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Zionism is seeking endless war! Trying to learn about Zionism from Zionist claims.

  1. Cosplay with real death and damage!
  2. Zionist claims based on Torah
  3. Murder without limits
  4. Repeating murderous psychosis
  5. Other dangers for Zionism
    • Water scarcity
    • Overpopulation
    • Earthquakes
    • Scarcity of energy supply
    • Growing anti-Zionism
    • Collaboration with Eugenicists
  6. Conclusions
  7. Connected articles
  8. Why Judaism, Christianity & Israel are picked & hated?

1. Cosplay with real death and damage!

Zionism is a religion of pseudo-history game with the intention of real mass killing! It is a kind of dangerous mass-psychosis. 

Like trying to replace Judaism, Zionism also grabs on the history and identity of Palestinians and Palestine.

Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
shaya, Feb 9, 2017

When such ideologically brainwashed fanatics get political and military power they do what they believe and preach.

Listening to the following Rabbi, You will understand how Netanyahu thinks and why some classical orthodox Jews resist so vehemently against Zionism.

Another prime example of how harmful "blind beLIEf" can be.

"Most Jews do not fully understand the central message of Purim. And that message is very briefly and simply that we, the Jewish People are commanded to destroy the enemies of our people in all times, in all places, as happened, as described in detail in the Gillat Esther, the book of Esther, where we find that 75,811 of our enemies were destroyed, including women and children. Some people are apparently capable of reading this Gillat twice on the day of Purim, year in, year out without actually seeing, what it says.
  • Or without asking themselves the question why did this take place? 
  • Why were so many people killed? 
  • Why women and children (have been) killed?
The answer is very simple, straight forward. Perhaps it is not politically correct in the eyes of Sun, but it is the true, authentic and absolutely essential message of Purim and it is the essential truth of the Torah.

The message of Purim is not about commemorating the past event. It is rather commemorating and remembering a past event, in order that we know how to behave today in the present and in the future.

Here Rambam mentions in Halhadaren Halahahey, two separate Mitzwot Asse, two positive commandments of the Torah. One is to destroy the 7 nations, mentioned a number of times in the Torah, who resided in Eretz Israel at the time, when Jewish People entered the land. To destroy those nations, who claim this land for themselves.

The second mitzwa, immediatly af that is; it is a Mitzwa Asse to destroy  Amalek and his descendants. The concept of Amalek still exists. We read every year before Purim ... we read "Parashad Zakhoor", where we are commanded by Hashem to remember that which Amalek did to us and destroy them."

"This is partially how THEY do it. Playing the victim card works well for them. While claiming superiority simultaneously. Another example of how blind beLIEf influences extreme harmful behavior. In the name of God of course ..."

Complete transcript of his speech:

Does Unconditional Support for Israel Endanger Israeli Voices?
by Gideon Levy, THE ISRAEL LOBBY, Washington, DC - April 10, 2015 at the National Press Club

"The Israeli society has surrounded itself with shields, with walls, not only physical walls but also mental walls. I don’t want to get into it because it’s another lecture. But I’ll just give the three principles which enable us Israelis to live so easily with this brutal reality
  • A) Most of the Israelis, if not all of them, deeply believe that we are the chosen people. And if we are the chosen people, we have the right to do whatever we want. 
  • B) There were more brutal occupations in history. There were even longer occupations in history, even though the Israeli occupation gets to quite a nice record. But there was never in history an occupation in which the occupier presented himself as the victim—not only the victim, but the only victim around. This also enables any Israeli to live in peace, because we are the victims.
In the other panel, Professor Falk spoke about the dual strategy of Israel, of being a victim on one hand and manipulating on the other hand, after what happened in Paris and in Copenhagen with the terror attacks. Benjamin Netanyahu came [up] with the notion, “All the Jews must come to Israel. It’s the safest place for the Jews in the world. It’s a shelter for the Jews in the world.” Which is wrong because Israel today is the most dangerous place on earth for Jews. But let’s put it aside. It was only 24 hours later when he said Israel is in existential threat under the Iranian bomb. And I asked myself, how can you dare call Jews to come and to join this suicidal project, when the Iranians are going to bomb us?

