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The global, imperial Deep State is Zionism, is Israel! The biggest & best organized crime network!


  1. Zionist Criminal Network is exposing itself!
  2. Zionism is a nightmare of humanity!
  3. Separation from Zionism is the only option!
  4. USA is exploited by the Zionist Criminal Network!
  5. Israel is Epstein Island 2.0!
  6. Palestine should have been the launchpad for Zionist Empire
  7. Israel is a walking dead!
  8. Statements about Zio-Deep-State!
  9. Connected articles

1. Zionist Criminal Network is exposing itself!

With the openly declared war of ethnic cleansing, annihilation & endless land-grab in Palestine, the Zionist Network reveals itself to the public as a global danger for the humanity, which is now divided in a extreme minority of pro-Zionists and billions of Palestinians.

This open carnage by Netanyahu & his bloody bandits may also be an intended sacrifice with the intention to dump Israel, because it becomes more a burden than a benefit for the Zionist Network.

The Zionist Network is a undeclared global state, where most of the globalist corporations and all the affiliated ones have to pay a Deep State Tax accounted as a counseling fee. Currently all this money is transferred to Israel, in addition to all the billions of Dollars & Euros, which come from USA & European Union.

As it is clearly visible now, Israel becomes more and more a playground for religious and racist fanatics, who have a false perception that the humanity will accept them to murder, steal, exterminate, abuse, torture & curse freely without any repercussion. These people are not just crazy, they are deadly dangerous and stupid. 

I assume the higher echelons of Zionist Network would be more intelligent. They may want to rule the globe, but must not be fanatic idiots, to risk all their global power for a heap of bloodthirsty idiots.

Currently it is fair to say!

ISRAEL is the deep-state!
ISRAEL is the global perversion network!
ISRAEL is the global hub for trade of organs, harvested from Palestinians & refugees!
ISRAEL is the global hub for, human trade!
ISRAEL is the global hub for prostitution!
ISRAEL is the uniparty of USA & Europe!
ISRAEL is the swamp!
ISRAEL is killing the leaders!
ISRAEL is perverting the whole society!
ISRAEL is building pervert cults!
ISRAEL is killing people to trade human organs!
ISRAEL is behind Jeffrey Epstein's abuse & blackmail scheme!
ISRAEL is the center of global Zionist gangster & fraud network!
ISRAEL is the hiding place for pedophiles, thieves & murderers!

This crazy guy (Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi) is twisting the history, but also revealing the dominance of Zionist network in USA & west European countries.

2. Zionism is a nightmare of humanity!

The pro-Israel network has gone too far. It is not only involved in open lobbying, but also all kinds of blackmail, as well as trading of humans, weapons, drugs & money fraud, unofficial deep state taxes. Combined with the ideology of Zionism it has become the worst nightmare of humanity.

There are no good intentions, good targets, good deeds. The whole Israel Complex is only an abhorrent abyss for the humanity, as it acts globally over global corporations, secret services & secret societies. In the consequence it generates global resistance & will cause global vengeance. What is done to the Palestinians is done and will be done to all humanity.

Israel is so gruesome against the Palestinians, because it has a gruesome ideology and nothing but that. The believers consider all other people as subhumans, as non-humans, as animals, as openly expressed about the Palestinians.

Zionists claim for themselves the right to rape, right to genocide, right to starve, right to harvest organ from Palestinians and all other people!

3. Separation from Zionism is the only option!

It is up to the Israelis to separate themselves from Zionism, but this also means to end the Israel entity and establish a Palestinian state on the complete territory of Palestine. No Zionism means only Palestine. There is no other option.

IMHO, the global Zionist Network has to dump Israel and support Palestine and become more fair and integrated into the global societies.

They should support the resistance against the globalist Eugenics organizations like WEF, WHO, World Bank, UNESCO & more. WEF is a breeding house for banal fascists, who repeat what the Nazis did, now at global scale!

At the end, the globalist Nazis will turn against the Jews, like the nationalist Nazis did! The COVID injections are nothing but the upgraded ones of the Nazi Dr. Mengele!

The Zionist Network should give up all Eugenics, Racism, Zionism. That means a big chunk of Zionists have to separate themselves from Zionist Network and become Palestine Network, as Jews or secular people with Jewish background.

Israel was from the start a stupid idea, a poisonous fruit against the Jews as a religious community & the globally organized Jewish Power Network. Dump it asap!

