- Metamorphosis of Corporatism/Fascism, Imperialism, Colonialism!
- Globalization is the new Colonialism!
- Nuclear Fracking is the "new normal"!
- Conquered and ruled by "wording"!
- North Africa and Arabia
- India and Indochina
- Let us learn something about fracking!
- Further Sources
- Libya, Tunisia: Regime change for fracking!
- New Zealand, Mozambique, Iran
- Mediterranean
- Pakistan
- Mexico and USA!
- Galapagos
- Somalia
- Spain, Canary Islands
1. Metamorphosis of Corporatism/Fascism, Imperialism, Colonialism!
In the age of colonialism the aggressors apologized their criminal acts as "delivering civilization" to the primitive people and/or bringing them the "right religion" and "rescuing their soles" from hell.
Some Europeans swarmed over the world as a menace, like an epidemic, a super-cloud of locusts and killed, robbed, abused and enserfed the people of Europe, Africa, America and Asia and washed their bloody hands in "charity".
From about 3rd to 15th century the Roman Catholic Church was the main amoral apologist and profiteer, but the protestant churches and non-religious ideologies of "European enlightenment" didn't make any difference. Even the abused and enserfed Celtic, Germanic, Irish, Slavic people became active part of the crime, which rolled first over Europe and than the World.
Serfdom, fanatism, racism, racist nationalism, robbery of resources are the real heritage of Europe, not the fine arts, literature and philosophy. Europeans are deeply infested with racism, colonialism and imperialism, that even the ones who suffered most, socialize themselves with the abusers, by saying that the "white man brought civilization to the primitives".
Consider that the notions "slave" and "slavery" evolved since the year 800, after the downfall of Avarain Empire when the Franconian plunder knights began to attack, kill and hijack the last free tribal people of North-Eastern Europe and sell them on the human trade markets of Europe, Africa and Near East. Whenever the customers asked "which people", the answer was no more Saxonian, Frisian, Thuringian, Celtic, Britonian etc. but always "Slave", that the word "slave" replaced the notion serf and "slavery" the serfdom.
Being also "white" like their abusers, the people of eastern Europe deny their history of victimization. Instead they distance themselves by looking at the much later similar fate of African people, who became prisoners of marauding Arabic desert pirate armies, after the breakdown of Muslim Order of states under the lose leadership of Caliphates of Baghdad and Cordoba, following the lost wars against the European Crusaders and Mongolian hoards and rise of colonialism.
Arab slave trade
"The majority of slaves traded across the Mediterranean region were predominantly of European origin from the 7th to 15th centuries."
"Slaves were also brought into the Arab world via Central Asia, mainly of Turkic or Tartar origin. Many of these slaves later went on to serve in the armies forming an elite rank."
Slavery in Africa
"The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 15th through to the 19th centuries. The Atlantic slave trade was significant in transforming Africans from a small percentage of the global population of slaves in 1600 into the overwhelming majority by 1800."
Only pressure can form diamonds! The endless attacks towards the east formed first Poland and than Russia, the owner of huge natural treasures. When the Nazi troops marched on the east front, they were seeking to conquer the huge oil reserves of Russia, not to "liberate" the Ukrainian nation!
Today in the main news program of German TV ZDF, the presenter Claus Kleber shows the Ukrainian Nazis at the Donetsk and Luhansk front and says that "they take care for order and calm".
What do You need more to recognize Fascism, when it knocks on Your door with Nazi-swastika or SS on its helm and a double-hook on its tank?
From German: ZDF-Kleber/Eigendorf: Asow-Death-Squadrons „care for calm order “
Thursday, 2. April 2015
"ZDF shows them with SS-runes, nazi-swastika, and "Wolfsangel" (double-hook) - presented by Mrs Eigendorf without critique!
For Mrs. Eigendorf they are "the fighters of voluntary militia are the new heroes." Murder as "order and security"."
From German: For Springer Media and ZDF under the wolfs-rune: The Eigendorfs
Montag, 8. September 2014

Today Fascists are financed by human traders who like to be called "philanthropists". The original meaning of philanthropy was a more natural, reasonable and human friendly way of education.
The abuse of people begins with the perversion of notions. Therefore the biggest assholes, which tend to be also the super-rich, abuse people by using money and force to become more rich and powerful.
It is not a coincidence, that the financiers of the "colored protests and revolutions" are also behind the campaigns for "climate change"!

