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No globalwarming, but only the vertical shift of the temperature gradient of the atmosphere!

  1. What is wrong?
  2. Vertical shift of the temperature gradient of the atmosphere!
  3. Depletion of the ozone layer with chlorine!
  4. Analogy of an external jalousie!
  5. Triggering the chain of murder!
  6. The lie about nitrogen oxides!
  7. Conclusions!

1. What is wrong?

All answers are wrong if wrong preconditions are assumed!
Knowing the basics secures reliable knowledge!
All claims about CO2-driven global warming through the greenhouse effect and the positive feedback effect are false! All of these claims are false and all of these terms are tricks for the pseudo-scientific packaging of the biggest scam of humanity! Where there is a lie, the truth is not far away, because it is exactly the opposite of the lie!

Nothing is really secret and nothing is too complicated to understand and explain. Everything can be observed and is perceived by everyone.

But it is also true that the humanity is mentally blinded. Each individual is subjectively unable to recognize and interpret the obvious.

Almost no one in the world is spared from the effects of the dramatic changes in the weather and climate system. Damage, disease and mass death are rampant. Wars over waterways, water sources, water sinks and the air spaces of the wind-water routes are waged with all brutality.

But the causes and effects are misinterpreted because the whole humanity is suggestively blinded by mass hypnosis and mass psychosis. The falsehood arises suggestively in mind, because the victims are fed with false knowledge, false truths from fake authorities, resulting in false conclusions and false awareness, which exactly correspond to the intended manipulation.

This article and the sources cited explain the real cause of the temperature change.

2. Vertical shift of the temperature gradient of the atmosphere!

The Earth cannot heat up additionally because its energy content depends on its mass and the distance from our Sun and these do not change. As a result, the Earth's energy always remains in balance.

But what is the cause of the warming of the Earth's surface? 
Is there any "warming"?

Short answer: It's about deliberately shifting the temperature gradient between the Earth's surface, the troposphere, the tropopause and the lower stratosphere, which is also named as Ozone Layer!!

The green line shows the natural temperature gradient and the red one shows the gradient shifted by the reduction of the ozone layer. Lower ozone density leads to a lowering of the temperature in the ozone layer and the heating of the column of air below, down to the surface. The ozone layer becomes more transparent for the UV-B light or in other words, it doesn't limit the transit of the UV-B rays.

To support my statements I would like to quote the great article of Peter L. Ward and at the same time recommend all of his other articles:

The Primary Cause of Global Warming is Ozone Depletion

Nearly all ultraviolet C solar radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere and above (figure on left). The amount of ozone, the "thickness" of the ozone layer (green line in the figure above right), in the lower stratosphere determines how much ultraviolet B radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere, warming the stratosphere, and how much is able to penetrate to Earth's surface, warming Earth. When the amount of ozone in the stratosphere is depleted, more ultraviolet B radiation reaches Earth's surface, cooling the stratosphere and warming Earth. Ultraviolet B radiation is absorbed most efficiently on Earth by the ocean, which contains the primary heat capacity of the Earth-atmosphere system. Depletion of stratospheric ozone warms the ocean, which warms near surface air temperatures.
"A 50% decrease in total column ozone increases the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth’s surface by ~2 W m-2 between 882 and 1033 terahertz (290 and 340) nm (green shaded area) when Sun is directly overhead (Madronich, 1993)."

Under natural conditions, the oxygen (O2) is broken up by the strong UV-B radiation and then reconnected in the form of ozone (O3). This process intercepts the UV-B rays and converts them into heat and infrared radiation. Therefore, the stratosphere in the area of the ozone layer is about 15°C warmer than the upper limit of the troposphere and the tropopause.

Temperature Gradient (This one is in German, but You may find the same elsewhere)

If chlorine and fluorine are present, no ozone can be build under the impact of UV-B, and no infrared radiation and heat can develop. The area remains cold and transparent vor UV-B. After the ozone has been depleted, the ozone layer in the area of the ozone hole is cooled by a few degrees. The ozone hole is also a heat hole.

The transmitted UV-B rays continue to have an effect in the tropopause and troposphere, as the oxygen molecules there intercept the UV-B radiation and convert it into heat and infrared radiation. Unnaturally high levels of ozone and heat now arise in the tropopause and troposphere.

