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Pseudo-sciences: eugenics, racism, communism, lysenkoism, greenhouse-effect, globalwarming, cancer etc.

Not completed yet!


  1. Entry
  2. Eugenics & Racism as science:
  3. Communism as science:
  4. Lysenkoism as science:
  5. Nuclear fusion as science:
  6. Greenhouse-Effect and Global-Warming by CO2!
  7. Eugenic mRNA-Gen-Therapy as "Vaccination"!
  8. Cancer by Gene-Mutation!

1. Entry

Like banksters are too big to fall, pseudo-scientific fraud is too big to reveal and perceive.

Since about 1850, nearly all big frauds are covered with pseudo-scientific frame. I will ignore some religious sects, who try to prove their faith by pseudo-science and list very dangerous examples of scientific fraud, before coming to nuclear fusion.

2. Eugenics & Racism as science:

Scientific racism

"Scientific racism employs anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometrycraniometry, and other disciplines or pseudo-disciplines, in proposing anthropological typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races, some of which might be asserted to be superior or inferior to others. Scientific racism was common during the period from the 1600s to the end of World War II. Since the second half of the 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and discredited, yet has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races."

"Racial hygiene was historically tied to traditional notions of public health, but with emphasis on heredity—what philosopher and historian Michel Foucault has called state racism. In 1869, Francis Galton (1822–1911) proposed the first social measures meant to preserve or enhance biological characteristics, and later coined the term "eugenics". Galton, a statistician, introduced correlation and regression analysis and discovered regression toward the mean. He was also the first to study human differences and inheritance of intelligence with statistical methods. He introduced the use of questionnaires and surveys to collect data on population sets, which he needed for genealogical and biographical works and for anthropometric studies. Galton also founded psychometrics, the science of measuring mental faculties, and differential psychology, a branch of psychology concerned with psychological differences between people rather than common traits."

Although racisms was declared as non-scientific, eugenicists never stopped to promote their population control programs and implemented and are implementing them by using international organizations around UNO. After the WWII only the wording was changed. Eugenics became genetics, depopulation became population control and "planned parenthood".

The Great Eugenic Intelligence Test! Those who fail are "liberated" by "vaccination"!

3. Communism as science:

Scientific communism

"Scientific communism (Russian: Научный коммунизм, Nauchny kommunizm), as one of three major elements of Marxism–Leninism, is "the science dealing with general socio-political laws and patterns, ways, forms and methods of changing society" along communistlines, according to the historical mission of the proletarian class (the socialist revolution); in other words, it is the science regarding the working-class struggle and the socialist revolution, about the "laws behind the building of socialism and communism, and about the world revolutionary process as a whole."[1] In a broader sense, scientific communism can refer to Marxism–Leninism as a whole; to the "scientific expression of the radical interests and objectives involved in the struggle of the working class."[1]

It was taught in the Soviet Union in all institutions of higher education and pursued in the corresponding research institutions and departments.[2] The term was treated by Soviet authorities as synonymous with the scientific socialism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, while incorporating the theories of Vladimir Lenin, the Communist Party, and other Marxist-Leninist theorists and parties associated with the international line of the CPSU. The discipline consisted in investigation of laws, patterns, ways and forms of class struggle, and socialist revolution, as well as the development of socialism and construction of communism.

4. Lysenkoism as science:


"Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысе́нковщина, tr. Lysenkovshchina) was a political campaign led by Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of Lamarckism and exaggerated claims for the benefits of vernalization and grafting. In time, the term has come to be identified as any deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically, religiously or socially desirable.

More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had encouraged Lysenko, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiologycell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.

Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People's Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official "new biology", to varying degrees, as did the People's Republic of China for some years.

5. Nuclear-Fusion as pseudo-scientific fraud!

Ausführlich wird dies im folgenden Artikel behandelt:

Nuklear-Fusions-Betrug! Energie wird nur durch Kernspaltung freigesetzt, aber NIEMALS durch Kernfusion!

