- Reason of writing!
- History is repeating
- Summary history of Carthage (Kart Hadasht)
- Components of the concept
- Setting the imperial order
- Imperial System
- Victim Syndrome
- Island Mainland Theory
- Mission impossible!
- Geography is also the main resource asset!
- Global Water Cycle Administration
- Water & Carbon Empire
- Further Resources
- Ruling by chaos & terror, now in Myanmar!
- Further thought about Germany
- The empire find its end in Syria!
- Historic documents
- Connected articles
1. Reason of writing!
This article originally should have been only about the geostrategic conclusion of a "just" WWIII on Germany and Japan, according to the logic of relationship between an empire and its vassals, which are threatening the imperial dominance by their mere economic power. Please read to understand, why it perfectly fits into the topic of geoengineering.
Concepts are well known, only the dimensions change!
Even if notions of USA and BPED are used interchangeably, empire always means BPED!
- Carthage Syndrome
- Island Mainland Concept
- Victim Syndrome
- Relationship between an empire and its vassals
- not everyone can understand everything,
- not everything can be explained to everyone,
- not everyone is ready to think,
- not everyone has to like my approach,
- not everyone has to read this article,
- I take criticism constructively.
History is repeating because geography does not change significantly. Geography determines the resources, the borders, the optimal deployment areas, the war zones, the course of the fronts and the war goals.
The war concepts don't change either. They are only adjusted to the situation. In this way, neither the relationships between the winners and losers nor the psychology of the respective societies and their individual members change. They repeat over and over again.
Large societies that have a long and documented history, such as China, India, Iran, Russia and United Kingdom, act on these experiences and fail if they forget or neglect them. The level of awareness of this wealth of experience determines the quality of a society. Those who do not know their historical mistakes will commit them again.
On the other hand, if we are dealing with a relatively young society like that of the Germans, which is also located on a sensitive geography, where at the end of its greatest conflicts it only survived with total submission and is traumatized, then our own experience and distorted perception is not enough to avoid historical mistakes. In that case it is worth taking an external perspective and learning from the experiences of the other societies, because history belongs to all humanity and would be stupid to split it into reduced, distorted religious, nationalistic, racist or other ideological schemes.
So for the sake of survival, we should learn from the rise, decline and extinction of Carthage, because Germany and thus the European Union are the Carthage of our time, shortly before its final extinction!
3. Summary history of Carthage (Kart Hadasht)
There are many sources about Carthage, but because of its very summarizing beginning I will quote from a website.
The Death of the Carthaginian Empire 149-146 BCE
"The Siege of Carthage makes for quite a sad story when put into context. A proud trading empire fights two long wars, only to lose both and pay for it dearly. Their enemy now controlling far more territory, the Carthaginians bend to their will and even offer to pay their fifty years of war reparations after only a decade. Once the city started to get a taste of freedom and a hint of the commercial power coming back, they were invaded and crushed by their much more powerful enemy. Within a few generations, the great empire of Carthage withered and finally died in a massive assault on the city."
"After the fifty year war debt was paid off the Romans began to grow suspicious of Carthage. Wary of how soon they had the capacity to pay off their debt and the memories of the terror of Hannibal prompted some, including the outspoken senator Cato, to call for Carthage to be destroyed once and for all."
![]() | |
"The Romans, once they generally accepted that Carthage could not be around anymore, started looking for ways to start a “just” war."
By the way, Romans also destroyed Corinth at the same time!
"The parallel destruction of Carthage and Corinth within only a few months of each other is an example of Rome’s ability to exercise its power. Both cities were large, prosperous, and threatening to the prospect of Roman expansion."
The doctrine of current global empire to conduct two wars and to keep fleets on two oceans, seems to be a copy of this Roman example, nothing original and new.
4. Components of the concept
I reduce the historic knowledge to a schematic perspective here. So please try to understand the concept instead of expecting me to write a long history.
Now we have all elements for the concept of Carthage Syndrome:
- Two huge wars!
- A winner of both.
- Two losers of both with total capitulation.
- Fast economic recovery of capitulants.
- Third just war of elimination!
Germany and Japan!
We could also say ...
Ceterum censeo Germaniam esse delendam ... Nipponiam esse delendam!