Some of the UV-B radiation makes it to the surface of the oceans and landmass, causing increased water evaporation and unusually hot periods below the ozone hole.

So there is a vertical shift in energy content and humidity in the atmosphere that leads to "climate change". The wording "climate change" correct because it is not a one-time or short-term weather change, but a permanent and still growing global-industrial application, the implementation of which is "without alternative" and "inevitable" for the "global dominance" and "energy security". Species that cannot "adapt" to this "change" must somehow "live" with the consequences or die.

The appropriate term for this is climate control or large scale climate engineering or climate geoengineering, whose desired results and the intended or collateral damage cannot be objectively overlooked. But the victims must be distracted by mental blinding with NLP, because nobody with a sound mind and knowledge would agree to climate geoengineering.

3. Depletion of the ozone layer with chlorine!

At least since the 1970s the term “ozone hole” is well known in the public. Since the 1960s the stratosphere has been made more transparent to UV-B radiation by the large-scale depletion of the natural formation of ozone at heights between 20 km and 30 km. Chemicals containing chlorine are sprayed to prevent the building of ozone. 

In order to conceal this measure, a lot of fuss is made about the ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFCs) and HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFCs), since these also contain chlorine and are produced and distributed by human activity. However, their number of molecules is perhaps 200 parts to a trillion in the near-surface atmosphere. With more than 3kg per cubic meter of air, the CFC and HCFC molecules are too heavy, which is why they do not float 20 to 30 km in order to be able to react with the oxygen in the very thin atmosphere, let alone that their total amount would not suffice to reduce the ozone layer.

Why should HCFCs and CFCs float above 20 km when the near-surface atmosphere provides much more oxygen molecules with which the chlorine could react?

Lighter chlorine compounds such as TriChloroFluoroMethane are more suitable.

The following video document provides two important basic insights:

1. Only helium balloons or missiles can reach the stratosphere since there is no uplift for aircraft.
2. The application must take place on the night side so that the chlorine does not react violently during the spraying before it is optimally distributed.

The spraying of the chemicals certainly does not serve space research!

UFO? Rocket? Santa? What is it really? Air Force man tells what is.
Dec 25, 2017

Here is another example of spraying with light molecules with chlorine!

Atlas V rocket launch creates unique trail in sky
Sep 2, 2015

Given this method, everyone should understand why the private rocket producer SpaceX of Elon Musk is subsidized by the state, even though it has already burned billions of tax dollars.

Social media videos capture SpaceX streaking across California skies
Dec 23, 2017

Elon Musk's missiles serve in the stratosphere, just as the "cheap" and Arab airlines do their part of climate control in the troposphere.

In order to achieve the "climate goals", the stratosphere must be kept open permanently. This is only possible by regular and increasing application of the chlorine. The goal is to increase the energy input into the troposphere down to the Earth's surface. The temperature specifications such as 1.5°C or 3°C correspond to the intended vertical shift of the heat.

If the spraying of chlorine would be stopped, the formation of ozone regulates back quickly, because only two things are required: oxygen and UV-B radiation. Both are permanently and sufficiently available. Therefore, the fear of the "collapse of the ozone layer" and the claim that the prevention of which would require the permanent use of climate geoengineering, is a malicious marketing lie.

4. Analogy of an external jalousie!

Please imagine the ozone layer as an external Venetian blind in the midday sun, which intercepts the light and thus prevents the room from heating up. If it is opened a little or even pulled up completely, the sunlight enters the room unhindered and it becomes light and warm.

Unlike the outer blind, the ozone layer is always closed under natural conditions, so that the space below it (the troposphere and the surface of the earth) remains well tempered.

Under natural conditions, 97% of UVB radiation is absorbed in the ozone layer and converted into infrared radiation. This heats up only the ozone layer and not the entire atmosphere. The temperature is about 15°C warmer, compared to the upper limit of the troposphere at about -60°C.

Due to the prevention of ozone buildup with chlorine and flour, the region under the ozone hole is supplied with significantly more UV-B light and subsequently heated. The entire air column below the ozone layer (20km to 30km altitude) down to the surface of the oceans and land mass is energetically charged, i.e. heated.

This also increases the ozone level below the conventional ozone layer. That is why there are ozone warnings and burning eyes during the so called "heat waves".