Does it make any difference, if the ruthless, greedy bastards are not called human traders but "philanthropists"?
Why may a super-rich deserve to be called "philanthropist"? Just because he "loves" to trade with people instead of cattle?
We should protect our language, because language is abused to program our minds. Liberation from enserfment begins by clearing the notions!
Never forget, it is always about control on and exploitation of resources, never "charity", "protection of climate", "democracy", "freedom", "human rights", "civil rights", "gender equality" "animal rights" and "peace". All these "good meaning" notions are perverted to serve the interests of perverts.
2. Globalization is the new Colonialism!
Now we see a more dangerous, more extensive, more ruthless, more hypocrite, more cynical and brazenly declared colonialization of the world, but the humanity behaves more dumb than sheep and lemmings.
What is the meaning of "globalization" for You?
Would You understand and reject it if it was called "global colonialism"?
Who wants to "globalize" You?
If You don't want to be colonized, You should reject to be globalized!
- Global water is colonialized!
- Global sunlight is colonialized!
- Global oxygen is colonialized!
- Global air is colonized!
- Global weather is colonized!
- Global soil is colonialized!
- Global oceans are colonized!
- Global food is colonialized!
- Global mind is colonized!
- Global faiths are colonized!
- Global knowledge is colonized!
- Global health is colonialized!
- Global forests are colonized!
- Global life is colonialized!
- Global energy is colonized!
All that is globalized by global engineering, also called geoengineering, terraforming, climate engineering or just "Solar Radiation Management" (SRM)!
Have You ever "voted" or signed a contract to allow Your sunlight be "managed" by global corporations?
Do You want to give up Your natural right to enjoy sunlight?
3. Nuclear Fracking is the "new normal"!
All over the world land and water resources are grabbed for industrial farming and fracking of oil and gas!
What does "leave in the ground" for coal mean for You, if Your only energy source for heating and cooking is coal?
Do they really want to "leave it in the ground"?
Do You know that coal beds can be totally emptied by Nuclear Fracking and Underground Gasification?
Not a single carbon atom is "left in the underground". All coal is burned to CO and CO2 by injection of O2 and modified to CH4 (methane) by pyrolyse with H2O, which can further be processed to liquid gas and other synthetic fuels.
Why should anyone else decide about Your energy resources?
Where is the logic?
Do You know how fracking is done?
The legacy "fossil fuels", petrol and coal are demonized, but what is the the non legacy method, which has become the "new normal"?
What is "fracked"?
How it is "fracked"?
It is the mining of oil, gas, condensates by Nuclear Fracking all over the world, onshore and offshore. Consider that fracking always means nuclear bombing of the underground! To understand the method please read following articles:
Connecting 911 with Fracking by Radioactivity! Plowshare Program!
Would You agree if they would name it earthquaking instead of "fracturing"?
Fracturing sounds more fancy, more harmless, but earthquakes are "inevitable"!
4. Conquered and ruled by "wording"!
Recognize that manipulation, conditioning, brainwashing is done by words! Your neuronal system is "programmed" by defining new notions, redefining the meaning of existing ones!
Do You want to allow a "trustworthy" "central global body" like the "Climate Counsel" (IPCC) to give You the permission for the usage Your natural resources?
Do You want to accept a "global climate council" as Your master and happily become its serf? Consider "worst enemies of freedom are happy serfs".
"Agreeing" with the "assessment" of the colonialist body IPCC makes You a dumb capitulant in the war on resources!
Never agree with Your enemies! Enemies are there to resist and fight against!
Maybe You sleep yet, others are already waking up, at least expressing some suspicion, but still in half delirium of manipulation.
Hope the West isn't heading towards climate colonialism
"I agree with the assessment of the fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that increased temperature and increased frequency of extreme weather events will have an impact on economic activities, including agricultural production, infrastructure, and health."
Under globalization all people become colonized! There won't be difference in "developed" and "undeveloped". Geoengineering is attacking and killing all over the world!
Extreme weather events, health and material damage are the impact of geoengineering by SRM!
"The 2003 heat wave in Europe killed nearly 52,000 people within a fortnight in August. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated southern US; last year, Hurricane Sandy devastated eastern US; and the bushfires in Australia and California, are examples which show that even developed countries are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change."
Feeling good by being as dumb as the "developed"!
"Climate change [geoengineering / climate engineering[/embed] affects all nations, developed or developing."
A little awakening at the end!
"It appears that less scientific evidence and more political motives are behind isolating India and China as the most vulnerable countries in the report. I hope developing countries are not heading towards climate colonialism."
Now let us look at fracking all over the world.
5. North Africa and Arabia
North Africa Oil and Gas Wallmap
Wallmap | Apr 2017
Unsung Heroes of the Shale Gas Revolution
April 6, 2013 by Manzoor Roome
"... a comprehensive report was published by the US Energy of Information (EIA) in 2011 which assessed 48 gas shale basins in 32 countries and reviewed the current state of shale development. This report that was called a “key development in the natural gas arena” by Forbes and had been cited in economic reports by prominent firms such as PwC and Ernst & Young. The EIA report was also referenced by the Energy and Climate Change Committee appointed by the House of Commons of the UK Parliament."
"However, the report was incomplete. The EIA report studied only 14 regions for shale gas potential while vast land masses in the Middle-East, Africa and South Asia were not studied due to scarcity of exploration data in the public domain. Since 2011, there have been many new developments in shale gas exploration around the world."
"Algeria has been at the forefront of unconventional gas. The Algerian Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi believes that his country’s reserves of shale gas are equal to that of the United States. Algeria’s state energy company, Sonatrach, has signed a cooperation agreement with Italian company Eni SpA, for the development of unconventional gas in Algeria, with a particular focus on shale gas."
"What makes this development important in the broader European picture is that Algeria currently supplies 30% of the EU’s natural gas imports, only behind Russia who supplies 40% of the EU market. In the last webinar on the Energy Collective, Mark Caine had touched on this topic and mentioned that Europe is importing one-third of its gas consumption from Russia. Algeria benefits from the trans-mediterranean pipelines: the ‘Enrico Mattei’ and the ‘Pedro Duran Farell’ which links to Italy and Spain. Thus a boost in gas production in Algeria will give the EU an alternative to Russia’s Gazprom who charges its customers three times the US gas price."
"Nearby, Morocco has recently given the green light to five international companies to drill wells for better estimation of shale gas. However Morocco has fewer natural gas reserves, unlike its neighbours, and so has to rely on imports for internal energy needs. The Tindouf and Tadla basin are targets for exploration. These are Silurian-age shale deposits and they contain an estimated 266 Tcf and 1.5 Tcf of technically recoverable gas reserves."
"In Saudi Arabia, the U.S. oilfield services company, Baker Hughes estimates shale gas reserves to be at 645 Tcf, the fifth largest of such reserve in the world. The country’s conventional gas reserves are estimated to be around 279 Tcf. Saudi Aramco has asked Halliburton and Schlumberger to begin carrying out feasibility studies for the production of shale gas. Seismic surveys are currently being carried out in the northern desert area close to borders of Iraq and Jordan. The Saudi Oil Minister, Al-Naimi has announced a few weeks ago that they will drill seven test wells for shale gas this year."
"However, Saudi Arabia’s goal is very different. The country wants its shale gas to replace crude oil being burned by the kingdom’s power plants. Crude oil is a very expensive fuel for the domestic power market. Saudi Arabia burned 766,000 b/d of crude oil to generate electricity in the period between June and August 2012."
"Oman is also investigating exploration for shale gas, as the Sultanate looks to alleviate the gas consumption holding back its industrial and petrochemical sectors. A lack of additional natural gas resources has impeded progress in economic diversification, especially in the industrial sector.
Although Oman is a net exporter of oil and natural gas, it also imports small volumes of natural gas from Qatar via UAE. The Dolphin Pipeline provides Oman’s only natural gas imports, providing approximately 200 Mcf/d. BP is considering a $20 billion project to produce tight gas reservoirs deep under the Khazzan and Makarem fields in the north-central region. Earlier this month, Dr. Al-Rumhi, Minister of Oil and Gas of Oman, said that the decision will be taken in the coming few weeks."
Total, ADNOC to launch unconventional gas exploration in Abu Dhabi - Oil & Gas Journal
6. India and Indochina
Please consider that the huge earthquake with tsunami which killed over 200 thousand people of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and around in 2004 and also the endless comparably smaller but still destructive earthquakes and tsunamis in Sumatra and Sulawesi are results of underground nuclear explosions for fracking under the oceanic seabed.
Quoting from the same article.Rescuers frantically search for survivors in earthquake and tsunami-hit Palu, where over 800 people have been confirmed dead
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) September 30, 2018
(Tap to expand) https://t.co/pH2UUIHPtM pic.twitter.com/s6TFWnayQe
"India has several basins and the Indian Oil Minister, Verrapa Moily, recently said India plansto unveil its shale gas policy within the next two weeks as it seeks to exploit unconventional resources very soon."
"The EIA report takes into consideration only four ‘prospective basins’, as they have indicated in the map in Figure 2. However, the Indian government has a larger estimate. Mr S.K. Srivastava, Director-General of Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, had said, “Six basins have been identified for offering subject to certain legislative changes. The Government is formulating a policy for offering these areas.” These basins are Cambay in Gujarat, Upper Assam-Arakan in the northeast, Godavari in central India, Krishna Godavari onshore in Andhra Pradesh and the Cauvery onshore and the Indo Gangatic basins."
"The Southern-Indus basin of Pakistan, from the organic-rich Sembar and Ranikot formations, has been identified with potential for shale gas. The estimates are that of 51 Tcf technically recoverable."
"Another gas rich country which was not considered in the EIA report is Indonesia. The country already has significant coalbed methane resources, located mainly in the sedimentary basins on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.
A study by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, estimated that Indonesia has geologically attractive shale gas resources in the Barito and Kutei basins of Kalimantan (shown above in figure 3) as well as tight gas prospects in the North and South Sumatra basins.
Edy Hermantoro, an upstream oil and gas director at the energy and mineral resources ministry of Indonesia said “Bandung Technology University estimates that Indonesia holds 1,000 tcf of shale gas reserves”. Indonesia is currently opening up the shale blocks for exploration by foreign companies."
"In South-East Asia, Thailand is also a lesser known among shale potentials. Thailand has four main onshore sedimentary basins and regions with the potential for unconventional gas resources Khorat Plateau, Northern Inter-Montane Basin, Central Plain and Southern Plains. Based on geological reviews, the shale gas deposits in the Khorat Plateau is said to be the most promising followed by the tight sandstones in the Khorat and Central/Southern Plains and modest size CBM deposits in the Northern Inter-Montane Basin.
In 2011, The Petroleum Authority of Thailand signed a MOU with Statoil to study the unconventional (and conventional) gas resources of Thailand and a small lease block has been awarded for Coal bed Methane exploration in southern Thailand."
Indonesia, Petrolium Geology and Potential
![]() |
http://www.ccop.or.th/epf/indonesia/images/Ind_petroleum01.jpg |
"The oil and gas resources potentials are accumulated in 60 sedimentary basins, which are located all over Indonesia. Out of the 60 sedimentary basins, only 38 basins have been explored. The producing basins are 15, of which 11 basins are located in Western Indonesia Region, and the other 4 are located in Eastern Indonesia Region."
OIL & GAS in Indonesia. Overview. 2013
Be aware, "yet controversial", "revolutionary", "unconventional" means nuclear pulverization of rock formations!
Indonesia Energy: Turning Unconventional With Shale Gas
by Justin Calderon -Jun 11, 2013
"Indonesia is following the US’s footsteps to begin utilising revolutionary, yet controversial, techniques to exploit large unconventional gas deposits that could wean the country away from dependence on fossil fuels."
"Shale gas and coal-bed methane, two forms of hard-to-extract natural gas that require capital-intensive technologies, are replete across the Southeast Asian archipelago."
"While half of Indonesia’s current fuel mix derives from coal, with over 20 per cent coming from conventional gas, recent commitments to begin exploring unconventional deposits could dramatically alter the country’s energy composition by opening up avenues to potential shale gas reserves of about 574 trillion cubic feet and coal-bed methane reserves of 453.3 trillion cubic feet, compared with proven conventional gas reserves of 153, according to Indonesian geology surveys."
Stunningly, these estimates come close to the US potential shale gas reserves at 665 trillion cubic feet, according to the Washington D.C.-based Energy Information Administration.
An added lure to begin unconventional exploration, the approximately 60 basins that have been located across the country – namely in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and West Papua – are just 1,000 to 1,300 feet below the surface, compared to conventional reserves, which average at 6,500.
7. Let us learn something about fracking!
Please first look at this video, as all fracking begins with Gasbuggy!
This video shows a nice drilling animation and doesn't show about the fracturing of the rock formation by nuclear demolitions!
This advertisement video only shows small gun shots to open holes into the rock. It doesn't show how all gas and oil could be produced without heavy fracturing of the rock formation.
"Fracking is short for hydraulic fracturing. It’s a method of extracting natural gas and oil from shale deposits deep within the earth. Water, chemicals, and sand are pumped into these shale deposits under very high pressure which causes the shale to fracture, releasing the natural gas and oil trapped within. The slurry of water, chemicals, gas, and oil are then slowly pumped back out, leaving the sand to hold the fractures open so the mixture can be removed. As the slurry of chemicals, water, sand, gas and oil is pumped back out of the ground, it is separated into its different components and stored in tanks.