- Germany and Japan started and conducted two huge wars.
- Winner of both wars was USA with allies.
- Capitulants of both wars were Germany and Japan.
- Both recovered economically very fast.
- Only a "just 3. war" can stop them from gaining upper hand.
They consider themselves as "friends" of USA, aren't they?
Is this also the view of USA as the winner of the wars?
5. Setting the imperial order
Are the relations of states based on friendship or on power and interests?
Can it ever be in the interest of the victor to treat the capitulants of WWI and WWII as partners and friends?
Even if there weren't the wars, could the interests of USA be ever the same like the ones of Germany and/or Japan?
It is rather in the interests of the capitulant to adapt himself so much to the victor that his submission melts like butter in the sun without having to wage another hot war.
Alignment through friendship is the only form of psychological warfare that remains for the loser and promises the greatest success.
The alignment serves to achieve political and economic independence and can result in the economic subjugation of the former winner.
Germany, Japan and USA will never have the same interests, because they are totally on different geographies!
Wars are made to destroy the advantages and gain the resources of the competitors, not to make friends! The status of losers, if they are not annihilated, is vassalage!
It would be an insult on the vanquisher, if the vassals should become partners or competitors.
Germany and Japan are vassals of USA and let us be more precise and say, the USA is the main vassal of BPED and the capitulants are its sub-vassals!
6. Imperial System
Every empire is mainly driven by a monetary system.
Monetary system is the most important component of every complex society!
The owners of empire are always the owners of monetary system. That was the same in all history of humanity. Military clout is needed to extend and secure the monetary system!
As the USA and the BPED are in a very bad economic shape and mainly Germany is flourishing but also Japan has a very industrialized economy, only a WWIII can save the USA from loss of the economic side of war, which would make the main base of BPED totally useless and probably end the existence of current imperial complex altogether.
But wait, the strategic status is not so easy. Destroying defenseless sub-vassals wouldn't be a huge effort for the USA, without having a reason for a "just war". There are also two other big competitors, namely Russian Federation and China, followed by less powerful but resistant and deterrent state of Iran and the economic competitors Brasil, India and South Africa, which are part of the BRICS, together with China and Russia!
Under this complex conditions an attack on Germany and Japan could not be "justified", it would also be counterproductive.
Throwing the sub-vassals into a devastating "just wars" against Russia and China and letting both enemy realms eliminate each other would be a more effective solution. That would create a similarity to the strategy of WWI and WWII, and the Island Mainland Concept could be applied a third time.
7. Victim Syndrome
Before opening the Island Mainland Concept I would like to explain the psychology of the capitulant vassals.
When a society has to accept total submission under fear of total annihilation, all the testosterone driven leaders are already dead, imprisoned or have escaped. The society has not a leadership anymore and is owned and lead by the victorious enemy.
The victor may not satisfy himself with submission but decide to kill all members of the defenseless society.
In that existential fear the defeated and defenseless go into
- denial of responsibility,
- denial of association with the former leadership,
- denial of involvement in any criminal acts,
- denial of contribution into the defeated system,
- denial of support of defeated system,
- denial of knowledge about the acts of the defeated system,
All become ...
- political dissidents,
- hidden resisters and
- welcome the former enemy as liberator,
- began to imitate the enemy clothing, feeding, entertainment customs,
- learn the language and
- assimilate themselves to the enemy,
This is not a particular behavior of humans, but all primates and many other social mammals behave the same way. Women are always part of the war booty. Women are biologically the most important component of the society, because they can breed the children of the former enemy.
Current German society is a perfect example of victim psychology, it lives, breathes, eats, sweats, vomits every day this mentality of submission and deem this as common way of life.
During a talk show in German TV about the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea, the minister of defense, Ursula von der Leyen, demanded from Russia to "behave like Germany", sign the result of a "2+4 peace talk"! The reaction of attending Russian journalist Dmitri Tultschinski was more diplomatically then in my translation here, "You know that Russia and the other 3 were part of the 2+4 talks because these were winners of WWII and had rights on Germany?". Mrs. von der Leyen was so deeply in her victim psychology, that she expected from a victorious state to be behave like a capitulant.
I could not find the video document on youtube and will embed it as soon when I find a new source! It seems to be "lost"! If You have this source please contact me by commenting!
