- Knowledge of resistance!
- Why are the aggressors so desperate?
- Destruction of the statehood!
- Importance of Yemeni airspace!
- Divide et empera!
- Who are the aggressors?
- The Saudi Pipeline to Indian Ocean!
- MV-22 the donkey of imperial asymmetric war!
- Blame the misery on Your lousy scientists?
1. Knowledge of resistance!
2. Why are the aggressors so desperate?
ابرررررم pic.twitter.com/caLZ9bBXga— كاشيرو (@aborashed16) October 23, 2018

Today is the day that Cyclone #Kenneth forms in the SWIO on April 21, 2019. It would later begin to rapidly intensify as it travels west towards Mozambique, a state in SA already devastated by #Idai, a month earlier. Part of the record-breaking 2018-19 season. @weather_history pic.twitter.com/3yrtImXpSH
— Nicholas Barretto WX (@StormBarretto) April 21, 2020
#Somalia: Expectant clouds over Garowe-Bosaso Highway as tropical cyclone reaches the northeast coastal villages. pic.twitter.com/d8mvJFEKF4
— Harun Maruf (@HarunMaruf) December 6, 2019
شف الي رايحه لشقراء واشيقر وخذ هذي هدية 👇🏻 pic.twitter.com/JcaFGyfxU7
— خالد المبدِّل (@kssm1388) November 13, 2018
Please look at the recordings of the artificial storms again and again until you understand the process!
Look how they are planning to steer the storm for delivering water to the west coast of Saudi controlled territory. As long as the airspace remains under control, they don't care how many cheap mercenaries are eliminated by Yemeni resistance.
شاهد الفيلم الوثائقي ((المجزرة الكبرى)) المقطع رقم (1)— Princess Of Yemen 🇾🇪(2) (@Princess2_YMN) October 8, 2018
يوضح بشاعة وإجرام هذه المجرزة التي تجاوزت كل الخطوط الحمراء #مجزرة_القاعة_الكبرى #اليمن #FuneralHallMassacre pic.twitter.com/daSFQ52Y5G
#United_Nations warns of widespread #famine in #Yemen due2the #Saudi #KSA #Emirates #UAE #America #US #USA aggression & siege #UN #UNGA #StopArmingSaudi #YemenCantWait #YemenChildren #YemenFamine #HConRes138 #HumanRights #starvingChildren #ICRC #World #UK pic.twitter.com/BCydR1U3qQ— Princess Of Yemen🇾🇪 (@Ymn_Princess0) October 4, 2018
6. Who are the aggressors?
British and US military 'in command room' for Saudi strikes on Yemen
Emma Graham-Harrison, Fri 15 Jan 2016 18.26 GMT
"British and American military officials are in the command and control centre for Saudi airstrikes on Yemen, and have access to lists of targets, although they do not play any role in choosing them, the Saudi Arabian foreign minister has said."
JUNE 16, 2018 / 11:24 AM / 3 DAYS AGO
Saudi foreign minister confirms claims that British military advisers are in operation room of heavily criticised bombing campaign
By Richard Spencer, Middle East Editor 3:37PM GMT 15 Jan 2016
March 23, 2018
Press TV Thu, 21 Jan 2016 01:18 UTC
July, 03, 2018 - 10:35
yemen 23 May 2017
Bethan McKernan @mck_beth, Lucy Towers Monday 21 May 2018 00:24
WRITTEN BY, Melissa Dalton, March 23, 2018
"Since 2015, the United States has provided intelligence, military advice, and logistical support to the Saudi Arabia–led military intervention in Yemen. U.S. stated goals for this assistance are to restore the UN-recognized government of Yemen and preserve Saudi territorial integrity from incursion by Yemen-based Houthi rebels. Deepening Iranian support for the Houthi rebels has also reinforced U.S. concern for Yemen’s trajectory."
The asymmetric imperial war needs to be analysed in another article. Maybe there are other people who are writing about that, but I would like to give a hint about the equipment of this war scheme. A very important vehicle is the Osprey MV-22.
Jan 29, 2017 in Aviation, News
In broad daylight, can be seen with the naked eye. US aircraft supply Saudi coalition jet fighters with fuel, Wherever the latest crime happened, US complicity facilitating another round of carnage in #Yemen pic.twitter.com/744sXotBMs— Hussam Al-Sanabani (@HussamSanabani) August 24, 2018
9. Blame the misery on Your lousy scientists!
منخفض حركي اخر يؤثر على حوض المتوسط وانجذاب حزام سحابي من القرن الأفريقي نواحي غرب #السعودية #فريقY7 pic.twitter.com/0yWYtYkzXP— فريق Y7 لرصد الأمطار (@Y7_TEAM) 12. März 2017
We have entered the WWIII! Its main Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are not nuclear bombs but Geophysical Warfare by Cliamte Control, although the tactical nuclear weapons are already used on Yemen!
But Syria, Iraq and Yemen are not alone. With all their activities, Iran, and Russia are breaking the backbone of the global Bankster Pervert Pedophile Empire of Deception (BPPED)! Russia and Iran are well aware that they are the next targets.
Sou do Brasil e escrevo em português: não consegui entender, do texto, a razão da destruição do Iêmen, pois os rios são atmosféricos, e, assim, como dito "Uma parte importante desses fluxos tem que atravessar o espaço aéreo iemenita para chegar ao território da Arábia Saudita" (tradução do Google). Ora, a atravessar o espaço aéreo não exige uso da infra-estrutura do país. Ainda, o texto diz: "As terras altas do Iêmen servem como armadilha de água e para armazenamento de água!". Neste caso, a destruição do Iêmen é necessária apenas para acessar suas terras que armazenam água? Por qual razão os rios atmosféricos não podem continuar (como parece afirmar o texto) a contornar o país? Obrigado.
ReplyDeletePara o fluxo de rios atmosféricos, é necessário o controle total do espaço aéreo iemenita. A costa é também o espaço aéreo iemenita. Portanto, não é possível contornar o espaço aéreo do Iêmen.
DeleteCom controle total a água pode ser trazida em uma rota mais curta. Portanto, o território do deserto na fronteira com Omã é muito interessante. Após a destruição do estado do Iêmen, também o solo pode ser totalmente controlado como um armazenamento de água.
Então, presumo que o fluxo os rios atmosféricos é melhor controlado com equipamentos locais, notadamente com objetos voadores providos de armas de energia dirigida-DEW (aviões, drones), do que a distância (Haarp). Presumo também que Omã pode ser alvo (se já não o é), salvo se for colaborativo ou 'associado", mesmo porque é formado por terras baixas aparentemente mais fáceis de ultrapassar do que as terras altas do Iêmen. (desculpe se estas informações já constam em outros artigos do site; se for o caso, peço que indique tais artigos)
DeleteEu não escrevi especificamente sobre Omã, mas atualmente estou preparando um artigo sobre a rota do vento entre o Iêmen e Omã. O gerenciamento do clima é feito local e globalmente, dependendo dos requisitos. Por favor, esteja ciente de que todos os oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico, os continentes e também o seu país estão envolvidos. Fracking onshore ou offshore e enorme agricultura industrial é fornecida com água por métodos de controle climático.