And it’s the removal process where the problems lie for our groundwater. It’s been estimated that anywhere between 20 and 40 percent of the chemicals are left behind. They can then seep into the groundwater, contaminating wells and rendering the water undrinkable. "
"Benzene is one of the chemical components of the chemical cocktail pumped into the ground. It’s a byproduct of petroleum production and a Class A carcinogen. Benzene exposure has long been known to cause various forms of leukemia. Benzene exposure to eyes or skin can cause irritation. Drinking benzene in you water causes stomach irritation, vomiting, convulsions, rapid heartbeat and even death."
How do offshore drilling platforms move from place to place?
They are as wide as entire football fields, stand at least 10 to 20 stories tall, and weigh many tons. How do they move around without sinking to the bottom of the ocean?
"Most offshore drilling vessels/platforms are designed to be moved from location to location. The majority of exploratory wells drilled are failures, so it would not make sense to build a permanent structure at the start of a drilling campaign. We use a variety of styles of temporary/mobile structures to drill exploratory wells (and often to drill the development wells, too). These are called Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs)."
May 8, 2014
The Geology of the GoM is largely Jurassic and Cretaceous, when the basin encouraged collection and evaporation of sea water, leaving behind accumulations of Salt and Gypsum, which then domed and trapped abundant hydrocarbons."

"Source: http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/levin/0471697435/chap_tut/chaps/chapter13-04.html"
The Submerged Lands Act (SLA) of 1953 grants individual States rights to the natural resources of submerged lands from the coastline to no more than 3 nautical miles (5.6 km) into the Atlantic, Pacific, the Arctic Oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico. The only exceptions are Texas and the west coast of Florida, where State jurisdiction extends from the coastline to no more than 3 marine leagues (16.2 km) into the Gulf of Mexico."
"Source: http://www.boem.gov/Federal-Offshore-Lands/"
"State and federal ownership of the seabed:"

"Beyond the state boundaries in the GoM there are Offshore Protraction Areas that are further subdivided into blocks that go up for bid from the federal government."

"Source: http://www.energyeconomist.com/a6257783p/GOM/Gustav_Ike.html"
"According to the following BOEM chart, most of the big money bids were in the 70s and 80s, but sale number 222 in 2012 netted $157 million for lease G34456 in the central district!"

