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Earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan are made by nuclear explosions in the underground!


  1. Cause of earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan!
  2. Why must Japan explode nuclear bombs in its udnerground?
  3. 100% evidence of nuclear explosion!
  4. Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET)
  5. Chain of big earthquakes, tsunamis & radioactive contamination!
  6. Death & damage under false pretext!

1. Cause of earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan!

Anyone who has once understood that fracking to extract natural gas and crude oil and also the creation of artificial cavities in the underground as CO2 storage is only possible by nuclear explosions, will also know that this is not possible without earthquakes, tsunamis and radioactive contamination. This knowledge sheds a completely different light on the Fukushima disaster!

Here is the shot where during the catastrophe the seawater disappeared into the ocean floor with a giant vortex, as if someone had removed a plug from a drain.

Japan Tsunami 2011 Forms HUGE Whirlpool Sucking In Boat and Debris [Full HD Video]
Mar 11, 2011

The cavities are not only for CO2 but for any waste and residue containing carbon. After filling up such a cavity the whole material is processed by Underground Coal Gasification to produce methane and hydrogen & synthetic fuels.

Underground coal gasification

"Underground coal gasification (UCG) is an industrial process which converts coal into product gas. UCG is an in-situ gasification process, carried out in non-mined coal seams using injection of oxidants and steam. The product gas is brought to the surface through production wells drilled from the surface.

The predominant product gases are methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Ratios vary depending upon formation pressure, depth of coal and oxidant balance. Gas output may be combusted for electricity production. Alternatively, the gas output can be used to produce synthetic natural gas, or hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used as a chemical feedstock for the production of fuels (e.g. diesel), fertilizer, explosives and other products.

The technique can be applied to coal resources that are otherwise unprofitable or technically complicated to extract by traditional mining methods. UCG offers an alternative to conventional coal mining methods for some resources. It has been linked to a number of concerns from environmental campaigners."

Here are sources about the large-scale collection, storage and processing of CO2 in Japan.

Japan looks to pioneer carbon transport by sea
Government plans to build special ships to help fight climate change
Nikkei staff writers, July 17, 2018 05:15 JST

"A carbon capture facility operated by Canada's Carbon Engineering in British Columbia. Carbon capture and storage is seen as a crucial technology for combating climate change.

TOKYO -- Japan plans to begin testing the transport of captured carbon dioxide by sea, looking to be among the first in the world to commercialize a key technology for battling global warming.

Carbon capture and storage, in which carbon dioxide is recovered and buried underground before it escapes into the atmosphere, is considered Japan's only option for keeping fossil-fuel power plants in operation while meeting its emissions targets under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

While Japan's power plants and other carbon dioxide sources are concentrated along the Pacific Ocean, its best potential storage sites are on the opposite side of the country, along the Sea of Japan. The government sees transporting the greenhouse gas by ship to pipelines leading to sequestration facilities as a promising option for solving this problem.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will build carbon dioxide transport vessels over the next few years in partnership with such players as Japan CCS, a venture that counts power providersoil and gas companies, and trading houses among its 30-plus investors. Funds for the project will be included in the government's fiscal 2019 budget.

The ministry plans to start by shipping carbon dioxide to an experimental storage facility in Hokkaido in order to clarify the challenges involved.

The International Energy Agency estimates that carbon capture would account for 14% of the emissions reductions needed by 2060 to limit the global temperature rise to 2 C. The technology will need to be used not only in power plants, but also by other carbon-heavy industries such as steel and cement.

The world has seen few successful examples of long-distance carbon transport. Tokyo hopes to use this public-private collaboration to resolve safety and cost issues.

If Japan can make speedy progress toward commercializing the technology, "that will let us export it overseas in the future," a senior ministry official said."

Mitsui and Shell to explore feasibility of carbon capture and storage in Asia Pacific
Sep. 8, 2022

"Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Shell* have signed a joint agreement to explore the technical and commercial feasibility of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Asia Pacific, including Japan.

Image of CCS business

This collaboration will also explore the conditions and policies needed to develop CCS, and evaluate options for owning and chartering ships designed to carry liquid carbon dioxide (CO2).

"Increasing the global deployment of CCS is one element of Shell's transition to becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050," said Syrie Crouch, Vice President of Carbon Capture and Storage at Shell. "Working with companies like Mitsui, we want to help unlock the potential of CCS in Asia Pacific, including Japan. This agreement is another step in that journey and supports our ambition of having access to at least 25 million tonnes a year of CCS capacity by 2035."

