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Zionists are a remake of Zealots & Nazis! How Muslims saved the Jews. Israel is a walking dead!

  1. Zionists are a remake of Zealots!
  2. How Muslims saved the Jews.
  3. Zionism is Racism!
  4. Zionists are fools!
  5. Zionism is self-deceit!
  6. Zionism is an idiotic, psychopathic, bloodthirsty and thieving ideology!
  7. Zionists are sociopaths!
  8. Zionists promote pedophilia & rape!
  9. Western World is dead!
  10. Connected articles

1. Zionists are a remake of Zealots!

I was asked following question in a conversation:

Are the Jews were expelled from many countries because they lived a parasitic life on the local population?

The story is more complicated and brutal, but parasitic they have become with the time. There may have been a competition between the Jewish & Greco-Roman components of the Roman society, but the hatred began with a fanatic uprising of some Jews, who were named Zealots, to own the land, which Yahwe had "promised", by overnight killing their civilian neighbors, from today's Kurdistan over Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Egypt down to Algeria. They tried to kill all Greco-Romans to ethnically cleanse the land.

The Roman Army came to rescue and defeated them. This war took from about the year 0 of the Gregorian Calendar up to the Year 106. Obviously Muslims did not know this background. That was the reason, why Jews weren't allowed to own land and settle in Roman Empire and later in Christian Europe.

Most Jews in Europe were very probably the descendants of the converted Goths & other Germanic tribes, which lived in the Khazarian Empire. They fled in front of the Mongolian attacks in the 13. century from today's Ukraine & Crimea to Hungary and later Poland and as refugees also to Germany & France.

The reason I assume that these people from Eastern Europe were Goths is, that they speak Yiddish, which is a Germanic language.

Goths were originally a federation of Germanic tribes living on the Island of Gothland and coastal area of continental Europe but migrated because of bad climate conditions to today's Belarus & Ukraine along the rivers and founded a kingdom, which was defeated by the Huns.

The Visigoths fled to the West Roman Empire and settled in Spain. The Ostrogoths partly fled to the East Roman Empire. The remaining Ostrogoths joined the Hun Federation and later became part of the Khazarian Federation.

The other people in the Khazarian Empire spoke Slavic or Turkic languages, like the Karaites, who were the leading people of the Khazarian Empire, today live in Israel and still speak their Turkic language, not Yiddish.

The Zionists are a remake of Zealots.

2. How Muslims saved the Jews.

Muslim saved the Jews many times from European persecution and extinction. Palestinians have only a conflict with the Zionists, not with the Jews!

Some people are fed up about the endless bad news about the Palestinians and Arabs and say it is ok, that the Zionists throw them out of "Israel" to have peace. What they may not know or totally ignore is the bigger target of Zionism. Their wars of conquest won't end with Palestine, but will be only the precondition to attack Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq & Turkey, depending on their success also Cyprus, Iran & Arabian Peninsula.

The reason is, that Zionism is based on the ideas of Racism and Imperialism. The intention of the powerful Zionists was to imitate British Empire by owning a small homeland in Palestine and submit all other people.

How Arabs conquered Syria, Iraq & Palestine and brought back the Jews to Jerusalem without harming, plundering, killing or raping any Christian in the town and Calif Omar himself and all his generals and soldiers cleaned with their bare hands the Temple Mount from hundreds years of dump.

Khalid ibn al-Walid, a Profile of a Warrior

3. Zionism is Racism!

Professor Avi Shlaim answers question about whether Zionism is a racist ideology
Middle East Eye, Jun 20, 2023

"Israel is the only member state of the United Nations, that I know, which is officially racist. And I say this because of the July 2018 Nation State Law, which says the the Jews have  a unique right to self-determination in Israel. Unique means exclusive. It means Arabs have no right to self-determination."

Most certainly Zionism is a racist ideology and it is largely responsible for the Nakba."

Sheytanyahu has a real problem with the perception of reality. The reality doesn't change by imposing Repression on the people by law. Only the resistance escalates to another much deeper and stronger level!

There is not an inch of difference between the Nazis and Zionists!

Amalek were the original inhabitants of Palestine. The Hebrew were marauding criminal attackers. The Amalek defended themselves. Today the Palestinians are the original inhabitants of Palestine and the Zionists are murderous colonialist thieves who intend to kill & replace them.