"Source: http://www.boem.gov/Top-Ten-Highest-Bids-on-a-Single-Block-for-All-Gulf-Sales/"
There are three primary rig types. Jackups, semisubmersibles and drillships make up the majority of the offshore rig fleet and all are used worldwide. Other rig types such as platform rigs, inland barges and tender-assisted rigs are used as well, but they are fewer in number and are generally used in specific geographic areas. Jack-ups – Used for shallow water drilling, there are two jackup types; independent-leg jackups make up the majority of the existing fleet. They have legs that penetrate into the seafloor and the hull jacks up and down the legs. Mat-supported jackups are presently used only in the U.S. GoM. As the name implies, the mat rests on the seafloor during drilling operations. Cantilever jackups are able to skid out over the platform or well location, while slot units have a slot that fits around a platform when drilling development wells.
Semisubmersibles – Used for deepwater drilling, these floating rigs have columns that are ballasted to remain on location either by mooring lines anchored to the seafloor or by dynamic positioning systems. They are used for both exploratory and development drilling.
Drillships – Also used for deepwater drilling, these ship-shaped floating rigs move from location to location under their own power. They are capable of operating in more remote locations and require fewer supply boat trips than do semis. They are maintained on location via dynamic positioning systems, and most of the rigs currently under construction are drillships. Platform Rigs – These are self-contained rigs that are placed on fixed platforms for field development drilling. Some are called self-erecting and can be rigged up in as little as a few days. Other larger units require a derrick barge to be installed and can take up to two weeks to be rigged up. Once drilling is completed, the rig is removed from the platform. Tender-Assist Rigs – There are only about 25 of these rigs left in existence, used mostly in West Africa and Southeast Asia. They are monohull units that are moored next to a platform. The rig is then installed onto the platform, while all the power, storage and other functions remain on the tender. Inland Barges – These rigs are specially adapted for inland waters close to shore. They are used in the GoM as well as other areas of the world."WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF AN OFFSHORE RIG?"
"This image shows some of the major components of an offshore semisubmersible rig:"

"Source: http://www.boem.gov/2012-2017-Lease-Sale-Schedule/
- Hull – initially rigs were built out of tanker hulls, so the terminology remains
- Power Module – converts available fuel into power for the station
- Process Module – onboarding and offloading of supplies and products
- Drilling Module – the traditional drilling rig apparatus
- Quarters Module – where the crew sleeps and eats
- Wellbay Module – access to the well and other equipment
- Derrick – the oil derrick"
"In oil-producing operations, it is often desirable to inject water or steam into the formation to improve oil recovery. Water injection for this purpose is called a waterflood; when properly implemented, it will maintain reservoir pressure and significantly improve the oil recovery vs. primary production. Steam injection, known as a steamflood, will reduce the viscosity of oil and further enhance the oil recovery. See the chapter on Steam Injection in the Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics volume of this Handbook."
"In offshore areas, governing regulations specify the maximum hydrocarbon and solids content in the water allowed in overboard discharges. Some studies have estimated that during the life of a well, 4 to 5 bbl of water are produced for every barrel of oil, making this fluid the largest volume of produced product in the oil and gas industry.[1]"
"Separating Free Hydrocarbons From Water
Produced water typically enters the water-treatment system from a two- or three-phase separator, free-water knockout, gun barrel, heater treater, or other primary-separation-unit process. This water contains small concentrations (100 to 2000 mg/L) of dispersed hydrocarbons in the form of oil droplets. Because the water flows from this equipment through dump valves, control valves, chokes, or pumps, the oil-particle diameters will be very small (< 100 μm)."
Flow Measurement of Produced Water or Sea Water during Injection
"Water injection is a common way to extend reservoir life through intelligent well management. In order to raise the reservoir pressure and improve the production rate, sea water or produced water is injected into the well. The injected water quantities are monitored by flow meters and transmitted to the process control system."
"The sea water injection takes place in two steps. Firstly the booster pumps suck the water out of the reservoir's water tank to create a slight admission pressure of approximately 200 psi. The injection pumps need this pressure in order to work cavitation free. Secondly the injection happens via thick walled steel pipes, where pressures of about 4500 psi can be reached during the process."
Concentration Measurement of Glycol for Gas Dehydration
"A natural gas exploration company in the middle east extracts gas offshore, which is then piped onshore where it is prepared for transportation and further processing."
"As the natural gas is extracted from the wellhead, it expands and thus its temperature strongly drops. In order to prevent the formation of ice and avoid frozen fittings, it must be heated. For this purpose, an 80% monoethylene glycol mixture (MEG) is warmed up to 285 °F onshore and then pumped out to the gas extraction fields offshore. Here it is mixed into the extracted gas streams to elevate the temperature and to simultaneously dehydrate the gas."
"The MEG and the natural gas are then piped back, as a mixture, towards the mainland. Onshore, the MEG is regenerated and stored in a reservoir tank. It is then ready to be fed back into the cycle."
Injection (Chemical / Gas / Water)
"Challenge: Certain chemicals may need to be injected into oil or gas wells to counteract such conditions as scaling, hydrate formation, and corrosion. Traditionally, the injection dosages to individual wells have been controlled through valves located on the topside facilities. However, this requires a separate chemical feed line for each well – all the way from the chemical supply tank on the platform, through the control valve and the umbilical to the subsea well. In other words, the distribution of chemicals to each well is performed on the surface. For a subsea field development, the larger the number of trees and the longer the step-out from the host platform result in additional costs for each separate stainless steel tube bundled in the subsea umbilical."
Report: Fracking took 5.3 million gallons of water per well last year
"Hydraulic fracturing is a water-intensive business: Bursting open just one shale gas well can require pumping millions of gallons of water underground.
Yet much of the United States' fracking activity takes place in areas that are suffering from high or extremely high water stress, according to Ceres, an advocacy group for sustainable investment.
About 57 percent of the nearly 110,000 wells that were hydraulically fractured in the last five years are in these highly stressed regions, including basins in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma and California, Ceres found in an interactive map and report published Thursday."
The Fracking Map of CERES.

Fracking: Impacts - Water
"Development of shale energy resources requires a large amount of water, with estimates ranging between two to nine million gallons per well. However, there is a lack of clarity about how much water is used to frack in California."
An Investor Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Stress
Fracking-Flüssigkeiten (Fracking fluids)!
Gas in, gas out: the waterless fracking alternative
Drought raises appeal of using natural gas instead of water to fracture rock in wells
Trinkwasserschutz (drink water protection)
"Wasser ist lebenswichtig. Für ExxonMobil gilt deshalb: Trinkwasserschutz geht vor Energiegewinnung und hat bei der Erdgasförderung oberste Priorität – unabhängig davon, ob das Fracking-Verfahren eingesetzt wird oder nicht."

