Iran can't have independent gas and oil fracking without nuclear technology.
Iran is attacked by Geophysical Warfare methods at least since 1991!
Iranian water is stolen by Climate Control methods before reaching its airspace.
- Preface
- Keeping the Mullahs
- Why not nuclear?
- Nuclear Technology
- Need for Nuclear Agreement
- Iran also needs natural gas!
- Iran needs the atom technology!
- Robbery of water!
- Invisible by NLP
- Conclusion
1. Preface
The main reason for the existence of US troops in the Persia Gulf is the dependency of the USA based global empire on oil and gas and in the future also on the capture and processing of CO2 to synthetic fuel. Many people think that because of the fracking boom, the USA would be self-sufficient and not need to import fuel. But the observers may consider that regions with conventional mineral fuel resources have also much bigger frackable ones. Energy supply has to be calculated for long term and it is more cost efficient to frack in the oil-rich underground of the Persian Gulf region than in Texas.
The financial dependency of the USA on the Middle East is much more important than the need to import fuel. The USA can only be the center of the single global empire, if also its monetary system remains globally dominant. This imperial monetary power is enabled by the Petro-Dollar, which only exists, because the dictatorships in the Middle East sell their products exclusively in Federal Reserve Dollars. If the Arabs would stop with that practice and accept other currencies, the financial foundation of the global empire would crumble. Be aware, for any empire the essence of power is mainly financial. Sure, the Arab dictators also depend on military protection by the US forces, as long as this protection is not taken over by another world competitor (China or Russia).
Reminding the above reality, it is clear why the USA are causing so much trouble on Iran. Iran was also a dependent country, not on the USA but on the British Empire and later on Great Britain. This dependency was cut in 1951 by the nationalization of the oil industry by the Iranian government under Prime Minister Mosaddegh. The USA considered this as an opportunity to take over the Iranian oil. Therefore fake revolution of prostitutes, pimps and other criminals (this detail won't be told in history documents and wikipedia) was financed and organized by the CIA to install the Shah as yet another controlled dictator.
I know from talks with Iranian friends that even one of the criminal bosses of Tehran had to leave the country after the revolution of 1979 and landed in Hamburg, Germany. There he killed a competitor and escaped to the USA.
The criminal CIA gangs of Tehran can be compared to the ones of Egypt's Tahrir Square. I will document this as comparison, because sources about that background are missing. However, all "colored protests and revolutions" follow the concept of the CIA coup of 1953 in Tehran and are financed by covered or open imperial organizations. In case of the Egyptian protests, which successfully resulted in regime change, the Tahrir Square in Cairo was filled with junkies, sex-perverts, murderers and thieves.
Lara Logan breaks her silenceMay 1, 2011
"In her first television interview since being sexually assaulted two months ago, the CBS News chief foreign correspondent and "60 Minutes" reporter reveals what happened to her in Tahrir Square in an interview with Scott Pelley."
Here is another journalist explaining the method of the gangs on Tahrir Square:
TWO-MINUTE TALKING POINT - The horrors of Cairo's Tahrir Square gangs by Maria Caspani
May 29, 2013
"Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sexually assaulted and in some cases raped at least 91 women in Tahrir Square, over four days of protests beginning on June 30, 2013, amid a climate of impunity. "
I was personally told by people in Egypt that these protests were limited onto this small square in Cairo and not supported by the majority of the Egyptian population. It was just an international media hype and political and economic pressure from outside.
The dominance of the British oil industry in Iran could be broken, the US oil corporations got their share. However this episode was closed by the revolution of 1979, where yet again the US and British secret services were involved, but not with full control on the screenplay and the figures. They had the choice between the Communists and the Islamists, so they decided to support the second party under the leadership of Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini. The success of the Islamists prevented a Communist government and the Soviet Union from getting a foothold to the Persian Gulf, but did not produce a submissive US ally like the Shah. Since that time the USA try to break Iran again and get control on its reserves. This is mainly done by escalated embargoes on the Iranian economy.
2. Keeping the Mullahs
With the newest level of sanctions and the destruction of the Nuclear Agreement by US-President Donald Trump, the whole Iranian economy and the people of Iran are suffering. However, the decades lasting pressure forced Iran to develop and diversify its own industry, without competition from outside. Under hostile sanctioning policy the Iranian industry was forced to become more creative and productive, than it would be possible under peaceful conditions.
Iranian customs, culture and rules are not friendly for entrepreneurial creativity. Personal relations are higher evaluated than professional ability and entrepreneurial thinking. Also the dominance of the religious authority, the sexual segregation of the society are big burdens for the national economy and the private life. The lack of freedom and the daily ordeal and humiliation of the citizens are fault lines of the Iranian society and state. Despite all its successful resistance against the imperial pressure, the intervention on the privacy of the people may break the Velâyat-e Faqih system from inside. The enemies of Iran have good reasons for speculating on that.
Currently the sanctions help the ruling class to exploit the patriotic mindset of the Iranians to stay on power. So the sanctions seem to be counterproductive to the official US policy of regime in Iran. I think, that keeping the Mullahs on power is more suitable for reaching the main imperial target, which is to prevent Iran from becoming independent on Nuclear Fracking of oil and gas. I will try to explain and prove my hypothesis in this and the connected articles.
2. Why not nuclear?
There is an endless dispute about Iran to build its own atom industry, where
- Iran as a member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT),
- is declaring that it is only seeking the civil use of nuclear technology.