4. USA is exploited by the Zionist Criminal Network!

Why Israel Matters to Americans
AJ+, Nov 4, 2022

"There’s undoubtedly a very special relationship between Israel and the United States. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in the British Mandate of Palestine, the two countries have had deep ideological, political and spiritual ties. This unique relationship between the two has resulted in shielding Israel from criticism and accountability for its occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for over seven decades. Yet can this relationship be explained simply by the role of Zionist lobbying? By U.S. foreign policy objectives? Can American support for Israel be simply explained as continued empathy for the horrors of the Holocaust? Or is the truth closer to home and in the mirror?

In the season finale of Backspace, Sana looks at how the story of Israel has been constructed in the United States — and the very American story at its root, where the indigenous of the land are rendered visible in a very particular way

Look how deep the Zionist Deep States sits on in the head of US-based global Empire.

5. Israel is Epstein Island 2.0!

Israel is also the global empire of the pedophiles and all kinds of perverts! Epstein is just the peak of the iceberg.

6. Palestine should have been the launchpad for the Zionist Empire

Some people think, that if HAMAS in Gaza is defeated, than in Israel would be peace & harmony, but that cannot be case, as it will open for the real territorial target of Zionism: Great Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates 

7. Israel is a walking dead!

Both Israel and USA are at the end of their abilities. They have lost all support from other countries and people. Also militarily the war is already lost for Israel. Non of the targets of the Netanyahu regime will be reached. While the Zionist army was bombarding and killing over 20 thousand civilians, HAMAS and allies have eliminated thousands of IDF soldiers and destroyed many hundred military vehicles.

That was an pre-planned sacrifice to create reason for a "just war" to totally destroy & ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip. Idiots Zionist stratgists hoped that the people would flee to Egypt & Jordan!

HAMAS had no other choice but to answer & did it by humiliating the IDF.

Billions of Dollars & Euros from USA, EU, all big & small corporations in the Zionists mafia network won't make it possible to reach this target. Israel is already a walking dead. Many religious & secular Israelis recognize the ugly & gruesome face of Zionism. They'll leave it!

Whoever isn't aware of the differences between Jews & Zionists, here is a summary!

Zionist US citizens are never loyal to USA?
Jewish US citizens are loyal to USA!
Israel is not a Jewish but a Zionist state!
Jews follow Judaism of holy Torah.
Zionism is against holy Torah!
Zionism is not Judaism!
Jewish US citizens are against Israel & all Zionist activities!

8. Statements about Zio-Deep-State!

Cynthia McKinney says that every member of the Congress has to sign a "pledge" for Israel!

Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels
If Americans Knew, Mar 18, 2019

There is tremendous pressure inside the political process to make sure that the voters stay aligned inside, either the Democrat or Republican Party's. Why? Because both of those parties have been captured by special interests and those special interests are quite frankly the antithesis of the interests of the people.

And so therefore for example if people in the united states care about education but unfortunately there's a banker that gets in between the student and the student's ability to go to school.

If they care about health care there's the insurance industry that gets in between the patient and the doctor who is seeking to provide care.

And so we have all of these special interests that have positioned themselves in between the political decision makers and the people themselves.

The process now is more responsive to those special interests than it is to the values and the wishes of the American people!

And I first went to Congress I did not go to pay particular attention to any area outside of the black community that I represented it was in need and of course US-Africa policy which was abhorrent.

And unfortunately still is but what I ran into I bumped into at almost every turn were these special interests and there's no more special interest that has any more influence than the pro-Israel lobby.

And so then when I did outreach for example to the Muslim community in the United States I bumped into the pro-Israel lobby which of course does not want to have to contend with a politicized Muslim community which is as large as and is as wealthy as they pro-Israel lobby is in the United States.

So yes I first handedly and also frontally was assaulted by the presence of the pro-Israel lobby to such an extent (Moderator: Physically assaulted?) well politically assaulted to such an extent that my father had to ask the question publicly:

What does Stone Mountain Georgia have to do with Israel? What I was doing was servicing the needs of my constituents and I was not allowed to do that because I did not tow the line on US policy for Israel.

Moderator: What line is, that they wanted? what were you told directly that you had to toe a line? Or explain that to me.

Well every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge they were given a pledge to sign and I was new on the scene and so the pledge had Jerusalem is a capital city, the military superiority of ...  

