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Immobility through electric cars! Harald Lesch, a crisis actor who maneuvers from one climate madness to another!

  1. The Electro-Idiocy!
  2. Lobbyist of the ClimateControl-Lobby
  3. Impossibility of electromobility
  4. Impossibility of hydrogen-mobility
  5. Conclusions
  6. Related to the topic

1. The Electro-Idiocy!

Only an idiot thinks that the electricity for his air conditioner is "harmful to the planet" but the electricity for charging his electric car is not! So the world is full of idiots!

1. Lobbyist of the ClimateControl-Lobby

As an entertainer who talks about the Big Bang, Harald Lesch was acceptable, despite some mistakes in his presentations, especially when in the animations about the formation of our solar system from the super-cold cloud the cold lumps, although having small mass, suddenly began to glow. But so be it. One can speculate and fantasize about the cosmos to some extent. In any case, the past of the solar system does not affect us. We are their result and that's a good thing.

Why let he to be harnessed to the cart of the climate control lobby?
What did he eat or what did they feed him?
Isn't he the scientifically educated person, he pretends to be?
Is his scientific demeanor fake?

After many catastrophic lectures, in which he did not repeat anything other than what the CIA openly explained in its memorandum from 1960 and imposed on the pseudo-scientific commission in 1965 and adapted for the public, Lesch discovered the impossibility of electromobility.

Thousands of lies crumble before just one truth!

Although Lesch winks briefly from his charlatan existence, he refuses to escape from the edifice of lies into which he has culpably entered. He should have seen the fraud with his little knowledge of physics.

2. Impossibility of electromobility

I quote from his lecture, where he correctly calculates the impossibility of so-called "electromobility"!

Brennstoffzelle im Auto: Besser als Lithiumakkus? | Harald Lesch

He is betraying the climate church by distancing himself from the pillar saint and Ponzi scheme operator Elon Musk, whose bogus deals burn anywhere from 100 million to over a billion a year.

"Elon Musk and his Tesla ideology are now dominating: Electromobility"

He then has to admit that the fuel cell has disadvantages.

"(The fuel cell) is much more expensive than battery-powered electric mobility. It's less efficient, which is related."

Here his calculation is completely false, because honestly he would have to calculate the taxes out of the diesel! Minus mineral oil tax and VAT, the cost of diesel would be around 14 euros. With these taxes, the heavily indebted states of the "Western world" keep themselves on their feet and also subsidize all the impossible sham solutions of the climate lunatics.

"For 500 kilometers you pay .... for a Tesla with 75 kilowatt hours 25 euros. ... For a diesel 30 euros. With the fuel cell, which is about 2 to 3 times less efficient than a lithium battery or an electric motor that is operated with a battery, you pay 45 euros, let's say 50 euros."

Now comes a very important finding! We learn how environmentally harmful lithium mining is!

"For one ton of lithium salt I have to produce two million liters of water. At a Chilean facility covering 44 square kilometers, 21 million liters of groundwater have to be pumped up from the ground every day to bring the lithium salt to the surface."

Now comes the next important finding that gives the death blow to electromobility!

"... we have a problem with the power grid where the power is supposed to come from. Above all, when a large number of people are charging their batteries at the same time."

"So let's say one million vehicles out of 54 million ... now want to charge quickly because people have come home but want to go somewhere soon ... So each car draws 350 kilowatts. One million makes 350 gigawatts in total, which then have to be made available."

"You have to hold that tension all the time. ... Attention, currently ... the entire German power grid supplies an average of 68.5 gigawatts. ... then you would have to keep roughly six times the current output of electrical energy available."

3. Impossibility of hydrogen-mobility

After manifesting the nonsense and impossibility of electromobility, he tacked back to his energy transition.

"This means that the hydrogen that is needed for the fuel cell can be produced from 100% green electricity. I can even get it out of an infrastructure that we definitely need in the energy transition, namely power-to-gas storage."

I think if he
  • the hydrogen requirement for 54 million cars,
  • the number of wind turbines and
  • the footprint of the required power grid
does the calculations, where he would effectively have to assume only 5% of the nominal output of each wind turbine, then he will quickly find that this is not feasible at all either.