Betreibt Exxonmobil Im Jahr 2030 ca 1000 Erdöl-und
Erdgasbohrungen in Deutschland und hat bis dahin für die
durchgeführten Fracks etwa 150 verschiedene Chemikalien eingesetzt?
HeatWave RF Heating ESEIEH process
3 Solutions To Water-Intensive Fracking
"Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Fracturing"
"Foam-Based Fracturing"
"Channel Fracturing Technology"
Colonializm by mass destruction of ranking!
What is "carbon efficient"?
Are You carbon efficient?
Can You live with less breathing and eating?
Can You live without carbon?
Why don't they ask for reduction of real poisons like mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminium, uranium is phosphate fertilizers, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, acetone, MEK, toluene, benzene, xylene, polychlorinatedbiphenyl ethers, alcohols. trihalomethanes, phenols, pesticides / insecticides / herbicides, detergents, organo-metalic compounds, sulfides, ammonia, perchlorate?
Why do they attack the molecule of life, CO2?
Find all answers about CO2 in the following article!
Frequently asked questions about CO2!
Accelerating Returns From The Transition To A Low Carbon Economy
"The only public Carbon Ranking of the world’s largest listed companies. The Rankings highlight carbon efficient companies, and those who report on both direct and supply chain emissions."
How deep to frack?
Just to expose some people as liars or bad informed, who claim to know that fracking occurs only up to 2km depth!
"Where once drilling was confined to water not much more than a thousand feet deep, in recent years this has risen to almost 10,000 feet (about 2 miles) of water. Now a major push is under way to start drilling in waters deeper than 10,000 feet."
Shale Gas and Fracking in Europe
"Shale gas is methane gas contained in rocks called shales. It is typically found in underground layers anything from a few meters to tens of meters thick and at maximum depths of 6 to 7 kilometres. Worldwide technically recoverable shale gas reserves are sizeable
and estimated to be ~200 trillion cubic metres (tcm), of which ~16 tcm are located in Europe."
"In areas in the USA where strict water treatment policies are not in force, these
fluids are often disposed of partially treated in deep underground wells (disposal wells) at depths of approximately 4 to 5 km."
Maximum depth of IGas shale well at Tinker Lane cut by almost half
"But the planning application for the site near Barnby Moor, currently being considered by Nottinghamshire County Council, said the well would be a maximum of 3,300m deep."
8. Further Sources
U.S. shale oil and gas sector surges back to life: Kemp

The shale gas map!
![]() |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shale_gas#/media/File:EIA_World_Shale_Gas_Map.png |
Learn, where the Tropospheric Aerosol Injection will be applied to harvest and steer the water to the fracking areas.
Learn, where people will be forced to move from by staged extreme weather and/or earthquake catastrophes and wars and along the water routes, like in Louisiana (USA), North Africa, Middle East.
Read the maps to get into the mind of fracking psychopaths!
9. Libya, Tunisia: Regime change for fracking!
I would like to recommend the blog article of Alessandro Bacci from Friday, May 31, 2013 about shale gas fracking in North Africa, particularly Libya, after the disempowerment and killing of Muhammar Ghaddafi.
Global Shale Gas Initiative of Hitlery Killary Clinton and the water theft of Muammar Gaddafi!
Shall Libya Develop Its Unconventional Gas Reserves? Some Preliminary Considerations
"Shale gas resources are widely present across much of North Africa. The majority of shale gas is concentrated in Algeria (9th position in the ranking of the countries with shale gas reserves, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (E.I.A.) in 2011), Libya (8th position) and Tunisia (25th position)."
"Libya's shale gas reserves are located in two basins: the Ghadames Basin (Tannezuft and Frasnian formations) straddling between Algeria, Libya and Tunisia, and the Sirte Basin (Sirt-Rachmat and Etel formations), which is located entirely within Libya's borders."

"According to estimates by the E.I.A.:
Algeria has 231 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of technically recoverable shale gas resources with 159 TCF of proven reserves,
Libya has 290 TCF of technically recoverable shale gas resources with 54.7 TCF of proven reserves, and
Tunisia has 18 TCF of technically recoverable shale gas resources with 2.3 TCF of proven reserves.
"The map below provides a basic understanding of the world's distribution of shale gas basins. The values are expressed in cubic meter (1 cubic meter is equal to 35.3 cubic feet)."

"differences between conventional and shale gas."

"it's important to underline the issues to be considered before giving the green light to shale gas development in Libya."
"There are at least four major issues:"
"1) The environmental impact — This point was touched upon extensively in Istanbul. The impact of shale drilling (1500 wells to 3000 wells to produce 2 billion standard cubic feet per day (BBCF/d) against 40 wells to 60 wells to produce 2 BBCF/d for conventional gas) on water supplies causes a lot of concern. According to data released last year by Halliburton, a U.S. oilfield services company, a shale well may require up to 5 million gallons of water. This quantity is equal to 50 percent of the water consumed per day in a major city."
"2) The cost of extraction — Extracting shale gas is a costly operation and requires advanced technologies, which not all the energy companies have. Until recently, there has been no convenience in shale gas, and with market prices below $8.5 per MMBtu the extraction was totally uneconomical. According to I.H.S. CERA, a provider of global market and economic information, shale gas may now be produced at cheaper costs than in the past. And the predictability of shale gas wells, combined with the growing experience in how to reduce the time and cost of drilling and fracking wells, means that currently many firms are claiming to be able to produce shale gas at a marginal cost of less than $4 per MMBtu, as in the U.S. Barnett Shale did George Mitchell in 2009 when he started the 'fracking revolution'. Of course, later the gas has to be sold at a value higher than $4 per MMBtu. "
"In fact, "Out of circa 90 gas discoveries country-wide (non-associated gas and gas cap fields), there are circa 70 that are undeveloped" said Dr. Clark-Lowes. And taking into account current gas prices, the advancement of technology and infrastructure (especially new gas pipelines) a good part of these discoveries are now commercially viable. "Some are recently discovered and are being assessed for commerciality, e.g., the very significant Hess discovery offshore Sirt, A54/1" added Dr. Clark-Lowes. In other words, shale gas will be relevant in Libya, but there is still plenty of associated and non-associated gas, both undeveloped and yet-to-be discovered. And the decision between conventional and unconventional gas shall be primarily based onto economic considerations."
"Up to now, with conventional gas, the lion's share of the gas was exported via pipeline to Italy (ENI's Greenstream Pipeline) to Europe with small volumes also shipped in the form of L.N.G. to Spain."
"It's difficult to imagine different customers than the Europeans, who have to diversify their gas supplies from Russia."
"And it is' important to underline that China has the biggest world's reserve of shale gas with 1,275 TCF, and it could try to develop them in the future."
10. New Zealand, Mozambique, Iran
A warning from Queensland (Showing Fracking and Farming areas)
Exxon's Mozambique LNG Acquisition Demonstrates Strategic Advantage
All South Pars phases to be operational by 2015: Iran oil minister
"The South Pars gas field, divided into 28 phases, is located in the Persian Gulf on the common border between Iran and Qatar. It is estimated that the field contains 14 trillion cubic meters of gas and 18 billion barrels of condensate."
Please zoom onto the patchy structure in the middle to see the gas productions sites.
Iran is targeting oil and gas projects worth $185 billion by 2020.
Iran offers 50 oil projects to foreign investors
DUBAI, November 29, 2015
Iran hits new record in natural gas production
06/14/15 Source: Press TV
French Total signs deal in Iran to work on world’s largest gas field
LNG World, South Pars
Iran had to use Chinese compressors in South Pars during sanctions era
17 May 2017 08:43 (UTC+04:00)
"Iran had to replace the German compressors, purchased for South Pars gas fields, with Chinese ones during sanctions era, managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC), Mohammad Meshkinfam said."
Iran inaugurates Phase 12 of South Pars field
"The biggest phase of the South Pars field, Phase 12, officially launched operation before the end of the current Iranian year (March 20) in a ceremony in the presence of President Hassan Rouhani and his delegation."
From German: The dirty poker game on Syria
Turkey, the West and Russia are competing on huge gas reserves in the Near East.
South Pars, Iran
![]() |
http://www.offshore-technology.com/uploads/project/southpars/images/image4.jpg |
"Forget Terrorism": The Real Reason Behind The Qatar Crisis Is Natural Gas
Great exploration targets in the Persian Gulf: the North Dome/South Pars Fields
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Fiber Optic Distributed Sensing
"As the worldwide oil reserve is decreasing, exploitation of difficult reservoirs has developed rapidely. Compared to standard wells, the production of these reservoirs requires complex and high performance instrumentation such as fiber optic distributed pressure, distriburted temperature and distributed strain monitoring. "
"The applications range from the detection of gas and steam breakthrough in production wells, integrity monitoring of well casing, enhanced operation of thermal wells, water injection control and optimization, flow and pressure monitoring."
11. Mediterranean
Eni discovers a supergiant gas field in the Egyptian offshore, the largest ever found in the Mediterranean Sea
"Eni has made a world class supergiant gas discovery at its Zohr Prospect, in the deep waters of Egypt. The discovery could hold a potential of 30 trillion cubic feet of lean gas in place covering an area of about 100 square kilometres. Zohr is the largest gas discovery ever made in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Sea. Eni will immediately appraise the field with the aim of accelerating a fast track development of the discovery that will utilise at best the existing offshore and onshore infrastructures. "
By Sarantis Michalopoulos | EURACTIV.com 13. Juli 2017 (updated: 14. Juli 2017)
"A total of 2,000 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas has been discovered in the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of Cyprus, Israel and Egypt and exploration continues. For the sake of comparison, the total annual consumption of natural gas in the EU was 426 bcm in 2015."
Oil Majors See Huge Opportunity In Eastern Mediterranean
By Drilling Info - Apr 20, 2017, 3:00 PM