6. Greenhouse-Effect and Global-Warming by CO2!

Der Betrug rund ums CO2 wird in folgenden und weiteren Artikeln behandelt.

Fragen und Antworten zu CO2! 

Der Methan-Schwindel! Treibhausgase gibt es nicht! Permafrost setzt keine großen Mengen an Gasen frei! 

Der Treibhauseffekt hat nie existiert und wird nie existieren. Er ist eine Lüge! 

Hitzewellen auf Bestellung durch Ozonlöcher sind jederzeit machbar! Klimakontrolle!

Keine Erderwärmung, sondern nur die vertikale Verschiebung des Temperaturgradienten der Atmosphäre!

7. Eugenic mRNA-Gene-Therapy as "Vaccination"!

Alle Betrügereien rund um Eugenik und Bevölkerungskontrolle werden in folgenden Artikeln erläutert.

German: Gnadenlose Umschaltung der Covid-19-"Übung" in eine reale und weltweite Massenhysterie und Massenpsychose zur Implementation der globalen Gedankenkontrolle!

German: Welcher Tod von 1 zu 10.000 ist zu bevorzugen? Garantiert durch die RNA-Schurken-Impfung oder wohl garnicht durch Erkrankung?

German: Die MASKE des Grauens ist die Manifestation der Verknechtung, Verblödung, Demütigung, Denunziation, Abzocke, Entsozialisierung, Entrechtung, Entvölkerung, Aushungerung und des Missbrauchs! 

German: Beendet die systematische Einsperrung und Isolation der Alten. Sie leiden und sterben im Schatten der Corona-Panik!

Genetic Geoengineering: The good and way vaccination or abuse as WMD of Eugenics! 
Gatesification of Indians & Africans!

German: Bevölkerungs-Kontrolle (globaler Massenmord) durch globale Sterilization mit synchronisierter Impfung! 

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test! Those who pass are "released" by "vaccination"!

8. Cancer by Gene-Mutation!

Die Wucherung von Zellen als Verteidigung gegen den Überfall durch Mikro-Erreger wird gezielt falsch dargestellt, um einen medizinischen Multi-Milliarden-Betrug zu betreiben. Entschlüsselt und Bewiesen wurde diese Abwehrreaktion von Körperzellen unter anderem durch Dr. Alfons Weber. Im folgenden Artikel wird darauf eingegangen.

rickets fibromyalgia psoriasis MultipleSclerosis autism cancer

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Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING!

Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING about "Malware & Virus policy" in my article on MindControl!

They did it again with my article about "Anti-Intelligencetest"

I assume that the censors of Blogger (Google) are outright stupid, unable to read & understand the content. They jump on some words and delete. This is is the banality of evil on global scale.


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MindControl by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)!

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test!>

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Access to this blog is censored!
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Attention! The visitor of the blog could fall away from his supposed knowledge and beliefs! Read and watch at your own responsibility! Achtung! Der Besucher des Blogs könnte von seinen vermeintlichen Kenntnissen und Überzeugungen abfallen! Lesen und Anschauen auf eigene Verantwortung!
Replace CLIMATE CHANGE by CLIMATE CONTROL to decode all manipulation about that easily! Ersetze KLIMAWANDEL durch KLIMAKONTROLLE, um alle Manipulationen darüber leicht zu entschlüsseln!


I am suspended on twitter and blocked on fakebook! So don't miss me there.
Also admins of some Diaspora pods are limiting my activity against ClimateControl. Most are not employed to act as censors, they are MindControlled by NLP.

You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

Geoengineering is never the solution against but the reason of killing and devastating changes!

This blog is absolutely not "peer reviewed" and not written by a "renown" scientiputa!
You can verify all content by Yourself!
Evidence and knowledge is not hidden from eyes, but only from minds! Just open Your mind!

It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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