Definitely, the video was removed from youtube, I could not find it on Google, but solved the desperate search!
At last I have found the video on youtube by a search on It is a very revealing and important document!
It is caught from a stream and therefore not against the censoring German law (TAKEN from a stream as not against any copy right law!). Unfortunately censored again on Youtube, but you can see it on the following blog page!
Update: Dimitri Tultschinski, the 4 allies still rule Germany
But this one have also been deleted.
In Germany the denial mentality is so powerful, that everything is censored and in parallel they sell the world to have a "perfect democracy" and the best "Grundgesetz" as constitution.
Just for clearance the right word for constitution in German is "Verfassung" and "Grundgesetz" was implemented according the "Hague Conventions for War on Land" by the occupying forces of West Germany after WWII. This "Grundgesetz" was never confirmed by a popular referendum and therefore did not get the grade of a constitution, as well as Germany never became a sovereign state since the end of WWII!!
Germany could not, according to the rules of international law, conclude a peace treaty with all enemies of World War II because it was divided and the zones of occupation were not sovereign successors of the enemy state (3rd Reich)!
Nothing can be changed from current state. The legal bodies that existed and had to surrender in geographical Germany no longer exist and there is no meaningful interest in artificially reviving them only for the purpose of legal cementation of a peace treaty. It would make no sense, either economically or politically, to change anything about this. IMHO the current status is best for everyone involved.
Japan got a peace treaty in San Francisco, officially with 48 enemy states. It was rejected by Soviet Union and not attended by China, as the government status of China was not unique - the reason of Taiwan's separation and the "One-China-Policy" of the USA.
This victim psychology was so successful in West Germany, that the empire has applied it on other vassals and globalized it. All member states of EU, NATO and many others under imperial influence are treated like submitted West Germany and they behave accordingly.
GREAT MAN! #Putin calls for cultural self preservation of #European tradition, religion & race! #BBC #SKY #ITV #CBS — SUPPORTING BREXIT (@EUVoteLeave23rd) 25. Dezember 2016
Nobody should be surprised if he ends up at the butcher after feeling safe under the "protection of the good shepherd".
Never expect an imperial complex to consider itself a "partner" of its vassals. From the point of view of the empire, they always remain vassals. No slogan, no conference, and no friendly diplomacy will ever change that.
In the case of Germany, vassalage is temporarily advantageous and any breakout from this state is dangerous for the Germans and other states and peoples. Germans always "want to save the world", which inevitably results in a total war and Germany's demise.
IMHO, Germany and the Germans have to be kept under control and with limited power to save them and the world from their "good Intentions". Germans are traumatized crazy people. Their perception of the reality is biased in a very dangerous way. So, please treat them carefully and don't fall into their freeky perspective.
Were the (West) Germans re-educated after the war with game shows from the American psychiatry?
When the "grandfather" of West German entertainment television Joachim Fuchsberger was asked in 2004 about his 1960s game show "Just Don't Get Nervous," he confessed that the games came from American psychiatry and that the therapy was for "a crazy mentally disturbed nation”.
As early as 1943, the psychiatrist Richard M. Brickner stated in his study “Is Germany Incurable?” that the Germans, with their Germanness and their Prussianness, were psychologically disturbed and needed re-education towards the Anglo-Saxon norm, with the aim of a permanent revolution , to create a (world) society in which all people are equal, are freed from tradition and Christianity and the nations unite to form a world federal state.
In his brilliant documentary “Overgames: Re-education as a permanent revolution” and I honestly can hardly believe that this happened on the public broadcaster Arte:
— Benjamin Kaiser (@KaiserBenKaiser) February 9, 2024
8. Island Mainland Theory
The apes on the island can observe a war between the huge ape tribes on the mainland securely. They are not part of the hostile trouble and don't need to involve. The island even becomes a save haven for some refugees with or without wealth from mainland.
After the devastation they can easily swim over and conquer the land and grab the resources which are not available on the island.
With the gradual recovery of the mainlanders and peaceful relations of trade and intermarriage the mainland will become important, powerful and united again, but that would also mean the island is becoming gradually less important as in a save atmosphere no save haven is required.
