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Wale stranden und sterben durch Erstickung und weil Ihr Lebensraum nuklear zerbombt und mit Hyper-Sonar beschallt wird!

  1. Einstieg zum Denken
  2. Vier Gründe des Todes
  3. Erstickung durch TAI!
  4. Krimineller Schwachsinn!
  5. Proceedings of the Seismic and Marine Mammals Workshop London 23-25 June 1998
  6. Verbundene Artikel
  7. Selbstentlarvende zynische & grausame Dummheit!

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1. Einstieg zum Denken

Liebe Leser,

sicher ist das Stranden und Sterben der Meeressäuger ein trauriger Anblick und nur wenige können die Häufigkeit und die Dramatik dieser Fälle völlig ignorieren, falls Sie die Ereignisse in dieser Welt überhaupt mitbekommen.

Wir erleben eine Phase immer heftigerer und häufigerer Katastrophen und Kriege in der realen Welt, doch viele Menschen, insbesondere die Jugend ist in der virtuellen Welt der Spiele und Fantasiefilme aus Hollywood verloren.

Ist Ihnen aufgefallen, dass die Filmindustrie von Hollywood seit dem Beginn der aufeinanderfolgenden "bunten Proteste und Revolutionen" und der darauf folgenden Kriege im wesentlichen nur noch Fantasiefilme mit oder ohne Superhelden produziert?

Die Menschen sind gewöhnt, all diese Filme zu konsumieren, so wie sie Fastfood von McDoof und Consorten fressen, denn auf den Mainstream-Kanälen wird nichts anderes angeboten.
Ich bitte Sie nun, sich etwas vorzusellen, dass der Realität nahekommt. 

Wie Sie alle wissen sollten, atmen die Meeressäuger, so wie wir Landsäugetiere, mit der Lunge. Sie schwimmen in der Regel an der Meeresoberfläche und atmen regelmäßig, wenn sie dabei etwas auftauchen. Damit dies leicht gelingt, ist ihre Nase auf den Hinterkopf gewandert und die Nasenlöcher sind verschließbar.

Nun stellt Sie sich vor, Sie wären ein Mensch, der auf einem Surfbrett etwas weiter rausgeschwommen ist und auf eine größere Gruppen von Walen trifft, die gerade in der Nähe sich versammelt haben und offensichtlich einen Schwarm von kleinen Fischen aufessen. Merkwürdig ist nur, dass diese Fische bereits betäubt oder tod sind, denn sie bewegen sich nicht mehr. Das Futter scheint aber noch frisch zu sein, so dass die Wale ohne Mühe sich sattessen können.

Der Umstand der bewegungslosen Fische macht Sie viellleicht stutzig, aber Sie können sich den Grund auf Anhieb nicht erklären und denken darüber nicht weiter nach. Die Beobachtung der Wale lenkt Sie ab.

Plötzlich bekommen Sie ein Erstickungsgefühl, obgleich nichts zu sehen oder zu riechen ist. Kurzentschlossen schwimmen Sie in Richtung Strand, aber das Gefühl der Erstickung wird noch stärker, so dass Sie in Panik schnellen schwimmen.

Was Sie zunächst nicht bemekrt haben, auch die Wale suchen ihr Heil am Strand. Mit letzter Kraft und halbbetäubt werden Sie und die Wale mit den Schub der Wellen an Land gespült. Sie sind gestrandet, zusammen mit etwa 30 Meeressäugern.

Schnell kommen Menschen herbei und versuchen zu helfen. Für Sie wird ein Krankenwagen gerufen. Sie erhalten mit zusätzlichem Sauerstoff gesättigte Luft und kommen nach kurzer Zeit zu sich, so dass Sie die abulante Versorgung nicht mehr benötigen und eilen zum Strand, um auch Hilfe zu leisten.

Dabei sehen Sie, wie die Menschen völlig orientierungslos versuchen, die Wale wieder ins Wasser zu schubsen. Wo sie es schaffen, kommen die Wale aber wieder zurück an den Strand. Einige sind schon so angeschlagen, dass sie im Sterben liegen.