Yasuchika Maruyama, General Manager of Sustainable Energy Development Division, Energy Business Unit 1, said: "We are pleased to explore the potential for CCS and CO2 shipping with Shell. CCS will play an important role in the region to simultaneously achieve continued economic growth and reduced emissions. Mitsui is trying to develop approximately 15 million tonnes per annum of CCS capacity by 2035. By developing CCS opportunities, Mitsui aims to continue contributing to an environmentally sustainable society."

CCS is a combination of technologies that capture and store carbon dioxide deep underground, preventing its release into the atmosphere and offers a way to reduce emissions from sectors that are hard to decarbonise. Scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Energy Association, and others indicate that CCS is critical to meeting the goal of the Paris Agreement.

* The companies in which Shell plc directly and indirectly owns investments are separate legal entities. In this announcement, “Shell”, is used for convenience where references are made to Shell plc and its subsidiaries in general.

Japan Selects Nine Carbon Capture Projects For Development
byVasil Velev, July 5, 2024
Location of selected projects and proposing companies. Source: Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

"Earlier this week the Japan Energy and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) selected nine carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects as “Advanced CCS Projects” for fiscal year 2024, which aim to start operations by 2030 as part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s effort to create a robust business environmentsh a horizontally deployable business model toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

The nine projects selected this time also aim to store a total of approximately 20 million tons of CO2 per year, with five of the projects planned for storage in Japan and the remaining four for storage in the Asia-Pacific region.

2. Why must Japan explode nuclear bombs in its udnerground?

Japan has not natural oil resources, but as a big industrial nation huge amounts of carbon bearing waste and residue materials which can be processed to produce hydrogen, methane and synthetic fuels from them by using currently available industrial methods and have control on and own its carbon & hydrogen cycle, instead of just dumping the waste material.

From the perspective of Japan, there is no alternative to Nuclear Fracking & Underground Coal (Carbon) Gasification for becoming more independent from hydrocarbon fuel imports.

Injecting CO2 into oil and gas fields is evidence for oil and gas production by Nuclear Fracking! The cavities which are formed by exploding nuclear bombs to pulverize the oil and gas bearing rock formations are used to store the CO2 and other carbon containing waste materials. Later the Underground Coal Gasification method will be applied to produce methane and hydrogen!

Carbon Capture and Storage Activities in JAPAN 
Prepared by: Hiroshi Yamagata, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

"CO2 capture with existing technology consumes 70-80% of the cost of CO2 sequestration. In this situation, development of revolutionary CO2 separation membranes that can greatly reduce the energy requirements and costs of CO2 separation is the urgent requirements for CO2 sequestration to progress to practical usage."

"The pilot CO2 injection site is located at the Minami-Nagaoka gas and oil field, where Teikoku Oil Co. produces natural gas from the deep reservoir (4700 m). Figure 1 shows the location of the pilot site and the simplified geological setting well studied during oil and gas exploration."

Japan’s unique subsea geological CO2 storage technology
September 2, 2019

"This is a series of articles highlighting some of the research projects at the University of Tokyo registered under its Future Society Initiative (FSI), a framework that brings together ongoing research projects that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

FSI Project 025

The merit of transporting liquefied CO2 by ship is that coal-fired power plants, steel mills and other such large-scale CO2-emitting sources are usually located by the coast, and it also eliminates the need for construction in coastal areas used heavily for marine transport, fishing and leisure.

Global warming is universally recognized as an urgent issue. The Japanese government aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent by 2030, and by 80 percent by 2050. One technology that is expected to help bridge those midterm and long-term goals is the CO2 capture and storage (CCS) project being developed by Professor Toru Sato and team.

CCS refers to the technology of capturing CO2 emissions, for example from coal-fired power plants or steel mills, and storing them in a way that does not impact the environment. Liquefying the gaseous CO2 requires compressing it between 500-600 times, then transporting it by ship offshore and storing it in geological strata under the seafloor where it is separated from deep seawater. Project Professor Masahiko Ozaki explained why CO2 is stored under the sea and not on land.

“In countries where energy resources such as oil or natural gas can be extracted, CO2 that has been captured can be returned to the earth, but for countries such as Japan without such resources, there is nowhere to return the CO2, so the exact same technology cannot be applied. Even if we could find such replacement land, obtaining the permission of residents living above that strata is necessary, and due to Japan’s situation, building pipelines underground would incur a huge cost. That is why Japan is using the unique method of subsea geological storage and developing an effective system and environmental impact assessment.”

