- Some general statements.
- Historic background of "plausible deniability".
- Plausible deniability in geoengineering scam.
1. Some general statements.
Our era of history began with preparations of race for petrol since about 1860, the disruptions during the two world wars and the "new world order" at the end and after the second world war.
When their "targeted killings" are exposed, they think they did not assassinate enough potential witnesses!
When their scams explode, they blame it on not having enough financial and organizational support!
Instead they should stop lying, "targeted killing", inventing new scams and manipulating public consciousness! Stop inventing ways for "plausible deniability"!
Just stop the madness, not to need lies and killings!
Dear employees of such criminal state organisations, please seek a decent job, where the society, humanity and nature can profit from Your skills!
Invest and develop Your creativity for good!
In this blog the current global empire is very often named Bankster Pervert Empire of Deception (BPED). Here, everyone can evidently see the manifestation of deception.
As we know from cases like PizzaGate, Franklin Coverup (in Nebraska), Lolita Express of Jeffrey Epstein and many other cases, politics has become a playground of abhorrent perverts which have gained the highest positions and are easily blackmailed by the imperial institutions. The dark power behind seems to be a club of super-rich and super-villain eugenicists.
The Deception is evidently documented by the production of "fake news" by CIA and others. Most activities are staged with crisis actors, even fake terror attacks, fake victims and fake scientists. In the case of climatism scam, artists like Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Nye and others are engaged. Even their official scientists are fake and without real knowledge.
The Eugenicists and Banksters decide about all aspects of political process by indebting the whole society.
So IMHO, the best fitting name for this ugly construction is BPED.
2. Historic background of "plausible deniability"
Before talking about about "plausible deniability" in the scam of geoengineering, the historic background of this method should be researched. The history doesn't begin with the CIA and the cold war, but this point in the timeline is very important for us, because the institutions of that era are still working and have grown to monster size.
The U.S. National Security Act of 1947,
the Origin of "Plausible Deniability" and the Assassination of JFK
"Thus the National Security Act of 1947 laid the foundations of a national security state: the National Security Council (NSC), the National Security Resources Board (NSRB), the Munitions Board, the Research and Development Board, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [131]. Before the act was passed, Secretary of State George Marshall warned President Truman that it granted the new intelligence agency in particular powers that were "almost unlimited," [132] a criticism of the CIA that Truman would echo much too late — soon after the assassination of John Kennedy."
"Since NSC 10/2 authorized violations of international law, it also established official lying as their indispensable cover. All such activities had to be "so planned and executed that any US government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons, and that if uncovered the US government can plausibly deny any responsibility for them." [135] The national security doctrine of "plausible deniability" combined lying with hypocrisy. It marked the creation of a Frankenstein monster."
"Plausible deniability encouraged the autonomy of the CIA and other covert-action ("intelligence") agencies from the government that created them. In order to protect the visible authorities of the government from protest and censure, the CIA was authorized not only to violate international law but to do so with as little consultation as possible. CIA autonomy went hand in glove with plausible deniability. The less explicit an order from the president, the better it was for "plausible deniability." And the less consultation there was, the more creative CIA authorities could become in interpreting the mind of the president, especially the mind of a president so uncooperative that he wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."
Plausable Deniability Law and Legal Definition
"Plausible deniability refers to circumstances where a denial of responsibility or knowledge of wrongdoing can not be proved as true or untrue due to a lack of evidence proving the allegation. This term is often used in reference to situations where high ranking officials deny responsibility for or knowledge of wrongdoing by lower ranking officials. In those situations officials can "plausibly deny" an allegation even though it may be true.
It also refers to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse."
Plausible Deniability or How Leaders May Try to Conceal Their Roles
Dr. Walter Dorn Royal Military College of Canada
International Criminal Court/Office of the Prosecutor ICC/OTP Guest Lecture, 18 May 2010
"Working Definition
"Hiding a truth is not necessarily unlawful or immoral."
"Example: Privateers, 16th-19th Centuries “because privateers were privately financed, and the vessels were not subject to traditional rules of naval discipline, privateering offered a way for governments to have ‘plausible deniability’ in situations where privateers exceeded the legal bounds of warfare at the time.”
David J Bederman, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, "Privateering”"
Reference: http://www.mpepil.com/subscriber_article?script=yes&id=/epil/entries/law-9780199231690-e382&recno=1&searchType=Quick&query=%22plausible+deniability%22
"US Government Directive, 1948
“A new Office of Special Projects shall be created within the Central Intelligence Agency to plan and conduct covert operations … “As used in this directive, ‘covert operations’ are understood to be all activities (except as noted herein) which are conducted or sponsored by this Government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups but which are so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. – National Security Council Directive on Office of Special Projects, Washington, June 18, 1948.NSC 10/2, FRUS, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1950, “Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment,” Document 292."