Dann laufen Sie von einem zum anderen und versuchen ihnen zu erklären, dass die Wale vor der Erstickung geflüchtet sind, und da draußen keine Atemluft vorhanden ist. Sie sollen die Tiere in Ruhe lassen und dafür sorgen, dass jemand nachschaut, was die Ursache ist.

Sie erzählen den Leuten, dass Millionen Fische da draußen zu Tode erstickt sind und dass auch sie bald angespült werden.

Jedoch laufen in den Reihen einige Vertreter bekannter NGOs, darunter welche mit Abschlüssen und Titeln in Umweltschutz und Meeresbiologie, und animieren die Menschen, die Tiere immer wieder ins Wasser zu schubsen.

Niemand hört ihnen zu. So dass Sie verzweifelt nur die absurde Szenerie beobachten können.
Warum ersticken Millionen und wenn wir die kleinen Tiere mitzählen Milliarden von Meerestieren?

Warum verschwinden die Algen der Korallen und Muscheln, wonach die letzteren verhungern und ersticken?

Warum gibt es zeitweise sauerstoffreie Todeszonen im Meer?

Warum gibt es dann, katastrophale Algenblüten?

Was hat sich seit wenigen Jahrzehnten so dramatisch in den Ozeanen geändert?

Over 400 whales have been stranded on a New Zealand beach and most have died

Hundreds of whales wash up dead on New Zealand beach
Feb 10, 2017 ( You must watch on Youtube)

2. Vier Gründe des Todes
  1. Schwächung der Photosynthese wegen der Reduktion des Sonnenlichts durch die Anwendung des "Solar Radiation Managent " (SRM) mit "Troposheric Aerosol Injection" (TAI).
  2. Nukleare Explosionen im Meeresuntergrund zur Zerbrechung der öl- und gashaltigen Felsformationen, als Vorbereitung zum Abbau von Erdöl und Erdgas durch Verpressung von Wasser.
  3. Militärischer Sonar zur Kommunikation über Satelliten und zur Entdeckung von feindlichen Ubooten und Schiffen.
  4. Wasserhebung durch Bildung von künstlichen Wasserhosen, Tornados und Stürmen uner Einsatz von gerichteter Energie.


    Sie sind sich der Existenz dieser Anwendungen und der dazugehörigen Begriffe nicht bewußt?Warum nicht?

    Das alles betrifft Sie doch auch!

    Es ist Ihr Sonnenlicht, Ihre Luft, Ihr Wasser, dass zu all dem missbraucht wird, auch wenn ihnen die toten Fischen, Krabben, Muscheln, Algen Korallen und Meeresäuger völlig egal sind. Die Atmosphäre ist das Aquarium in dem Wir leben und atmen und wir atmen jeden Dreck mit und wenn der Sauerstoff nicht reicht, dann ersticken wir Menschen so wie alle anderen Tiere.

    Kennen Sie den Begriff "global commons". Es steht für die natürlich freien Güter, also Sonnenlicht, Atemluft, Regenwasser!

    Schauen Sie bitte, pseudowissenschaftliche Räuberinstitute kümmern sich darum, ihnen diese Freiheiten zu entreißen.

    Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) gGmbH

    "Unsere Vision
    Wir streben eine Welt an, in der Demokratien offen diskutieren (deliberativ) und gut informierte Entscheidungen für die globalen Gemeinschaftsgüter und ihre nachhaltige Nutzung treffen. So ist gesichert, dass Generationen heute und zukünftig einen gerechten Zugang zu diesen Gütern erhalten.

    Die Botschaft klingt doch gut, aber sind diese Güter bereits knapp, dass über deren Verteilung "entschieden" werden muss. Ist ein "gerechter Zugang" zu diesen Gütern nicht mehr "gesichert"?

    Wer könnte Ihnen verbieten, zu atmen, Regenwasser zu sammeln und sich zu sonnen?