According to Sato, a proof-of-concept experiment has been carried out offshore from Tomakomai in Hokkaido and methods of detecting whether the CO2 has been safely stored are being verified. Sato and Ozaki’s newly developed technology could be the first step towards an effective strategy to tackle global warming.

Japan carbon capture site shows promise for industrial use
By Aaron Sheldrick, April 19, 20189:53 AM GMT

"TOMAKOMAI, Japan (Reuters) - A test site in Japan for burying carbon dioxide (CO2) below the seabed off Hokkaido island is showing more promise than other carbon, capture and storage (CCS) projects by cutting costs and increasing efficiency, its developer says.

While the $300 million site at Tomakomai port represents a small portion of the $20 billion invested in CCS, it has potential for easing CO2 emissions from industries such as gas processing and cement and chemical production."

Japan plans to set legal framework for carbon storage
ReutersApril 21, 20221:15 PM GMT

"Japan's industry ministry plans to create a legal framework for carbon capture and storage (CCS) to enable companies to start storing carbon dioxide underground or under the seabed by 2030 to help the nation achieve its 2050 carbon neutral goal.

The ministry estimates Japan will store 120-240 million tonnes of CO2 a year in 2050 ...

Here are some very important knowledge for understanding the causality of the process! The LNG is not for transition, but one aspects of long term processing of the carbon bearing disposals in the underground to generate Hydrogen & Methane! 

Japan selects first seven CCS projects to store 13 mil mt/year CO2 by 2030
13 Jun 2023 | 03:28 UTC, Author: Takeo Kumagai, Editor: Debiprasad Nayak

"The move comes as Japan sees CCS as among the essential means to proceed with the country's decarbonization while ensuring its stable energy supply and using fossil fuels such as LNG.

"As we strive for reducing green house gas emissions by 46% by 2030 and aim for 2050 carbon neutrality, we must ensure stable energy supply and stable electricity supply at the same time," Nishimura said.

"With [the use of ] fossil fuels expected to shrink, we see LNG particularly important as a transition energy in the foreseeable future," he said. "We expect CCS to be placed critically important, along with energy sources such as hydrogen and ammonia."

Japan sees the need of launching CCS businesses by 2030 and increase its CO2 storage volumes by 6 million-12 million mt/year to achieve 2050 carbon neutrality, according to the country's long-term CCS roadmap plan approved Jan. 26.

The government is starting its geological survey from fiscal year 2023-24 (April-March) to find suitable locations for CCS. Japan has previously found reservoirs in 11 locations suitable for storing a total of 16 billion mt of CO2 in the country's earlier surveys.

Japan has already launched its first large-scale CCS pilot project in Tomakomai city in Hokkaido, northern Japan, where it has injected a total of 300,000 mt of CO2 as of November 2019.

Selected projects

Under the latest move June 13, Japan designated five CCS projects in the country, spanning from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the southwest, with two projects abroad in Malaysia and the Oceania.

In Hokkaido, the government chose a CCS business being developed in the Tomakomai area by Japan Petroleum Exploration, Idemitsu Kosan and Hokkaido Electric to store 1.5 million mt/year of CO2 from a refinery and power plant in the area.

The government picked a CCS project in the Japan Sea side of the Tohoku region, developed by Itochu, Itochu Oil Exploration, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nippon Steel, INPEX, Taisei Corp and Taiheiyo Cement to store 2 million mt/year of CO2 from nationwide including from steel mills, cement plants.

In the east of Niigata, the government selected a CCS project being developed by Japex, Tohoku Electric, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Hokuetsu Corp. and Nomura Research Institute to store 1.5 million mt/year of COS from chemical plants, paper mills and power plants in Niigata prefecture.

In the greater Tokyo, the government adopted a CCS project being developed by INPEX, Nippon Steel and Kanto Natural Gas Development to store 1 million mt/year of CO2 from various industries including steel mills.

The government also chose the Kyushu offshore north and west for a CCS project being developed by ENEOS, JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration and Electric Power Development Co., or J-POWER to store 3 million mt/year of CO2 from refineries and thermal power plants in western Japan.

In the offshore Malay Peninsula, Japan opted for a CCS project being developed by Mitsui to store 2 million mt/year of CO2 from multiple industries including refining in the western and Kyushu regions in Japan.

The government also chose a CCS project being developed by Mitsubishi , Nippon Steel, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific in the Oceania to store 2 million mt/year of CO2 from multiple industries including steel mills in the Chubu region in Japan."