4. Zionists are fools!

Only fools can believe in stupid claims and behave like the Zionists. It must be the ideology of fools!

Gerald Kaufman: "They are not only war criminals, they are fools!"

Even an idiot from New York came to steal an Palestinian home!

"Everybody was very happy to steal (Palestinian) land."

Imagine the Roman descendants would implement their "right to return"!

Zionist cannot perceive that. They have a culture of schizophrenia. They would agree that the Romans have no right to do that, but are not able to see the similarity to their own behavior.

Remember the HAAVARA (Transfer) Treaty between Zionist Kongress & Nazi Germany to organized migration of Jews from Europe to Palestine of 1933! Zionists are fool enough to use the Anti-Semitimm of he European racists and particularly of the Nazis as a protective shield against their racist persecution and genocide of the Palestinians.


"On the occasion of the Sixteenth Convention of the Israeli Communist Party, a paper was submitted at the outset of the conference in which it was slated that "after Hitler's taking of power in Germany, when all anti-fascist forces in the world and the great majority of the Jewish organizations proclaimed a boycott against Nazi Germany, contacts and collaboration existed between Zionist leaders and the Hitlerite government." 

The paper quoted the Zionist official Eliezer Livneh (who had been editor of the Haganah organ during the Second World War} as declaring, during a symposium organized by the Israeli newspaper Maariv in 1966, "that for the Zionist leadership the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means(i.e., to establishing a Jewish state in Palestine). 

To question the reaction of the Zionist movement to German fascism, which in the course of its twelve-year rule murdered millions of Jews, is a taboo in the eyes of the Zionist leaders. Only rarely is it possible to come across authentic evidence or documents concerning these occurrences. The following enquiry consists of information gathered up to this date about some important aspects of the cooperation between the Zionists and the fascists. It remains in the nature of things that this enquiry does not present a complete picture. This can only be possible when the archives (above all those in Israel), in which the documents concerning these events are under lock and key, arc made available for scholarly research."

5. Zionism is self-deceit!

Zionists believe that any deceit confirming some fantastic stories from the Torah & Talmud would determine the fulfillment of that "prophecy".

6. Zionism is a psychopathic, bloodthirsty and thieving ideology!

As already Christopher Hitchens stated, Zionist regime intentionally killed Jews to blame it on HAMAS & declare a "just war" of ethnic cleansing & extermination. Zionism is a very stupid ideology and only the most stupid drive, follow and promote it. They wan't the total world war and killing of billions of people and assume that their Messiah will come & protect only them from that carnage!

Never trust Zionists!

Evident again, Zionists are deadly stupid. In that current situation it is the dumbest idea on Earth to threaten Hezbollah & push it to preemptively attack, like HAMAS did. Israel wouldn't survive a two front war, particularly not against a highly weaponized & prepared Hezbollah.

Only really stupid idiots remained in the Zionist ranks. If there was any intelligence, long ago it left Zionism. They are lost in mind and unable to recognize this. The money and weapon flow won't solve idiocy! All will be soon over for Zionism. US ships came to control them and prevent any lunatic action by crime gang around Netanyahu! Ok, European & US politicians are generally also very dumb, but the current government of Israel is not only stupid, but deadly dangerous.

Yet another evidence for idiocy & bloodthirstiness of Zionists. They expect to always abuse the USA for their own interests and counter attack by object of their aggression, in most cases Iran. They tend to overestimate their influence & power and underestimate the abilities of their adversary. 

Iran will never attack Israel first, because Iranian strategists are well aware that the time works against Zionism. They just encircle it and wait, but if Israel attacks first, that would give Iran and allies a reason for a "just war" of annihilation of the Zionist entity. That strategy was mainly defined and pursued by General Qasem Solaimani and his comrades like in 2023 Razi Mousavi, 2013 Hassan Shateri, 2015 Mohammad Ali Allahdadi and 2015 Hossein Hamedani. All these commanders have trained many more successors. 

Despite the internecine surprise and fight by HAMAS, the Zionists are unable to imagine a much more decisive counterattack by Hezbollah & Iran! They still resist to imagine that the adversaries may take them out by similar targeted killings like their own ones.

This guy is a total idiot, as he factually means that all what Hitler did to the Jews was right!
Occupation, displacement, settlements!
This also means, ethnic cleansing, extermination!
He proves that Zionists are Nazis!