    Müssen Sie bald Papiere für Wasserrechte, Luftrechte und Sonnenlichtrechte kaufen? Noch nicht, zumindest nicht offizielle, aber der freie Zugriff wird Ihnen bereits verweigert. Wenn Sie sich dessen noch nicht bewusst sind, dann werden Sie es mit der Legalisierung der Klimakontrolle in Folge der gesetzlichen Umsetzung des globalen Klima(-Kontroll-)abkommens zu spüren bekommen.

    In allen vier Fällen handelt es sich um Verbrechen mit Planung und Ankündigung. Nichts ist verhüllt, nichts ist unverständlich. Das gesamte Verbrechen läuft vor aller Augen ab, doch die Geister sind verwirrt und verblendet. So wird die Lüge zur Wahrheit und die Wahrheit zur Verschwörungstheorie erklärt.

    Folgen Sie den verlinkten Artikeln, um über alle vier Gefährdungen näheres zu erfahren. Bezüglich der Auswirkungen für die Meeressäuger, werden in diesem Artikel weitere Erläuterungen angeboten. Bitte lesen Sie weiter, wenn Sie nicht bereits völlig abgeschreckt sind oder gerade weil Sie sich erschrecken.

    3. Erstickung durch TAI!

    Seit der Ausrollung von Tropospheric Aerosol Injection (TAI) für Global Water Grabbing (GWG) zur Wasserversorgung der Fracking-Industrie in den 1990ern, sterben die Tiere plötzlich, an Land in Tausenden und in den Ozeanen in Millionen, ohne jede vernünftige Erklärung durch Polituten und Scientiputas!

    Diese "Gutmenschen", die sich als "Umweltschützer" und "Wissenschaftler" vor die Fernsehkameras stellen sind professionelle Krisendarsteller oder einfache Trottel! Bitte verwechselt diese nicht mit echten Wissenschaftlern und Menschen, die sich tatsächlich um die Umwelt sorgen und über ausreichend Wissen verfügen.

    Wer würde sich gerne von "gutwilligen" Trotteln behandeln lassen?

    Der Hauptgrund des Massentodes ist Ersticken durch Sauerstoffmangel, was durch den Anstieg des CO2-Anteils in der unteren Troposphäre erkennbar ist. Die Auswirkung auf das Leben in den Ozeanen ist mörderisch, aber auch Fauna und Flora an Land leiden und sterben. Zusätzlich zur Erstickung, verursacht durch die reduziere Photosynthese, wird die Schwächung auch durch VitaminD-Mangel verursacht, weil das direkte Sonnenlicht mit UVB-Strahlen vermisst wird.

    4. Krimineller Schwachsinn!

    Meeressäuger sterben durch industriellen und militärischen SONAR und HYPER-SONAR für Geoengineering!

    Bitte schaut Euch folgenden Dokumentarfilm von Antonella Servidio an.
    Die Webseite scheint nicht mehr aktiv zu sein, aber ich lasse sie zur Erinnerung hier.

    Darin entlarvt die Meeresbiologin Antonella Servidio das Sonar als einen Hauptverursacher der Walstrandungen. Auf Youtube kann der Film angeschaut werden:

    Warum stranden Wale Teil 1 von 4
    Dec 27, 2010

    Die Sammlung der Teile kann auch hier angeschaut werden:

    Die Dokumentation wurde mehrfach im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen in Deutschland ausgestrahlt.

    Warum stranden Wale?(2/2) Eine Detektivgeschichte - THEMA: Meereswelten | PHOENIX

    Experten, die diese Tatsachen ignorieren sind keine Wissenschaftler, sonder Lügner und Ablenker!

    Die idiotischen "Umweltschützer" müssen zynisch, sadistisch oder bezahlte Idioten von Lobbytrojanern wie Greenpeace, WWF und ähnlichen Täuschungen sein, wenn sie die gestrandeten Meeresäuger wieder ins Wasser zwingen, wobei sie Fürsorge vorgaukeln. Diese Maßnahme sollten Sie eher wie das Kehren des Verbrechen unter den Teppich des Ozeans betrachten.

    Es ist als ob eine Person, die durch einen Autounfall schwerverletzt ist wieder auf die Strasse gedrückt wird, mit dem Argument "Du kommst von dort!". Die "Retter" zwingen die sterbenden Wale wieder ins Meer. Die Idioten sind unfähig, den Grund der Strandung zu hinterfragen.