3. 100% evidence of nuclear explosion!

Nature does not concentrate & explode nuclear isotopes and release gamma radiation across layers of rock & earth to illuminate the sky. There is no other source of gamma rays than man made nuclear explosions on Earth.

'Earthquake light' appears in sky above Japanese city
Guardian News, Mar 16, 2022

The burst of gamma rays, earthquakes and tsunamis at the coast of Japan Sea don't end, because the buildup of the Carbon Capture & Sequestration industry goes on without interruption.

The currently available public videos show mainly the shaking in buildings. We don't sea the wide open sky and sea. If there are such videos & images available from private people, please send them to me by email:

I will publish them here & in my youtube channel and share with the public.

Please read the following article, to learn more about the characteristics of underground nuclear explosions!

Explanation of PNET and the characteristics of earthquakes caused by atomic bomb explosions in the underground.

4. Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET)  

The underground nuclear explosions are conducted according the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET) between the USA & UDSSR (no Russian Federation), first signed in 1976 and signed again & ratified in 1990.

PNET is a sibling of the Partial Test-Ban Treaty and globally legitimate under the umbrella of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). 

Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) - alias Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT)

Both treaties should be consolidated in the not fully ratified CTBT:

"The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is a multilateral treaty to ban nuclear weapons test explosions and any other nuclear explosions, for both civilian and military purposes, in all environments. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 September 1996, but has not entered into force, as eight specific nations have not ratified the treaty."

However, de facto the PNET rules are still applied for underground nuclear explosions for non-military reasons.

Please read following articles to learn about PNET.

Treaty Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions For Peaceful Purposes (and Protocol Thereto) (PNE Treaty)

This is Geophysical Warfare by nuclear bombing from underground! Attack on Libya, Turkey, Morocco & more!

Explanation of PNET and the characteristics of earthquakes caused by atomic bomb explosions in the underground.

With atomic bomb generated earthquakes, the US attacks Turkey by geological, psychological, economic and sociological war!

In Germany, the underground is "unconventionally" fracked with atomic bombs since 1961! Why the coal should "stay down"!

Connecting 911 with Fracking by Radioactivity! Plowshare Program!

5. Chain of nuclear explosions!

In Japan and elsewhere globally, wherever oil, gas, condensates, gold, platinum, carbon or any other valuable materials can be explored or underground cavities need to be build for storage of carbon containing waste or industrial residues and processing it to methane and hydrogen gas, there will be nuclear explosions in the underground followed by earthquakes and depending on the area of activity also tsunamis.

It may be difficult to recognize the difference between natural and artificially triggered earthquakes, particularly in a tectonic active region like Japan. However, this has to be done, like separating cultivated corn from natural grass.

Here are some articles about other locations of underground nuclear explosions:

This is Geophysical Warfare by nuclear bombing from underground! Attack on Libya, Turkey, Morocco & more!

With atomic bomb generated earthquakes, the US attacks Turkey by geological, psychological, economic and sociological war!

Earthquake's for fracking gas & petrol by nuclear demolition of deep rocks in Haiti!

Fracking #Colonialism! Vulcanism by Fracking!

6. Death & damage under false pretext!

These methods are deadly dangerous and would never be approved by the population of any country. So the industry and the political establishments have agreed to keep the knowledge as "state secret", despite the impossibility to hide anything objectively. So the ongoing is hidden mentally by effective suggestive distraction and framing everything with pseudo-scientific narratives about "global warming", "greenhouse effect", "carbon emissions", "saving the planet" etc.

The artificially developed stupidity of the masses is currently the most important asset of the ruling "elites", which are per definition psychopaths, perverts, criminals and their submissive, coward and stupid henchmen with academic titles and diplomas.

All normal citizens are made and kept stupid, while the criminal methods are legalized globally together with climate control methods to have control on the WATER CYCLE! For understanding the the real background of climate hysteria, please start with reading the following articles.

Who does it, who benefits & who is harmed?

Process of ClimateControl. Water theft in 10 steps. Ozone hole - Chemtrails - Tornados - Fracking & Farming!

Timeline of Geoengineering by ClimateControl and Nuclear Fracking.

Heat waves are feasible at any time by ordering ozone holes! Climate Control!

No globalwarming, but only the vertical shift of the temperature gradient of the atmosphere!

Horizontal shift of temperature and water, naturally and through climate control!

License of Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring! 

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Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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It is NUCLEAR FRACTURING, not hydraulic!
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