But in Israel anything goes, and both declarations were accepted as the only truth. And here, I get to the third set of values that enable us Israelis to live in peace with the occupation. This is maybe the most crucial one and the worst one. 
  • C) We say victimization, we say chosen people. When I say victimization, it goes without saying, we have to mention the Holocaust and the unforgettable Mrs. Golda Meir that the American jury had exported to Israel. She said once—this unforgettable woman—that after the Holocaust the Jews have the right to do whatever they want."

2. Zionist claims based on Torah

What makes Zionism a Jewish, is that it derives its ideas by twisting stories of the Torah. Read by Yourself the following books of Torah, to understand the main foundations of Zionism. Non-Zionists believers may interpret these stories in a totally different way.

Here is a collection of quotes from the books of Torah about promising the land of others to the Jews:

Greater Israel – From the Nile to the Euphrates
By Hubert Luns, with contributions from Neline Schipper - 24 November 2020

Genesis 12:7 : “Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said: To your descendants I will give this land.” This was the promise of the land, not yet specified.

Genesis 15:18 : “On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates.” This promise is more specific: “from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates.” From the river of Egypt supposedly indicates the Wadi El-Arish that lies on the Mediterranean Sea in the strip of land between Gaza and Egypt, but it is also often seen as the Nile.

Genesis 17:8 : “All the land of Canaan I give (…) as an everlasting possession.” Again a repetition of the promise of the land: “all of Canaan”. And “everlasting”, a term for which the Hebrew olam is used to mean ‘forever, everlasting, never ending, eternity’. This term is also used for the existence of God “from and to eternity”.

Genesis 26:4 : “I will give (…) all these lands.” This is a promise to Isaac while he was in Gerar (south-central Israel). Egypt is not covered by this promise, but the land of the Philistines is.

Genesis 28:4 : In this prophecy, Isaac blesses his son Jacob with the land that God gave to Abraham.

Genesis 28:13 : In this prophecy God promises to Jacob in Bethel “the land on which you are sleeping”.

Genesis 35:12 : Back at Bethel, God promises Jacob and his descendants the land He gave to Abraham and Isaac.

Genesis 50:24 : In this prophecy, Joseph tells his brothers in Egypt that God will bring them to the land that was promised to the fathers under oath.

Exodus 3:8 : In God’s commission to Moses, the promise comes again to bring them back to a beautiful and vast land, the land of the Canaanites.

Exodus 23:31 : “And I will set your bounds from the Red Sea [Gulf of Aqaba] to the [Mediterranean] Sea, where the Philistines live, and from the desert to the River [Euphrates].” A different way of saying of Genesis 15:18.

Deuteronomy 1:7 : “Break up the camp and take your journey, and go to the moun­tains of the Amorites, to all the neighboring places in the plain [of the Jordan], in the mountains and in the lowland, in the Negev and on the seacoast – to the land of the Canaanites – and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the River Euphrates.” If you take these regions together it encompasses the so-called Greater Israel: from the Wadi El-Arish to the Euphrates.

Deuteronomy 11:24 : “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours: from the wilderness until the Lebanon, and from the River Euphrates, even to the Western Sea, shall be your territory.” The area again includes Greater Israel.

Joshua 1:4 :From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the west, shall be your territory.” A slightly different way of indicating the size of the land (see also Deuteronomy 34:1-3).

Ezekiel 47 and 48 : Here we find the description of the size of the land after the final restoration of Israel at the time of the coming Reign of Peace, with the region of each tribe being listed separately. It is not possible to define the exact boundaries, but the area broadly includes the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan plus part of the Negev, and in the north the Golan, all of Lebanon and part of Syria.