Iran would not be able to deter a distant nuclear power like the USA, but could effectively break the unique nuclear deterrence by the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine (Israel). That would eliminate the last strategic advantage of the occupying entity. But does Iran really need atom bombs against Israel?
Iran has factually surrounded Israel from three sides (Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas) and would cause the same damage with 100,000 ready to shoot conventional rockets, highly prepared many 100 thousand soldiers and very sophisticated military technology.
During a military conflict Iran could close the Strait of Hormuz and even the entry to the Red Sea on the way to Suez Canal, to crumble the economies of the potential enemies shortly. In addition to the long range rockets, Iran has also a humble but highly efficient navy or let us better say two competing navies.
Although it is from 2011, I would like to recommend the following German article for research.
Is Iran able to dominate the region with its navy?
20.12.2011 W. Jonathan Rue
"It is different with the Iranian Navy. It is the best organized, best trained and best equipped branch of the conventional forces of the country. More than a nuclear arms program, which probably would serve passive deterrence, the Iranian Navy is a lively part of the Iranian foreign policy."
"Iranian Navy currently consists of two parts: The Navy of the Islamic Republic (IRIN) and the most praised Navy of he Revolutionary Guards (IRGCN). The realm of responsibility of both grows since 2007."
So definitely as declared many times by the Iranian officials and confirmed by the signing the NPT and the Nuclear Agreement with the world powers, Iran doesn't intend and need atom bombs to defend itself and deter enemies.
3. Nuclear Technology
The foundation of the nuclear technology are highly efficient centrifuges, which are used to sort the Uran-Hexa-Floride (UHF) molecules to enrich the fissile Uran-235 for electric power plants or atom bombs.
Enriched Uranium
![]() |
Heated Gas Centrifuge: 235UF6 pale blue, 238UF6 dark blue |
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Cascade of Gas Centrifuges for Enrichment of Uranium |
2. Need for Nuclear Agreement
The whole world is aware, that Iran has a nuclear research and development program and without interference of big powers, it could already establish the full industrial production process for civil and military nuclear technology, but is not doing this. Instead Iran is seeking to have an agreement for full acceptance of its civil nuclear program.
Like Israel, Pakistan, India or North Korea, Iran could just ignore the whining of the world powers, if it was only about nuclear deterrence. Iran has a very highly sophisticated and standardized rocket technology and could arm them with nuclear war heads.
For regional conflicts Iran doesn't need any atom bomb. Neither the Saudis nor any other county is able to challenge Iran militarily. Aside from the amount of soldiers, tanks, fighter jets and rockets, all these countries depend on the smooth production and trade of petrol and natural gas, much more than Iran.
Iran has a very diverse nature, water catching and storing mountains and shores to Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Most Arab countries have only salty sea water and desert. Sweet water is scarce there under natural conditions. Particularly Saudi Arabia as the biggest oil country, is geographically more enclosed, dependent and vulnerable.
3. Iran also needs natural gas!
The economy of Iran is mainly based on petrol and also the share of natural gas is growing. Under the pressure of sanctions the Iranian petrochemical industry is producing more derivative products.
Iran seeks strategic development of its petrochemical industry
02 November 2017 03:43 Source:ICIS Chemical Business
"After over a decade of heavy international sanctions, Iran’s petrochemical industry is trying to recover from its losses and regain its position as an important competitor in the global arena. Iran has an ambitious new plan to heavily invest in the industry and increase production capacity from 64.1m tonnes/year in 2015 to 130m tonnes/year by 2025. The important question is: What are the value-added products that can do most to help the country reach this goal?"
The world’s biggest gas field lies between Qatar and Iran — and the race is on
20 JULY 2017 - 19:00 ROBIN M MILLS
Iran discovers new shale gas reserves
News ID: 3866521 - Mon 2 January 2017 - 19:34
Petroleum industry in Iran
"With its output intended for both export and domestic consumption, South Pars is expected to reach full production in 2015. However, delays and lower production in the Iranian side due to sanctions is resulting in migration of gas to the Qatari part and a loss for Iran."
Is Qatar plundering Iran's share in the South Pars joint gas field?
06/19/14, By Bahman Aghai Diba, PhD international law of the Sea
"The South Pars gas field, which is the largest single gas field in the world, is a joint gas field in the Persian Gulf in the borders of Iran and Qatar. While Qatar has succeeded to use these resources in the line of achieving the highest per capita income in the world, Iran had hardly been able to do anything other than supplying gas to its own domestic consumers in subsidized prices. The main obstacle for Iran in developing these resources is the sanctions imposed by the UN, US and EU on Iran, especially on the oil and gas sector. Iran is in serious need of technology and investment to reach its set goals in exploitation of these resources. However, at the moment, some persons in and out of Iran are warning that Qatar may be using the joint resources in a way that Iran’s share is depleted. Also, there is an important point here: is Qatar under any obligation to cooperate with Iran for using this common deposit?"
The author asks some hitting questions and makes some right conclusions, but he misses yet the whole picture. I will extend the questions and gladly give according answers to close the gaps.
How can Qatar plunder the gas share of Iran?
The natural gas is under high pressure and flows into the direction of least resistance. When the gas flow on the Qatari side is enabled and the Iranian side is yet closed, than all the gas flows to the Qatari side.
