- Radioactivity
- Nuclear fusion fraud:
- Stability by parity!
- Diskussion mit Martin Dwyer
- Moment of twist!
- Letter to a pseudo-scientist!
- Conclusions
- Self revealing propaganda
- A conversation
- H-Bomb & "Fusion Reactor"
- Further info
- Connected articles
- Alpha decay
- Beta decay with electron
- Beta decay with positron
- Gamma radiation
- X-rays
Sep 27, 2019
1.1. Apha decay
When an unstable heavy atomic nucleus decays, e.g. uranium-235, a helium nucleus with 2 protons and 2 neutrons is repelled.
1.2. Beta decay with electron
If a neutron in the atomic nucleus decays into a proton, electron and anti-neutrino (positron-neutrino), then the proton remains in the nucleus, but the electron, positron-neutrino are repelled.
1.3. Beta decay with positron
When a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a neutron, the proton remains in the nucleus, but a positron (positively charged electron) and an electron neutrino are repelled.
1.4. Gamma radiation
Gamma radiation occurs as a result of alpha decay or beta decay, whereby the the excess energy is emitted in the form of strong electromagnetic photons.
1.5. X-rays
animus Tutorials: radioaktive Strahlung
Jun 27, 2013
BG ETEM - Strahlungsarten, Aktivität, Halbwertszeit
Mar 21, 201
Here is an experimental setup for measuring the types of radiation:
Physik LK 63 - Strahlungsarten Kernphysik
Sep 24, 2021
An explanation of the forces:
Die Kräfte | Harald Lesch
Jan 18, 2017
2. Stability by parity!
Isotope | Share in % | Half-Life (Years) | Natural? |
U-234 | 0.005 | 250 Million | yes |
U-235 | 0.7 | 710 Million | yes |
U-236 | 0 | 23 Million | no |
U-238 | 99.4 | 4.3 Billion | yes |
Isotope | Share in % | Half-Life (Years) | Natural? |
H-1 | 99.9855 | stable | yes |
H-2 | 0.0145 | stable | yes |
H-3 | 0 | 12.32 | no |
As a result, the whole Fusion story is a pseudo-scientific fraud that promises what can never be fulfilled, but effectively distracts the victims from what is actually happening.
The energy from atomic nuclei is released when a free neutron is turns into a proton, an electron, an anti-neutrino (positron-neutrino) and gamma radiation within approx. 15 minutes. This creates kinetic energy that is converted into X-rays and heat. The gamma radiation, the kinetic energy and subsequent X-radiation cause the extreme heat and explosion in atomic bombs.
When some unstable isotopes are cracked, like it is done with isotopes with Uranium, Plutonium or Hydrogen, each released Neutron turns into a Proton, Electron and some energy particles. This is the energy which can be used for heating water to turn turbines for production of electricity.
Bram Cohen: Will we ever generate more energy out of nuclear fusion than we put in?
5. Moment of twist!
As with any pseudo-scientific fraud, there is a statistic, a measurement curve, or a supposedly plausible claim that is used to twist the truth.
It is claimed that all elements smaller than iron have an exploitable energy, since the binding energy per nucleon is greater.
From German: Nuclear Fusion
"The cross-section, the measure of the probability that colliding nuclei will react with each other, is of decisive importance for the creation of a fusion. The cross-section is usually only sufficiently large if the two nuclei collide with one another with high energy. This is needed to overcome the Coulomb barrier, the electrical repulsion between the positively charged nuclei, or tunneling through its narrow maximum. Beyond the barrier, at a distance of only about 10-15 m, the attraction predominates through the strong interaction and the nuclei fuse with one another."
In the following the decisive sentence separates the lie from the truth!
In the following a calculation is made that is supposed to prove the possibility of the energy yield, but also here cores are split. In the first case, one Helium-4 (He4)and two elementary hydrogen atoms should be created from two Helium-3 (He3) atoms. As a result, one of the helium-3 atoms is split, which leads to the known energy yield from nuclear fission. The prerequisite, however, is the power of a massive sun.
Since He3 atoms can easily absorb a free neutron in order to become more stable, no such effort is required to form He4 out of He3, as long as free slow neutrons are available. A Triton i a He3-nucleus without electrons.
VacuTec: He-3 Neutron Detectors
"He-3 is an isotope of the noble gas helium. It is stable, nonradioactive, inert and nontoxic. The natural abundance of He-3 in helium is very low, only 0.00014%. He-3 is a strong absorber of neutrons. The neutrons are captured by the reaction He-3 (n, p) H-3 building a proton and a triton with a reaction Q-value of 764keV. The energy dependent cross-section of this reaction is one of the well-known standards in neutron measurement. Both the proton and the triton are charged ions and are registered by the proportional counter."
