- Warning against EUGENICS!
- For whom?
- For the earthquake victims!
- Mother of frauds!
1. Warning against EUGENICS!
Bu makaleyi okuyan herkese haykırıyorum! EUGENIK küresel cinayet teşkilatının oyunlarına gelmeyin!
'Ben çocuğuma yaptırırım...' Çocuklar aşı olacak mı? Uzmanlar ne diyor?
Prolongation of QT interval due to hydroxychloroquine overdose used in COVID-19 treatment
Gökhan Aksel,1* Mehmet Muzaffer Islam,1 Tuncay Aslan,1 and Serkan Emre Eroglu1
The therapeutic, toxic, and lethal dose reported for chloroquine in the literature is 10 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, and 30 mg/kg, respectively; however, no clear fatal dose threshold has been reported for hydroxychloroquine yet. In the case series, cardiac arrhythmias were reported between 4000 mg and 20,000 mg and death at 12,000 mg intake.[16] Although the total dose taken was 1,600 mg in our case and this dose is well below the reported doses, prolonged QT interval and bradycardia were observed. This is also the first reported case of QT interval prolongation at a low dose of 1.600 mg in the literature."
Bazi yürekli, akıllı ve vicdanlı hekimler ve hemşireler olmasa, kimse bu toplu katliamdan kurtulamaz.
Rumänische Lungenärztin: Es ist das in Krankenhäusern angewandte Covid-Protokoll, das Patienten tötet! (Hastanelerde uygulanan Kovid-Protokolü hastaları öldürüyor!)
"Der Pulmonologe weist darauf hin, dass Sauerstoffüberdosierungen in Krankenhäusern zu Hirnödemen führen, die eine der Ursachen für den Tod von Patienten sind.
In dieser Hinsicht, sagte sie:
„Oberhalb von 80 % Sättigung verabreiche ich meinen Patienten nur sehr kleine Dosen Sauerstoff, in der Größenordnung von 2-3 Litern pro Minute, in kurzen täglichen Verabreichungen von maximal 4-5 Stunden. Es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass zu viel Sauerstoff das Gehirn hemmt, denn im Allgemeinen ist es das Gehirn, das unseren Körper steuert, nicht eine Maschine. In diesem Punkt war ich mit dem aktuellen Covid-Protokoll ganz und gar nicht einverstanden: Die hohen Sauerstoffdosen, die es vorschreibt, in der Größenordnung von 20 Litern, führen zu einer Azidose, die bei den Patienten ein Hirnödem verursacht… was wiederum natürlich zu ihrem Tod führt. „
Flavia Groșan sieht es als großen Fehler an, Covid-Patienten Kaletra und Codein zu geben, die die Symptome der Krankheit nur verschlimmern können.
„Glücklicherweise gab es einige Krankenschwestern – die ich für echte Heldinnen halte – die die Patienten beobachteten und sie warnten und ihnen rieten, das Kaletra nicht zu schlucken und die Medikamente wegzuwerfen. Danach waren die Ärzte, die kamen, um nach ihnen zu sehen, erstaunt, dass sie keinen Durchfall hatten und dass sie sich gut fühlten. Der Grund dafür war, dass sie die im Protokoll vorgeschriebenen Medikamente nicht eingenommen hatten. So haben diese Pfleger ihren Patienten wirklich das Leben gerettet. „
„Wenn Codein verwendet wird, kann der Patient, weil der Husten blockiert ist, die Sekrete, die sich in der Lunge bilden, nicht abhusten, und es sind diese Sekrete, an denen er erstickt – nicht die Blutgerinnsel, sondern die Ansammlung von Sekreten. An diesem Punkt geraten die Patienten erwartungsgemäß in Panik, denn sie können nicht mehr atmen: Also werden sie mit Schmerzmitteln versorgt und an ein Beatmungsgerät angeschlossen – von da an kann nur noch die göttliche Gnade sie retten! „"
Flavia Groşan, medic pneumolog din România, a povestit într-un interviu în exclusivitate pentru
Mar 18, 2021
Size bir örnek vereyim, mesela "Prof. Dr." Kayıhan Pala'nin haline bakalım. Ha onun eline düşmüşsünüz, hada bir celladın, hiç fark etmez, sonunuz ölümdür.
