- Truth is always the opposite of the lie!
- Abuse without resistance!
- The dumbness of the victim is the main asset of the deceiver!
- Neutralize NLP with Counter-NLP!
- Reversal of processes!
- Mythological Monsters!
1. Truth is always the opposite of the lie!
Dear friends and readers, every fraud begins with a fundamental lie. No deceiver lives from the truth, he is compelled to lie.
The proven method of finding the truth is simple, just assume the opposite of the lie!
If the liars claim, CO2 would heat the Earth, then the opposite is, that CO2 is contributing to the cooling of the Earth surface!
The liars could also claim, water vapor would heat the Earth, but the cooling effect of water is too obvious for the layman.
The liar could be caught too early, the victims could resist the fraud or even decide to punish the deceiver dearly.
2. Abuse without resistance!
The psychology of abuse works by tricking victims to think that they are being protected from the things that are being done to them, like ...
UV radiation, which is increased by intentional perforation of the ozone layer,
warming and heat waves, which are the desired consequence of the ozone holes,
extreme weather events, which are the impact of horizontal shift of humidity by climate control,
fine dust, which consists of, fly ash from coal-fired power plants and sulfur powder from oil refiners,
asbestos, which is also available in bulk and inexpensively and, due to its structure, particularly suitable for aerosol formation,
viruses that are developed and released as part of biological and psychological warfare,
earthquakes and tsunamis that result from nuclear fracking,
radioactivity, which is also a result of nuclear fracking,
nuclear bombs, as without them no fracking would be possible,
extinction of species, which is an inevitable consequence of all types of geoengineering.
Precisely what is so aggressively framed as "protection" in the mass media is the crime that is done to humanity and nature.
The pretended care distracts the victims from the crimes of their abusers and prevents them from questioning, thinking and defending themselves.
The victims should learn everything necessary about carbon dioxide and meteorology, to protect themselves from being deceived. It is really not that much to learn. Nearly all required knowledge and also the exposure of the fraud is offered here in the Geoarchitektur-Blog.
Basic knowledge about CO2 is commonly available. Only those who have knowledge are able to ask the necessary questions!
All the CO2 fraud is not highly sophisticated. In contrary it is shockingly dumb and an insult on the intelligence of every human who fell into that trap.
The liars depend, as on other big lies, on their manipulation machinery consisting of presstitutes, maulhuren and science-whores.
It is very important to name these pretenders and perpetrators accurately, to avoid mixing them with and to protect the real news services, journalists and scientists.
4. Neutralize NLP by Counter-NLP!
It is always the same trick, the merchant with the worst tomatoes is the laudest crying on the market!
The daily propaganda is dazzling the mind!
Don't be fooled by suggestive manipulation by language!
IMHO always the victim is to blame for his own dumbness!
All required knowledge is freely available! Nothing is really secret, nothing is hidden or could be hidden!
Nothing is spared from health and life impact of geoengineering, also not the obedient servants of the fraud and the swindlers themselves. Think about it, every time planning a flight or sitting in an airplane or just seeing one.
SRM chemtrails make aviation very dangerous, the reason for aerotoxicsyndrome!
Open Your mind & eyes, the opposite is the truth about CO2!
Take pictures when You fly! Recognize the height and outside temperature!
How far are You manipulated?
Question Yourself by listening to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld, which part of the manipulation is Yours? (in German)
Rainer Mausfeld: „Why are the lambs silent?“ - Techniques of opinion and outrage management
Jun 28, 2015 (in German)
Rainer Mausfeld: „Why are the lambs silent?“ - discussion
Jun 28, 2015 (German)
Australia's Fraudulent Climate Change "Science" Exposed
Nigel Farage confronts Barroso on global warming scam (State of the Union 2013)
Climate Change HOAX exposed by Geologist straight to the UK Govt
Gain deeper insight to learn the real reason!
The corona fraud reveals that the lie also consists in the reversal of procedures.
- without symptoms,
- without disease and
- without consultation of a physician
- intentional abuse of notions,
- manipulation of statistics,
- think up of statistically senseless values,
- agitation with absolute values,
- definition of untenable, unrealistic thresholds,
- exclusion of relations,
- bribing the relatives of the deceased, to register them as corona deaths,
- faking of disease data, to generate more corona cases and corona deaths,
- threatening and compelling of senseless, damaging, wrong and fake protection measures,
- blackmailing to mask compulsion by high penalty fees,
- economic ruin and enforced closure of shops,
- etc.
6. Mythological Monsters!
The worst monsters are those who are too pervert, coward, and devious to flaunt their wickedness. They prefer the way of manipulation and lying to lead their victims to voluntary annihilation.
Don't do what the mythological monsters of our times want, recommend, ask for and require from You to do! Just do the opposite!
In many cultures there is a gruesome time under the rule and abuse of mythological monsters and with the elimination of them the new era of freedom begins.
Who are the mythological monsters of our times?
Here is the a small collection of the worst, most powerful and most dangerous monsters!
Goldman Sachs boss says banks do "God's work"
"The chief executive of Goldman Sachs, which has attracted widespread media attention over the size of its staff bonuses, believes banks serve a social purpose and are doing “God’s work.”"
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