- I am sure!
- Message to the traitors!
- Loosing ground!
- We the resisters!
- To the sleeping mass!
- The walking dead "elite"!
- To the corporate managing henchmen!
- Under pain and awaking!
- Further reading
1. I am sure!
- I am sure, that thousands of lies cannot withstand a single truth!
- I am sure, that a flap of a butterfly can trigger the biggest storm, when enough tension exists in the air!
- I am sure, that the lies fabricated by CIA and its henchmen since 1960 have created enough tension for the breakthrough of truth!
- I am sure, that the climate control pyramid scheme is ripe to implode!
- I am sure, that this blog will be the tool to fell it!
- I am sure, that this blog is the nightmare of all the "think tanks" full of lackeys, henchmen and footlickers of imperial complex!
U can find dozens of academic and thinktank papers & YT talks https://t.co/K97Fz44wPY on #chemtrails yet that its even happening is denied. pic.twitter.com/itRm0E5kf7— Albert Lucientes (@alucientes) June 27, 2017
Be aware!
Being dumbified doesn't apologize to be dumbified!
It is Your responsibility not to be dumbified!
Anyone who denies that geoengineering is actually being done, slap this to his/her face!
Learn it from perpetrators!
Climate Engineering Conference 2017
GRGP invites discussion of a revised Code of Conduct for Geoengineering Research
"The Geoengineering Research Governance Project (GRGP), lead by Anna-Maria Hubert from the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary, is a joint initiative of the University of Calgary, the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS-Potsdam) and the University of Oxford's Institute for Science Innovation and Society (InSIS). Over the past year, the project has worked to further develop a draft voluntary 'Code of Conduct for Responsible Geoengineering Research’ by drawing upon the knowledge and experience of experts and stakeholders and encouraging interested members of the wider public to provide their input."
Genesis and development of the Geoengineering Research Governance Project (GRGP)
"Due to concerns about potential environmental, social and political effects of geoengineering technologies, there is a need for effective oversight on geoengineering research and experimentation. The Royal Society, in its influential 2009 report on geoengineering, recommended the development of ‘a code of practice for geoengineering research’ that would ‘provide recommendations to the international scientific community for a voluntary research governance framework’ and ‘the establishment of a de minimis standard for regulation of research."
The rats are coming out with more!
So we see the essence of globalization as the need for governing the global climate, global water cycle, global carbon cycle.
This means governing everything and deciding about life and death on Earth for all living creatures!
Ultimate power for a deadly dangerous ultimate empire!
Earth System Governance!
2. Message to the traitors!
My message to the imperial minions and vassals is, "change the side", "jump out now"!
To be clear: I despise You, hate You, wish You the worst place in hell, but now You are at the end of the path like all the others! There is no paradise in the geoengineering hell!
Be good opportunists and traitors! You betrayed Yourself, the humanity and all life on Earth for fake money, fake knowledge, fake titles, fake reputation and fake freedom!
You can still pretend to be betrayed and distracted by a huge machinery, where You have been part of! If You don't leave the sinking ship, You will drown, with Your owners!
Many states will fail and the ruling elite downed, persecuted and eliminated if they don't stop with their lies and crimes now! Even big countries like China, USA, Russia and Turkey may become unstable, if its citizens realize that the politicians are playing with their lives.
With the growing death and damage the people will recognize their traitors and enemies! Now, it is time for the truth!
In Indonesia, Thailand, Haiti, New Zealand, Greenland, Norway, Italy, Greece and Turkey huge damage was caused and people were killed by earthquakes and tsunamis for fracking. In Sierra Leone and Arabian Peninsula people were killed by flash floods and landslides. In Poland and the Baltic Region many people were killed by deadly tornadoes of geophysical warfare! This list can be extended to many other countries. Examples are in the other articles of the blog.
If the Earth needs to be fracked for gas and petrol, just admit it and prepare the people and the environment. Let the profiteers of fracking pay the real costs, else You the traitors of the people will pay the ultimate price!
Don't be dumb,
don't be coward,
don't be a traitor,
don't be an idiot,
3. Loosing ground!
The geoengineering gangsters are loosing the ground. More and more people all over the world are waking up. They understand the real targets behind the propaganda lies about the hoax of CO2 made greenhouse effect, globalwarming and climatechange.
Anti-Geoengineering Researcher to EPA: Do Your Job!
The Awakening Grows, Italians Stage Impressive Anti-Geoengineering Protest
Global march Protesting against Chemtrails and Geoengineering Brussels, 25th January 2014
European Coalition Against Covert Harassment
Please check out also my presentations (some info is not updated):
EN: CO2_Molecule_of_Life.pdf