In addition to that, the drilling from Qatari side can be continued in the underground to the Iranian side, that all the reserves could be emptied, before Iran starts own production. The drilling can be deliberately steered and extended.
Which technology is missing in Iran to exploits its gas field independently?
For sure it is not the drilling technology, because Iran masters this!
Iran conducts 43-km of directional drilling at oil, gas fields
6 October 2017 11:14 (UTC+04:00)
Where is the advantage of the USA to always sanction Iran?
As long as the USA, Israel and England can prevent Iran from producing its gas independently the imperial petrol, gas and finance (Petrodollar) corporations which operate on the Qatari side, can completely control and plunder and make huge profits for these reserves.
4. Iran needs the atom technology!
We need to asks the hitting questions and answer them, to reach the right knowledge and understanding of the case.
Why the USA, Israel and EU clung on withholding atom technology from Iran?
What kind of an nuclear agreement is needed to satisfy Iran?
Why is it for Iran so important to have civil nuclear technology?
Why Iran doesn't continue the development of nuclear technology, if it would only be about military use?
Before shooting and pressuring water into the layer like shown in the animation below, the rock formation needs to be loosened by a row of nuclear detonations.
Without that it doesn't run so smoothly and the yield wouldn't be profitable. The detonation power of the nuclear devices depends on the hardness of the rock, the depth of the reserves and the regulations of PNE (Peaceful Nuclear Explosions) Treaty.
Peaceful nuclear explosion
"Peaceful nuclear explosions (PNEs) are nuclear explosions conducted for non-military purposes, such as activities related to economic development including the creation of canals. During the 1960s and 1970s, both the United States and the Soviet Union conducted a number of PNEs"
"In the PNE Treaty, the signatories agreed: not to carry out any individual nuclear explosions having a yieldexceeding 150 kilotons; not to carry out any group explosion (consisting of a number of individual explosions) having an aggregate yield exceeding 1,500 kilotons; and not to carry out any group explosion having an aggregate yield exceeding 150 kilotons unless the individual explosions in the group could be identified and measured by agreed verification procedures. The parties also reaffirmed their obligations to comply fully with the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963"
The key for understanding the context and answering all questions is in Nuclear Fracking! The code word for that is "non-conventional" fracking.
Dear readers, I want to invite You to look at the following documentary film, whose transcript of the subtitles is put into an according article. Also a German version of the article and the film with German subtitles is available. So if interested people would like to translate the text into any other language like Spanish, Hindi (Urdu), Arabic, Persian, Russian etc., even would like to integrate it into the film on Youtube, please ask PERISCOPE FILM LLC or contact me, as I am in contact with the company and have the approval to do so. Periscope Film would like to know about the publication sites of its films and doesn't approve to cutting out of any part of the film. It has to be kept as it is, except the editing of subtitles.
This propaganda film was ordered by the El Paso Natural Gas Company and should document and show the success of Nuclear Fracking for natural gas production.
The documentary explains the limits of conventional fracking with Nitroglycerin, TNT and use of pressurized water only. Hint is given about the Nuclear Fracking as the only choice for tight rock formations and the improvement of the yield of conventional reserves.
5. Robbery of water!
At least since the speech of former President Ahmadinejad about theft of rain bearing clouds, there is a smoldering discussion in Iran, if that would be possible. Most of the Iranians follow the imperial propaganda and don't perceive the importance of his statements.
In the (a)social networks some Iranians ask, if the unusual weather catastrophes in Iran are somehow connected to control on clouds by foreign powers. Sadly yet again, the ones who should know it best are the most mentally blinded, namely the meteorologist, climatologist and other academics of Iran.
Even the Zionist prime minister of disaster, Mr. Netanyahu is jeering at the Iranians, by offering them a helping "solution".
Netanyahu offers Israeli water tech to Iran
In English video, PM says he wants to help the Iranian people solve their water crisis despite the regime's cries of 'Death to Israel'
By TOI STAFF, 10 June 2018, 5:00 pm
Did Israel steal Iran’s clouds? Tehran looks for source of ‘suspicious’ climate change
Published time: 3 Jul, 2018 11:19, Edited time: 4 Jul, 2018 09:05
It is cheap to make fun of a daredevil like Mr. Ahmadinejad or the chairman of the Civil Defense Organization Gholamreza Jalali. They both are not "studied meteorologists and climatologists", but these men are brave and have the right perception. Where will the highly dumbified academics of Iran hide, when they recognize that they are feeding the enemies of their country and that they are the biggest idiots? In the age of Geophysical Warfare, complete knowledge of meteorology and climatology is crucial for life and death.
Snow Job: Iran Accuses Its Enemies Of 'Stealing Clouds' To Create Drought
07/03/18 By Golnaz Esfandiari, RFE/RL
For all Iranians and all the other people, it is worth reading the key document about the beginning of Geophysical Warfare by Climate Control many times.
1960, CIA Memorandum on ClimateControl!
It is also rewarding to use a freely available satellite service like or, to observe the commercial use of the water cycle.
Coordinates of water theft!
And also the examples of water delivery!
Auxiliary spillway? Arabian soil washed away!
ELEPHANT in the room is #SRM for water theft! Extreme weather!
How is this done?
Please study the knowledge in the offered articles. From there many other articles are linked, dealing with many aspects of Climate Control and answering all potential questions. I don't want to blow up this article with too much details.