Here, the religious determinism as the main source of Zionism and weakness of secular Zionism is explained.

Hidden History of Zionism
Efraim Palvanov, Oct 30, 2023

3. Murder without limits

Based on this ideological framework, it is not a surprise, that the Zionists expect more death of more Palestinians with any measure. For them the Palestinians and all Arabs are just the descendants of Amalek. It is not a fantasy of some fanatics, bout the state policy of the ruling regime in Israel. 

Israel Resorts to Nuclear Blackmail in Gaza
By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, Global Research, November 08, 2023

"In addition to promoting genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the Zionist regime is resorting to nuclear blackmail against the Palestinians. In a controversial recent statement, an Israeli top official admitted that using atomic bombs in the Gaza Strip is a “possibility” for Tel Aviv. These words shocked the world and showed the level of unpredictability and irrationality in the Israeli government’s actions.

The statement was made by the Israeli Minister of Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, during an interview with local Israeli media. Eliyahu stated that a nuclear attack against the Gaza Strip “is one of the possibilities” that Israel could use in its alleged “war on Hamas.” According to the minister, “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza”, which is why all Palestinian citizens in the region should be punished by the IDF.

Eliyahu, in addition to admitting the nuclear possibility, stated that no humanitarian aid should be given to civilians in Gaza. He compared Gaza’s inhabitants to the German Nazis who killed Jews in WWII and said that the Jewish people “wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid.

What is Greater Israel? Why is the idea not acceptable to the Palestinians and Islamists
Greater Israel is an expression. It has a biblical and political meaning to it that varied and evolved over time. It is known as the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. Know all about it below
By TULIKA TANDON, MAY 21, 2021, 13:08 IST

War, humiliation and displacement awaits all people within the targeted borders of Greater Israel. The war against the Palestinians is only an example of the coming catastrophes.

4. Repeating murderous psychosis

We don't know if there is any truth behind the killing of over 75,000 people according the legend of Esther, but the zealot Jews take that as fact and example of behavior against other people.

Killing the conquer the "promised land" is an repeating mass crime in history. Most people seem to know that the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Empire, but they don't know why the Roman Army had to fight about 120 years against the uprising in its province Judea.

The zealot Jews, Zionists of those times, told each other that "God promised" them land and did not fight the Roman Army, but over night slaughtered their Greco-Roman neighbors from today's region of Kurdistan over Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Libya. The murdering of their neighbors was not limited only to one town!

The Great Jewish Revolt of 66 CE
Harry Oatesby Harry Oates, published on 28 August 2015

"The artificial class divide, the corruption of both the local and senate governments in the area, and the unbridled disdain for the Jewish people brought about a riot in Caesarea in 66 CE. There, the Zealots, a band of un-Hellenised anti-elite Jews, wiped out the Roman-backed elite Greeks that had inhabited the area."

The Roman Army had to enter the whole area of massacre to save the civilians and fight the zealot murderers. The central temple in Jerusalem was attacked, because a group of zealots barricaded themselves there.

Would You trust a fanatic community of people, who may anytime claim that God had promised land to them and kill You and all other neighbors, because You would be foreigner on "their promised land"?

The result of the big British mistake to give the Zionists the land of Palestine is now paid mainly by the Palestinians, but also by the world.

Next Zionist target is to conquer Jordan!

Jonathan Pollard: Israel Will Annex Jordan
Machon Shilo,Mar 14, 2024

Jonathan Pollard:

"I said well I look at it this way it would finally give us the opportunity at the end of the day to reclaim by War what was illegally taken away from us in 1920 and be done with and be done with this whole problem by Winston Churchill  and his Majesty's government."

"So the problem with a lot of people I talk to in this country is they think in terms of checkers not chess and so when I kind of spin out or project where I would like us to be heading they're totally confused because they get too spun up about the process as opposed to the objective."

"The process is not a nice one but it's one that has been done throughout history and it's one that um would be a lot kinder, is a lot kinder than if these people, the expellies were simply massacred - has also been done throughout history."