In the second case we have the well-known splitting of deuterium and tritium. Here the free neutrons, which when they are converted into protons, electrons and anti-neutrinos, also release gamma radiation and kinetic energy, are completely ignored.
"Calculation examples for nuclear fusion
One of the fusion reactions that take place in the interior of comparatively low-mass stars (as part of the so-called "pp chain") is the fusion of helium-3 (helium with 2 protons, 1 neutron) to helium-4 (2 protons, 2 neutrons) . For helium-3 the binding energy per core particle is around 2.6 MeV, for helium-4 it is a remarkable 7.1 MeV.
If two helium-3 nuclei fuse, creating a helium-4 nucleus and two individual protons, the balance of the binding energies is therefore as follows: Before the fusion, the binding energy for each of the helium-3 nuclei was 3 times 2.6 = 7.8 MeV, for the two helium-3 nuclei together that is 15.6 MeV. After the fusion, the helium-4 core has a total binding energy of 4 times 7.1 = 28.4 MeV. The difference of 12.8 MeV is released during nuclear fusion (in the form of the kinetic energies of the helium-4 nucleus and the two individual protons)."
"In the earthly context, another reaction is of particular interest, namely the fusion of heavy hydrogen D (one proton, one neutron) and tritium nuclei T (one proton, two neutrons) to form helium-4 plus a single neutron. This nuclear reaction is to be used in nuclear fusion reactors such as the international ITER project to generate energy - with a little luck this will be an important pillar of our energy supply in 25 years' time. Before the fusion, the binding energy for the heavy hydrogen is 2 times 1.11 = 2.2 MeV, for the tritium nucleus 3 times 2.83 = 8.49 MeV. The binding energy of the resulting 4-helium nucleus is 4 times 7.07 = 28.30 MeV. The difference of around 17.6 MeV per reaction is released during the fusion."
6. Letter to a pseudo-scientist:
Dear Mr. Tolan,
why are you joining the pseudo-scientific claim that there will be fusion power plants at some point?
Neutrons only remain stable if they are linked to protons in an atomic nucleus. If a neutron is unbound, it splits into a proton, an electron, an anti-neutrino and gamma radiation. The kinetic energy of the process ist turned into heat and electromagnetic waves within approx. 15 minutes. This heat is the energy that is converted into into electricity. There are 4 places where the fusion process works.
- In a atomic power plant neutrons out of isotopes of uranium and plutonium are split off.
- In a so-called fusion power plant neutrons are split off from isotopes of hydrogen.
- In the centers of sufficiently massive planets, where neutrons are split off from atomic nuclei under high pressure.
- In suns, where even more neutrons are split off from atomic nuclei under even higher pressure.
So I ask again: why are you participating in this pseudo-scientific nonsense and fraud?
- Fission, releases energy but fusion, if it was possible, it would consume immeasurably!
- Claiming excess energy through fusion is one of the corrupted scientists' greatest scams! Energy by fusion is a scientifically designed Ponzi scheme.
- It is a shame for anyone who thinks they are a scientist and falls into this trap!
- Fusions exists nowhere in the whole Universe, as before to cores could fuse, the matter would transmutate.
- The dissolution of neutrons returns part of the binding energy by converting the kinetic energy as radiation and heat.
- Only transmutation of neutrons and protons occurs as a by-product of fission.
- Fusion would never produce energy, because it would consume more energy!
- In all known reactors there is primarily no nuclear fusion, but nuclear fission & transmutation!
- Any claim about fusion of two elementary Hydrogen atoms would release energy degrades the academic to a non-scientist or pseudo-scientist!
- In the so-called fusion reactors, heavy hydrogen isotopes are always used, in which neutrons are broken out of the core, just as in the fission reactors from isotopes of uranium and plutonium!
- The gamma radiation, the kinetic energy and consequently the electromagnetic waves correspond to the mass defect between the neutrons and the protons, electrons and anti-neutrinos.
- With the unfulfillable promise to build nuclear fusion power plants, huge amounts of financial, human and material resources are wasted and at the same time the real nuclear power plants are being degraded and dismantled - at least in Germany.
- Pseudo-science is a totalitarian religion where the believers are unable to question the beliefs because they lack sufficient knowledge and intellect. This is why the biggest political lies are presented in a pseudo-scientific way.
8. Self revealing propaganda
Fusion - Engineering The Future Documentary
Mar 31, 2021
Enkidu Gilgamesh
Nuclear fusion will never be clean or an alternative to anything! The energy win by "fusion" is not possible. It is always fission of neutrons out of atomic cores, which releases energy, when these neutrons turn into protons, electrons, anti-neutrinos, gamma rays and kinetic energy.
