- Don't obey Climatism sect
- Reason of Authority
- Weakness of Society
- Design of Fake-Authorities
- Nobel prize, breeding fake authority!
- Dane Wigington, the Geoengineering Lobbyist?
- What is the reality of Methane in the air?
- The Science Cast
- Enforcing political agenda by Lysenkoism
- Break the NLP code!
- Mr. Monckton, the super-distractor!
- Matt Landman, the business model of distraction!
- Daniele Ganser
- David Attenborough
- Pope of Roman Catholic Church
- Clemens-Arvay
- Samuel Eckert
- Harald Lesch
1. Don't obey Climatism Sect
Before explaining more, I would like to begin with my wake up call against the fake authorities of Climatism Empire!
Don't obey orders of the Climatism sect!
Don't accept world days declared by UNO, WWF, Greenpeace or whatever fake authority conditioning You!
Don't accept traditions declared by them!
Don't accept rules imposed by them!
Don't be brainwashed by their daily lies!
Don't feel guilty by their daily accusations!
Don't be frightened by their daily fear mongering!
Don't accept their "earth day"! Keep Your lights on!

Don't buy LEDs or mercury (fake energy saving) lamps! Break their patronizing the free market by prohibition of healthy light! Buy only incandescent tungsten wire lamps! Start making Your own bulbs, if You can't buy anymore!
Having healthy light at home decides about health, life and death!
2. Reason of Authority
When we are children, we have to trust the most natural authority, our parents! We cannot just leave our parents, we have to love them as they have to love their children!
When we are at school, we have to accept our teachers as authority. OK nowadays this is less often done. Hard times for teachers! :-)
When we are soldiers at war, we have to accept the military commanders as authority for coordinated fighting against the enemy! We don't need to trust and love our commanders, we may event desert or change sides if possible, but we have to obey the orders and risk our lives as long as we defend the same land, same people and the common values! We do that not for the commanders, but to protect our families, our friends, our resources, our culture and all what we like and love!
When we work for a company, we have to accept the management as authority for corporate decisions. We don't need to trust and love our managers, we may even seek to replace them or just leave the company.
What is the definite reason for accepting an authority?
- We cannot have all information for getting the work done. In a complex society the knowledge has to be divided, to make each knowledge owner more efficient!
- We cannot do everything by ourselves, we need to be interdependent and interconnected with other individuals!
- We have to share the responsibilities, divide the work and trust others to reach a common goal.
- This is the foundation of every society, which is a fundamental strategy of living and survival!
3. Weakness of Society
This powerful strategy is also the weakness of every society, because also the gangsters, banksters and perverts can use and abuse it!
- Veracity of information is never transparent for every layer within the hierarchy.
- Intentions of individuals are never transparent!
- Justness of actions and results are never transparent!
- Goals are never transparent!
- Success is never transparent!
- Sharing of wealth is never transparent!
- Principles are never transparent!
- Meaning of notions are never transparent!
Such a society cannot be called "people" but deserves to be named "sheeple".
We are more sheeple than people, as long as the belief in authority is the main steering method of our society!
Except the authority of our parents all authority is FAKE!
Belief in authority is always manifested in religions!
Every fraud has to be designed like a religion and has to develop institutions of hierarchy like a religion. OK, I could now say "religion is fraud", but this is not my point, obviously a high percentage in the society needs a faith, which may serve for good.
Let us better keep the statement as "Every fraud has to be designed like a religion!"
So if we want to inspect a fraud system, we have to look after following properties:
- Authority
- Hierarchy
- Taboos
- Priests
- Perversion
- Finance Bubbles
- Indebtment
- Power
- Legitimation
- Legalization
- Deniers
- Heresy
- Persecution
We can only break this scam, if we dissect it by knowledge, because now fraud is presented as SCIENCE , similar to other most dangerous frauds of our times like Eugenics, Racism, Communism etc.! Scientific fraud is the most cunning and we have many of them!