"So in conclusion the situation with Jordan right now has reached a point where we simply have to tell them goodbye we're we're finished with you, the free lunch is over. And for your information we're getting rid of the WAQF. We are declaring sovereignty over the Temple Mount the ministry of religion. Our ministry of religion will take over the administration of the various Muslim places of worship there, until that point in time when total Jewish control of the Temple Mount can be reestablished hopefully in our lifetime."

"The Jordanians won't like it but who cares what are they going to do? If they need water they can turn to the Saudis or the Emirates and say build us a massive water plant desalination plant in Akaba and by the way provide us with a pipeline and pumping stations so we can bring the water North."

"Yeah good luck with that you know these countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia generally don't put their money on a dying horse and and this is what Jordan is right now."

"So how do you envisage the the future of of this artificial invention of the British known as Jordan a bloody one as we said?"

"It's inevitable that that will become some kind of Islamic, it'll become an Islamist terror state but war on a war footing constant war against Israel."

"They will slaughter the Hashemites um and then they will declare themselves to be Palestine, with a revisionist philosophy towards uh Israel and the territories and that country will immediately be recognized by everybody including the United States kind of like a Taliban State, except 2.0 and as I said, then we will have a target that we can eliminate in a conventional war and be done with it."

"We can't necessarily do that now because, well, we're Jews and we don't slaughter people unarmed people like the Arabs do. We don't do that and I am very proud of that fact. So we'll slaughter them in terms of the state they form and just eliminate it um that's my understand."

"What you're saying basically is they they will force our hand as it were we will let they will leave us no option. There will be no option correct there will be no option at all now when this state is formed there will be a cry a call for the Arabs who inhabit the territories right now to leave."

"Even leftists will understand that. They're not so much a fifth column but the leading element of an is of an invading army and ironically the PA and all their fellow travelers who have longed for a state will finally have one but it's not where they think it will be it will be across the Jordan and they can enjoy it for as long as it exists which I again don't foresee to be too long."

"Would you like to hazard a guess as to when the Hashimite grip on on Jordan will come to an end?"

"I think we can help them along I think if we stopped supplying of water at all. If because they violated almost every clause in the peace treaty with us. So we the treaty is abrogated by them, okay. We stop supplying them water. We stop supplying them fuel, food. Riots will break out, other economic riots will break out and there will be a general Uprising and as much as you know the Arab Legion likes to kill quote unquote Palestinians as they did in Black September when they killed upwards of 20,000 of them. They won't be able to hold it together. There'll be a general Uprising and then it's over, it's finished."

"When can that take place? As I said we can accelerate that by cutting off all water all energy sales to them, transfers to them and the process will begin now. The King will scream and yell. He'll go around with hat in hand or in this case Crown in hand and he will ask for money from everybody, from the World Bank to the IMF to the Saudis, ironically to the Gulf States I mean as much money as he can get although most of the money that he has amassed are in banks right now in Europe he's not stupid but it w it won't be enough."

"It just won't be enough and things will get out of hand rather quickly and I would say within one year after we terminate all economic relations with Jordan and that means closing the Jordan River Valley Crossings. There'll be oneway traffic. If you want to leave the territories you're welcome to go it. Don't come back. So if you want to leave you can leave. I would say about a year and then it's over then you have a Palestinian State announced where Jordan was."

"You'll have a massive transfer in the territories within the following years so that's two years and by the third year we'll be forced to eliminate the state. That'll be the end of it and we should say we are reclaiming land that was legally deeded To Us by an internationally recognized um agreement known as San Marino and if you want to have a problem with that take it up with the United Nations."

Here Jonathan Pollard recommends to blackmail and threaten US from reducing arms supply.