    In diesem Falle wird Dummheit zum Verbrechen oder die Kriminellen machen auf dumm.

    30 Delphine gestrandet und gerettet! Seltenes Ereignis!

    Meeresverunreinigung, Verstrahlung sind zusätzliche Gefahren!

    Tote Delphine in Fukushima gestrandet, mit weissen verstrahlten Lungen

    Warum sterben so viele Wale an der Nordseeküste?

    11 Pottwale in nur 5 Tagen in der Nordsee verendet!

    Suicide or murder? Iran blames US after 152 dolphins die

    Sonar Delivers Coup de Grace for Dolphins and Whales

    Right whales threatened by planned seismic surveys along Mid- and Southeastern Atlantic seaboard, say scientistsApril 14, 2016

    "A series of seismic surveys for oil and gas planned for the mid- and southeastern Atlantic coastal areas of the United States pose a substantial threat to one of the world’s most endangered whale species, according to a group of renowned marine mammal scientists urging a halt to the surveys in a statement released today."

    Confirming the military causing the death of wales!

    Royal Navy Admits Causing Whale Deaths

    "Three 1,000lb bombs detonated underwater by the Royal Navy were to blame for the mass stranding and deaths of a pod of pilot whales on the north coast of Scotland in 2011, it has emerged.
    The resulting noise damaged their sensitive hearing and navigational ability, causing confusion amongst the pod, and resulting in them accidentally travelling towards the beach where they ultimately died. "

    US Navy’s New Sonar Rules May Be Worse for Dolphins and Whales

    "Military sonar is a contentious issue among environmental and animal rights activists. The sound waves from military-grade sonar, which the navy uses to hunt submarines, cankill or otherwise impair marine mammals that rely on sound to communicate, hunt, and navigate. And Kaulakahi Channel, with its sizable cetacean population and strong military presence, is on the front lines."

    Following is a distraction from real reasons! Yet another proof that NewScientist is not for science but for imperial propaganda! All you need to know about whale strandings in the UK and Europe

    "Several whales have been stranded on the coasts of the UK, Germany and the Netherlands this week. Here's the lowdown"

    5. Proceedings of the Seismic and Marine Mammals Workshop London 23-25 June 1998

    Environmentalism actors of lobby trojans like WWF, Greenpeace and the other rat pack may claim "we don't no why whales behave that way" but they are part of the crime gang.

    In a "workshop" sponsored by the oil and gas drilling industry representatives of "science", the NGOs and governments "discussed" about the oceanic drilling methods and the impact of "seismic blasting" on mammals, ignoring all the other fauna and flora of the oceans.

    However they admit that they don't have enough information, have not done research, cannot save sea mammals from death and damage, but will go on detonating and drilling for mineral oil explorations.

    Quoting from the original document, available here or here!

    "The visual senses that many terrestrial mammals rely on are therefore of limited use under water. Sound however, propagates very efficiently through water and marine mammals use sound for
    a wide range of tasks, for instance to locate prey, to detect predators, for social interaction such as mating displays and herd cohesion, for long range communication and perhaps even for long range navigation. Many marine mammal species have evolved highly specialised acoustic senses. Although there are interspecific differences in the hearing ranges of marine mammals, all those
    studied to date have highly sensitive hearing over a wide frequency range (see Richardson et al. (1995) for a general review of marine mammal hearing)."

    "Under certain conditions sound signals may propagate over very large distances. For example, in preliminary trials of acoustic tomography, a series of small (8 kg) TNT charges were detonated off south-west Africa. In air, such detonations might be visible and audible at a few kilometres. In the water, the detonations were clearly detectable, above background levels at Bermuda, more than 9,000 km away. Obviously, such tests are designed to maximise transmission ranges, but other marine operations may inadvertently produce sounds that propagate over large distances."

    "A wide range of human activities generate sound in the water, e.g. general shipping, ice breakers, aircraft, oil and gas drilling and production operations, geophysical surveys, explosions, military and civilian sonars and some oceanographic science studies. Many of these sources will be detectable at long range."