The geographic advantage of the island during war times becomes a disadvantage during peace times.
Observing this demise the strategists on the island would wish and seek to trigger another huge war on the mainland.
To enable that, the islanders would need to
- look for new potential division lines and
- make them crack and divide the mainlanders,
- spread hatred and fear and
- sell weapons and
- instigate false-flag terrorizing attacks!
What do we learn from that?
Eurasia and Africa are together the mainland and USA is the island, even in relation with Canada and Latin America, USA remains a strange island, far away from all important resources to feed and keep a huge population and and imperial complex together.
The imperial complex needs to instigate a WWIII on the mainland, more devastating than the former world wars.
According to the geostrategic logic of Island Mainland Theory, WWIII is inevitable!
9. Mission impossible!
The island is far separated from all main energy resources by about 6,000 km wide and also very deep oceans. Where all mainlanders build land infrastructure of highways, railways, pipelines the island depend on expensive airways and seaways to reach the resources and markets. As the interconnection of mainland markets grows and manifolds, the discrepancy of separation to the island grows and becomes more manifested.
Iron Silk Road: Train connecting China to Europe passes Turkey
China-Poland express railway transports goods and friendship
Sri Lanka opens Chinese-built 'mega port'
Adding insult to embarrassment, the economic separation doesn't mean also military security, because modern warfare of hypersonic bombers, ballistic rockets, cruise missiles fired from war ships, submarines, jets and land eliminates the isolating protection.
The mainlanders have learned their lessons and will never again be attacked from island without according reaction.
The military arsenal of only Russia, which is now presented with glory in Syria, the growing defensive Chinese marine force and even the deterring defensive rocket and marine power of Iran makes a break-in onto the mainland a suicidal mission.
Similar to the less costly access to the resources on the mainland, also defense against an attack from island is done with minimal efforts compared to the required investment by the islanders. Many people wonder about the huge military budget of the USA compared to that of China, Russia and all other states, but the mainlanders need much less military to reach much more.
Geography is the main military asset!
10. Geography is also the main resource asset!
Is it the fault of the empire that the Russians, Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans sit on the land and under the sky of imperial resources? :-)
Whatever the geoengineering propaganda may spread about "alternative, clean, sustainable energy", all that is only made for distraction from ever growing production of shale petrol and gas, made available by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) methods. By fracking legacy resources are quadrupled and much more areas become exploitable only by fracking!
Fracking eliminates the fear of peak oil and changes the formerly non-feasible areas into fracking boomers.

But, the driving material for fracking, as it is in indicated by the notion of "hydraulic" is water. With dependence on fracking, water has become the main foundation of fuel production. Just to prevent irritation, the required type of water is at best rain water. Salty seawater cannot be used for fracking. Desalination of water would consume more fuel as can be exploited by fracking!
The dependence on water has already changed the geostrategic power balance. The power and wealth of countries has to be measured according their fracking suitable water! The mining field of this water is the troposphere, the ground is used for storage!
Even the ice caps become valuable, because they harbor huge reserves of sweet water, which needs to be lifted and transported across troposphere.
When we look at the states owning chunks of arctic region, Russia is the biggest owner of arctic water, in addition Russia has Siberia as third ice cap. Additionally Siberia constitutes a natural >methane-collecting basin, an eternal gasproduction machine, guaranteeing an endless source of energy for the owner.
The Himalayas are another huge water storage site. China owns the biggest part of it and the support of CIA for the Tibetan independence gets a geopolitical sense, within this context.
As we should know, Antarctica is free of state ownership, except a small chunk of Argentina.
The mounts of Kurdistan as a water barrier and storage make it the most pivotal site of Middle East. Who could have imagined this? The ones who know about that are thinking, planning and building since decades there. Kurdistan is not only the source of the most important water supplying rivers of the region, but also harbors many supersize dams.
Turkey’s GAP and its Impact in the Region
Dams and Politics in Turkey: Utilizing Water, Developing Conflict
Ilısu Dam
Atatürk Dam, Euphrates River, Anatolia, Turkey
Kurdistan also harbors huge gas and petrol reserves as well as many other minerals. It is one of the oldest gold and silver mining places since the beginning of civilization 7,000 ago. You may now understand, why the global empire is investing big efforts into the foundation of united Kurdistan as a independent state. First the existing states have to be broken to release the required space. This project may even not be against the interests of Russia, China and Iran, as long as Iran is not touched.
