer very suddenly became an ever growing worldwide problem, totally unrelated to average life expectancy. This year was the year when nuclear testing started and when the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were dropped. We think it can be proven that the great majority of cancer cases is caused by alpha radiation from radioactive fertilizer from mines that have natural Radium content, as well as alpha radiation from contaminated soil as a consequence of nuclear accidents and atmospheric nuclear detonations."

"We will also prove (with a link to another article of ours) that smoking causes cancer solely due to the alpha-radiation from the fertilizer used to grow the tobacco."

"It is easy to verify, using downloadable data from Sweden's Central Statistics Bureau that Swedes didn't suddenly start smoking much more in 1950 and that Sweden's population didn't rise sharply around that time or became significantly more elderly. Neither are their factors at play such as improvements in cancer detection rate in old age. The data is unequivocal: Starting in 1950, Swedes were getting more cancer. Ten years later, their cancer rate had doubled. Fifteen years after that, their cancer rate had doubled again. In 1990, their cancer rate was five times higher than that in 1950. And today their risk of getting cancer is six times higher than when it suddenly started to rise in 1950. And it's not that's it's just happening in Sweden: Cancer is getting out of control worldwide:"

"Drop in cancer coincides with closed nuke plants

Note how in 1990, UK cancer mortality rates saw a very sharp and very significant, sustained drop around 1998, 1999, 2000. What happened in the UK during that time? They closed a dozen ailing old nuclear reactors. Two Magnox reactors, an obsolete design used to produce Plutonium for nuclear weapons, were closed in the UK in 1989. The Dorset-Winfrith plant comprised of nine nuclear reactors and it was decommissioned in 1990. Do you see the leveling off of the cancer rate in 1981 and 1982? In 1981, the UK closed the Sellafield-Windscale plant.

This website delivers very valuable information and a clear 1:1 correlation with rise and decrease of cancer together with nuclear fallout from nuclear bombs and reactors. However, it doesn't really explain what cancer really is. The nuclear radiation is evidently an important trigger! The damaging of cells, the weakening of immune system seems to open the doors for cancer.

There is only one real source with clear evidence, repeatable testing, proving that cancer is caused by pathogens.

Dr. Alfons Weber researched the evidence of and the treatment for cancer!

Krebs - Die Fragen - Dr Alfons Weber Mikroparasiten als Auslöser
Aug 26, 2019

Dr. Alfons Weber: Mikroparasiten als Auslöser von Krebs
Nov 3, 2016

What do we learn from Dr. Alfons Weber?

1. Cancer is caused by small pathogens, which mainly attack the red blood cells.
2. The pathogens grow to multi-cellular beings.
3. Unter threat the multi-cellular creature can separate itself into single cells.
4. The single cells can multiply by division.
5. Multi cells can breed sexually.
6. The pathogens can cross the blood vessels if they are damaged and attack other cells of the body.
7. Up to a limited capacity the attacked body cell can defend itself by neutralizing the pathogens by vesiculation.
8. If the capacity of vesiculation is reached the body cells divides itself to divide the pathogens on multiple cells for further vesiculation.
9. The exuberant growth of the tissue is the last defense method of the body cell.
10. The pathogens survive heat where body tissue is cooked and dead.
11. All cancer tumors contain the pathogens.

Krebs sind Parasiten - eine Invasion von Mikroparasiten in unserem Blut - Danke Dr. Weber
Feb 15, 2019
Researching for a cure against cancer pathogens, Dr. Weber detected that they have similarities with malaria pathogens. So he tried to fight them with quinine.

His own publication can be found here:

Über die Ursache der Krebskrankheit

Von Dr. med. ALFONS WEBER mit 130 vierfarbigen Abbildungen 1. Auflage 1969

Another private website about ...

Dr. Alfons Weber - Parasiten bei Krebs

Wikipedia article about Dr. Alfons Weber

"Auf Grund der von Weber beobachteten Ähnlichkeit seiner Ca-Protozoen mit Plasmodien glaubte er auch an eine effektive Krebstherapie durch Medikamente die gegen Plasmodien wirken, wie Chinin, Resochin und Primaquin und berichtete von Zustandsbesserungen bei Patienten, bei denen er vorab einen hohen Protozoämiegrad festgestellt zu haben glaubte."

[Because of his observation about the similarities of his 'Ca-Protozoen" with plasmoids, he believed that a effective cancer therapy could be reached with with drugs against plasmoids liek quinine, resochin or primaquine and reported improvements of the condition of patiens, where he had confirmed a high level of protozomia.]

"Webers Therapie von Krebserkrankungen mit Anti-Malariamitteln stieß auf Ablehnung von Kollegen und Behörden und führte zu gerichtlichen Verfahren. Es kam in der Folge zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit den bayerischen Behörden und zu einer jahrelangen Schließung seiner Praxis und dem Entzug der Approbation im Jahre 1968."