The manufacture, maintenance and disposal of this infrastructure would consume more energy than it could possibly produce - not counting the damage to the environment.

German engineers can't count. Waste of time in math class. The "70% efficiency" determined in the climate drunk, if this were at all practically feasible, is effectively only 3.5%, since the wind turbines run at 5% of the nominal power.

Power-to-Gas efficiency is competitive
STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES 09.03.2012, 11:59

"In order to be able to store 100 GWh of excess wind power in 2030 with the wind power systems available by then, 4.2 million empty car batteries from electric cars would be needed or twelve pumped storage power plants in the 1000 MW class. The former do not exist at all today, only four of the water systems are just under this size.

The alternative would be around 830 decentralized electrolysers."

And the efficiency keeps dropping!

"According to the calculations of the DBI, efficiencies of 69.9% can be achieved today with power-to-gas using the hydrogen feed, including compression and a 500 km long transport in the gas network. The electrolysis with the ancillary systems alone is responsible for 23.7% of the losses, the transformer and rectifier cause around 5%. If the hydrogen still has to be methanized, another 14.2% are added here."

-  23,7%
-    5,0%
-  14,2%
= 27,0 %

With an effective output of 3.5% of the wind turbines, the efficiency of the electrolysis of hydrogen shrinks to 0.945%. This does not even include the energy required to manufacture and dismantle the wind turbines.

From German: Water-Electrolysis

"The energetic efficiency of the electrolysis of water is over 70%. Several system manufacturers offer large electrolysers with an even higher efficiency – over 80%. Ambiguities in such information result from the difference between the burn value and heat value of hydrogen, which is around 18%."

"Since the power-to-gas technology is associated with quite high energy losses due to the very low efficiency of the energy chain electricity => hydrogen/methane => electricity, a future energy system should be designed in such a way that the long-term storage requirement is as low as possible for the power-to-gas technology is required."

Here it gets even more precise! The production of hydrogen from natural gas is about 4 times more effective than water electrolysis with electricity from wind turbines. 

Hydrogen from electricity or "power to gas" - the wasteful, expensive and unnecessary way

"The efficiency in the production of hydrogen from electricity by means of electrolysis sounds favorable at first at 75% - 80% (according to the 1st law of thermodynamics - law of conservation of energy) - but the 2nd law is decisive for the result, which not only the amount of energy, but the different value of the energy is taken into account.

When viewed according to the 2nd law, high-quality electricity is converted into the simple fuel hydrogen and thus irreversibly devalued. According to this 2nd law, the production of hydrogen from electricity is 3-4 times more energy-intensive than conventional production from natural gas, which is also a simple fuel.

Unfortunately, this imprecision in the term "efficiency" often leads to incorrect conclusions. It therefore makes more sense, at least to non-experts, to compare the losses in the respective overall process chain side by side. Evidence for these statements is:

1. When using, e.g. when comparing battery car / bus or hydrogen car / bus, the energy consumption or power consumption is 3 - 4 times higher in the latter. Here is just one quote from qualified sources as representative of the many undisputed proofs: “But if we compare the hydrogen path with the path of battery storage, we find that the electricity-battery path is three to four times more efficient.” (Dr . Wolfgang Steiger, Head of the Research Center for Drives in the VW Group, in an interview in "New Energy" November 2007)

2. In a study from 1999, Deutsche Bahn determined that hydrogen fuel cell drives are only slightly (by 0.6%) worse (with an overall efficiency of 31.7%) than diesel in the "best case". (Electric) propulsion if the hydrogen is obtained from natural gas. However, if it is generated from electricity, the "worst case" results - overall efficiency of 6.1%.

So why shouldn't the natural gas be used directly instead of wasting it for hydrogen production?

This is exactly the direction in which opinion is formed, because with the gasification of oil shale, lignite and hard coal with nuclear fracking and underground gasification, all these deposits are converted into natural gas and hydrogen is produced as a by-product of the process.


From German: "Sustainability" by geoengineering! Mastering the carbon cycle! CCS in Japan!

From German: The closed carbon cycle! Underground Gasification of Coal! CCS & more!