    "This rapid change may have profound implications for marine mammals which evolved in a very different, much quieter acoustic environment."

    "Whether it has an effect will depend on the characteristics of the marine mammal itself, whether it is likely to be within the zone of audibility (Richardson et al. 1995), how it behaves naturally, how it responds to stimuli, whether it is constrained to be in an area, whether its behaviour patterns, its mating system, its hunting strategies are likely to be affected etc. ."

    There has been an increase in levels of sound from oil and gas activity in the north-east Atlantic in recent years. One such activity is seismic exploration. The north-east Atlantic is important for a number of marine mammals which use sound for a variety of purposes vital to their existence.

    "Concerns have therefore been raised by regulators,non-governmental organisations and the general public about the possible impacts of seismic operations on marine mammals. In order to help develop a common understanding of the interactions between seismic operations and marine mammals, a workshop was held in London on 23-25 June 1998. This book originated in working papers developed for this workshop. Just under 100 delegates attended the workshop drawn from across industry, government, academic and NGO communities, and from several countries."

    "The meeting was sponsored by the Atlantic Margin Joint Industry Group (AMJIG), the group of hydrocarbon companies with interests in oil exploration to the north and west of Scotland and the International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC), the industry body for seismic exploration contractors. It was endorsed by the UK Department of Trade and Industry, and the UK’s Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). The steering group for the workshop was composed of staff from oil industry, governmental advisors and both governmental and non-governmental scientists."

    "Theoretically sound propagates through water in accordance with certain formulae, however circumstances usually mean than theory is not reflected in reality."

    "The effectiveness of these mitigation measures has been little studied."

    "The dictionary definition for the word seismic means “of or relating to an earthquake” and indeed it comes from the Greek word seismos meaning an earthquake. In its broad scholarly or teaching sense this is what seismic study is about. It involves earthquake measurement, monitoring and prediction, mostly on a large scale, involving fairly big movements in the earth’s crust. What is measured are the actual energy waves created by the earthquakes and the terrible and destructive effect of these waves close to where the earth’s crust actually moved are familiar to us all."
    "In seismic surveying, geophysicists use the same basic ideas as the earthquake seismologists, but the situation is turned upside down. Instead of waiting for the earthquake, and measuring the energy waves associated with it, waves are mechanically generated and sent into the earth. This energy wave doesn’t just vanish into the earth’s crust. Some of it is reflected back to the surface and the returning waves are detected with sensitive measuring devices that accurately record the strength of the wave and the time it has taken to travel through the various layers in the earth’s crust and back to the surface."

    "One of the most common uses is in the search for hydrocarbon resources, gas and oil, and most commercial seismic surveying is carried out in this energy sector."

    "Oil and gas exploration takes place all over the earth’s surface. It can be generally considered as falling into the two main zones:"
    " 1) Onshore or Land Exploration; and
    2) Offshore or Marine Exploration
    ""There is a third zone, which is currently of lesser commercial significance. This is commonly called Shallow Water Exploration, but is also sometimes referred to as Transition Zone Exploration. This involves shallow water areas such as tidal zones, river estuaries or swamplands. Exploration activities in these areas can be very complex."

    "The key elements or areas of a typical marine 3D seismic survey vessel ..."
    Earthquake Vessels for Fracking!

    "It is during the approach to the line start, that environmental protection procedures may be applicable. Depending on the country of operations and the area-specific environmental controls in place, a visual watch for marine mammals from the vessel may be ongoing for at least 30 minutes before the first firing of the airguns. On some surveys, acoustic methods may additionally be utilised to identify the presence of marine mammals within the vicinity of the airgun array. It is only when the crew has been informed that no marine mammals are present that the survey line can proceed with the firing of the airguns."

    "When the line is complete, all systems stop recording. The ship is now in line change mode. The navigator has planned how the vessel should manoeuvre to get into the run in for the next line.
    The line change time varies according to the layout of the survey and the configuration of the equipment but is usually between one and three hours."