Pala utanmadan düpdüze yalan söylüyor, yada karacahil, ne tıptan nede istatistikten anlıyor. Anlasa bu yalan düzmelerini utanmadan sıralamaz.
Türkiye Kayıhan Pala gibi sahte akademik ve sahte entelektuell, batıdan gelen her psikolojik ve biolojik saldırıyı bilim diye sorgulayamadan yutan bir sürü zararlı haracahillerle dolu. Tabi ona sahne veren medya ve gazeteciler onunla aynı seviyede, hele hele "çagdaş, medeni, aydın, ugyar, entel, batıcı" geçinenler felaket.
Saçma sapan olan tek şey Pala'nın hekim olarak karacahil olması Pala mRNA aşısının farkını ve yan etkilerini bile bilmiyor, ama bol yalan dolu reklam tekerliyor.
Virüs değil, virüs korkusu küresel çapta yayıldı. Gerektiği yerde, korkuyu körüklemek için biolojik saldırılarda var. Şu anda olanlar hem psikolojik ve hemde biolojik küresel savaştır. Bu savaş Eugenik ve Teknokrasi süper zengin ve süper güçlülerin bütün insanlığa karşı başlattığı savaştır. Hedef mümkünse bütün devletlerin çözülüp bir küresel devlet idaresinin inşa edilmesidir.
Korona paniği hem sosyolojik ve hemde psikolojik ve biolojik küresel savaş mimarisidir. Devletler çökertiliyor ve insanlar birbirine düşürülüyor. Bu bir dış gücün askeri saldırısıyla değil, o devleleri ve vatandaşlarını manipüle ederek yapılıyor.
Jul 25, 2021
Lüften bu ve benzeri haritalara bakarak olan ve olacak deprem bölgelirini tespit edin! Tektonik fay değil, potansiyel kaya gazı ve petröl yöresi demprem yerlerini belirler! Sert kayaları kırıp kuma çevirmek için yeraltında yüzlerce, binlerce atom bombaları patlatılıyor!
![]() | AAAAAAAAABU/IIRnLoAYjf8/s1600/Ruhsat_Haritasi2.gif |
Nasılmı? Bakın böyle, 1950lerden beri!
Buda basit bir şematik anlatım:
Nuclear_Fracking_Sounds from Enkidu Gilgamesh on Vimeo.
Buna hemen baştan jeofiziksel savaş üzerine önemli kaynakları ekliyorum.
1960dan beri ABD jeofiziksel savaş yöntemlerini uyguluyor. Bu konuda yazılan gizli memorandum 2013 yılından beri serbestçe resmi CIA sayfasında okunabilinir, yani bilmemek mümkün değil.
1960, CIA Memorandum on ClimateControl!
Orijinal kaynak:
1965de Başkan Lyndon B. Johnson bir siyasi-bilimsel komisyon nezninde komuoyuna açık bir bildiri yazdırmıştır, ama bunda artık jeofiziksel savaş deyimi geçmez, sadece "doğa kalitesini eski haline getirmek" üzerine konuşulur ve iklim değişimi üzerine bugün halen tekarlanan yalanlar düzenlenir.
Jeojolik Mimari için sahtekarlığın 1965de başlayışı? LBJ ve JFK
Orijinal kaynak:
3. For whom?
Hartmut Bachmann: "Environment movement and The Green Party were founded mainly to prevent Germany from using civil and military nuclear technology! Decision was taken in 1976 by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger."
LiveLeak: "When MH17 of Malaysian Airlines was shot down over east Ukraine, 5 Chinese rescued themselves with parachutes!"
Dimitri Khalezov: "The 3 WTC buildings in New York were demolished by nuclear explosives! This demolition method was agreed by the administration of New York City and implemented when this skyscrapers were built."
Why do I begin with the statements above? I want the prevent the sheeple from reading on! Please, all mentally handicapped, You should not read my pages and leave this blog now!
Human intelligence shouldn't resemble picking grains like a chicken, but be able to connect and divide complex knowledge and find a logical explanation. No efforts should be wasted for people without this ability.