"Reasons to Create Plausible Deniability Legal: evade national and international liability and justice Institutional: protect the organization/group or government Political: avoid fallout from acts but use suspicion of responsibility to create fear in opponents – Affects morale to see leader issue abhorrent instructions Personal: carry on pretention of not being involved; protect the reputation (not admit to associates and self) Religious/Conscience: lessen guilt (less directly responsible)"
Accountability and the art of plausible deniability
"The problem for me is that plausible deniability is a phrase that equates to lack of accountability."
"There are, however, telltale techniques that we and others – wittingly or unwittingly – use, created on the base of fallacious arguments that should let us know that what we are being offered or are offering is not the whole truth."
Accountability and DemocracyPresidential Responsibility and "Plausible Deniability"
"The Iran-Contra Affairs were designed to provide the President with plausible deniability."
(Oliver) North on Plausible Deniability
"I was doing was trying to protect my superiors. That is indeed an important part, in terms of plausible deniability. But part of the destruction and the deception and all the rest of what you have described was to protect those engaged in the operation"
3. Plausible deniability in geoengineering scam.
The climate change scam is possibly the biggest project of the CIA, as it began in 1960 with a memorandum about cliamte control!
The geoengineering scam priests are presented as "renown scientists" in the field of climatology. I don't consider them as scientists, therefore the term "scientiputa(s)" will be used here, to make the difference and protect real science and scientists.
Lying and deceiving politicians of the geoengineering lobby deserve the term "Poliputa (s)" to protect the few honest politicians who might still exist somewhere on earth or on another planet in the universe!

As climatology is about long term meteorology and weather, first the this knowledge should be completed.
The scientiputas claim to "researching" on "computer models" about methods for "saving the climate" from a "runaway" "greenhouse effect".
One of their propositions is the application of SRM (Solar Radiation Management = Sunlight Robbery Menace) by "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" (SAI).
Here are 5 points of "plausible deniability":
1. "Research", not application!
2. "Computer Models", not real!
3. "Saving climate", not water grabbing!
4. In "stratosphere" not "troposphere!
5. "SRM", not sunlight grabbing for water grabbing!
Just for repeating!
- Aerosol injection is about building aerosols!
- "Aerosol" means building droplets by accumulation of water on fine dust particles.
- 99% of atmospheric water and about 80% of air mass exists only in the troposphere and no water and only thin air in the stratosphere.
- SRM means someone can control the sunlight, prevent it from reaching the surface!
The questioner normally doesn't ask if it is applied within the troposphere, but if they were smart enough to do that, the scientputas can "plausibly deny" "having knowledge" about any such "propositions" as they would only "research" on "stratosphere".
The questioner may remind about the strange trails of many jets and ask if that is not visible SRM. The scientiputas can claim that these are "condensation trails" of grown air traffic and they are "not experts" in aviation.
The questioner may add that not all jets produce such persistent trails. The scientiputas can claim that may be because of "different conditions" in layers of air, but cannot answer this question because they are climatologists but not meteorologists. They can "deny having information" about the conditions!
The questioner normally won't be able to teach the scientiputa about desublimation (deposition) on dust particles above the cirrus border in the upper troposphere.
The questioner won't also not know anything about the purity of kerosene for jets and the efficiency of modern turbofan engines, burning at about 1,800°C and not producing any measurable amount of fine dust as desublimation nuclei!
When asked about the extreme weather events, mass death in the oceans, mass death of the forests, rising CO2 and decreasing O2 level, sickening people by rising vitaminD deficiency, the scientiputas may always claim that this "may" be based on "climate change" because of "greenhouse effect" by "man made CO2".
By that or similar ways the scientiputas can always escape!
No one asks the scientiputas how aerosol injection should be done in the stratosphere, if there is no water?
No one asks if that should be named Tropospheric Aerosol Injection (TAI), because nearly all water exists only in troposphere!
No one asks about SRM:
- Who is occupying the power of control on sunlight?
- Who assigned the power of sunlight control to anyone?
- Which consequences will sunlight control have on life?
- Was there a democratic decision about sunlight control?
Companies profiting from geoengineering can always "deny any responsibility or knowledge" as it is a "political decision" based on "scientific research" and point on the politutes and scientiputas.
The geoengineering scam is a
- self fulfilling prophecy,
- crime with pre-announcement,
- self apologizing cowardness,
- webbing of plausible denials,
- chain of distractions,
- finance-bubbling cash machine,
- drain selling church,
- mother of scams,
- father of crimes and
- all destroying monster!
The Cold War Crimes Of The CIA | Secrets Of War | Timeline
Aug 16, 2020
Some background knowledge about the making of the CIA!
Biography of Allen Dulles, in German!
About CIA as the main drug dealer!
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