Tropospheric Aerosol Injection (Chemtrails) Desublimation Condensation
6. Invisible by NLP
Iranian officials don't use the word "atom" or "nuclear", they only say "civil". The notion of nuclear and atom is either not used by the USA since the 1970s, when all about atom became non-popular anymore. So they use cover words like "non-conventional".
"Seismic survey" stays for the detonation scheme, which can cause deadly earthquakes.
Iran wants to follow the same brainwashing method, because Iranian people either don't like this technology and fear its dangers.
Read it by replacing "non-conventional" or "advanced technology" with "atom device" or "atom bomb" and "seismic survey" with "nuclear detonation scheme"!
More Shale Oil Discovered in Iran
"The National Iranian Oil Company has brought into focus exploration of non-conventional hydrocarbon reserves in the current Iranian year (began March 21). The NIOC, however, lacks advanced technology to conduct seismic survey for shale exploration, and thus, negotiations were held on transfer of technology by European companies."
When the nuclear technology became less popular, particularly in Germany and all Europe, it was in US geopolitical interest to push this sentiments there. It became clear that a method bearing deadly risks like earthquakes and radioactive contamination wasn't publicly acceptable anymore.
One target was to prevent a nuclear powerful Germany. So the "green movement" was founded there.
Ugly face of the Greens! The pedophile and ClimateControl agenda of the Greens.
The use of nuclear technology should be given up by the Germans, but all former allies against Germany expanded their military and civil nuclear assets.
Commonly the language was changed. As the nuclear detonations for fracking were no more "atom tests", but in industrial use, they declared that the atom tests have been "stopped". :-)
The wording was changed to "non-conventional" and similar.
This is applied social NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) by just changing words to make things invisible.
Neuro Linguistic Programming!
7. Mor info about Iran
"Iran’s sprawling South Pars gas field has reached a total daily output of 630 million cubic meters (mcm) or 22.24 billion cubic feet, according to a contractor who says the current daily consumption of natural gas in Iran is nearly equal to half of Europe’s."
"Mohammad Meshkin Fam, who heads Iranian energy major Pars Oil & Gas, said on Sunday that South Pars, the world’s largest gas field located in the Persian Gulf and shared with Qatar, is responsible for nearly 70 percent of Iran’s total gas consumption."
"The surge of output at South Pars comes after Iran started extracting more than 28 mcm per day of gas from two new platforms installed at phases 14 and 23 of the gas field."
"Meshkin Fam said production from another rig at phase 24, known as Platform 24B, would start within the next two weeks."
"He said a “sail-out” operation for Platform 14D, the last of four rigs planned for phase 14 of South Pars, was now over and engineers were waiting for better weather conditions to install the rig in the Persian Gulf waters."
"An Iranian manufacturer said on Tuesday that the country was no longer in need of importing oil processing catalysts from countries like the United States, adding that Iranian companies had mastered the technology needed for producing at least 44 types of catalysts that are frequently used across the industry."
"Iran has been importing various types of catalysts it needs for its petroleum industry from Western countries with American company Honeywell UOP being a main supplier for years."
"He said Iran had started supply of such catalysts to customers in countries like Iraq, Armenia, Pakistan, Syria, Kazakhstan and others."
"Experts believe American sanctions on Iran’s direct sale of crude have backfired in certain ways as they have led to a boom in manufacturing and non-oil trade in the country despite their impact on government finances."
How Oil Refining Works
Chemical Processing

"Cracking breaks large chains into smaller chains.
You can change one fraction into another by one of three methods:
breaking large hydrocarbons into smaller pieces (cracking) combining smaller pieces to make larger ones (unification) rearranging various pieces to make desired hydrocarbons (alteration)"
Cracking takes large hydrocarbons and breaks them into smaller ones.
There are several types of cracking:"
"Thermal - you heat large hydrocarbons at high temperatures (sometimes high pressures as well) until they break apart. steam - high temperature steam (1500 degrees Fahrenheit / 816 degrees Celsius) is used to break ethane, butane and naptha into ethylene and benzene, which are used to manufacture chemicals. visbreaking - residual from the distillation tower is heated (900 degrees Fahrenheit / 482 degrees Celsius), cooled with gas oil and rapidly burned (flashed) in a distillation tower. This process reduces the viscosity of heavy weight oils and produces tar.coking - residual from the distillation tower is heated to temperatures above 900 degrees Fahrenheit / 482 degrees Celsius until it cracks into heavy oil, gasoline and naphtha. When the process is done, a heavy, almost pure carbon residue is left (coke); the coke is cleaned from the cokers and sold. Photo courtesy Phillips Petroleum Company Catalysts used in catalytic cracking or reforming"
"Catalytic - uses a catalyst to speed up the cracking reaction. Catalysts include zeolite, aluminum hydrosilicate, bauxite and silica-alumina. fluid catalytic cracking - a hot, fluid catalyst (1000 degrees Fahrenheit / 538 degrees Celsius) cracks heavy gas oil into diesel oils and gasoline. hydrocracking - similar to fluid catalytic cracking, but uses a different catalyst, lower temperatures, higher pressure, and hydrogen gas. It takes heavy oil and cracks it into gasoline and kerosene (jet fuel)."
"After various hydrocarbons are cracked into smaller hydrocarbons, the products go through another fractional distillation column to separate them."