Then how is the sun still burning?
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Fork By the huge pressure the Sun releases huge amount of neutrons, which turn into protons, electrons, neutrinos, gamma rays, kinetic energy (heat) and also producing x-ray when the free electrons collide with other atoms. As a byproduct of this process some heavier materials are produced by transmutation.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh But we are making progress. The power output to power input ratio from fusion reactors are increasing over time because of experimentation and other things.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Fork You still don't get the point. It is physically impossible to release energy by fusion! You can improve the methods, but it will always be a waste of energy. It would be like claiming that you could produce electricity by water that would flow hill up, not hill down, but water can only flow hill down! Do You get it?
@Enkidu Gilgamesh But you only have to heat gas into plasma and power the magnetic confinement to achieve fusion. The fusion reaction completely annihilates some mass (the mass of a neutron I think) to form a helium-4 isotope which is why it should be able to produce more power than it uses. The only theoretically more efficient reactions would be the complete annihilation of mass/matter from reactions such as contact between matter and antimatter.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Fork You have to power huge and many overlapped magnets to create a high pressure in the center like in the Sun. That means You have to invest energy to create conditions like in the Sun, but a Sun is like that because of its huge mass. In a fusion reactor hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium are used to crack out neutrons from them and release energy when these neutrons turn into proton, electron, neutrino, kinetic energy, gamma rays and x-rays. This is the same process like in a fission reactor. That means the so called fusion is false naming of a fission process. As a byproduct of this product the build protons build with the remaining neutrons helium cores. There is no "annihilation of matter in contact with antimatter. Consider that matter and antimatter don't release energy, they just annihilate each other! But this is not the case in the fake fusion nor in speculative fusion reactors. All this fusion hysteria is a pseudo-scientific fraud with other intentions in the background.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh So Einstein was just wrong? E is not mc squared? I’m sorry but mass is energy.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Fork That has nothing to do with Einstein or EMC². It is clear that mater is just another form of energy and it can be released as energy. This is definitely evident for releasing energy by freeing neutrons! It is also true if energy invested to bind elements of matter, but for fusion, immens more energy needs to invested, but no energy can be released!
@Enkidu Gilgamesh I misunderstood what you said about antimatter, that’s all.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Fork You just need to know how energy is released in the universe. It is always by free neutrons turning into proton, electron etc. There is no other way. Consider that in the so called "fusion reactors" also energy is only released by freeing neutrons from unstable isotopes. You will never hear that it was ever possible without free neutrons. Neutrons remain stable only when they are binding to protons and protons stay together only if there are neutrons, else no core with multiple protons could be build. We would have only elementar hydrogen with only one proton and one electron. All other elements are build in combination with neutrons. If neutrons are cracked out of a core they survive only for about 15 to 20 minutes. After that they turn into proton electron, gamma rays etc. It is this energy, which causes the thermonuclear explosions and heating.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh K, thanks.
[DOKU] - Kernfusion - Der Traum von der Sonnenenergie
Apr 19, 2018
Enkidu Gilgamesh
You will NEVER HAVE "fusion power", because fusion would always be an energy absorbing and wasting process. The "fusion" which is observed in some reactors is always a byproduct of fission processes and actually transmutation, not fusion.
This is nonsense and obviously wrong.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre Prove the opposite. Never ever was energy released by fusion, because the elementary energy is only released by free Neutrons turning into Protons, Electrons, Anti-Neutrinos, Gamma-Rays & kinetic energy. The assumed fusion is always transmutation, a byproduct of fission and extreme high pressure. In the so called fusion reactors huge energy is wasted for big magnets to created a tiny center of high pressure, but within the energy is released by cracking out neutrons! Are You aware of that?
@Enkidu Gilgamesh It is already proven. Our sun works by fusion and fusion on earth is existent since the first H bomb and controlled since 1991. You you wrote nonsense. But if you think there is always more energy input needed than output, prove it. Do the calculations. Show that your claims have any merit.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh May I ask how you came up with all this nonsense?