"The story of major gas discoveries in the East Mediterranean started in the shallow-water offshore Egypt, with Miocene Nile Delta discoveries progressively stepping out into deeper and deeper water. The first discovery was made by Phillips Petroleum in 1969, when it drilled the play-opening Abu Qir 1 NFW. It discovered gas in the Messinian Abu Madi sandstones. Subsequent exploration was led by the likes of AMOCO, BG, BP, Eni and Shell. There are now over 100 mainly gas and wet gas fields in the offshore Egyptian Nile Delta, with all production being piped onshore. The story continues to the present day, with recent large discoveries in the deeper Oligocene play, such as Salamat (2013) and Atoll (2015), alongside large Messinian discoveries including Nooros (2015) and Baltim South West (2016)."
"The latest super-giant and play-opening discovery is, of course, Zohr in 2015 lying over 160km offshore, and in WD of 1,450m. Over 30 Tcf of dry gas was discovered in a massive Miocene-Cretaceous reef structure, on the edge of the Erastothenes Platform. Italian giant Eni is pressing forward quickly to bring this onstream, and pipe-laying from the field to shore (150 km) by the Saipem deep water lay-barge “Castoro Sei” is ongoing and should be completed later in 2017. Imponderable for the moment is the possibility of oil; current well Zohr Deep 1 is targeting a deeper Cretaceous-Jurassic carbonate reef play below the gas field. The initial Zohr prospect was postulated to be oil prone. However, Egypt has a large negative energy balance, and serving the large domestic market with more gas is the number one priority."
"But the gas that is getting the European politicians so excited is from the Levant Basin in Israel and Cyprus. In the Israeli offshore sector, a series of discoveries has been made in waters of up to 1,500m. Noble Energy, starting its exploration in 2008, has made major gas discoveries; Tamar (2009), Dalit (2009), Dolphin (2011), Noa 2 (2011), Leviathan (2011), Tanin (2012), Pinnacles (2012) and Karish (2013). Most of the biogenic gas was found in a thick succession of deep marine turbidite sands of Oligo-Miocene age, with smaller but significant amounts found in younger, Pliocene turbidite sands. Out of the Noble discoveries, so far only Tamar and the smaller Noa are onstream, with Leviathan to follow in 2019. The Israeli government, fearful of dominance of the sector by just one player, has ordered the divestment of Karish and Tanin to Energean, a Greek company, which is in the process of farming down."
"In the Cyprus offshore sector to the north-west, Noble also discovered Aphrodite (2011), where the gas resource figures are most recently estimated at 4.54 Tcf. So, taken together, we now see quantities of gas to make potential export look much more attractive to offset the considerable deep water investments which will be required. Noble Energy currently cites in excess of 35 Tcf of gross resources in these two offshore sectors."
"The big export markets for gas are not in the Middle East; they are in Western Europe. The principal challenge is to lay a 1300km deep sea pipeline through the Mediterranean to Greece (west coast) and across the Adriatic to landfall in Italy. The European high-pressure gas transmission network (ENTSOG) can be picked up there. Alternatives have been suggested – such as landfall in Southern Turkey – but the former is preferred for many non-technical reasons."
The Israel-Hezbollah War of 2006 and the Ceyhan-Haifa Pipeline
"With the help of the only NATO friendly country of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, the Americans managed to construct a pipeline that bypassed both Iran and Russia, using the energy corridor Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, transferring Caspian energy to the Mediterranean Sea (Ceyhan) and to the Black Sea."

"They did so, in order to provide the European markets with an alternative to the Russian energy, thus decreasing the Russian influence over Europe, hoping that eventually they would manage to influence some of the other corrupted dictators of the Caspian countries too, who are currently under Russian influence, since Azerbaijan’s energy reserves are clearly inadequate to compete with the Russian ones."