    "During the changeover period, all the crew involved work quickly to resolve any problems and make modifications or repairs in readiness for the next line. The run in is then started, all equipment is readied, the guns fire and the cycle repeats."

    "Infrequently, technical failures occur and line starts are delayed or lines are terminated early. Operations may also be affected by weather, shipping and oceanographic conditions."

    "In some specialised surveys, this bandwidth can be increased, for example when looking at the shallow surface geology in preparation for siting platforms."

    "Total energy source volumes vary from survey to survey and are designed to provide sufficient seismic energy to illuminate the geological objective of the survey, whilst minimising environmental

    "... all seismic in-Round areas are subject to the JNCC (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) ‘Guidelines for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals’. These Guidelines have been in place, and formed part of licence conditions, since 1995. The current version of the Guidelines includes the following summarised points:"
    " 1) Before starting a survey line, operators and observers should carefully make a visual check to see if there are any cetaceans within 500 m of the airguns. If cetaceans are present, the start of the survey should be delayed until the animals have moved away, allowing adequate time after the last sighting (30 minutes) for the animals to move well out of range. Hydrophones may also be useful in determining when cetaceans have moved out of range i.e. when they can no longer be heard."
    " 2) Power should be built up slowly from a low energy start-up over 30 mins, to give adequate time for cetaceans to leave the vicinity."
    " 3) Throughout the survey, the lowest practicable energy levels should be used."
    " 4) Details of watches and marine mammal sightings should be recorded using standardised forms."

    "All seismic acquisition contractors have agreed to conduct survey operations in the UK in accordance with these guidelines and have
    employed marine mammal observers on their vessels. The JNCC have reported that the data that has been gathered from seismic vessels in the Atlantic margin in recent years has added significantly to their knowledge of cetacean population distributions in the area."

    "The rate of progress for a seismic survey is constrained by many factors but the most dominant is usually the weather. Other issues that affect the duration of a specific survey are:"

    • Survey location
    • Time of year
    • Survey size, particularly sail line length
    • Technical acquisition parameters
    • Vessel configuration
    • Line orientation and prevailing current direction
    • Fishing and shipping activity in the survey area
    • Other seismic operations
    • Marine mammal activity
    • Drilling and subsea equipment maintenance
    • Technical equipment downtime

    "The net effect of all of these factors is to limit the time actually spent acquiring seismic data to just 35-40% of the available time."

    "A survey vessel typically operates at a tow speed of between 4.5 and 5.0 knots (approximately 9 kms/hr). At this rate, the survey vessel could conceivably cover some 216 kms in a day and almost 6,500 kms in one month. As survey dimensions are not usually as great as 200 kms, the vessel must turn at the end of each line before starting the next, the 3D ‘racetrack’."

    "With seismic streamers as long as 6,000 m being towed behind the vessel, and with as many as 16 streamers being towed simultaneously, the time taken to change direction, so called line change time, is of the order of 3 hrs or more, which is significant. For a survey with a 45 km line length, which is fairly long even by today’s standards, the line acquisition time of 5 hrs is then followed by a line change of 3 hrs or 60% of the acquisition time.
    It thus follows that when a vessel acquires more than 100 traverse kms in a single day, it is considered very productive.

    "For a survey with a shallow depth of target, the need to record high frequencies, up to 100 Hz, necessitates the use of shallow tow depths for the streamer. This increases the effect of wave noise, thus rendering the operation more prone to weather downtime. If the survey objective were deeper, then deeper streamer depths could be used and the productivity of the operation would improve."

    "Marine mammal activity can also delay the start of a line, in accordance with the JNCC Guidelines. However as a result of careful planning, this has not been a significant factor to date."

    "The dominant frequencies of seismic sound sources overlap directly those used by baleen whales (10 Hz-1 kHz) for obtaining information about their environment and communicating with one another. Information on the behavioural effects of seismic testing is limited almost exclusively to two species: the bowhead whale in the Beaufort Sea and the grey whale off the Californian coast."