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre So You don't know that the explosion of the H-bomb is made by cracking out Neutrons out by using Tritium & Deuterium? This is the same process like with Plutonium and Uranium. It is always the transmutation of Neutrons to Protons, Electrons, Anti-Neutrinos & Gama-Rays & kinetic energy.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre It is not nonsense, it is the principle of the universe. I assume You don't know enough about the components of atoms and how they are related to each other. The "fusion" in the Sun, which is actually transmutation, is a byproduct of high pressure and energy release by fission. To have the same effect, the pressure has to be created by magnetism and the energy is released by transmutating Neutrons. Just look accurately what is going in in so called fusion reactors. You don't know anything about that and just believe a pseudo-scientific claim about energy release by fusion in the Sun, which is physically not possible, not in the Sun and nowhere else in the universe.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh It is nonsense. It seems You don't know enough about the components of atoms and how they are related to each other. The Sun does not release energy by fission but by fusion. You do not have any clue what you are talking about.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre How should the SUN emit energy by fusion, if fusion would need energy, but fission releases energy? Don't You get the point? Only by fission of Neutrons from atoms energy is released. This is the only observable way. There is no physical process where energy is released by fusion. It is just a claim for idiots, who don't know anything about the transmutation of Neutrons to Protons, Electrons, Gama-Rays and kinetic energy. Aren't You aware about that? What do You know about atoms, if You don't know this? Tell me, how should the energy be released by fusion? You won't be able to find an explanation except the claim that it would be just like that. But why?
@Enkidu Gilgamesh This is nonsense. fusion do not need energy it releases energy for hydrogen. if you want to fission helium you need energy. So you are again talking nonsense.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh There is obviously a way to obtain energy by fusion. just fusion hydrogen cores (protons) to helium and it releases energy. Aren't you aware about this? Please take some basic physics lessons.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh So do you get the point now? Only idiots claim that there is no energy obtained by fusion, because this is just wrong.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre It is absolutely not possible to put to Protons together. Protons always need Neutrons as a buffer. Even than, it requires huge pressure to bring them together. This process absorbs energy, it does not release. In a so called "fusion reactor" there is no fusion!
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre You did not offer a physical and procedural explanation, just this stupid claim. You don't know how a so called "fusion reactor" works and where Helium is generated. It is definitely not by fusion, but by accelerated decay of lithium and tritium.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre Read how a Hydrogen-Bomb works! I have highlighted the important words in capital letters. As You can read, it is the same like in the mantle of a so called "fusion reactor", Lithium is attacked by Neutrons of a former FISSION process! Do You get it now? Please research also on other sources. It is always accelerated decay by freed Neutrons.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh It is absolutely possible to put two protons together. The sun is doing it all the time. Please take some basic physics lessons and stop writing utter bullshit. The process of fusion is releasing energy. This is all well known.
@Enkidu Gilgamesh You did not offer an physical and procedural explanation, just this stupid claim. You don't know how any reactor works and it has nothing to do with " accelerated decay of lithium and tritium".
@Enkidu Gilgamesh You are a prime example of Dunning Kruger, aren't you?
@Enkidu Gilgamesh And to repeat wikipedia about fusion without a shadow ban: "A nuclear fusion process that produces atomic nuclei lighter than iron-56 or nickel-62 will generally release energy." So you are proven wrong.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre The claim that "A nuclear fusion process that produces atomic nuclei lighter than iron-56 or nickel-62 will generally release energy." is generally wrong and puts the physics upside down. Lighter elements and iron-56 or nicke-62 are harder to crack. That means to fission these elements much more energy needs to be invested, than the heavier elements.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre I gave You some hint about the overlapping huge magnetic fields to keep the plasma under high pressure in the center and I explained You how lithium and tritium have their share in the process.
Enkidu Gilgamesh
@Andre If the Sun could press protons together or turn protons and electrons into neutrons, but all this under high pressure because of its mass. To get such effects, You need to simulate the conditions in the Sun and that means energy investment for huge magnets and more. The Sun does not release energy by fusion, it is a byproduct of its mass and high pressure. You should not ignore these facts.
888 ☢️🇨🇳 Deutscher Wunder-Reaktor in China gebaut: Verbrennt Atommüll
— Daniel Gugger 888 (@daniel_gugger) December 3, 2024
Vor wenigen Wochen ging Deutschlands revolutionärster Kernreaktor in China an’s Netz.
Es handelt sich um den Kugelhaufenreaktor.
Statt Brennstäbe werden hier mit Spaltmaterial gefüllte Kugeln genutzt.
Das ermöglicht eine viel höhere Betriebstemperatur, höhere Sicherheit, sowie Flexibilität und die Möglichkeit, Atommüll zu verwerten
Die Ergebnisse aus dem Alltagsbetrieb seien phänomenal. Gesprochen wird von der nächsten Generation der Atomkraft
Doch das absurde, Deutschland hatte einen solchen Reaktor schon vor 60 Jahren.
Das Konzept wurde jedoch verworfen und an China verkauft! Und das tatsächlich noch lange vor dem Atomausstieg
Kritiker meinen, dass diese Technik die Energiewirtschaft in Deutschland hätte retten können. pic.twitter.com/HdjoFuDTIA
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