Sometimes, you need to combine smaller hydrocarbons to make larger ones -- this process is called unification. The major unification process is called catalytic reforming and uses a catalyst (platinum, platinum-rhenium mix) to combine low weight naphtha into aromatics, which are used in making chemicals and in blending gasoline. A significant by-product of this reaction is hydrogen gas, which is then either used for hydrocracking or sold."

"A reformer combines chains.
Sometimes, the structures of molecules in one fraction are rearranged to produce another. Commonly, this is done using a process called alkylation. In alkylation, low molecular weight compounds, such as propylene and butylene, are mixed in the presence of a catalyst such as hydrofluoric acid or sulfuric acid (a by-product from removing impurities from many oil products). The products of alkylation are high octane hydrocarbons, which are used in gasoline blends to reduce knocking (see "What does octane mean?" for details)."

"Rearranging Chains
Now that we have seen how various fractions are changed, we will discuss the how the fractions are treated and blended to make commercial products."

"An oil refinery is a combination of all of these units."
Iran to recover extra 3.5 billion barrels of oil through EOR techniques
Sunday, 26 January 2020 4:09 PM
"Iran is set to increase the amount of recoverable oil from a major oilfield in southwestern Khuzestan province by 3.5 billion barrels, according to the country’s oil minister."
"Zangeneh said the University of Tehran had made a commitment to an enhanced recovery rate (EOR) of 10 percent at Azadegan, a field with oil-in-place reserves of about 33.2 billion barrels."
"Iran has awarded contracts on EOR and other technological issues for nine oilfields to as many as major universities and colleges in the country."
"Zangeneh, a long-serving oil minister who has led the industry on different administrative terms, said that the academia in Iran had become a major part of development plans in the oil and gas sector two decades after the government began to fund courses and research programs on the issue in major Iranian universities."
Iran cannot access $5 billion of its energy money in Iraq: Official
Wednesday, 29 January 2020 11:39 AM
"Iran’s money from exports of gas and electricity has piled up to $5 billion in a bank account in Iraq, but Tehran cannot transfer it because of the US sanctions, an official says."
"Iraq relies on Iran for trade and natural gas that generates as much as 45% of its electricity, but the United States is trying to pry Baghdad away from Tehran’s orbit."
"The sanctions are now giving Iran a run for $5 billion, “sedimenting” at the central bank of Iraq because Tehran cannot access it, spokesman for Iranian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products Exporters' Association (OPEX) Hamid Hosseini said Wednesday."
"The US has been enlisting its companies and allies such as Saudi Arabia to replace Iran as Iraq’s source of energy, but no practical solution has been developed and deployed yet."
"Instead, Washington has had to grant the Iraqi government repeated exemptions and allow the Arab country to keep trade with Tehran."
"While the Iranian gas and electricity has continued to flow, the revenues have accumulated and continued to sit unused in bank accounts in Iraq."
"The two countries have agreed that Iraq’s government deposit the money in the Iraqi dinar at an escrow account, but they have not found yet a mechanism for its transfer."
"This is because Iran is cut off from the global payments network SWIFT which removed the Islamic Republic from the financial system in 2012 as a result of American pressure."
"Hosseini said Iran’s private exporters have no problem for repatriation of their money, “but the conditions for transferring revenues from exports of electricity and gas are different”."
"Official statistics in the 10 months up to January showed Iran exported $8 billion in goods to Iraq, he said, adding recent protests in Baghdad and other cities had slashed bilateral trade."
"However, the increase in exports to Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region which is undergoing a flurry of reconstruction and development activity has made up for the decline."
"The Iraqi Kurdistan is a major customer of Iranian oil products which are offered on the commodities exchange in Tehran."
Iranian research center obtains expertise for desulfurization of mazut
Thursday, 30 January 2020 6:24 PM
"Head of a leading Iranian oil research center says it has mastered the technical capability to reduce the sulfur content of mazut, a heavy oil product which is being manufactured in the country in large volumes."
"It also comes as the country seeks to provide ships sailing in international waters with low-sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) to comply with global maritime standards that were enacted earlier this month."
"Iran produces around 67 million liters of mazut, of which around 5 million liters are earmarked to bunkering consumption. The country’s export of mazut is 52 million liters, according to IRNA’s Thursday report."
Phase 14 of South Pars gas field fully developed with giant rig installation
Sunday, 02 February 2020 5:56 PM
"Iran has concluded its fully home-grown efforts for development of a major part of the world’s largest gas field with installation of a supersize drilling rig in the Persian Gulf."
"Videos published on Sunday showed Iranian engineers and technicians monitoring how the 2,400-ton platform was mounted on an offshore gas well located in southern Iranian waters."
"That marked the end of major plan for development of all sections of Phase 14 of the sprawling South Pars gas field, a reserve Iran shares with Qatar."
"The drilling rig, dubbed SPD-14D, has been built by Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA), a company where the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has the controlling shares."
"The IRGC is blacklisted by the United States, making it difficult for the elite military force to access foreign technology and equipment for its construction projects in Iran."
"However, SADRA, staffed by qualified Iranian technicians, has been contracted by Iran’s Oil Ministry for building 10 major oil and gas platforms. The company is also responsible for complicated transport operations of the supersize rigs, as well as their installation at sea."
"Reports said it took one week for the SPD-14D platform to reach its installation site which is some 100 kilometers off the port of Kangan in the Persian Gulf."