    "Unfortunately, for no baleen whale species is there is a direct measure of hearing sensitivity, and the overlap in frequencies has to be inferred from the range of sound frequencies used by a particular species. The greatest amount of energy emitted from a seismic airgun is in the frequency band 20-160 Hz. Bowhead whales produce sounds mainly over the range 25 Hz to 400 Hz. Blue and fin whales operate generally at the lower end of these
    frequencies, i.e. 10-60 Hz. We might therefore expect to see species differences among baleen whales in the extent to which they respond to seismic activities. Research on the rorqual whales
    (such as blue, fin and minke whale) is badly needed to elucidate this."

    "The hearing of odontocetes (porpoises, dolphins and toothed whales) is most sensitive over the frequency range 10-150 kHz, i.e. around one hundred times higher than the frequencies of baleen whales, and outside the peak energy range of seismic airguns. One might therefore predict that they would be much less susceptible to seismic sound than baleen whales. On the other hand, airgun arrays can also produce significant sound at frequencies ranging from 1-20 kHz, and those frequencies would certainly overlap with the hearing range of odontocetes, and at short istances particularly mask their ability to communicate with one another. Insufficient studies have been carried out to determine the significance of seismic sound for odontocetes, but acoustic and visual surveys in the Irish Sea showed temporary displacement for small cetacean populations."

    "Behavioural reactions of cetaceans to loud sounds have included cessation of feeding, resting, or social interaction; changes in surfacing, respiration and diving cycles; and direct avoidance
    by diving and/or swimming away. However, the significance of these short-term responses to the overall well-being of an individual or population in the longer term remains unknown."

    "Direct physical damage to the ear has been implicated recently
    from post-mortem examination of humpback whales exposed to loud noises. However, in the case of seismic airguns this is likely to be a problem only at very short distances, in the order of low hundreds of metres (or received sound levels around 220 dB)."

    "For at least some baleen whale species, the zone of influence (in terms of eliciting behavioural avoidance) of a typical seismic airgun array may be predicted to span distances ranging from c. 2.5 to 8 km. This assumes that sound is propagated according to the law of spherical spreading, which may be reasonable at those ranges. However, in many circumstances, sound transmission loss may not mirror classical laws of spherical or cylindrical spreading because of reflection from the water surface and the sea bed, and scattering or absorption with planktonic organisms in the water column."

    "Those measurements should be conducted in the particular area where the seismic survey is taking place, rather than extrapolated from one region to another, since topographic and oceanographic differences between areas may be important."

    "There are four ways in which the effects of seismic sound upon cetaceans could be minimised:"
    " 1) Seismic surveys could be confined to those seasons where cetaceans are known to be at low abundance in the area;"
    " 2) Airgun detonation might only be undertaken once the survey area had been searched for cetaceans and none detected;"
    " 3) Power from seismic equipment may be built up slowly (e.g. by starting with the smallest airgun in the array and gradually adding in others over a period of 20-30 mins);"
    " 4) Sound levels are kept to the lowest practicable level."

    "However, each of these aspects has a number of practical problems mitigating against their effective operation. First, different species of cetaceans occupy particular areas at different seasons so that choosing a specific period for seismic surveys may still affect some species. In this instance it will be necessary to reach some compromise, giving priority to those species with vulnerable conservation status and/or most sensitive to the dominant sound frequencies and hence most likely to be affected by them."

    "Second, effective surveying of an area for marine mammals before starting seismic activities is not necessarily practical. Some species such as beaked whales tend only to be detected visually in calm weather, whilst if the animals are silent, they will also not be detected acoustically. Some species may also vocalise mainly at particular times of year in association with specific behaviour patterns."

    "Third, although by gradual build-up of sound it is possible to give animals the opportunity to move away from the sound source, there remains the danger that they could habituate to the sounds and
    remain in the area if it was important for feeding or some other important activity."

    "Finally, even if seismic surveys use the lowest practicable sound levels, those studies that have been undertaken to date indicate that behavioural avoidance by baleen whales occurs at levels of 160- 170 dB which may affect animals anywhere from 0.5 to 8 km distance away (Table 5.1, from Evans & Nice 1996). There will rarely be occasions that seismic surveys can take place without affecting at least some individuals."