Jonathan Pollard: The American Arms Embargo Threat
Machon Shilo, Mar 7, 2024

5. Other dangers for Zionism

It is not just the resistance of the Palestinians, which prevents a survivable Zionist state of Israel. There are many other reasons, why such an entity won't survive for long without endless financing by the European Union, USA and all the Zionist Mafia network of corporations, which has to pay an undeclared tax for Israel.
  • Water scarcity
  • Overpopulation
  • Earthquakes
  • Scarcity of energy supply
  • Growing anti-Zionism
  • Collaboration with Eugenicists
Water scarcity will bring down the economy of Israel within decades. The damage by over-consumption of sweet water has brought down the level of Dead Sea and ground water, that it won't be possible survive this economically.

The Dead Sea Is Dying Fast: Is It Too Late to Save It, or Was It Always a Lost Cause?
Its water level drops a meter every year, but there’s still no plan to stop Israel’s greatest environmental disaster.
Hagai Amit, Oct 7, 2016

"The Dead Sea is currently 430 meters below sea level. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the sea level has fallen by 40 meters, in no small part because Israel and Jordan aren’t letting the Yarmouk and Jordan rivers feed enough into the sea — they’re taking the water for irrigation. It is not only the lowest lake, but the lowest place in the world, and it can’t afford to go any lower."

"Worried about the level of the Dead Sea? Things are only going to get worse. A Geological Survey paper by Lensky and Elad Dante in 2015 found that, assuming no real change in water influx and assuming the mineral works continue to operate as they are, by 2070 the sea will be 45 meters lower than it is now. Its surface will shrink from 605 square kilometers today to 509 square meters, a decrease of 16% compared with the sea surface in 2010.

It isn’t that the Dead Sea is doomed to disappear. If DSW were to stop operations in a few decades — presumably after failing to address the sinking sea level — after 300 years or so the Dead Sea would restabilize at about 515 meters below sea level.

If you think that’s cause for celebration, think about this: Throughout those 300 years, more and more sinkholes will open up and the sea will grow even saltier."

Overpopulation in mostly desert country is the next problem. It is not only a question of money and space for new settlements. but also work and agriculture, wich also depend on water availability.

With its population set to double in 30 years, how will Israel cope?
The government plans to build 1.5 million new homes by 2040, mostly in the crowded center, but critics say housing without infrastructure won’t work, call to develop Negev, Galilee

By SUE SURKES 26 June 2019, 11:10 am

"Within the same 2050 time frame, Israel’s population — the fastest-growing in the developed world, increasing by two percent annually — is set to almost double from the current nine million to 17.6 million, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. And that’s in a dot of a country, just a little bigger than New Jersey in the US or Wales in the UK, that already has one of the highest population densities in the West and rapidly depleting open space.

Like many countries facing exponential growth, the Jewish state is trying to grapple with the implications and, following massive social protests in 2011 over the cost of living, of housing in particular, the government has been focusing on the need for a massive number of new homes.

Earthquakes have already destroyed many times in this region and they will come again, enhanced by the exploration for oil and gas by Nuclear Fracking in the underground. This will correlate with sink holes and massive increase in radioactive contamination. 

Israeli Army's Brutally Honest Response: Get Ready for Major Earthquake With 'Thousands Dead'
After two tremors in northern Israel, the Home Front Command responded to concerned citizens by warning of a devastating earthquake sometime in the future
Sam Sokol, Feb 16, 2022

"massive earthquake killing thousands of civilians is expected to hit Israel at some point in the future, the Army Home Front Command warned on Tuesday, following a small earthquake in northern Israel. Another small earthquake occurred shortly after the announcement.

The initial tremor was measured at a magnitude of 3.5 on the Richter scale and was felt by residents in Beit She'an, Tiberius, Safed and the Jordan Valley.

Responding to concerned comments on its official Facebook page, the civil defense agency stated that “a strong earthquake is expected to occur in the State of Israel, which will cause a mass disaster accompanied by thousands of dead and injured and extensive destruction of buildings and infrastructure” although it cautioned that while experts believe that “a strong earthquake will occur in Israel, but it can not be predicted” with any certainty.