European airspace for transit from Arctic to Arabia and Africa is indispensable route for the shale oil and gas industry and the dependent petrodollar system.
Yemen as another route of water lifted from Indian Ocean for delivery to Arabia becomes valuable. This value is currently expressed by total bombardment and total starve out of the Yemeni population. Obviously the geoengineering mafia needs the airspace but not the state and least the people of Yemen.
All the oceans, where the evaporation can be increased and accelerated become area of water conflicts.
Please sit down, think and raise your imagination to grab the brisance of this change.
11. Global Water Cycle Administration
Geoengineering Governance!
The inclusion of water cycle makes the global power game much more complicated and more damaging.
New global sharing with global agreements on arctic, oceanic, tropospheric water need to be made. This process is ongoing and disguised under a distracting religious propganda with brainwashing NLP slogans of "global warming", "climate change", "CO2 certificates and taxes", "sustainability", "CO2(water)-footprint", "adaptation" etc. and by building fake authorities!
All what is done is the distribution of water rights.
Why does it need to be disguised?
It is illegal under all existing national, international, civil, military, natural and custom right systems!
The humanity accepted the rain as natural and God given, except praying and begging, they did not influence the amount and timing of rain. There is no concept for administration of global water cycle!
12. Water & Carbon Empire
The survival of bankrupt bubbling money system depends now on grabbing control of the global water cycle. As water is the foundation of fuel production by hydraulic fracturing.
For reaching this target it has to conquer Russia! Without owning the water and carbon resources of Russian Federation the Global Water & Carbon Empire will never come to exist.
The empire won't get it without a global war!
What many don't realize is, we have already entered WWIII! Its main weapon is deemed as bad weather!
It's intentional and/or collateral damage comes as drought, flash flood, super sized hail, extreme lightning, mass suffocation, mass death in oceans and on land, global poisoning as aerotoxicsyndrome, thunderstorm asthma, superstorms and waterspouts, sunlight dimming, photosynthesis reduction, vitaminD deficiency, CO2 rise, O2 decrease, hot wars along the tropospheric water routes.
Germany has become Carthage, the globe has become West Germany and the new slogan is "ceterum censeo orbis esse delendam"!
What can be done will be done for the survival of empire, whatever it costs!
If we don't stop geoengineering now, the geoengineering mafia will offer its "success" to the next imperial center, which will be China, even if that would mean the preparation of the downfall of China as a state!
13. Further Resources
America’s Secret Planned Conquest of Russia
Published on January 2, 2017
"This concept became respectable in U.S. academic and governmental policymaking circles when virtually simultaneously in 2006 a short-form and a long-form version of an article endorsing the concept, which the article’s two co-authors there named “nuclear primacy,” were published respectively in the world’s two most influential journals of international affairs, Foreign Affairs from the Council on Foreign Relations, and International Security from Harvard."
"However, many of America’s (and associated) elite are paying those bomb-shelter expenses, but none of the West’s elite are condemning the path toward nuclear war that their governments are on. So: buying or building nuclear-war shelters is more acceptable to them than is stopping America’s planned conquest of Russia. The higher priority is to conquer Russia."
US-Tank-Brigade in Bremerhaven: To protect it against the Russians, we need to destroy Europe!
Bismarck was a framed hero, but made a last good warning!
He knew, what he was talking about and what would come!
"Germany, never ever attack Russia!"
We all know hat this ended, two times! The third time will be the total nemesis!
Von der Leyen is preparing this 3rd downfall. She is build the canon fodder arm!
Regarding the article cited below, it should be said that the "upset with Turkey" is based on the participation of German soldiers in the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016 against the legitimate government of Turkey. The Armenian resolution is only a distraction for the German population. The same German soldiers are also involved in the illegal military actions against the Syrian Arab Army and Syrian Government! Statements about ISIS are apologizing cover for that.
From German: Last German soldiers leave Incirlik
"After a lengthy dispute with Turkey, the Bundestag decided in June to withdraw the Bundeswehr from the Incirlik air force base. The withdrawal of troops has now ended. The units will be relocated to Jordan."