    "The key question is whether any such negative effects will actually lead to changes in life history parameters such as survival or reproductive rates that might result in population decline."

    6. Verbundene Artikel

    Ermordung des Lebenskreislaufs.

    CO2-Anstieg durch Geoarchitektur #SRM! Zerlegung der Geoengineering Mafia mit einfachen Fakten!

    Der Wald wird ermordet, so wie die Korallen durch Climate Geoengineering (Klimakontrolle)!

    Der Sauerstoff-Anteil in der Luft sinkt? Wem ist das nicht bewusst? Was ist die Ursache?

    7. Selbstentlarvende zynische & grausame Dummheit!

    Liebe Leser, hier ist ein Beispiel, an dem ich zeigen und erklären möchte, wie zynisch und grausam künstliche Dummheit ist.

    477 stranded whales die on remote New Zealand islands
    OCTOBER 12, 202212:06 PM ET, By The Associated Press

    The story begins by blaming the whales for "stranding themselves", as if they decided to collective suicide, like a fanatic doomsday sect.

    "WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Some 477 pilot whales have died after stranding themselves on two remote New Zealand beaches over recent days, officials say."

    Followed by a capital lie about "died naturally" and the used of an Eugenics term for murder!

    "None of the stranded whales could be refloated and all either died naturally or were euthanized in a "heartbreaking" loss, said Daren Grover, the general manager of Project Jonah, a nonprofit group which helps rescue whales."

    The wording "beached themselves" is cynical whales fleeing death by suffocation!

    "The whales beached themselves on the Chatham Islands, which are home to about 600 people and located about 800 kilometers (500 miles) east of New Zealand's main islands."

    The stranding of mammals is not limited to a single case but occurs often and many places!

    "32 pilot whales have been rescued out of 230 stranded in Tasmania

    The Department of Conservation said 232 whales stranded themselves Friday at Tupuangi Beach and another 245 at Waihere Bay on Monday.

    The deaths come two weeks after about 200 pilot whales died in Australia after stranding themselves on a remote Tasmanian beach.

    The mass suffocations are not "natural occurences". The sharks are dying too, but they don't struggle to get air at the beach!

    ""These events are tough, challenging situations," the Department of Conservation wrote in a Facebook post. "Although they are natural occurrences, they are still sad and difficult for those helping."

    Grover said the remote location and presence of sharks in the surrounding waters meant they couldn't mobilize volunteers to try to refloat the whales as they have in past stranding events.

    "We do not actively refloat whales on the Chatham Islands due to the risk of shark attack to humans and the whales themselves, so euthanasia was the kindest option," said Dave Lundquist, a technical marine advisor for the conservation department.

    Now comes the pseudo-scientific lies of  of scientists to blame the victim by declaring them to be "confused" or somehow stupid!

    "Scientists say gently sloping beaches can confuse whales' location systems."

    Here they admit that the mass death of mammals by suffocation is not rare, but have become "common"! The default apology of fake scientists is their ignorance! Whatever is based on ignorance cannot be scientific!

    "Mass strandings of pilot whales are reasonably common in New Zealand, especially during the summer months. Scientists don't know exactly what causes the whales to strand, although it appears their location systems can get confused by gently sloping sandy beaches."

    When the whales swim to the coastal area, they enter an already death zone without oxygen in the water & also not slightly above sea level, where the mammals need to breath. They panic and swim to the next height for air, which is for them only the beach.

    "Grover said there is a lot of food for the whales around the Chatham Islands, and as they swim closer to land, they would quickly find themselves going from very deep to shallow water."

    "They rely on their echolocation and yet it doesn't tell them that they are running out of water," Grover said. "They come closer and closer to shore and become disoriented. The tide can then drop from below them and before they know it, they're stranded on the beach.""

    The mass killing of the mammals becomes positive as "recycling by nature"!

    "Because of the remote location of the beaches, the whale carcasses won't be buried or towed out to sea, as is often the case, but instead will be left to decompose, Grover said.

    "Nature is a great recycler and all the energy stored within the bodies of all the whales will be returned to nature quite quickly," he said."

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    GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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