"The completion of development plans for phase 14 of South Pars enables Iran to extract as much as 56 million cubic meters (mcm) per day of gas from that single section of the giant gas field. Total production from South Pars is currently around 630 mcm and is expected to near 700 mcm by March."
Iran signs $1.4bn deal to develop two oilfields
Saturday, 08 February 2020 3:45 PM
"Iranian Oil Ministry’s news service Shana said on Saturday that the deal signed with MAPNA Group is meant to improve recovery rate and increase production at Parsi and Paranj oilfields, located in the province of Kuzestan and near the border with Iraq."
"The official IRNA news agency cited NISOC chief Ahmad Mohammadi as saying that MAPNA would invest nearly $1.4 billion in the project for development of Parsi and Paranj, two reserves that hold around 12 billion barrels of oil together."
"Mohammadi said the contractor is expected to increase production at the two fields from the current 52,000 bpd per day to 85,000 bpd at the end of the 10-year development project."
"That would mean an increased income of around $1.65 million a day for Iran’s Oil Ministry ..."
Iran embarks on massive projects for domestic production of petcoke
Monday, 10 February 2020 2:58 PM
"The IRIB News said in a Monday report that the two Iranian refineries had agreed to launch production for petcokes, including the needle and sponge types, for consumption in steel mills and aluminum smelters across the country."
"The deals stipulate that the Bandar Abbas refinery in southern Iran would reach an output of 620,000 tons of sponge coke per year within the next two years while the Shazand refinery, located in central Iran, is expected to produce 70,000 tons of needle coke per year as soon as production starts in the facility, said the report."
"Iran has been a major importer of cokes that are vastly used as fuels in the steel and aluminum industry."
Iran's offshore installation proves how sanctions are not bad news
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:02 AM

Iranian companies have installed a 2,500-tonne offshore platform at phase 13 of the world’s largest gas field in the Persian Gulf, in a further testimony to their burgeoning ability to carry out tasks which until recently were an exclusive prerogative of international energy giants.
A massive barge, built by Iran Maritime Industrial Company SADRA, shipped the topside to the South Pars gas field where a giant floating crane erected and fixed it over a deep-sea jacket substructure.
It was the third of four topsides planned at phase 13 of South Pars, with the final structure to be installed in the coming days, operator of South Pars Phase 13 project Payam Motamed told the Ministry of Petroleum’s Shana news outlet.
The two remaining topsides’ substructures such as flare booms, bridges and living quarters will also be shipped and installed soon, after which they will be hooked up to gas wells and production will begin, he said.
The operation of the two platforms will add another 28 million cubic meters per day of refined gas to Iran’s output and raise overall production from phase 13 to 56 million cubic meters per day, Motamed added.
Gas recovery at the two other platforms began last year. The refined gas produced at phase 13 of South Pars is transferred by two pipelines to onshore processing units, 180 kilometers off the wells.
In addition to 56 million cubic meters per day of refined gas, phase 13 has been designed to produce 1.1 million tonnes per year of liquefied gas, 75,000 barrels per day of gas condensates and 400 million tonnes per day of sulphur - all for export – on top of 1 million tonnes per year of ethane gas to feed Iranian petrochemical plants.
Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said on Monday Iranian natural gas production capacity will surpass 1 billion cubic meters per day next month.
Iran sits on the world's largest reserves of gas and the fourth largest oil deposits just behind Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Canada, but the development of its energy sector has been bedeviled by sanctions.
The US government has been trying to cripple the sector which is Iran’s biggest hard currency earner in order to force the country to submit to Washington’s demands.
The dark clouds of the sanctions, however, have had a silver lining for many Iranian companies which have landed major deals in oil, gas and other industries.
SADRA is Iran's largest shipyard group which has turned into an oil and gas behemoth on the fringes of Western sanctions in recent years along with Petropars, another Iranian company specializing in upstream oil and gas exploration, exploitation and production as well as downstream industries.
Petropars was awarded a multibillion-dollar deal to develop phase 11 of South Pars after French oil major Total and the China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) withdrew from the project.
The sanctions have spawned an inward-looking drive in Iran, especially in its oil industry which has gone out of its way to put unprecedented trust in local companies for implementation of some major projects.
Last week, Iran unveiled its first oil rig manufactured by domestic companies, fulfilling a dream which the country’s petroleum industry cherished for long.
Addressing the unveiling ceremony in Ahvaz, Zangeneh explained why building an oil drilling rig is such a big deal, especially at the time of sanctions.
“The cost of building many factories is less than the cost of building a rig, and building an oil rig is very important,” he said.
“Given the country's capacities, we need drilling equipment and accessories for many years to come, and the construction of a rig in Iran was one of the aspirations of the oil industry which realized today,” the minister added.
Zangeneh has said Iran’s oil, gas and petroleum sectors are on the frontline of the fight against the United States’ “maximum pressure” which President Donald Trump has primarily applied on the oil industry with an express aim of bringing the country’s exports down to zero.
Next month, Iran is about to launch its biggest refinery for processing gas associated with oil production, built by local companies.
The Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery in Behbahan is expected to be “the source of a major change in reducing environmental pollution and developing the petrochemical industry”, Zangeneh said this month.