Israel's Home Front Command warning Israelis on Facebook
However, the agency stated, “the fact that there has not been a strong earthquake in a long time increases the chance that a strong earthquake will occur in Israel soon.”

On Wednesday morning, Less than a day after the army’s online statement, another small earthquake with a magnitude of 3.1 struck in northern Israel, 14 kilometers northeast of Beit She’an. Police said they had received several calls about the quake but no reports of injuries or damage."

The so called "tremors" and "small earthquakes" are the evidence of underground nuclear explosions! The states allowing this to happen, treat the knowledge about it as "state secret", but that won't work for long. Rising awareness may bring some states down. This application is connected with the scarcity of energy supply, another barrier for ability of Israel to survive in Palestine.

Israel will always remain in the shadow of the big oil, gas and condensates production sites of Arabia and North Africa and a damage zone under the Climate Control streams, which supply the required water for Nuclear Fracking and large scale Industrial Farming in the desert of Arabian Peninsula. The geography speaks against an imperial Zionist center to dominate the whole region.

Anti-Zionism is not just a case of religious orthodoxy, which resists the abuse of its culture by the Zionists, but also the secular people of Israel lose their trust into the Zionist project and want just to be like any other secular people and live and work anywhere they want.

The so called "tremors" and "small earthquakes" are the evidence of underground nuclear explosions! The states allowing this to happen, treat the knowledge about it as "state secret", but that won't work for long. Rising awareness may bring some states down. This application is connected with the scarcity of energy supply, another barrier for ability of Israel to survive in Palestine.

Growing Anti-Zionism may result in overnight declaration of a huge proportion of Israeli citizens themselves as Palestinians or over time leave for Europe, USA and other places, marry non-Jewish partners and become part of global secular people to have a non-religious, non-Nationalist and non-Zionist life like everyone else.

Ultra-Orthodox & Anti-Zionist
Groups like Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim bitterly oppose the modern State of Israel.


"The anti-Zionist world-view of the ultra-Orthodox groups Neturei Karta and Satmar Hasidism perceives Zionism and the estab­lishment of the State of Israel as an anti-messianic act, conceived and born from sin. These groups vigorously deny the very legiti­macy of the collective political return to the Holy Land and to Jewish sovereignty. For them, this is the handiwork of humans, violating the Jewish people’s oath of political quietism.

In the words of the Midrash (as expounded by Rashi), the people were adjured not to return collectively to the Land of Israel by the exertion of physical force, nor to “rebel against the nations of the world,” nor to “hasten the End.” In short, they were required to wait for the heavenly, complete, miraculous, supernatural, and meta-historical redemption that is totally distinct from the realm of human endeavor. This waiting over two millennia manifests the very essence and singularity of the Jewish people, expressing their faith in divine providence, in the assurance of the prophets, and in messianic destiny."

Stop Calling Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitic. It’s Morally Repugnant in its Own Way
August 04, 2020 | Written By: Dr. Shany Mor

"In its obsession with Israel, anti-Zionism is a pathological worldview; even absent the obvious anti-Semitic motifs, it’s hard to see how contemporary anti-Zionism can claim the mantel of a progressive ideology"

"Defining anti-Zionism should be easy. It is, as the name would suggest, opposition to Zionism. And since we all know what Zionism is, anti-Zionism should in theory be considerably simpler to define than, say, anti-Semitism, since there is no such thing as “semitism” which the anti-Semite opposes."

"This mostly Jewish tradition of anti-Zionism has largely ceased to be relevant. The argument has been settled, and the State of Israel has existed for seventy-two years now.

But another intellectual tradition exists in parallel which seeks to appropriate the term anti-Zionism when its goals and methods could not be more different. This is the belief that Israel, and uniquely Israel, should not exist at all, that its birth was a crime, and that its continued existence is somehow an affront to all decent human values.