To supplement, I would like to add a quote from the following article, which only calculates roughly, so it is just as nonsensical, but at least gives an indication that the energy requirement for hydrogen mobility is increasing significantly.

If all of Germany drives electrically, energy consumption will increase by a third
Munich, 02.10.2018

"If all cars in Germany were currently powered by electricity, the electricity requirement would increase by around a third of today's total requirement per year. If all vehicles were to run on hydrogen from now on, the energy requirement would be 66% higher. In the case of synthetic fuels, according to forecasts, 206% more energy would be required."

As far as "synthetic fuels" are concerned, the company EXXON is already in the process of tapping into the abandoned coal seams, according to the demands of their henchmen, the bogus environmentalists, in order to frack them and convert all the coal into gas underground.

From German: In Germany, the underground has been fracked "unconventionally" with atomic bombs since 1961! Why the coal should "stay in the underground"!

4. Conclusions

Let's summarize:
  1. We would have to increase our energy production at least sixfold to be able to charge just 1 million cars at the same time. 53 million would get nothing and by that time all other electricity consumers would have to be switched off.
  2. In order to provide hydrogen "ecologically correctly", we would have to build an unimaginably large infrastructure with wind turbines, solar panels, electrolysis systems and storage facilities and sacrifice our agricultural and natural areas for this. We would then have produced hydrogen, but have starved all to death.
  3. The infrastructure of the "energy transition" must be built and supported with nuclear and coal-fired power plants in order to maintain the facade.
  4. The yield for the renewables would only be 3.5% or, to be more honest, less than 1%.
  5. Producing hydrogen from natural gas is more efficient than using electricity, but why waste natural gas for hydrogen production instead of using it directly for propulsion with e.g. the PGI-Motor?
  6. Without tax revenue from oil and gas, the indebted countries would go bankrupt!
  7. As a result, the infrastructure of the "renewables" would not serve us, but we would have to ruin ourselves to keep the running.

5. Related to the topic

When the Greens realize their party has no idea 😂

Winfried Kretschman: 
"So, now think about it, there are 5 million electric cars driving around.
Where do they fill up?
Now let's assume a completely normal gas station as we have it today.
We might have room for ten cars to fill up at once at large gas stations.
Well, now it takes 20 minutes for them.
How is this supposed to work?
You have no idea!
But people say that from 2030 you can do all that.
Those are silly appointments!
If someone asks me: Explain to me how you do that for this appointment?
I can't to do that.
How can you screw stuff like that up?
I don't know.
Maybe it will come even faster - no idea, but we have to make sure that it works at all and not let off radical slogans.
You can do that Do that! I don't care!
Then just be satisfied with 6 percent or 8.

Winfried Kretschmann makes it clear that electromobility is already logistically impossible!

From German: Video: Kretschmann freaks out! Criticism about Tesla electric cars! Alliance 90'/Greens!
Nov 3, 2017

From German: Kretschmann speaks plain language – secret video from the federal party conference of the Greens causes a stir
Jun 23, 2017

More summary articles on the topic are here:

From German: Logic of crime with no alternative!
Controlling the cycles of water and carbon by geoengineering!

From German: Destruction of the environment and health through climate geoengineering, solar panels, wind turbines & nuclear fracking!

Here is another lecture by Harald Lesch. All of his statements here should be interpreted the other way around as they are based on completely twisted assumptions.

From German: Harald Lesch is finally calling for consequences to be drawn from knowledge about climate change

Another dissection is made for the "Jung & Naiv" interview with Maja Göpel, where she normalizes nationwide power outages:

From German: Maja Göpel as priestess of climatism. The perspective of a "lab rat"!

From German: The green e-car lie

"NETWORK FIND NETHERLANDS: The green e-car lie This is a landfill site near Paris, France, with hundreds of electric cars. However, these are only vehicles used by the City of Paris and not private vehicles. They all have the same problem....the battery cells are broken and need to be replaced. Why not just swap them out? Two reasons... First, the batteries cost nearly twice the price of a new car, and second, no landfill or recycling facility will allow batteries to be disposed of there. So these green electric fairy tale cars are all parked on abandoned land while their batteries discharge toxic substances into the ground."

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You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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