"Moreover they planned to construct a new underwater four leg pipeline from Ceyhan to Haifa, which would carry crude oil, natural gas, electricity and water from Turkey to Israel, which would distribute it in the whole region, but also to the port of Eilat and then to South Asia, again bypassing Iran (red line on the map). You can read about the Ceyhan-Haifa pipeline at the above European Commission link, pages 10 and 11, tables 3.2.3 and 3.2.7, or you can see it visually at the following map.
http://ec.europa.eu/energy/observatory/doc/country/2009_12_turkey.pdf "

"Also note that the rich in oil Kirkuk in North Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan), is also connected to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, with the pipeline Kirkuk-Ceyhan (yellow line on the map). Therefore the underwater Ceyhan-Haifa connection would actually be a connection of Baku and Kirkuk with the Israeli port of Eilat in the Red Sea, and finally to South Asia (Pakistan, India, China) bypassing Iran. After describing the Ceyhan pipelines and before turning to the Israel-Lebanon War of 2006, I must also say a few words about the economic and geopolitical implications of these pipelines."
Egypt Discovery Transforms Petroleum Outlook in Eastern Mediterranean
B. Z. AUGUST 10, 2016
"Playing in a Different League
Egypt sits on proved gas reserves of more than 65.2 trillion cubic feet (tcf) according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. These constitute the third-largest reserves in Africa, after Nigeria and Algeria, and 17th globally, just behind Norway (65.6 tcf). By comparison, the US Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that the gas resource potential of the Levant Basin—which covers 83,000 square kilometers of the eastern-most portion of the Mediterranean area, stretching from Israel to Syria, and including Lebanon and Cyprus—is 122 tcf, whereby only part of that total figure will be classified as proved reserves once discoveries are made and confirmed as commercial."
"Egypt’s oil potential is not as impressive, though not insignificant, with 3.5 billion barrels (bnbls) of oil, ahead of Yemen and the UK, ranking 29th in the world. By comparison and according to the USGS, the whole Levant Basin could hold 1.7 bnbls of oil and natural gas liquids"
Parkplaceenergy: Turkey Producing Properties
"Our new subsidiaries, formerly the Tiway Companies, own interests in three producing areas, two of which have significant potential:
- South Akcakoca Sub-Basin: offshore gas play (36.75% WI); substantial untapped contingent and discovered resources
- Cendere: onshore oil play (19.6% WI); long life – estimated 10+ years remaining
- Bakuk: onshore gas play (50% WI); operated by one of our new subsidiaries
Five wells were drilled, tested and then temporarily abandoned.Each of these wells tested significant daily quantities of gas. We believe these 5 wells have up to 60 Bcf in contingent resources. We will look for ways to connect and produce these resources:
- Alapli
- Bayhanli
- Guluc
- South Akcakoca
- West Eskikale
The greatest debate surrounding the Leviathan and Aphrodite discoveries is how to transport the oil and gas to market. There seem to be four possibilities on the table:
Mediterranean Sea plays offer new opportunities
"Pipelines versus LNG
The greatest debate surrounding the Leviathan and Aphrodite discoveries is how to transport the oil and gas to market. There seem to be four possibilities on the table: a pipeline to Turkey; a pipeline to Greece; a liquefaction plant in Cyprus; and a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) vessel."

"The first option is politically complicated. Building a pipeline to Turkey that would feed into existing pipeline infrastructure to Europe could be the most cost-efficient choice. ... "
"The second option would entail constructing a pipeline from Cyprus to Crete and from Crete to Greece, connecting then to existing pipelines throughout Europe. However, this option appears to not be commercially viable. At least that seemed to be the conclusion at the 2nd Cyprus Energy Forum in December 2012. Solon Kassinis, vice president of the CNHC, hinted that this idea has been all but abandoned. The main concerns appear to be the high construction cost, long construction time, falling electricity demand and prices in Europe, and the necessary long-term supply contracts that would be linked to the price of oil."
"The third option consists of constructing a liquefaction plant in Cyprus, where the natural gas from both the Leviathan and Aphrodite fields could be liquefied and shipped. The major benefit of this option is that the LNG can then be shipped to a variety of markets (Europe as well as Asia), garnering higher prices on the spot market. The largest drawback however is the price tag – LNG terminals typically cost about $10 billion (as compared to $1 billion for a Cyprus-Turkey pipeline). Kassinis explained at the 2nd Cyprus Energy Forum that Cyprus was contemplating an LNG facility with up to three trains for a total capacity of up to 15 MM tons/yr. An LNG train is a liquefaction and purification facility, which typically has capacity for 5 MM tons of natural gas a year. ""For those wondering about constructing an LNG plant in Israel instead of Cyprus, this option appears impractical because of limited space, environmental concerns, and security problems in Israel.""The fourth option is mooring a floating LNG vessel at Leviathan and Aphrodite. On one hand, this option has great advantages – exportable LNG and lower cost relative to a pipeline to Greece – but on the other hand the technology is new and untested. There are also fears that the vessel would be vulnerable to terrorism."
"Condor Petroleum, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Marsa Turkey BV (MTBV), has a 100% working interest in two adjoining production licenses located on the Gallipoli (Gelibolu) peninsula in NW Turkey, lying within the SW extension of the prolific gas-producing Thrace Basin. The company has since proven the area it to be an emerging high-value, low-cost play with significant development and exploration upside. Key to the commercial metrics of the project is the 36” Inter Turkey-Greece-Italy pipeline which transects the Ortakoy license and lies only 16 km from the Poyraz Ridge gas field. MTBV has signed a connection tie-in agreement with Botas, the country’s state-owned crude oil and natural gas pipeline and trading company. The company has recently signed a favorable gas sales agreement with a top tier mid-stream company. The Poyraz Ridge facilities have been designed to handle up to 15MMscf/d and front-end engineering and procurement activities are ongoing. First gas is planned for Q3 2017."

Why are there earthquakes in the northern part of Pakistan?
Just look where they drill for gas and oil!
Geology Of Pakistan in Relation to Oil and Gas fields

Development of natural gas as a vehicular fuel in Pakistan: Issues and prospects
1st Muhammad Imran Khan 2nd Tabassam Yasmeen, Article · March 2014

U.S. Concerns Over Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline
By Subhash Vohra, VOA, Washington, 06/18/08

"A land-based pipeline from Iran to India would be four times cheaper than any other option, even after taking into account transit fee payments to Pakistan"
13. Mexico and USA!
"LOOP plays a key role in meeting U.S. daily energy needs. Over the last three decades, LOOP has handled more than 12 billion barrels of foreign and domestic crude oil into the U.S. LOOP has shown itself to be a safe and efficient partner for the delivery of large volumes of crude oil."
May 8, 2014
"Recently The Lower Tertiary in the GoM has been in the news with huge potential – 15 billion barrels of oil. Compare that to EIA estimated 29 billion barrels in reserve onshore US, and you have a great exploration opportunity."
"To Explore and Produce offshore you need a platform (typically referred to as a rig) from which to drill wells, extract product, and in most cases store the oil or gas until it can be transported to refineries or other destinations."
"The Geology of the GoM is largely Jurassic and Cretaceous, when the basin encouraged collection and evaporation of sea water, leaving behind accumulations of Salt and Gypsum, which then domed and trapped abundant hydrocarbons."
"The Submerged Lands Act (SLA) of 1953 grants individual States rights to the natural resources of submerged lands from the coastline to no more than 3 nautical miles (5.6 km) into the Atlantic, Pacific, the Arctic Oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico. The only exceptions are Texas and the west coast of Florida, where State jurisdiction extends from the coastline to no more than 3 marine leagues (16.2 km) into the Gulf of Mexico."
Mexican Frontier Hydrocarbon Basins*
Colin Stabler1 , Michele Bishop2 , and Edwin Moritz2 Search and Discovery Article #10743 (2015)** Initially Posted June 29, 2015; final posting August 10, 2015