Moderator: The American Congress people have to sign this pledge?
Yes, you sign the pledge, if you don't sign the pledge you don't get money. So for example it was almost like water torture for me. My parents observe this I would get a call and the person on the other end of the phone would say I want to do a fundraiser for you and then we would get into the planning. I would get really excited because of course you have to have money in order to run a campaign and then two weeks three weeks into the planning they would say "Did you sign the pledge?" and then I would say "No, I didn't sign the pledge." and then my fundraiser would go kaput.

I made it public this probably nobody insanity think about it but I made it public and then you know the excuse was well you know those were just overzealous and advocates for Israel.

So then the tactic changed and but this is what is done for 535 members of the United States Congress. 100 senators 435 members of the House of Representatives have to now write a paragraph which basically says the same thing so it's not a pledge but it's a paragraph and you post it and you know there are these forums you have to go to at the synagogues or whatever 

And then you know if you don't perform appropriately then you don't get money to run your campaign. The problem is that it requires an awful lot of money to run a campaign and whether it's a woman's organization an environmental organization people can read about this on the internet if they're interested.

If you go to Thomas that is the official United States Congress website and if you put in the name Gus Savage because Gus Savage was a black member of Congress who was targeted by the pro-Israel lobby and he had the foresight to use his position as an incumbent in the House of Representatives to put his experience on the congressional record for the entire existence of the United States Congress. Now people will be able to access his experience and what he wrote was that it was the Garden Club of New Jersey that gave his opponent five thousand dollars but it wasn't really the Garden Club of New Jersey it was the activists who were associated with APEC the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Well the district that I initially represented in Congress I represented so many districts because redistricting was a tool that was used to target me to eliminate me from the Congress but the district that initially sent me there was a district that was comprised of rural blacks in the in the Black Belt of Georgia.

These are people who have not had access to equal opportunity at all the district was challenged in the Supreme Court and with the assistance of the Anti-Defamation League. The district was dismantled it generally takes about $250,000 minimum to take a case from filing up to the Supreme Court and the people who file the the lawsuit to dismantle that they challenged my ability to represent the people of that particular district.

Moderator: Who are these people?
Well actually interestingly there were five white citizens one of whom had been the white male candidate that I defeated in the Democratic primary and they were aided and abetted by the Anti-Defamation League and when the case arrived at the Supreme Court, interestingly on the same day as the an environmental case the spotted owl case the Supreme Court decided that the habitat for the Spotted Isle should be protected but that the black voters in that district could have no protection and so the district was dismantled.

Well I have because of the notoriety about me telling my story and then of course the public positions that I've taken supporting the human rights aspirations, the legitimate rights and the aspirations of the Palestinian people, I have a target on my forehead and that then means that every means that is available to the pro-Israel lobby will be utilized to make sure that I do not ever occupy a position of authority.

Now fortunately for me there is a very large piece community that is interested in change and they would like to have a tested experienced voice representing them in that very Hall of Congress so that they can at least have their voices heard even if they can't change the policy but being there is the first step to having the policy changed.

Rep. Thomas Massie doesn’t care what you think of him, which is pretty great. 
(3:19) Where Does US Debt End? 
(10:32) Why Massie Voted 15 Times Against Funding Israel 
(14:53) AIPAC 
(34:04) Mitch McConnell 
(42:25) Area 51 
(50:32) Massie's Relationship with Trump 
(57:09) Kill Switches in Cars 
(1:05:58) Mike Johnson and the Deep State 
(1:14:34) How Massie Got Into Politics 
(1:18:29) Living off the Grid

9. Connected articles

Some questions & answers about Palestine & Zionism

Dr. Munther Isaac - Christ is under the rubble of Gaza!

All big projects of Netanyahu have failed catastrophically! The defeat against HAMAS will end his political career!

Zionism is seeking endless war! Trying to learn about Zionism from Zionist claims.

Zionists are a remake of Zealots & Nazis! How Muslims saved the Jews. Israel is a walking dead!

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test! Those who pass are "released" by "vaccination"!

Who is against eugenic globalist justice? Sarcasm on the gallows of Eugenics!

Eugenic population control (global mass murder) through global sterilization with synchronized vaccination!

What is the alternative to the Eugenics Utopia of depopulation?

Genetic Geoengineering: The good and way vaccination or abuse as WMD of Eugenics!
Gatesification of Indians & Africans!

Who does it, who benefits & who is harmed?

Julian Assange: Globalists grab your tax money to launder it in the blood of the Ukrainian people! The endless war!

License of Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring! 

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You feel Your chains when You move!
ClimateControl Mafia is desperate!

Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


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