This version of anti-Zionism is not so much an ideology as an organizing worldview that places Israel at the center of all that is evil. And as such, it is pernicious in its own way, even when it doesn’t explicitly resort to the anti-Semitic triumvirate of blood, money, and power."

"To claim roots in an earlier Jewish tradition of anti-Zionism is patently fraudulent. There is a difference between someone sitting in a cafe in Vienna in 1920 arguing that the re-establishment of a Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel might not be the most effective safeguard for the precarious existence of Jewish minorities in Europe and the Middle East, and someone sitting in an Upper West Side Starbucks in 2020 and arguing for the elimination of an existing state which is home to an existing political community with its own language, flag, and government."

Zionists collaborate with the Eugenicists, which pursue a globalist agenda to reduce the world population to 500 million and found a one world government. Just to make clear how dangerous this path is, please remember that Adolf Hitler and his gang of Nazis were Eugenicists.

Eugenics was invented in 1883 by the British imperialist and pseudo-scientist Francis Galton. He based is ideology of artificial selection of humans and limiting the world population at 500 million on the Evolution Theory of Charles Darwin. The ideas of Galton were welcomed in the USA and Eugenics was legalized in many US states. Based on that many hundred thousand people who had been selected by Eugenics Councils as "unfit" were sterilized under the pretext of free health treatment.

What the Nazis did after 1933 was just the translation of US law into German and fast and gruesome implementation of all methods which had been developed in the USA.

What makes this ideology similar to Zionism is the idea of one world government! Religious Zionists are naive enough to mix that with their belief in the coming of the Messiah and dominance of the "chosen people" as themselves. This is a very stupid interpretation of the metaphors in the Torah and a very dangerous path, because the the one world of the Eugenicists has nothing in common with Messiah and Judaism. It will result in a global catastrophe, like Nazis made over Europe.

Be aware the so called corona vaccines are nothing but the global implementation of that, what Nazi researchers like Josef Mengele tested on Jewish children in the concentration camps! Enforcing Covid injections in Israel is total submission under the Eugenics agenda, which is promoted by psychopaths like Yuval Harari in Israel! People, please wake up!

6. Conclusions

Zionism will always define new enemies, claiming them to be the descendants of Amalek, with the intention to eliminate all their men, women and children.

Zionism includes Racism, Fascism and formalized and normalized mental illness.

Zionists will never accept peace, because that would mean the end of Zionism.

Zionism is a ideological concept of escalating & endless war, very similar to Nazism.

Zionism consists of following beliefs:
  • To be chosen people
  • To have been promised land.
  • To have the right to kill foreigners of that land.
But all this supremacy imagination is based on a pathogenic feeling of inferiority. Zionists expect from others to behave inferior to them to confirm their want to have superiority.

Zionist society is mentally ill and deadly dangerous, because whenever a Zionist realizes that his wishful imagination doesn't match the reality, he gets aggressive. Such mentally sick people like Netanyahu and his gang of murderous Zionists are ruling in Israel!

I am well aware that non-Zionist Jews don't have this view and the great teacher Yeshayahu Leibowitz explained the dangers of mixing religion with policy very clearly.

Why are the Zionists abusing the cultural heritage of other people? They must be under psychotic craziness. Such humiliation doesn't last for long. The resistance grows and the humiliated fight back, like they did many times in history.

It is not possible to have peace, as long as Zionists seek to establish Greater Israel. Currently the war is on Gaza, but for the fulfillment of the Zionist land grab, the war must go on for ever. 

There won't be no peace as long as Zionism is the state ideology in Israel and there won't be Israel, when there is no more Zionism. It is a dilemma, which the Israelis cannot escape from. 

The only solution would be in united Palestine without having a religious or pseudo-religious doctrine.

Hopefully not be Eugenicists world government, but one of the other ways the game will come to end peacefully for Zionism. It is not an expression of intelligence to follow such an stupid and mentally pathological ideology.

7. Connected articles

All big projects of Netanyahu have failed catastrophically! The defeat against HAMAS will end his political career!