"While current interest in Mexico is focusing on sales for blocks offshore Gulf of Mexico and in adjoining onshore productive basins, now is the time for explorationists to turn their attention to the frontier basins, shown in Poster 1, where, after a few more bid rounds in the oil producing areas, there will likely be calls for nominations leading to awarding of exploration contracts."
"In the Cenozoic Pacific margin-type basins, gas shows and possibly oil shows in the U.S. extension, have been encountered so far. Potential source rocks have been identified in these basins. Structural and stratigraphic trapping has been suggested and sandstone reservoirs have been encountered."
Do You wonder about the deadly earthquakes and tsunamis at the shores of Mexico?
Mexico: Oil and Gas Opportunities
June 2015, Information updated for PwC's Presentation – Breakfast Briefing with Canadian companies

Business strategy for upstream oil and gas producers and service companies

NOAA helps Port Fourchon determine safe anchorage areas
September 29, 2014

Oil rig, gulf of Mexico.

Mexico Oil and Gas Wallmap
Wallmap | Apr 2017
5 largest crude oil storage fields in the US
Updated March 25, 2015
Where Will Gulf Of Mexico Oil Production Go From Here?
By Ron Patterson - Sep 05, 2016, 1:02 PM CDT

"The 3 peaks in deepwater production, in 2002-2004, 2009-2010, and the present peak from 2014, are the results of advances in technologies that have allowed industry to march into deeper water and produce from deeper reservoirs.
The earliest peak was, in a sense, an extension of shelf play types into deepwater. The reservoirs were Pleistocene to Miocene in age, mostly bright-spot associated, outboard of salt, and ranged in depth from ~10,000-20,000’. The biggest fields in this trend were Shell’s Mars/Ursa complex in Mississippi Canyon, and its Auger field in Garden Banks. Peak production approached 1 million barrels of oil per day (mmbopd)."
14. Galapagos
Galapagos’ Production Rates Above Forecast (USA)
Press Release, July 11, 2012
"The Galapagos development includes three deepwater fields. The fields – Isabela, Santiago and Santa Cruz – are being produced using subsea equipment on the floor of the Gulf."
Noble Energy: Galapagos Wells Producing Oil, Gas
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - 11:21am
Galapagos: Volcano Erupts After Series of 9 Earthquakes
Published 17 June 2018
15. Somalia
Offshore Somalia: East Africa’s Oil Frontier
Hannah Kearns, Jake Berryman, Neil Hodgson and Karyna Rodriguez, Spectrum
Peace is bringing hope, seismic exploration and evidence of exciting hydrocarbon-bearing structures offshore Somalia.
This article appeared in Vol. 13, No. 2 - 2016
"Somalia’s offshore hydrocarbon systems have been slowly maturing since the Jurassic period. Now, after ten years of relative political peace, Somalia is set to emerge as the new hot-spot for the industry, offering not only vast reserves to match the Rovuma Basin of Mozambique, but also the most elusive of prizes in East Africa – black oil."
"New seismic data from offshore Somalia are revealing extraordinary structures, in an oil-prone frontier province that has never been seen or explored before. The data correlate closely with the potential field results, and the most recent seismic is imaging gigantic structures that have never been mapped before."
"Striking resemblance to the astonishingly successful plays in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique indicate that offshore Somalia is about to become the hottest area offshore East Africa, with not only the promise of huge hydrocarbon potential, but also a strong indication that this time the hunt is on for black oil."
16. Spain, Canary Islands
From Spanish: Tax on national hydrocarbon production
The 'fracking rate' collides with the fall in oil and only collects 2 million
07/11/2016 02:55
"One of the first measures that the new government has on the table will be to approve the distribution of the first income obtained by the so-called fracking rate. This is the tax approved in December 2014 to tax the production of hydrocarbons in Spain with which it is intended to reward the neighbors of those territories in which the surveys are carried out."
New gas fields near the Canary Islands lures the interest of some business sectors
by Carlos Sánchez, 12/01/2015
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d1713618.8339486367!2d-16.7112851901925!3d28.487875572821487!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0xc40950e91c097d1%3A0xab36b5ac5338ba65!2sLas%20Palmas%20de%20Gran%20Canaria%2C%20Las%20Palmas%2C%20Spain!5e1!3m2!1sen!2sde!4v1575756091532!5m2!1sen!2sde&w=600&h=450[/embed]
"Manrique de Lara, believes it is “wonderful news” that the US multinational Kosmos Energy has confirmed a new deposit of gas 1,200 kilometers south of the islands. In the opinion of this business leader “Africa’s environment development generates wealth and new opportunities to the Islands’ economy” since it means consolidating the strategy of the Canarian ports to serve as a logistics center in the Atlantic that offers services related to logistics, repairs , vessels supply, support industries, etc. In fact, the president of the Industrial Association of Canary (Asinca), Eugenio Castillo, is cautiously optimistic about how this can impact on the secondary sector of the islands. For Castillo short-term benefits will not be many until the reservoir is operated and its production marketed. On a longer term the economic impact will indeed be felt in the islands by the movement of ships and rigs and demand by utilities."
Morocco Not Exploiting Canary Islands Waters: Spanish Minister
By Morocco World News - Jan 31, 2018
"In December 2017, Morocco’s National Bureau of Hydrocarbons and Mines signed an agreement with Italy’s ENI for offshore operations near Tarfaya. The agreement raised the concern of some in the Canary Islands due to the close proximity of Moroccan waters to the islands which depend heavily on tourism."
Spain's Canary Islands fume over oil exploration
August 14, 2014
"Spain's government sparked an outcry Thursday by giving oil group Repsol the all-clear to explore for oil and gas off the coast of the tourism-dependent Canary Islands."
The Canary Islands may be the new Aberdeen of the Mid-Atlantic
"With geological similarities to marine sedimentary basins in Brazil, the potential of "pre-salt" reserves of West Africa have gained increasing interest for exploration, and the oldest oil rigs in use in the waters of Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico have moved to this region. Currently there are about 100 oil rigs carrying oil and gas production in the Gulf of Guinea."
"Oil and gas giants Chevron, Petrobras, Total, Seadrill, Transocean, Odebrecht, Diamond Offshore Drilling, Ocean Rig and Cols are just some of the companies who have trusted in the highly competitive services of operators like Zamakona Yards, Astican, Hidramar, Tenerife Shipyards, RNT Canary Feed Repair or Atlantic Ship Diving to repair many of their oil rigs in recent years."
License of Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring!
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