We have to be careful not to follow their NLP traps and create sub-authorities, which pretend to fight the scam but work for it, to keep us within the NLP fences of the fraud scheme!
4. Design of Fake-Authorities
Ich erkläre es mehrfach in diversen Artikeln, wie die Masche läuft, aber will es hier kurz zusammenfassen.
Moderne Propaganda läuft nicht wie im 19. Jahrhundert. Spätestens seit Edward Bernays, dem Vater von Public Relations, der das in seinem Buch "Propaganda" detailiert erläutert, wird nicht offensiv etwas behauptet, sondern die Lüge als Nachricht verpackt, mit Positivem verknüpft, eingehüllt etc.
Ein Propagandist wie Daniele Ganser, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Dirk C. Fleck etc. wird sich nicht hinstellen und offensiv hinausbrüllen, dass Klimakontrolle gut und notwendig ist, zumindest solange das Publikum noch nicht dazu bereit ist.
Zunächst wird diese Person in einem Themengebiet zur Fachkraft stilisiert.
- Dann darf er eine oppositionelle Wahrheit offensiv vertreten, wie etwa
- die Sprengung de New Yorker WTC-Türme (Daniele Ganser),
- Kritik an Israel und Zionismus (Ken Jebsen),
- Kritik am amerikanischen Imperialismus (Noam Chomsky),
- Kritik am Kapitalismus (Naomi Klein),
- Tiefer Staat (Dirk Pohlmann),
- Klimaschutz (Matthias Bröckers),
- Klima-Moral (Dirk C. Fleck),
- Kritik an Geoengineering (Dane Wigington) etc.
Dadurch werden alle Menschen, die nach solchen Helden suchen an die Leine genommen. Nach einigen "ehrlichen" Vorträgen beginnt der falsche Held, seinen eigentlichen Aufrag zu erfüllen, indem er das Propaganda-Thema, in diesem Falle Klimakontrolle, in seine Vorträge einbettet.
Zunächst webt er das Problem ein, was in diesem Falle der "menschengemachte Klimawandel" ist, anschließend das "Climate Geoengineering" als alternativlose Lösung.
Achte darauf, ich nehme immer nur die falschen Helden in meine Liste der falschen Autoritäten auf, die mit der Einbettung der Propaganda angefangen haben. Alle anderen ignoriere ich.
Daniele Ganser ist eines der Leuchtturm-Propagandisten, zumindest sollte er für den deutschsprachigen Raum dazu gemacht werden. Ich habe ihn mit meiner Kritik zum Stolpern gebracht und ihm den Wind von den Segeln genommen. Zumindest wurden einige Fans zum Zweifeln gebracht und Zweifler haben ihre Kenntnislücken schließen können, um sich gänzlich von DG zu distanzieren.
Another breeding center of fake authority is the "Nobel Prize" theater of 107 people of fake authority are dumb, bribed and/or blackmailed enough to demand from the other hypocrite brainwash center, Greenpeace, to give up its resistance agains GMO food. This trick suggests as if Greenshit would have the "authority" to decide about GMO food for all!
107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs
William Engdahl wrote a very nice article about that! :-)
Nobelpreis schützt vor Blödheit nicht
Nobel prize doesn't protect from dumbness!
6. Dane Wigington, the Geonegineering Lobbyist?
7. What is the reality of Methane in air?
The content of this chapter is available in a separate article:
8. The Science Cast
More than some crisis actors and fake authorities, the science community has to be blamed, because they are responsible idiots of this misery and most of them, even trying to disprove global warming, don't understand what is really going on now! Most scientists are lost in fake statistics!
The notion scientist equals to dumbest idiot now!
This community doesn't deserve the respect it enjoyed for a long time!
The science cast is the worst fake authority of mankind, because it was the last and most trusted layer of social hierarchy!
Did we ever wanted a caste system? So down with them without mercy!