Please don't be offended, my hard-talk is not to attack You, but just to look for the right people. Not everyone has all required abilities!
I want to pursue my way with remaining readers!
This post is particularly for people living in Republic of Turkey (R.T. or Turkey), because Turkey is the next state to downfall after Republic of Syria (R.S. or Syria) and will drawn in a see of bloodshed. However this post is commonly for all countries suffering and will suffer according the Project for a Greater Middle East (PGME), because it will not end with Turkey and Syria.
Who should feel being addressed? Ever one living and want to live healthy and free, knowing, loving and defending freedom at its foundations!
4. Manipulation
Sure, it is good to have a good memory of history, make experiences, to read, paint, draw and write and depend on others knowledge but the main target should remain to base on facts and use logic to organize and put everything together independently.
By questioning the "assumed knowledge" and "truth" with logic and power of imagination, new findings of truth may arise and the old truth and knowledge be moved into the realm of fantasy. Therefore, please use Your imagination to cross the known borders and break the virtual walls, dive deep under the known grounds. Certainly You will find a lot of empty space to fill!
At least since the works of Edward Louis James Bernays about propaganda and of Richard Bandler and John Grinder about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), the further developments and pracatical appliance have delivered all tools for individual and social psychological steering! You may call it "manipulation"!
Conspiracy Theory (CT) is a very effective weapon of mass social steering, which contains all these tools. Whenever a assumption, an idea or knowledge is degraded by calling it a CT and the CT claimer is embarrassed and punished, the powers which have to use CT need to hide a crime or swindle!
Every CT concept forbids some notions and wordings others are invented, redefined and promoted. The words are evaluated as good and bad.
Whoever interpreting the words in a opposite way is directly silenced or the spreading of his voice is prevented in public channels of communication. That is the content of NLP! As the censoring of opinions is subconscious the NLP victims presume that the conclusions are their own and blame themselves for damage and failures.
The deceivers, developing a CT concept accommodate the lie stories to the faith system and known notions of the victims and incorporate the authorities the victims follows. That means the believer in science gets a scientific and a believer in religion a religious and a commons schizphrenic a schizophrenic designed story. But all stories lead to the same conclusion!
The first lines of first capital of the book of Bernays have become very famous.
Edward Bernays: "Conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses!"
„THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."
Which connection could be between this preface and the weather news of Arabia? You will learn it, please be patient. :-)
You may not believe a priest, a bishop, a magician, but if a deceiver claims to report about "science" You believe every lie out of his mouth, without thinking and questioning, don't You?
Sorry but You seem to be an ignorant of science!
6. Mother of Frauds
Do I claim that the big UNO, NASA, Climate Conferences are all promoting a "Ponzi scheme", "finance bubble", fraud?
What is their motivation, what could it be?
Are they benevolent, global climate saving, altruistic scientists and politicians or are the dumb, fraudulent, criminal, evil, pervert, treacherous, greedy, corrupt, money addicts liars or let us say the same type of ruling crooks You are used to see all over Turkey?
The population of Turkey is used, not to trust its own politicians, head of army, science deceivers, banksters, ant it always assumes the truth as the opposite of their statements.
But sadly if the fraudsters come from USA or Europe, the people believe every lie out of their mouths.
Before diving more into this topic, I want to warn the readers!
Global Warming and Climate Change is cover story for the biggest Ponzi scheme and finance bubble fraud in the history of mankind!
If You are used to and like to be deceived please stop reading this page and the connected pages now, else You will become disappointed and depressive. But be assured dumbness doesn't protect against deceit and exploitation, material and moral damage, but the frame of fraudsters is always made for the dumbest.
If You behave like a sheep
You will be treated as sheeple!
If You want to be brave, keep Your dignity, protect Your humanity and wake up if You sleep and stay awake, know and learn, please keep on reading!
If You behave like human,
You will be treated accordingly!
It would be easier to live like a sheep, if sheep would not be sacrificed!
Being a human would be difficult, if You would not have a intelligent brain! Please use Your brain!
Stay away from my page, my posts are not for mentally abused and handicapped people. I don't want to waste my time with such people and go my way with mentally healthy comrades!
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