US bans useless once Iran’s Jask project comes on line: Analyst
Tuesday, 03 March 2020 2:31 PM
Simon Watkins wrote in an article on the Oil Price that Iran’s rapid move to finish a first phase of the Goureh-Jask pipeline in the next 12 months means that the country is determined to neutralize the impacts of US sanctions on its oil exports.
“Iran has moved exceptionally quickly on developing its Bandar-e-Jask port project,” said Watkins, adding, “This offers a relatively risk-free shipping transit route to Iran’s key markets in the East, especially China and more latterly India, and to markets further south in Africa on a more occasional basis.”
The analyst said that the $1.8-billion project which spans 1,100 kilometers from southwest to the south of Iran would make the country immune against the sanctions that Washington imposed on Tehran in 2018 when it decided to pull out of a landmark deal on Iran's nuclear program.
“The non-Strait of Hormuz route means that Iran can continue to develop its crude oil business with China, and also India – under the radar if necessary – for as long as it takes for the US to come back to the negotiating table over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ‘nuclear deal’,” he said.
China and India were the tow top buyers of Iran’s oil before the American sanctions were toughened in May 2019. Watkins said the two countries along with Russia, which has expressed readiness in the build-out of Jask, would start investing heavily in Iran once the pipeline is ready.
He said the project would also expedite efforts for building a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan and into India.
The analyst said that the completion of the Jask project, which includes building large oil storage facilities on the port, would entail several other benefits for Iran, including the ability to load very large crude carriers (VLCCs) that normally avoid the Strait of Hormuz because of its the narrowness.
Watkins said the project would also enable Iran to increase its export of petrochemical products to Asian countries as the pipeline would allow the transfer of crude feedstock supply to refineries and petrochemical plants located outside of the Strait.
Iran fulfills dream as it unveils first homemade oil rig
Wednesday, 19 February 2020 11:24 AM
Iran has unveiled its first oil rig manufactured by domestic companies, fulfilling a dream which the country’s petroleum industry cherished for long.
“A rig is a mobile plant that can be moved from one place to another. The cost of building many factories is less than the cost of building a rig, and building an oil rig is very important,” Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said.
The structure, named 72 Fath (Conquer), was unveiled in a ceremony in Ahvaz in southwest Iran where Zangeneh and other senior officials traveled to attend.
“Given the country's capacities, we need drilling equipment and accessories for many years to come, and the construction of a rig in Iran was one of the aspirations of the oil industry which realized today,” the minister said.
The achievement is another silver lining in the dark clouds of sanctions which the US government has imposed on Iran to cripple the country for not submitting to Washington’s steep demands.

Zangeneh has said Iran’s oil, gas and petroleum sectors are on the frontline of the fight against the United States’ “maximum pressure” which President Donald Trump has primarily applied on the oil industry because it accounts for a big chunk of Iran’s hard currency earnings.
Sanctions had made it difficult for Tehran to rent oil drilling rigs, forcing Ministry of Petroleum to approach intermediaries to find one to buy. In 2011, the ministry spent $87 million to buy an oil drilling rig, but it never reached the country's shores in what came to be known as "the case of the missing rig”.
However, the coercive measures have buoyed domestic entities which before the sanctions were a dark horse for lucrative contracts as major international companies always won them.
Iran’s oil industry has been looking inward since the sanctions came into effect in November 2018, going out of its way to put unprecedented trust in local companies for implementation of some major projects.
As an example, a multibillion-dollar deal to develop phase 11 of supergiant South Pars gas field has been awarded to Iran’s Petropars after French oil major Total and the China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) withdrew from the project.
Iran’s biggest refinery for processing gas associated with oil production, built by local companies, is currently being geared up for launch within the next month or so, a senior energy official said on Wednesday.
“It is our duty to create work for domestic factories,” Zangeneh said on Tuesday, sounding out the government’s support for knowledge-based entities and start-ups.
The production of the first Iranian oil rig is a watershed in the country’s inward-looking drive, which has the special blessing of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, who has called for turning the threat from the US sanctions into opportunities.
“Manufacturing rigs is not just for Iran. Once we are able to build the rig to international standards, we will be able to export it and its related services and we should take advantage of these opportunities,” Zangneh said.
“We are currently under sanctions, but the problem will pass with the prudence of the establishment and people’s resistance,” he said, adding Iran has to make the best of opportunities which the sanctions present it.
Largest gas refinery to come online
Managing Director of the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company Jafar Rabiei said on Wednesday the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery, being touted as Iran’s largest gas processing plant, will be up and running before the end of the current Iranian year on March 21.
The refinery has reached 97 percent of physical progress and is about to be injected with gas feedstock by the end of the current year, he said.
Zangeneh said this month the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery in Behbahan is expected to be “the source of a major change in reducing environmental pollution and developing the petrochemical industry”.
The plant has a capacity to process 56 million cubic meters a day of associated gas, enough to produce 3.5 million tonnes of feedstock for use in petrochemical plants in Khuzestan province.
“This will usher in a major change in developing the petrochemical industry in Khuzestan province, especially the Gachsaran region,” the minister said.
Iran sits on the world's largest reserves of gas and the fourth largest oil deposits just behind Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Canada, but the development of its energy sector has been bedeviled by sanctions.
Rabiei said on Wednesday the country will begin constructing its largest petrochemical facility under a megaproject named Hormoz Petrochemicals in 2022.
Other projects, such as Lordegan urea fertilizer has reached completion and will become operational before mid-March, while Ilam polypropylene has reached 96 percent of physical progress, with test production about to begin early next Iranian year.