Psychologically the warming under the ozone holes is framed as the confirmation of the alleged global warming. However, the days of warming are followed by abrupt cloud cover and a significant cooling (15°C to 20°C), sometimes within an hour.

5. Triggering the chain of murder!

Ocean life is killed at the bottom of the food chain, by sunlight deprivation!

Depending on the depth of the water, the algae are adapted to a narrow light spectrum and are very sensitive to drastic changes.

First the unnaturally high UV-B radiation and then the blockade of sunlight with artificial aerosol clouds lead to the mass death of algae and corals, which are commonly known as coral bleaching.

The microalgae that live in symbiosis with the corals are not adjusted to too much UV-B or too little sunlight, which is why they cannot fulfill their nutritional function for the corals and are repelled.

Without algae, the corals lose their color, starve and suffocate in their own exhaled air. In this oxygen-free environment, all other marine animals also suffocate and die. A colossal chain of murder is set in motion with the ozone hole, since the food chain and the oxygen cycle begin with the symbiosis of corals and algae.

It is not possible for the flora and fauna to adapt to these artificial and drastic modifications of sunlight.

Murdering the Circle of Life! Explaining sunlight deprivation by studies!

Oxygen deprivation! Global suffocation!

6. The lie about nitrogen oxides!

When asked why ground-level ozone formation occurs, the answer is that ozone on the ground would be the result of the reaction of nitrogen oxides in conjunction with UV radiation.

In order for UV-B light to build O3 (ozone) from O2 (oxygen), no nitrogen oxides are required! The story is another evasive lie that distracts from climate geoengineering and helps to link the blame to the combustion engines. This is how suggestive manipulation works.

Do you notice that the fraudsters always have to twist reality in order to maintain the greenhouse lies?

It's always the same with lies, they are the opposite of the truth!

The lie about nitrogen oxides is a desperate one, because people are aware of the lie about the fine dust by combustion engines. 

They need to distract from the fine dust wording at all, because more people are also getting aware that the fine dust correlates with the dust sprayed by airplanes to implement the so called "Pinatubo-Effect", which is nothing but the artificial industrial simulation of a volcanic eruption throwing high amounts of dust to about 7 km altitude and higher.

In German: The cruel hoax with the fine dust! The absurd accusation of drivers by demonizing the diesel! Covert economic war!

7. Conclusions!

Let's summarize it step by step:
  1. Spraying the ozone layer with chlorine-containing chemicals.
  2. Buildup of ozone holes.
  3. Cooling of the stratosphere in the area of ozone holes.
  4. Warming and expansion of the troposphere.
  5. Formation of ozone at all levels of the tropopause and troposphere.
  6. Warming the ocean surface, increasing water evaporation.
  7. Warming of the land mass, feeling the "heat-waves" under the ozone holes.
  8. Development of extreme weather events due to the stronger air mass (more water vapor) in the weather system.
  9. Mass murder along the food chain by climate geoengineering.

So this is the vertical shift of the temperature gradient.

You are be exposed to the negative effects, so please start to think more about the methods of climate control by yourself.

If the above explanations have been understood, then please read also about horizontal temperature and humidity shift in a separate article.

Horizontal shift of temperature and water, naturally and through climate control!

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Google expects me to guess about its CENSORING about "Malware & Virus policy" in my article on MindControl!

They did it again with my article about "Anti-Intelligencetest"

I assume that the censors of Blogger (Google) are outright stupid, unable to read & understand the content. They jump on some words and delete. This is is the banality of evil on global scale.


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MindControl by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)!

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test!>

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Replace CLIMATE CHANGE by CLIMATE CONTROL to decode all manipulation about that easily! Ersetze KLIMAWANDEL durch KLIMAKONTROLLE, um alle Manipulationen darüber leicht zu entschlüsseln!


I am suspended on twitter and blocked on fakebook! So don't miss me there.
Also admins of some Diaspora pods are limiting my activity against ClimateControl. Most are not employed to act as censors, they are MindControlled by NLP.

You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

Geoengineering is never the solution against but the reason of killing and devastating changes!

This blog is absolutely not "peer reviewed" and not written by a "renown" scientiputa!
You can verify all content by Yourself!
Evidence and knowledge is not hidden from eyes, but only from minds! Just open Your mind!

It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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