Ugly idiots rule in Israel. It seems to me that the global Zionist network has intentionally put these stupid people into power to apologize the disposal of Israel! You don't need enemies, if You are ruled by idiots.

What does Ben Gvir confirm, that Hitler dd the right thing? There is no difference between Ben Gvir & Hitler!

Zionists want to destroy the education institutes of Palestine!

What Is the Israel Lobby and What Does it Do?
Alworth Institute - UMD, Dec 19, 2023

Presented on 10/10/23 by Dr. Walter L. Hixson, historian and commentator, and former distinguished professor, University of Akron.

Dr. Hixson will provide an explanation of and historical analysis of the Israeli lobby in the US which he argues is the the largest, most well-funded and influential lobby acting on behalf of a foreign country in American history. His analysis stems from his work positing the connection of the two countries based on their characterization as "settler colonial nations". This has created a special relationship between Israel and the US which has bolstered Israeli policies toward Palestinians.

Dr. Hixson devoted four decades to academic life. He served as department chair at the University of Akron and as president of the American Association of University Professors chapter before retiring at the end of 2020. Since 2019 Hixson has been a columnist and contributing editor of the magazine, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Hixson received two Fulbright overseas teaching awards, most recently as distinguished chair at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing (2009). A generation earlier Hixson was the first Fulbright professor ever at Kazan State University in the former Soviet Union. Hixson wrote a memoir on the memorable experience, Witness to Disintegration: Provincial Life in the Last Year of the USSR, published in 1993 by the University Press of New England.

For the past decade Hixson has focused much of his attention on the Middle East and especially the issue of Israel-Palestine. In 2021, he published a comprehensive history of the role of the Israel lobby in the Palestine conflict. The book, Architects of Repression: How Israel and its Lobby Put Racism, Violence and Injustice at the Center of US Middle East Policy was the follow-up to a previous study entitled Israel’s Armor: The Israel Lobby and the First Generation of the Palestine Conflict (Cambridge University Press, 2019). This research flowed from his previous examination of settler colonialism. Like Israel, the United States is a settler colonial nation, argued and analyzed by Hixson in American Settler Colonialism: A History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). Hixson's other works include The Myth of American Diplomacy: National Identity and US Foreign Policy (Yale University Press, 2008), Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961 (St. Martin’s Press, 1997) and George F. Kennan: Cold War Iconoclast (Columbia University Press, 1989), co-winner of the Bernath Prize awarded by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. Hixson also published a textbook, American Foreign Relations: A New Diplomatic History (Routledge, 2016).

7. Zionists are sociopaths!

Israeli children Singing “we will annihilate Gaza”
Norman Finkelstein SLAMS ‘Deranged’ Israeli Psychotherapist
Katie Halper, Jan 8, 2024

The Psychology of Israeli Propaganda
Indie Nile, Jan 10, 2024

8. Zionists promote pedophilia & rape!

I don't assume that this attitude is general for all Jews & most faithful & moral people may not be aware of that, but the Talmudic Rabbis openly promote. legalize & apologize raping of children, particularly toddlers up to 3 years old.

To distance themselves from these pervert Talmudists may be the reason, why some Jewish communities explicitly claim to be Thora Jews.


9. Western World is dead!

10. Connected articles

All big projects of Netanyahu have failed catastrophically! The defeat against HAMAS will end his political career!

Zionism is seeking endless war! Trying to learn about Zionism from Zionist claims.

Dr. Munther Isaac - Christ is under the rubble of Gaza!

The Great Eugenic Anti-Intelligence Test! Those who pass are "released" by "vaccination"!

Who is against eugenic globalist justice? Sarcasm on the gallows of Eugenics!

Eugenic population control (global mass murder) through global sterilization with synchronized vaccination!

What is the alternative to the Eugenics Utopia of depopulation?

Genetic Geoengineering: The good and way vaccination or abuse as WMD of Eugenics!
Gatesification of Indians & Africans!

Who does it, who benefits & who is harmed?

Julian Assange: Globalists grab your tax money to launder it in the blood of the Ukrainian people! The endless war!

Lizenz von Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring!

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You feel Your chains when You move!
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Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
Klimakontrolle ist die Ursache des Klimawandels, nicht dessen Lösung!
Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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