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90% of CO2 is volcanic. The share of living beings is 0.004%, that of humanity only 0.00012%! That doesn't make the climate change!

Humans have an absolute CO2 share of 0.00012%, including industry and agriculture! CO2 does not cause climate change at all! The total CO2 content of 0.04% (400ppm) is the result of the earth's mass and the density of the atmosphere. Man has no influence on that! CLIMATE CONTROL creates man-made climate change and serves the total domination of the formerly free basic resources of the earth!


  1. Conditioning to the Unconscious!
  2. Condensed knowledge about CO2
  3. What is conducted is CLIMATE CONTROL!
  4. Understand CLIMATE CONTROL!
  5. Capturing the scope of climate control!

1. Conditioning to the Unconscious!

The conditioning for climate control has been running systematically since 1965. Everything else that we have experienced as social disruption, pseudo-cultural, pseudo-religious, pseudo-enlightening and pseudo-scientific brainwashing only served to prevent resistance against the legalization, implementation and expansion of climate control.

With the Corona panic, the global capital blow was carried out and the conditioning was practically completed, so that from now on all repression for climate control can be unpacked according to the same model. Climate control serves the total domination of the formerly free basic resources of the earth, which are:
  • water cycle,
  • carbon cycle,
  • sunlight,
  • soil,
  • underground,
  • atmosphere and
  • orbit.
The problem of lacking of awareness is less due to the skills of the propagandists than to the inability of those who think they would resist, e.g. by going for walks and demonstrating against compulsory vaccination, but basically remain completely clueless of the bigger background and also want to “save the climate”.

2. Condensed knowledge about CO2

In personal conversations, I offer the people brief and concrete knowledge, which should make them realize that due to CO2 from deforestation, burning fuel, agriculture, etc no global warming and climate change can be created, but still they don't want to think about the goals and consequences of climate control. Such thoughts are too uncomfortable for them. By clinging on fake-knowledge and rejection the ugly truth they want to continue to "feel safe".

Here is the summarized knowledge:
  1. The amount of CO2 is determined by compressing air without H2O.
  2. CO2 absorbs almost no rays of the sunlight spectrum - filtered through the atmosphere.
  3. The absolute share of CO2 in the air, which has been measured for over 100 years, is 0.04%.
  4. The absolute share of volcanism, mainly along the continental rifts, is 90% of point 3, i.e. 0.036%.
  5. The proportion of all living beings in the CO2 cycle and in the atmosphere is 0.004%.
  6. Ants and termites form a biomass that is about 11 times larger than humans and accordingly they produce 11 times more CO2! In absolute terms, that is 0.00132%.
  7. Humans have an absolute share of 0.00012%, including industry and agriculture!
  8. Only industry, including agriculture, has an absolute share of 0.0000024%.
  9. The determining factor of the amount of CO2 is the mass of the earth, resulting in the air pressure and water pressure in the oceans!
  10. Physically, the CO2 content of the air cannot be permanently increased. The air can only absorb a limited amount of H2O and CO2. Everything that is too much for the air is reabsorbed by the oceans or not emitted.
  11. The total share of 0.04% would not change at all, regardless of whether there are people or ants, since the gap is always closed by other living beings or is reabsorbed by the ocean.
                      Every bit of excess CO2 in the air is converted into biomass through photosynthesis.
                      Please deal with this knowledge and reassess the topic of climate. For more information I offer the following articles:

                      CIA, 1960, Memorandum for : General Charles P. Cabell, Subject: Climate Control

                      How the Geoengineering Scam began in 1965 by turning Geophysical Warfare into "Protection of Environment"! LBJ, JFK! "Restoring the Quality of Our Environment!"

                      FAQ about CO2!


                      The Methane hoax! Greenhouse gases don't exist! Permafrost doesn't release big amounts of gases!

                      3. What is conducted is CLIMATE CONTROL!

                      Climate control serves the long-term control, management and abuse as weapon of the water cycle and carbon cycle!

                      Enlightenment on climate control shows what these artificially idiotized masses are being suggestively manipulated for and by whom.

                      Those who want to resist diffusely have to be brought to the necessary level of knowledge and then those trapped in the artificial cult can be awakened.

                      Climate control should be built into all considerations and thoughts. This is the key to decoding mind control by Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

                      MindControl by Neuro Linguistic Programming (#NLP)!

                      Adaptation: The real meaning! Destruction of hypnotic brainwashing!

                      "Mitigation" is always a psychological component of highly damaging fraud and crime!

                      4. Understand CLIMATE CONTROL!

                      In an exchange on, an interlocutor said the following.

                      "Although this (climate control) is now standard technology and is routinely used in China and the United Arab Emirates, for example, it has been burned as a topic for the normal.