DE: CO2_Das_Lebensmolekuel.pdf
And all the other resources of this blog, particularly collected in the "Downloads" area.
4. We the resisters!
We, the resisters against global climate control are separate or together, but always united on one target! We want and we will stop Tropospheric Water Grabbing (TWG) by global climate engineering!
We need to be united and independent at same time and foremost the knowledge has to become common, without being reduced to isolated individuals. Multiplying the carriers of knowledge will create protection at public realm.
Close Your gaps of knowledge and be ready to go on without me, like I will go on without You.
I see that currently most people rund behind many fake alternatives. Every awaken person should become active, without waiting for the leadership of someone else. Only that way we have a chance to defeat climate mafia. We don't need an organization, no central body, no party or an online community n the controlled a-social networks, because every organization is an easy target for the enemy.
The climate gangsters should realize that everyone of us is an independent universe of knowledge and no blocking, persecution, isolation or silencing of any supposed "leader" makes any difference. Their always try to select most active people as leaders and hope to finish a movement by eliminating the driving individuals.
They should always feel our breath on their neck and be compelled to confess more of their crimes. They are twisting and bogging down in panic.
Our activities have already brought the expected effect. Even if the masses sleep, the climate criminals don't back down! They always fear to lose the control on the sheeple and are observing every movement and try to concoct a pseudo plausible answer. For us, their reaction should be and is irrelevant. They don't own our language anymore and define the pace of debate. The storm is turning on them, that is my firm conviction. I read, hear, see, smell, feel it, day by day. Just look at the following video. They dare to sell their own crimes as an apology for more climate control, more ozone layer destruction, more fracking colonialism and earthquakes, more mass suffocation in the oceans and on land. You need to think over about the content of the propaganda after getting full knowledge about the impacts of climate control.
We made a promise to the world and it's up to us to keep it. See what's at stake below. #BeInconvenient🌎 https://t.co/DgSHrBr7RZ pic.twitter.com/Ghz0VGtWK6 — AnInconvenientSequel (@aitruthfilm) 24. Juli 2017Here is an older collection of self revealing propaganda of climate mafia and its henchmen.
Dear Resisters,
this blog is made as a tool to nail the coffin of the geoengineering mafia. Please use it accordingly or create Your own way of publication.
If You want to use the resources of this blog, just share the content of as a further explanation during conversations with others. Supporting material consisting of infographics, modular comment collections, tweet lists, PDF presentations and documents are available under the "Downloads" area.
These resources should serve You for starting Your own activities. Please give feedback if You would like to propose improvements of the content.
Please download the offline version of the blog, which is updated after substantial changes. You may take Your own offline copy by using a webcrawler, e.g "wget".
As resisters against climate control You are allowed to distribute, reuse the content privately and on all social networks. Commercial use won't be granted. Mainstream media, supporters of climate control scheme are excluded from any kind of usage of this blog. Further info is in the "Disclaimer" area.
If You would like to replicate the blog with all functionality, You may get the backup XML file. If You would like also to have the copy of the blog template, You can get this either. Please ask for both files, if You want to generate full replicated blog.
5. To the sleeping mass!
What are You dying for? Don't die dumb!
You need to read some articles to understand the debate! Start with answering some questions.
Do You know about ClimateControl and Geophysical Warfare?
Do You know that ClimateChange is made by ClimateControl?
Do You agree ClimateControl to be implemented?
Do You agree the sunlight, global airspace and water and carbon cycles to be corporate property?
Do You agree to lose the freedom on clear sunlight, clean air, clean water, clean soil for Your "energy security"?
Do You agree to eliminate national states for Your "energy security"?
Do You agree to world wars for Your "energy security"?
Do You agree to global migration and mass death for Your "energy security"?
Do You agree to mass death of ocean life, because of water grabbing above them?
Do You agree to bear the risk of deadly hurricanes and floods as a component of water lifting from the oceans and delivery for fracking and farming in the deserts?
How do You know if You will be on the profiteers or victims side?
Do You agree to migrate and be killed for the "energy security" while some people will profit from ClimateControl?
Do You agree to depopulate the humanity for lies about conserving the nature and saving the climate?
Why are You so dumb to believe in such lies?
Dumbness never protects from death & damage!
Be aware of Climate Control & Geophysical Warfare!