9. Enforcing political agenda by Lysenkoism
One of the reasons why Soviet Union broke apart was that fake scientists used and were used to enforce political power. Scientifically wrong and absurd claims were framed in scientific format and any dissent was persecuted brutally. The most famous example was that of Trofim Lysenko
"In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR's Academy of Sciences, and he used his political influence and power to suppress dissenting opinions and discredit, marginalize, and imprison his critics, elevating his anti-Mendelian theories to state-sanctioned doctrine.
Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov. Scientific dissent from Lysenko's theories of environmentally acquired inheritance was formally outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1948. Lysenko's actions and practices contributed to the famines that killed millions of Soviet people; the adoption of his methods from 1958 in the People's Republic of China had similarly calamitous results, culminating in the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1962."
May 15, 2008
Global Warming, Lysenkoism & Eugenics - Prof Richard Lindzen
Aug 13, 2015
10. Break the NLP code!
People are programmed by language. So we need to be precise with using notions, name the things and the people as they deserve, not as they are promoted.
People are fenced and herded like cattle within NLP constructions. We have to shatter these fences, they exist and are more powerful than physical ones.
Please look at my comments, articles and infographics and correct me, help me to improve, that we can improve together. Look for the errors, shortcomings and help to break the NLP walls.
Never ever should anyone of us become a fake authority and be protected from critique by dumb people who only believe and follow. I don't want to be followed by sheeple.
Never ever should anyone be protected by dumb followers. We need to raise intelligence and eliminate dumbness, because dumbness and herd mentality is our biggest weakness now. The abusers know that and they professionally abuse us. Thank You for improving, correcting and sharing.
11. Mr. Monckton, the super-distractor!
Mr. Monckton is a distractor, whose job is to create a fake credibility by telling some truth, aber never talking about the core truth!
Be aware, Monckton will always tell that global warming is a hoax, but he will never touch ClimateControl / Geoengineering / SRM / TAI.
Monckton is a FAKE AUTHORITY, a FALSE FLAG operator!
His role is to tell as much truth about global warming hoax as possible but at the same time DISTRACT from ClimateControl and Tropospheric Water Grabbing! He plays the dumb, when confronted with chemtrails. He talks like the puppets of IPCC, about "peer reviewed papers" and exposing himself as a puppet of the same crime gang.
Uncensored Magazine Interview Reveals Lord Monckton Involved In Chemtrails/Geoengineering Cover
12. Matt Landman, the business model of distraction!
Maybe I am "honoring" him by writing anything about him, but as he is known and trusted by some people as an "activist" "journalist" against "chemtrails", I will spend some words on him
Matt Landman is also known to collect money for some of his activities against chemtrails and organizing meetings, conducting interviews etc. Obviously he is trying to surf on the ClimateControl business wave and establish his own media company on that.
I don't care if he is distracting intentionally or out of ignorance, the result is always the same. He is keeping the sheeple busy and distracted!
Cunning perfect distraction from any crime is not what was "said" about it, but what is not said, avoided and skipped!
Matt H Landman never talks about TWG (Tropospheric Water Grabbing).
He never explains the war on TWG and the use of robbed water for fracking and desert farming!
So for me Matt is yet another poisonous honey pot builder, who talks much but never talks the important truth! He avoids the notion of troposphere! Instead he talks only about "stratosphere", "aluminium" poisoning. Therefore he is a definitely a DISTRACTOR!
He has to deliver more knowledge to prove the opposite!
I was long enough patient and friendly to people like Dane Wigington and Matt Landman, but with ongoing scheme of their publication, I doubt about their "good intentions" and I disrespect their ignorance!
By the way I am looking for people who are aiming to learn and understand. One of my disappointing experiences is that people are always followers of authority, they are expecting orders. This behavior is the reason of our misery. I don't want to be an authority for anyone. I expect from the people to be self confident and independent.
I make mistakes but I don't want to be the apology for the mistakes of the others.
Maybe by crushing the fake authorities, I may wake up some of their sheeple to become people!
Dear interested reader, don't think that You would help me by reusing my publications, You are taking part in resistance against ClimateControl to save Yourself and all You love on Earth.