[Weber's therapy of cancer with anti-malaria drugs was rejected by some colleagues and administration and lead to judicial proceedings. That was followed by a dispute with the Bavarian administration, resulted in the closure of his practice for many years and revocaton of his approbation in 1968.]

"1972 wurde Weber in das psychiatrische Krankenhaus Haar eingewiesen, wo jedoch keine psychiatrische Krankheit festgestellt werden konnte. Durch eine Spende von drei Millionen Mark durch eine Anhängerin konnte Weber trotz geschlossener Praxis privat weiterforschen. 1974 erhielt Weber seine Approbation zurück."

[In 1972, Weber was delivere to the psychiatric hospital in Haar, where no psychiatric disease could be detected. With a donation of 3 Million DM by a supporter, Weber could pursue his research privately, despite the closure of his practice. In 1974 Weber retained is approbation.]

By the way, compulsory hospitalization into psychiatry was and is still a feared method of administration and established criminals in Bavaria. A very famous case is the one of Gustl Ferdinand Mollath, who was jailed in psychiatry for exposing criminal money transfers to Switzerland by HypoVereinsBank, now part of Uni Credit!

Wikipedia article about Gustl Mollath:

His own website during internation:
Der Fall Gustl Mollath
[The case of Gustl Mollath]

Some excerpts from the same paper and also reference to Robert Picard is used here:

Mikroparasiten als Krebsauslöser

There we also find the list of all books of and about Dr. Alfons Weber:
  • Über die Ursache der Krebskrankheit“ (1969)
  • „Haben wir potentielle Krebserreger schon im Blut?“; 1983)
  • „Jahrhundertskandal Krebs“ (1987, bis zum Jahr 2003 zurückgehalten)
  • Dreisprachiger Farbatlas „Pathogene Protozoen im Blut-, Organ- und Tumorgewebe“ (1970)
  • „Krebsbankrott“ (2003) von Ernst Wollenberg und Thomas Blasig

3. Artemisia essence against cancer!

Meanwhile for treating malaria, not Quinine but Artemisin is used. Artemisinin is a content of the herb Artemisia, which is namen "Gemeiner Beifuß" in German and "Mugwort" or "Wormwood" in English.

Beifuss – uraltes Wissen gegen Krebs
[Wormwood - aged knowledge against cancer]

Das Geheimnis der Wirkung von Artemisinin
[The secret of the effect of artemisinin]

"Das Geheimnis seiner Wirkung liegt in seiner Reaktion mit Eisen, das sich in hohen Konzentrationen in Malariaerregern findet."

[The secret of its effect lies in its reaction with iron, which is hugely available in malaria pathogens.]

"Gerät Artemisinin in Kontakt mit Eisen, kommt es zu einer chemischen Reaktion, durch die freie Radikale erzeugt werden, diese sind die eigentliche Waffe gegen die Malariaparasiten. Sie greifen die Zellmembrane an, reißen sie förmlich auseinander und vernichten so den Erreger."

[Artemisinin getting in contact with iron, the chemical reaction results in production of free radicals. These are the real weapons against malaria parasites. They attack the cell membrane, destroy the cell and extinguish the pathogens.]

"Da Krebszellen große Mengen an Eisen verbrauchen, um bei der Zellteilung ihre DNS zu reproduzieren, finden sich darin auch wesentlich höhere Konzentrationen als in normalen Zellen."

[As cancer cells consume huge amounts of iron, to produce their DNS during cell division, more higher concentrations of iron can be found there, compared to healthy cells.]

"Die Krebszellen können deshalb mehr Eisen aufnehmen, weil sich an ihrer Oberfläche viele Transferrin-Rezeptoren befinden."

[The cancer cells can absorb more iron, because the surface contains more transferrin-receptors.]
"Diese binden die Eisenteilchen und schleusen sie in das Zellinnere. Krebszellen werden mit so viel Eisen wie möglich vollgepumpt."

[These (trasferrin-receptors) bind the iron particles and transfer them into the cell. Cancer cells are filled up with iron.]

"Gibt man Artemisinin, wird die gleiche Reaktion wie bei Malaria in Gang gesetzt, es kommt zur massiven Freisetzung von Sauerstoffradiakalen in der Krebszelle, so dass dies zu ihrem Untergang führt: sie werden vernichtet."

[Giving artemisinin, the same reaction like with malaria is triggered. Oxygen radicals are set free in the cancer cell, which leads to their doom: to be demolished.]

"Bestätigt wurden diese Befunde an Brustkrebszellkulturen. Acht Stunden nach Exposition gegen Artemisinin waren 75 Prozent der Zellen vernichtet, nach 16 Stunden lebten so gut wie keine mehr. Noch beeindruckender waren Tests mit Leukämiezellen. Diese waren bereits nach acht Stunden völlig zerstört."

[These findings were confirmed on breast cancer cell cultures. Eight hours after exposition to artemisinin, 75% of the cells were destroyed, after 16 hours nearly none were alive. More impressive were the tests with leukemia cells. They were all destroyed within 8 hours.]