Here is the first lecture in its unabridged original version!
George Friedman, "Europe: Destined for Conflict?"
George Friedman: Eurasia Is Undergoing Massive Destabilization
Instead of standing NATO troops in Eastern Europe, persisting "rotation".
Steady NATO-Rotation against "Russian Aggression": US-Militäry rolls through the small Sachsonian town
Declaration of war against BPED!
May Donald Trump eliminate this evil from the face of the world!
How to save the USA? POTUS Donald Trump, DIVIDE, RULE & ELIMINATE the imperial complex by separating its components!
Warschau: US-Konzerne finanzieren Kriegsspiel gegen Russland
[ US corporations finance the war games against Russia ]

Some people ask, why were so many young men steered to come as refugees to Europe and particularly to Germany?
The answer is very simple. The war in preparation against Russia needs cheap cannon fodder!
Flinten-Uschi will Bundeswehr mit tausenden Soldaten aufstocken – auch mit Migranten?
[ German minister of defense wants to expand the army - also with migrants? ]
Bundeswehr will Anteil der Migranten erhöhen
[ German army wants to increase the share of migrants ]
War on terror is in reality the war against the world for the survival of empire!
US-Interventionen: Droht Georgien das gleiche Schicksal wie der Ukraine? [US-Interventions: Is Georgia threatened by the same fate like Ukraine?]
Lavrov: Nations That Hop Into Bed With NATO Have ‘Succumbed’ to Washington’s ‘Ultimatum’
"Russia's Foreign Minister says Montenegro will have to live with the economic and political consequences of joining NATO"
Lavrov Gives Landmark Speech: New Centers of Economic Power Will End US 'Global Domination'
"The redistribution of the global balance of power continues. We are witnessing new centres of economic power and associated political influence come into being in the world...The formation of a polycentric international order is an objective process. It is in our common interest to make it more stable and predictable."
14. Ruling by chaos & terror, now in Myanmar!
The atrocities in Myanmar are hugely ignored by the Crap-News-Network of the BPED. The reason is in such cases is to cover the imperial activity in this area, by making it "invisible" from public consciousness.
The imperial projects are like Hollywood films, they work according prescribed manuals and concepts.
The genocide in Myanmar is rolled out similar to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo conflict. The target there was the establishment of the huge military base Camp Bondsteel, which was realized!
The conflict in Myanmar is made to prepare the establishment of a military base at the entrance to the south-east Asia from the Indian Ocean!
Some hint is in the following article.
Is the US Positioning Itself for A Military Presence in Myanmar? Using the “Rohingya Crisis” as a Pretext?
And also here:
US begins tenuous military relationship with Myanmar
15. Further thought about Germany
Germany is the new Carthage short before its elimination!
Germans pretend to be very self confident, but they are also extremely dumb and mind-blinded enough to walk a third time into a world war against Russia!
German soldiers are already "leading" the amassed #NATO soldiers at the Russian border!
The main weapon of the ongoing war is ClimateControl and the application is named Geophysical Warfare!
Germans have the mentality to become extrem! They get more catholic that the Pope, more environmentalist than the nature, more stretching out than the real Imperialists, more exploiting than the real Colonialists, more submissive than any war loser.
From the perspective of the empire the WWI has not finished, Germany as replacement of Deutsches Reich, Republic of Turkey as replacement of Ottoman Empire, European Union as a replacement of Habsburger Reich still exists. They have not fulfilled their task to conquer Russia yet, so why not burn them a third time.
OK, Germans are not able to be so aggressive, the post-traumatic disease of former wars made them too submissive and to "peaceful", but no problem. Cannon fodder with the same "German mentality" is coming by foot from the devastated lands of Middle East.
Many things can be blamed on the empire but it is not racist by selecting its war material!
Sie fürchten das bloße Wort!
[They fear the mere word!]
"Everything may be lost: The vassal state BRD, the EU, the Empire."
We have been deliberately lied to for many decades !!!!
The Germans run ahead!
They are the perfect vassal because they can completely displace their vassalage and pretend that they are acting in the “national interest”.
The problem of the Germans is their constant mental clumsiness, which is why they do not recognize the fine fraud by angular diplomacy.
