- Preface
- Atmospheric Layers
- Cumulus Clouds
- Stratosphere & Thermal
- Cirrus Clouds
- Find CO2!
- Persistent Trails
- Sources for own Research
1. Preface
From German: The new international cloud atlas:
"Global reference for clouds and weather phenomena has been updated and is now online "
"New edition after 30 years: There is a new official reference for cloud types and weather phenomena. The international cloud atlas of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has now been supplemented and updated on the Internet. New are not only are tons of photos and data on the known cloud types, the WMO has also introduced some new cloud types."
Here is the link to the official cloud atlas of the WMO:
2. Atmospheric Layers
The layers of Atmosphere, when measured within the Temperate Climate Zone, consist of following estimated altitudes.
Troposphere -- 0 km - 11 km
Tropopause -- 12 km - 20 km
Stratosphere -- 21 km - 49 km
Stratopause -- 55km - 55km
Mesosphere -- 56 km - 79 km
Mesopause -- 80 km - 85 km
Thermosphere -- 86 km - 489 km
Thermopause -- 490 km - 510 km
Exosphere -- 511 km - infinity
Concerning the ions the area of Mesosphere and Exosphere is also called Ionosphere.
All given altitudes are for the Temperate Climate Zone!

Energized by sunlight and Earth's internal energy the near surface air is heated up, expands, rises upwards and cools without external interference. This movement is called "adiabatic cooling", the air cools by its own expansion.

The main conductor of terrestrial weather are the electromagnetic waves, which we call light, delivered by our Sun. In addition influence comes the rotation of the Earth rotation and the surface structure!
When sunlight reaches and heats up the surface, heat waves rise to the sky and carry humidity (vapor). At an altitude of ca. 2 km and a temperature of 0°C the vapor begins to condensate. The result of this process is named as Cumulus Cloud (Thermal Cloud), but it is only the peak of a much bigger structure of humid and heat air colon. Such a cloud has a flat and concave bottom side and pyramidal rising upper side .

Heated air can contain up to 4% humidity, which is equal to 100% relative humidity rate. The ability of air to carry humidity declines with lowering temperature. Cooling air begins to condensate the humidity at crossing 97% relative humidity rate and builds clouds and turns them to precipitation.
5. Stratosphere and Thermals
Since the stratosphere contains very little air relative to its vertical extent, there is virtually no air resistance and no buoyancy.
From German: Part 2: The scientific data on the stratospheric jump
"Baumgartner said after the jump, at the beginning, with practically no resistance, it was extremely difficult to assess one's own posture."
However, the stratosphere plays a major role in the formation of the thermal, because the amount of ozone determines the degree of reduction in sunlight that reaches the troposphere and the earth's surface. The ozone layer, as the lower part of the stratosphere, filters out most of the strong UVB light and converts it into infrared radiation. Because of that, it is warmer in the stratosphere than in the upper edge of the troposphere.
6. Cirrus Clouds

However, such clouds form very rarely under natural conditions and not everywhere, because not everywhere are volcanic eruptions that blow fine dust over the cirrus boundary or desert dust that is thrown up by strong thermals can be found.
7. Find CO2!

As visible above, 99% of Atmosphere consists of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Where is this assumed devil CO2? The heinous "monster" is hiding within the remaining 1%, but by reducing the 0.934% of Argon all trace gases get a share of only 0.066%.
So where is this dangerous Carbon Dioxide?
More about CO2 is to be found under FAQ about CO2 or within the PDF presentation "CO2_Molecule_of_Life" in the Download area.
This contrail is the visible shock condensation of the 2.8% vapor, contained in the exhaust emission of the turbofan turbines which is mixed with the bypass air to an average temperature of ca. 150°C to 200°C, which gets in contact with the outside air with a temperature of ca. -56°C.
The exhaust emission consists of 90% clean bypassed air, 7% CO2, 2.8% vapor of water and 0,2 other gases and immeasurable low portion of soot.
Because of missing soot or other source of condensation nuclei, it is not possible for the vapor droplets to desublimate on hard particles to stable ice crystals. The contrail disappears within seconds by losing its heat and the diffusion of humidity.
The targeted blowing and trimming of fine dust within the troposphere is the basis of what is known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM). Basically, the operators admit all this under the propaganda terms like "Pinatubo-Effect", "Cloud-Brightening", "Global-Dimming", "Albeido-Modification" e.g. by spreading sulfur dust.
The physical mechanisms that are used here are desublimation above and aerosolation below the cirrus boundary.
The picture below shows the desublimation near the ground on a chain link fence. The fading of the fine dust can be interpreted analogously as a volatile chain link fence on which the water in the air is collected. The dust is used to bind and collect the water. I hope this analogy can make it easier to understand the mechanism and the method.
And here is the example of a sky of accumulated water the form of streaks of cirrus on systematically sprayed dust.
For your own understanding and to think through the topic, please ask yourself a few questions and try to find alternative answers. Please use your knowledge of the conditions at the the various altitudes of the troposphere, the technology of turbofan engines and the physical phases and phase changes.

Why is it different for some airplanes?
How and from where come the condensation nuclei into the flight path of these airplanes?
Why do such airplanes produce long and stable ice clouds (cirrus clouds)?
Why have these ice clouds a grid structure over the whole ceiling, criss-cross to the normal flight routes?
Why are such persistent trails also called chemical trails or just Chemtrails!

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This aircraft is near by 9km heigt and produces no visible contrail. |
10. Sources for own Research
Cloud Studies WeatherModificationHistory |
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