Be more active by Yourself. Take what I deliver, improve and use it to reach more people with Your own, maybe more friendly style, if You don't like my way of argumentation.
I am also intentionally rude, not to make "friends", because friends depend on and trust each other. This results in less own thinking.
Get full knowledge and depend only on knowledge and facts, not on other people and not me. Depending on people is always a trap. This trap, is used to distract and turn the people into sheeple.
I don't need sheeple, I need more people.
Question people like Christopher Monckton, Matt Landman, Patrick Roddie and Dane Wigington!
Why are they distracting?
Ignorance is not a good apology.
Sheeple listen to the distractors as a convenient lie is preferred to a hard truth.
14. Daniele Ganser
Daniele Ganser has been "entered", assuming that he ever was separate from the geoengineering lobby!
He is bubbling the propaganda of the Climatist-Church!
Daniele Ganser is yet another marionette, a fake authority!

Daniele Ganser's "chitchat" about "peace research" gets a particularly poisonous taste now!
Adieu Daniele Ganser, You have been a hopeful for many people!
Daniele Ganser (German)
Another fake alternative journalist and writer, who tries to ride on the climate control propaganda to make some profit is Mathias Bröckers. This article is in German.
A very important nest of fake alternative writers is the online German language magazine Rubikon, which is propagating the climate control agenda in many articles with extremely heinous moralizing.
Rubikon (in German)
15. David Attenborough
Mr. Attenborough is yet another fake science actor and a fake authority. He must be so deadly brainwashed and badly educated, that he really believes in the lies he is presenting to support the climate control agenda.
From thetimes : David Attenborough says there's been a 'worldwide shift' towards fixing climate change … pic.twitter.com/fXkKUzhC9R — D and A Binder (@DandA_Binder) 25. August 2017
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/3EuexOP6ZV David Attenborough on climate change: 'The world will be transformed' — Callahan McDonough (@CallahanMcD) 7. August 2017
16. Pope of Roman Catholic Church
By submitting his church and all its followers to the climate control Ponzi scheme, he practically eliminates the faith in RCC Christianity. So he is also a big traitor. Why is he doing that? Maybe he has to speak that way to "protect" his organization of pedophiles and pervert priests. Since his start of climatecontrol propaganda, the main stream presstitutes treat the pedophile cases of RCC less harsh!
So Pope Francis had to submit to much powerful crime for the survival of his own mafia!
Pope Criticizes Climate Change Deniers and Trump on DACA

Definetly, this Pope is a very dangerous fake authority!
He proves not to know, not to understand anything what he is talking about!
"I think it is something we cannot joke about."
Pope Francis slams climate change deniers. pic.twitter.com/AQ4TwQYyIU — Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) 12. September 2017
17. Clemens Arvay
Samuel Eckert ist ein Geoengineering-Propagandist & Teil des TESLA-Schneeballsystem von Elon Musk.
Harald Lesch, ein Crisis-Actor, der von einem zum anderen Klima-Irrsinn laviert!
Unmöglichkeit der Elektromobilität!
I was Terminated or Blocked from Geo. Watch. for telling him exactly what he was. I suppose I can't blame the guy for doing that. When posting comment's on the site, I noticed some things that I posted were missing. Even once I notice spelling mistakes were corrected. He thinks that all his reporting is the Gospel of all truth. The fact is this. he has a huge amount of property which is protected. The man worked for Bechtel. That in itself should raise red flags. Once people do their own research they can find out why. He dismisses a lot of other people's research.
ReplyDeleteI call him a fraud and I believe he is associated with this. Controlled Opposition. The writing is on the wall. People will see through him soon.
My comments on the platform of Dane Wigington were never published. I consider him as dumb or as an intentional liar or as fake opposition leader to herd the sheeple and prevent a real resistance against ongoing climate control crime.
DeleteHowever, he binds and mentally blinds the sheeple and prevents them from waking up. He tells much truth to avoid the last truth. This is the concept of perfect dumbification. He is a dumbifier of himself and his sheeple.