The British, on the other hand, are masters of angular diplomacy!
They have left part of their competence to the United States since the end of World War II! I would like to recommend the following article. First of all, it should be noted that if the Germans are to "take the lead", then the big downfall is not far away! Here are a few quotes from the article:
The time has come again: Ex-US ambassador calls "The Germans to the front!"
9.02.2018 • 06:30 Uhr
"On June 22, 1900, the British admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour (1840-1929) - under his command of an eight-nation force to discipline the rebellious Chinese - had to end his foray into Beijing and initiate a retreat. At that moment his command came: "The Germans to the front!". This force of a coalition of the willing should only be surpassed in 1991 by the march against Iraq ("Desert Storm")."

"The history books still refer to the so-called Hun speech by Emperor Wilhelm II, who on July 27, 1900, when another contingent embarked, asked his soldiers not to be sorry. In addition to this speech, the bloodiest German military action since 1945 will also be mentioned in the future:"
"The bombardment of two tankers in Kunduz on September 4, 2009, which killed between 91 and 141 people! The families of these 91 dead and eleven seriously injured each received $ 5,000. The command to bomb was given by the then 48-year-old German Colonel Georg Klein, who was later promoted to Brigadier General despite this catastrophic wrong decision."
"Apparently there is something martial about the Germans during the war - at least as far as the image abroad is concerned."
"Greatest hope of liberal democracy"
"And now should they take responsibility for European security policy? On February 6, 2018, Prof. James D. Bindenagel, retired U.S. Ambassador and head of the "Center for International Security and Governance" at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, with his SZ article "New World Order" in the intellectual footsteps of Admiral Seymour:"
"The United States has given up its leadership role, now Germany must bear more responsibility "- and take the leadership role."
16. The empire find its end in Syria!
With the attack on Syria, Donald Trump proved that he is now totally under the control of military imperial pervert bankster complex.
From now on Trump's presidency is a disaster for USA and for the world.
He won't be able to fulfill the only mission he was elected for, which is the elimination of military imperial pervert bankster complex from USA!
Every move he makes now will bring more misery on USA and more time of survival for the military imperial pervert bankster complex
All hope is gone!
Nobody should compare Donald Trump to Al-Skandar and certainly not to Cyrus the Great! Trump has neither the strategic skill of Al-Skandar nor the statesman's brilliance of Cyrus the Great. Above all, Trump has little backing in the US state apparatus.
Donald the Great? Alexander, the Middle East, and President Trump
Guy MacLean Rogers, 19 January 2017 11:39 UTC
Alexander the Great's name was SKANDAR, during the Islamic era the article "al" was added. The badly educated Europeans adapted this and turned his name to "Alexander".
However, Al-Skandar was not really great, he was a catastrophe. He destroyed one of the biggest and wealthy empires of that time and was never able to rule it. He was even unable to regulate the leadership after his death. Therefore the catastrophe became an endless nightmare during the wars between his generals.
Cyrus was a real great statesman, because he built the foundation of the great empire, which sadly was destroyed by Al-Skandar.
Donald Trump has not the intelligence, the support and the conditions, which were available when Cyrus founded his empire.
Donald Trump is more like the last emperor of Assyria, before it was conquered by the Medians. So Donald Trump may be the last president of the USA as we know it!
Regarding the following tweet, it should be noted that politics in California is not socialist, but deep-state-corporatist. California is a state disenfranchised by debt obligations that has had to cede its water rights to the corporatists of industrial agriculture and nuclear fracking of oil and gas in New Mexico and Texas. — Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) 15. Januar 2018
This video was taken in Orange County, California recently.
It is over 10-minutes long, only 2:20 can be uploaded to Twitter.
This is the result of socialism and left-wing politics. — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) 16. Januar 2018
17. Historic documents
US Army Chief: Because of Russian Threat, we have to send more troops to Europe
20.11.2017 • 06:45 Uhr
Russia to revive the Soviet project of a giant torpedo
"“Now there is a tendency to return to ideas that were not realized before. Now Sakharov’s views on the production of torpedoes 24 meters in length, 1.5 meters in diameter with a nuclear warhead and a range of 50 kilometers, are being re-examined, ” Shamil Aliyev said."
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