Consider that offshore or onshore fracking always means nuclear bombing of the underground!

With atomic bomb generated earthquakes, the US attacks Turkey by geological, psychological, economic and sociological war!


Why Iran needs the atom-bombs? Not for #war or deterrence, but for FRACKING!

Saudi Arabia builds up its own nuclear industry to independently operate Nuclear Fracking of natural gas and oil!

Eugenic population control (global mass murder) through global sterilization with synchronized vaccination!

Genetic Geoengineering: The good and way vaccination or abuse as WMD of Eugenics! 
Gatesification of Indians & Africans!

8. Why Judaism, Christianity & Israel are picked & hated?

I got following question from a pro-Zionist presumably evangelical American Christian:

"Of all the religions, nationalities, and cultures in the world, why is it that Judaism, Christianity, and Israel always gets picked on and hated? They are the only two in the whole world that always gets persecuted, and hated. Now why would that be the case? Nobody else on this planet gets attacked like that.

Only other place that can and does happen, is in Communist China, the communist do not like anyone uniting for any kind of cause or religion, because it becomes a threat to the communist ideology, and control of the people."

My Answer: 

The reason why there is a conflict between Christians and Jews is that the first century began a carnage by Zeolot Jews against the Greco-Roman civil population, because the Zealots wanted the ethnically cleanse the "promised land" from people who did not get this land "promised". Roman Army reacted to that by defeating and persecuting the Zealot Jews.

This distrust & hatred against the Jews automatically was transferred to the Christianity, because most of the Greco-Romans became Christians during the first 3 centuries.

When Islam was developed in the 7th century, the intention was to melt Christianity and Judaism, but at the end Islam became the third religion of similar kind. Muslims did not persecute and extinguish Jews ideologically. Instead the Muslim world became refuge for all persecuted Jews from Europe.

When ideas of Racism & Nationalism arose in Europe, secular Jews still got segregated, but know on the basis of "race" & "nation". As a solution the nationalist and racist Jews decided to found their own nation and declare to be chosen people based on their "race".

What they only missed was a "homeland". In the process of first & second world war, they grabbed Palestine and persecuted and killed Palestinians, irrelevant of the religion. There are still Palestinian Jews who resist the European conquerors.

This automatically created a conflict between the Zionists & the Arabs. This became partly transferred into hatred between Jews and Muslims, but generally Islam forbids religious hatred.

The reason of current problems is the existence of Zionist Israel and the finance of this entity by USA & Europe and nearly all big corporations under Zionist control.

The formerly Christian world (Europe & USA) have become for two reasons supporters of Zionism:

1. Because they collaborate with Zionism under the influence of Zionist lobby.
2. Because they don't want that the Jews back, who migrated to Palestine.

This status automatically brings the formerly Christian, now more secular & pro-Zionist Western World into conflict with the Middle East, who suffer from Zionism.

Did You get this? 

His reaction to my answer:

@Enkidu_G, "The only part you got partially correct is, "most of the Greco-Romans became Christians during the first 3 centuries."
A lot of words for nothing.
First of all, my question was not, "why is there a conflict between Christians and Jews."
My question was, "why is it that Judaism, Christianity, and Israel always gets picked on and hated?"

Obviously, it is you that didn't get this.

And the answer to my question is short, and simple, the reason why, is because God exist, and the devil is the one who deceives the people who hate Jews, and Christians.

As for the part you got partially right, is the part of the gentiles becoming Christian, and Rome, a tool of Satan, hijacked Christianity to cause division, and chaos, to draw people away from the truth which can only be found in the LORD Jesus Christ.

The first major mistake most people make, is to deny the existence of the devil. And he rejoices in that foolishness."

My reaction:

Obviously You are pseudo-religiously brainwashed & intellectually unable to follow my summary of the history to understand the causalities.

Your own answer is bare of any knowledge. You don't want answers to historical & political questions but promote Your biased faith. This is utterly senseless.

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Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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