                      Just as the CIA managed to stop the rumors about their influence on American politics with the term "conspiracy theory", they also managed to ridicule the rumors about the influence of the weather and climate with the term "chemtrails". Every "normal" person laughs his head off when "conspiracy theorists" see chemtrails in contrails, and anyone who broaches the subject of influencing the weather and climate automatically ends up in this corner. There's nothing more that can be done, the linguists on the other side have gained sustainably with the chemtrail term."

                      My answer:

                      Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand what CLIMATE CONTROL is!

                      With the "climate issue" they don't just control the economy, they CONTROL the WATER CYCLE and CARBON CYCLE.

                      You should try harder to learn how to do this. I'm not talking about theories or methods of manipulation here, but actual mastery, as if a river were being straightened or dammed.

                      Do not just deal with it from hearsay, but understand it completely. Here's an easy way to get started:

                      Heat waves are feasible at any time by ordering ozone holes! Climate Control!

                      No globalwarming, but only the vertical shift of the temperature gradient of the atmosphere!

                      Horizontal shift of temperature and water, naturally and through climate control!

                      What is CLIMATE CONTROL? Who does it, who benefits & who is harmed?

                      5. Capturing the scope of climate control!

                      Here's a conversation about bridging knowledge gaps.

                      "Money works like a black hole, which attracts more and more money, the critical mass has already been exceeded and the super-rich will soon have all the possessions. Of course they worry about the time after that, when they have everything and people might get jealous. They control the economy with the climate issue, the people with medicine, and by blaming China and Russia they keep themselves out of the line of fire in case someone resents them. Once you realize you're being lied to, you'll notice the rest on your own.

                      But as long as people are confident that they are being told the truth, there is no need to bother them with theories about why they are being lied to. At best, he might get the idea that even lies make sense because they serve the greater good - the end justifies the means."

                      My answer:

                      That is right, but you still don't see the dimension of the application. How do I recognize that? You refer to the United Arab Emirates and China, which is ridiculous compared to US made climate control globally.

                      You are also under the influence of this neuro-linguistic programming because you do not know the physical and meteorological connections.

                      Regarding chemtrails, you are correct that the association of this originally military term hampers thinking, but only for those who remain unaware. Unaffected by this, it is necessary to understand the physical processes in the atmosphere and their artificial modification.

                      Here is the required knowledge:

                      Nephology! | Tropospheric Aerosol Injection (TAI) | Solar Radiation Management (SRM) | Artifcial Pinatubo Effect.

                      Sublimation & Desublimation!

                      What are chemtrails, desublimation and condensation trails?  Jet engines are cutting smog clouds by reducing relative humidity!

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                      Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING!

                      Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING about "Malware & Virus policy" in my article on MindControl!

                      They did it again with my article about "Anti-Intelligencetest"

                      I assume that the censors of Blogger (Google) are outright stupid, unable to read & understand the content. They jump on some words and delete. This is is the banality of evil on global scale.


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                      ################### Please read the same content on following non-Blogger webseite:

                      MindControl by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)!

                      The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test!

                      All censored content will be transferred and linked to other platforms. This blog may become only a collection of links with less updated content.

                      BE AWARE! / SEI WACHSAM!

                      Access to this blog is censored!
                      I can't do anything to prevent censoring! You win if You reach the sites and start reading!
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                      Ich kann die Zensur leider nicht verhindern. Du gewinnst, wenn Du die Seiten erreichst und mit dem Lesen beginnst!
                      Attention! The visitor of the blog could fall away from his supposed knowledge and beliefs! Read and watch at your own responsibility! Achtung! Der Besucher des Blogs könnte von seinen vermeintlichen Kenntnissen und Überzeugungen abfallen! Lesen und Anschauen auf eigene Verantwortung!
                      Replace CLIMATE CHANGE by CLIMATE CONTROL to decode all manipulation about that easily! Ersetze KLIMAWANDEL durch KLIMAKONTROLLE, um alle Manipulationen darüber leicht zu entschlüsseln!


                      I am suspended on twitter and blocked on fakebook! So don't miss me there.
                      Also admins of some Diaspora pods are limiting my activity against ClimateControl. Most are not employed to act as censors, they are MindControlled by NLP.

                      You feel Your chains when You move!
                      ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

                      Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

                      Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar

                      PROPAGANDA FRAME

                      Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
                      Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
                      Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


                      GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

                      Geoengineering is never the solution against but the reason of killing and devastating changes!

                      This blog is absolutely not "peer reviewed" and not written by a "renown" scientiputa!
                      You can verify all content by Yourself!
                      Evidence and knowledge is not hidden from eyes, but only from minds! Just open Your mind!

                      BE SITTING WHEN YOU WAKE UP!
                      It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
                      ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------

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