"Neben seiner hohen Effektivität hat Artemisin viele Vorteile: Es ist selektiv.Es wirkt auf Krebszellen toxisch, doch auf normale Zellen hat es fast keinen negativen Effekt."

[In addition to its efficiency, artemisinin has many preferences: It is selective. Acting toxic on cancer cells, it nearly no negative effect on healthy cells.]

"Auch Krebszellen, die gegenüber Zytostatika resistent sind, reagieren bzw. werden abgetötet. Alle Krebsarten reagieren und sind empfindlich!"

[Also cancer cells which are resistant against cytostatica react accordingl and are killed. All kinds of cancer react and are very sensitive.]

The explanations in this article are very promising, but there is one point which is not clearly mentioned! The intention should not be just to kill the cancer cells, but the pathogens. At least the pathogens are not mentioned or any knowledge about the work of Dr. Alfons Weber. According the evidence from his documentation, killing a cancer cell would release the pathogens, which would swarm out and attack other healthy cells, building the known metastases.

Why is the established clerical science ignoring the important research of Dr. Alfons Weber and has done everything to degrade is work and deprive him from all means to continue?

Why is the established clerical science assuming the parasites would be organelles of the cell?

Why are the patients pushed into the expensive and deadly chemotherapy, which fully destroys the immune system, instead of supporting it to fight the pathogens?

Talked enough about autism and cancer to indicate the method of big fraud on the society we come now to the diseases which correlate with climate control!

Light Elves fighting the Diseases of Darkness!

Vitamin D Measurement the Key to Change

Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of cancer
Dr. David Jockers +

Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

Low Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D fact sheet

4. Questions & Answers

1. Is the parasitical infection the only reason of cancer?

Yes, the main reason for the exponential growth of the cells is always parasitic, because the infected cell starts a growth competition against the micro-parasites.

2. Is cancer not caused by the toxic fallouts of parasites?

The parasites don't like toxins either. They die by specific toxins. When a cell dies by overwhelming amount of parasites, the parasites get free and attack the healthy cells.

3. Could toxic materials like amalgam cause cancer?

Toxic material does not cause cell growth if there are no micro-parasites, which can take the chance of a weakened immune systems. The micro-parasites are living creatures. They don't like toxins either.

4. Would detoxication as proposed by some alternative medicine be solution against cancer?

No, because the parasites are not toxins but living beings. They thrive on healthy bodies!

4. What is the main reason for spreading cancer?

Cancer micro-parasites exist and thrive in blood based serums, which are used in the medicine, mainly for mass-vaccination. This is the main reason for global spreading of cancer.

5. What role plays a weakened immune system on cancer?

A weakened immune system is not be able to fight and eliminate micro-parasites in time, which forces infected  cells to self defense by fast growth.

6. Could nano-particles trigger cancer?

To many nano-particles entering a cell would trigger the same reaction, but the cell growth would end very fast, because there would not be a growth competition like with the micro-parasites.

It is important to understand the trigger mechanism of cell growth, which is too many foreign bodies entering the cell without defense by immune system, that the cell has to take the fight alone.

7. Why does the immune system not respond to micro-parasites?

The immune system has like everything else a capacity and delay. A weakened immune system has less capacity and higher delay. The immune system has less chance to catch all micro-parasites, when they are injected in high amounts and the tissue is traumatized by the needle. 

8. Could other factors enable cancer?

Yes, when he micro-parasites have already entered the tissue, everything what distracts and weakens the immune system will open their way! All what lowers the immune system can reactivate the cancer cells after being seemingly "cured" for 10 years. 
  • Eating craps/junkfood (contained GMO/pesticides).
  • Having stress.
  • Emotional upheaval.
  • Emotional imbalance.

9. What could be the reasons for weakened immune system?

One important aspect is the lack of VitaminD because of Climate Control and the poisoning of the air with sulfur and heavy metal ash. 

10. Why is the knowledge about micro-parasites subpressed?

The main way how the micro-parasites get into the body are the so called vaccines with biological serum based on blood. The increased vaccination is the reason why small children get cancer. Each injection poses the danger of cancer! It is the secret weapon of Eugenicists since about 100 years.

11. What is the reason for high cancer risk in older people?

When people get older, their skin becomes less able to produce Cholecalciferol from Cholesterol under sunshine. They need more time, but most aging people get less sunlight or similar artificial light. That is the main reason for their lack of vitamin-D and weakened immune system. The reason why they get cancer is that they have already got micro-parasites by many injections with micro-parasites!

12. Why well known doctors of alternative medicine offer supplements against cancer?

They are only profiteers of the global damage caused by climate control. As long as they are not aware of that and don't talk about it, all their activity is just easy-money business.

13. What do the micro-parasites feed on?

There main diet is on red blood corpuscle. If You have good microscopes to Your hand, please look at these parasites. You can observe them eating the corpuscles up!

5. Connected articles

General view on distraction from solutions by declaring the symptoms of the diseases to be their reasons.

Fibromyalgia - A collection of scientific studies!

Psoriasis - A collection of scientific studies!

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