Yo don't want to be dumb?
So why don’t You resist climate control?
Haiti, Oceania, Japan, USA, Central America, Italy, Greece, Turkey, New Zealand and other places are deadly shaken by the fracking earthquakes.
Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Indonesia, South America and other places are burning down with wildfires in summer or winter time!
Thailand, USA, China, Arabia, Turkey, USA and many other places are beaten with super hail, super lightning and drowned with flash floods.
The skies are trashed with artificial smog all over the world.
The climate criminals are escalating their assault to the next level, by testing the elimination of ozone layer over Arizona!

What do You need to wake up and resist?
Do You want to wait, until they knock at Your door, take Your home, take Your food and kick You out?
They are already doing it by taking away the sunlight!
What else means "Solar Radiation Management" or "Global Geoengineering Governance" for You?
The climate mafia names them “climate change refugees” but the change is the symptom, the reason is climate control.
Why are You so symptom oriented and never question the reasons?
Why do You take remedies against pain and never seek the reason?
The mass genocide is in full swing mode now!
Wake up, just not to die in happy and dumb serfdom!
Take the honor to live as a free human! Even if You are suffocating, suffering, drowning, starving, parching and dying in climate control wars, hold up Your dignity! Dignity exists only for free humans, who are not dumb and don't submit!

6. The walking dead "elite"!
Why aren't You using Your brain?
Don't consider the layers of the society which seem to be most educated, with the highest salaries, occupying the highest positions in commerce and institutional education and government as "elite". They are the elitist scum!
Just take the example of the doctors of medicine, who become aggressive when they are asked for the vitaminD level tests, instead prefer to fill up the people suffering from vitaminD deficiency with poison of the pharma mafia.
Or take the pilots, who should have deep knowledge in meteorology, nephology and physics but dumbly fly into the artificial smog clouds of TAI (Tropospheric Aerosol Injection) and risk all in the jet to be poisoned and killed. If it was a single incident of aerotoxic syndrome, maybe it could be ignored but we have already thousands of cases with deadly results.
Take the climatologists, meteorologists which are the main idiots who drive the climate control agenda and accept the poisoning with artificial smog as "thunderstorm asthma".
What are they doing there?
Why are they selling the lies of climate mafia?
Why aren't they resisting?
Are all these fake scientists selected deadly dumb idiots?
We need to invent a new notion for the fake elite, to protect the piddling rest of honest and intelligent people, who have the capacity to lead the society. I propose to name them "shitelite" or "dumbelite", "idiotelite" or "deadelite"!
It is time to dumb the shitelite and reconquer the upper layers of our society from the the zombies of climate mafia!
7. To the corporate managing henchmen!
Managers of corporations engaged in fracking, aviation, HAARP technology, industrial food, banking, energy and pharma! You are the gangster henchmen of climate control mafia! You are to blame for the death and damage by fracking induced earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and landslides! You have the blood of the earthquake victims in Haiti, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Oceania, USA, Japan, Greenland, Norway and many other places on Your hands!
The blood of the children of Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and many other countries in Africa is on Your hands, as the the wars are waged by the imperial complex to conquer the tropospheric river routes within the airspace of these countries, in addition to grabbing their natural resources on and in the ground. Your apology about "government order" won't make any difference! You are damaging Yourself, Your loved ones, Your own people, the humanity and all living creatures on Earth!
Be aware that governments consists of politicians and politicians are idiots! They don't decide anything real! Corporation owners, particularly the owners of central banks are the real rulers and You are part oft this "global corporate administration". Climate control is driven by the CIA, but CIA is not the "global government".
Don't obey orders of the CIA and members of climate control mafia!

No jet-set, no fancy expensive houses, cars, clothes will make You happy, knowing the crime You are involved in. There is no legitimation, no apology, no reasonable explanation of Your involvement in the biggest crime of humanity. You are slowly killing Yourself, as no living creature is safe from the damage of SRM TAI and HAARP for climate control.
Rising CO2 share in the troposphere is indicating the falling oxygen level. Don't You breathe in the same oxygen? Be aware, be brave, be honest and protect the mere life on Earth! Change the side now, expose, resist and fight climate control! Stop it where You can!
"In the age of information, ignorance is choice!" It cannot be hidden from Your EYES!

It cannot be hidden from Your EARS!

It cannot be hidden from Your NOSE!

It cannot be hidden from Your SKIN!

Why allow You that climatecontrol is hidden from Your MIND?


If You suffer somehow and are looking for answers, read the content of this blog. It will wake You up! If You want to know, ...
- why ocean life is dying by suffocation,
- why oxygen level is dropping,
- why vitaminD deficiency has become common,
- why people are starving,
- why lands are suffering from drought or inundation,
- why no one talks about PeakOil anymore,
- why wars are fought under false pretext,
- why deadly earthquakes and tsunamis have become so common,
Hopefully You will find all answers for Your questions!
Let me promise You!
Take Your time, but if You find the patience to read, You will own profound knowledge in ...
- meteorology,
- nephology,
- geography,
- biology,
- chemistry,
- real greenhouses,
- planetology,
- geophysical warfare,
- geopo
- litics,
- desert farming,
- fracking,
- mass psychology,
- and many more important aspects!
We are in the age of geophysical warfare!
Please evaluate the ongoing crimes accordingly!
Earthquakes, drought, floods, landslides, waterspouts, deadly tornadoes, tsunamis should not frighten You!
Consider them as a challenge of Your deadly enemy!
Find, catch and punish the perpetrators, traitors, criminals, profiteers of the catastrophes, expelling the population from targeted territories!
Foremost don't run away!
Walk directly onto the crime scene, look around and see what else is going around the and research!
Is the area already parceled for fracking?
Are indication of onshore and offshore exploration for petrol and gas?
Have exploration ships been sighted?
Are areas of industrial farming nearby?
If all above cannot be found, is the government of the affected country an obstacles against the imperial power?
Is the government not obeying imperial orders?
Did the government reject the requests of imperial corporations?
Is the area of catastrophe on the route of tropospheric water grabbing?
We are also in the age of information!
Dumbness is not fate but choice!
Your dumbness, mental laziness makes all these imperial corporate crimes possible!
Educate Yourself, be awake, wake up others and say together "STOP"! There is no other way of solution!
License of Enkidu Gilgamesh - Sharing is Caring!
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