- Occupying Climate Phases
- Unable to Conquer Russia!
- Dependence on ClimateControl
- Attacking Russia with Geophysical Warfare
- Monetary Perspective
1. Occupying Climate Phases
The ClimateControl scam began after the warming phase in the 1940, followed by a cooling phase with the start of the new warming phase.
The global influence on the tropospheric wind-water streams began already in the 1960s with the buildup of the global network of main HAARP sites. The one making or/and intensifying the extreme El-Nino/La-Nina effects was build in Peru.

The surfing on the climate cycles with the claim about warming has already failed, also all the other predictions about rising oceans, melting glaciers and poles. However, the scammers cannot stop claiming that it is "warming", because they were not able to legalize the global ClimateControl in time. Therefore they are desperate enough to claim that also cooling was warming! :-)
2. Unable to Conquer Russia!
Also the Paris Climate Agreement doesn't guarantee the full legalization. The most important country which has to be submitted to the agenda is Russia, because Russia is the richest on water reserves. Russia is able to break the global wind-water management to protect its own sovereign and economic interest. With this ability Russia is already breaking the global Geoengineering-Agenda on all fronts.

Russia has water in gigantic rivers, lakes, arctic ice and permafrost.
In addition to its water reserves, Siberia with its harsh climate is a natural methane collector. Russia's gas reserves will never end.
However, the main obstacle on their way remains Russia, controlling the biggest sweet water reserves of the globe! Therefore from the perspective of global empire an attack on Russia is inevitable. The endless wars in Greater Middle East, the threatening of Iran, the economic sanctions against Russia are designed to weaken, contain and prepare Russia for an full attack.
Global Blitzkrieg: West's Terror Battalions Eye Russia Next
3. Dependence on ClimateControl
It is not just a speculation, look at the fracking, desert farming, finance, energy, military industries. All are now depending on the expansion and full implementation of global Tropospheric Water Grabbing (TWG). It is already a multi trillion Dollar finance bubble business!

They are applying ClimateControl since decades and have intensified their efforts after the downfall of Soviet Union in 1991, particularly since 2001/2002. Some may see a connection with 9/11 here! The "War on Terror" enabled the empire to reach into regions, which would have not been possible without it.
The global legalization of ClimateControl, prepared by Climate Agreements did not work for them in time, so they have "intensified" their efforts and got most countries to sign the Paris Climate Agreement of 2016. The resolution in Paris was psychologically "supported" by an "terror act" - remind again "War on Terror"!
However, they have to legalize, fully roll out and intensify ClimateControl. Without that the whole imperial bubble, consisting of banksters, gangsters, fake media, fake science, fake politics, fake religion and fake moral will implode, explode, break down and disappear in a disaster.
Even Donald Trump cannot resists this pressure, because USA is fully under the control of the global empire and the empire will sacrifice the USA first, if it resists to obey the imperial orders. All the so called "energy security" is build in the success of TWG for global fracking colonialism and industrial desert farming!
So please dear readers, don't restrict Your perspective only on "we are poisoned by chemtrails". Chemtrails are the easiest observable sign of ClimateControl and TWG, they are poisonous, they reduce sunlight, cause VitaminD deficiency, cause reduction of photosynthesis, reduce the level of oxygen in the oceans and in air and cause global mass death of fauna and flora by suffocation! All that is true, but it is also the reason of global wars and rise of global Corporatism/Fascism/Oligarchy/Feodalism.
All that is explained in the blog. Please start with reading articles delivering basic knowledge of meteorology, nephology, water physics for ClimateControl.
ClimateControl was officially started in 1960 with a CIA Memorandum!
Apr 2, 2019
Ураган в Москве 29 мая 2017 г. ПРОСТО ЖЕСТЬ!! Внимание! Не нормативная лексика.
May 29, 2017
3 Tornados at Rimini (Italy)
Aug 3, 2018
Адский ураган в Москве 29 мая 2017 г. Самые страшные моменты
May 29, 2017
5. The monetary perspective!
The short time window, where the treasures of Siberia and all the airspace of northern hemisphere could be conquered, was when Soviet Union broke apart up to the end of the presidency of Boris Jelzin.
Central Bankers suppression Russian economy
Wladimir Putin should have been the last ruler of Russia. But Wlad AbuAli Putin joined the power of all Russian people, starting with Dagestan and Chechenia and together they kicked out and annihilated the imperial mercenaries tagged as Islamists.
The next window of opportunity may come in 100 or more years.
Russia cannot be defeated when it is attacked. It can only break apart from inside.
Imperial complex is preparing a big war against Russia!
US brings tanks & other hardware to Poland for 'counter-Russia' operation https://t.co/HKPaqYcqWy pic.twitter.com/DLV90AdSYl — RT (@RT_com) 13. September 2017
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