Furthermore, Bu Ali Sina paraxylene, SADAF Assaluyeh Chemical Company, the chlorine unit of Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company, Apadana methanol, Hengam ammonia and NGL 3200 flare gas will become operational in the next Iranian year, Rabiei said.
Zangeneh said this month the construction of the Dehloran gas refinery known as NGL 3100 has reached 40 percent of physical progress and the project is expected to finish in the next two years.
Iran eyes 1 mln bpd of oil output in fields shared with Iraq: Minister
Saturday, 15 February 2020 4:09 PM
Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh (L) is seen in this February 15, 2020 photo attending a conference on financing oil and gas projects in the capital Tehran. (Photo by Shana)
Iran is seeking to exponentially increase output from oilfields shared with Iraq, says the country’s oil minister, as the Arab country goes on with massive development plans in a field located near the Iranian border.
Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Saturday that production at the so-called West Karoun oilfields would reach one million barrels per day (bpd) if Iran secures the expertise and funds needed for the development of the fields.
“The total oil production in west of Karoun should be increased to 1 mln bpd, however, it needs both technology and financial resources,” Zanganeh told reporters.
The minister said current output from West Karoun oilfields showed a five-fold increase compared to 2013 when the current administrative government led by President Hassan Rouhani came to office for a first term.
He did not elaborate on production figures at the fields, which he said were being developed using resources from Iran’s sovereign wealth fund.
Zanganeh’s previous statements on the joint oilfields suggested that current output could be about 300,000 bpd.
Iran has kept developing its sprawling oil and gas fields despite facing a harsh regime of American sanctions which seeks to cut to zero the country’s direct sale of crude and other energy products.
Authorities said in October that oil production at four oilfields shared with Iraq, namely Yadavaran, Azar, Aban and Paydar Gharb, would increase by nearly 60,000 bpd until March 2020 when the current Iranian calendar year comes to an end.
Companies from Iran, Russia and China have been contracted for development of the various parts of the joint oilfields.
Those efforts come as Iraq is seeking to double its output from Majnoon oilfield, which is linked to Azadegan, to nearly half a million bpd in 2021.
Iran’s Petropars signing deals on South Pars phase 11 development: Minister
Saturday, 25 January 2020 6:08 PM
"Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh has said that development works for a major section of the sprawling South Pars gas field keep flowing despite the fact that global energy giants have abandoned the project under pressure from United States."
"Zanganeh said on Saturday that Iran’s Petropars was going on with plans for development of phase 11 of South Pars, the largest gas field in the world located in the Persian Gulf, after France’s Total and China’s CNPC withdrew from the project for good."
"“Now with the withdrawal of the two companies from the deal, Petropars has fully replaced them and development for first unit of the phase 11 of South Pars has been devolved to this company,” Zanganeh told the Iranian parliament’s ICANA news agency."
"Petropars, a company owned by the Iranian Oil Ministry, had a 20-percent stake in the 2017 contract signed for development of phase 11, the largest and most important phase at South Pars."
"Zangeneh dismissed reports that work had stalled at phase 11 of South Pars, an offshore field shared with Qatar, saying Petropars was negotiating deals on platform jackets and procurement of basic tools needed for drilling the wells."
"The minister said, however, that development work by Petropars would be limited to a first unit of the phase 11 at South Pars."
"“Currently, with regards to technology and designing, the development of the second unit of this gas field by Petropars is not possible” said Zangeneh."
8. Conclusion
So there is no doubt, that the gas and oil boom wouldn't be possible without Nuclear Fracking. To take part in this and to prevent the plundering of own reserves, Iran has to have full access to the Atom Technology and the development of a complete civil Atom Industry, where the atom powers get assurance, that Iran doesn't seek the military use and will follow the rules of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the PNE Treaty, which it would sign.
There is either no doubt about the attack on Iran by Geophysical Warfare since the 1990s. The impact is interpreted as "bad weather", "rare extreme weather", "natural catastorphe", "thunderstorm-asthma" and as the impact of "globalwarming" and "climate change".
Iran under attack with SRM methods over Caucasus & Caspian Sea!
The reason the Iranian politicians don't talk about it openly and use the cover notions of their enemies and submit themselves to their propaganda may be one of their "state secrets".
Possibly because they are aware that the application of Nuclear Fracking bears risks. It always triggers earthquakes, which can become very deadly and damaging and sometimes, when the detonation is under the sea bed, lead to tsunamis with more death and damage.
It is cheaper for all politicians, also the Iranians, to keep the fracking death and damage without compensation by branding it as "natural".
Earthquake's for fracking gas & petrol by nuclear demolition of deep rocks in Haiti!
Fracking Colonialism! Vulcanism by Fracking!
By the way, the same conclusion about fracking applies also for Turkey, Greece and other countries with frackable gas and oil reserves!
Under the pressure of debt bondage, the politicians of Greece have given all their reserves under the Aegean Sea to the Anglo-Saxon and French companies, which is why the country is praised in the propaganda media as a model of "recovery from the financial crisis". On the other hand, Turkey is demonized because it is defending its resources beneath the Mediterranean and exploring with its own ships.
Mediterranean Oil Dispute: Turkey’s Energy Minister Fatih Donmez weighs in
Jun 21, 2019
Time to wake up!
Very good, sir!